How do I increment letters in c++? - c++

I'm creating a Caesar Cipher in c++ and i can't figure out how to increment a letter.
I need to increment the letter by 1 each time and return the next letter in the alphabet. Something like the following to add 1 to 'a' and return 'b'.
char letter[] = "a";
cout << letter[0] +1;

This snippet should get you started. letter is a char and not an array of chars nor a string.
The static_cast ensures the result of 'a' + 1 is treated as a char.
> cat caesar.cpp
#include <iostream>
int main()
char letter = 'a';
std::cout << static_cast<char>(letter + 1) << std::endl;
> g++ caesar.cpp -o caesar
> ./caesar
Watch out when you get to 'z' (or 'Z'!) and good luck!

It works as-is, but because the addition promotes the expression to int you want to cast it back to char again so that your IOStream renders it as a character rather than a number:
int main() {
char letter[] = "a";
cout << static_cast<char>(letter[0] + 1);
Output: b
Also add wrap-around logic (so that when letter[0] is z, you set to a rather than incrementing), and consider case.

You can use 'a'+((letter - 'a'+n)%26);
assuming after 'z' you need 'a' i.e. 'z'+1='a'
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char letter='z';
cout<<(char)('a' + ((letter - 'a' + 1) % 26));
return 0;
See this

Does letter++ work?
All in all char is a numeric type, so it will increment the ascii code.
But I believe it must be defined as char letter not an array. But beware of adding one to 'Z'. You will get '[' =P
#include <iostream>
int main () {
char a = 'a';
std::cout << a;
This seems to work well ;)

char letter = 'a';
cout << ++letter;

waleed#waleed-P17SM-A:~$ nano Good_morning_encryption.cpp
waleed#waleed-P17SM-A:~$ g++ Good_morning_encryption.cpp -o Good_morning_encryption.out
waleed#waleed-P17SM-A:~$ ./Good_morning_encryption.out
Enter your text:waleed
Encrypted text:
waleed#waleed-P17SM-A:~$ cat Good_morning_encryption.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//the string that holds the user input
string text;
//x for the first counter than makes it keeps looping until it encrypts the user input
//len holds the value (int) of the length of the user input ( including spaces)
int x, len;
//simple console output
cout << "Enter your text:";
//gets the user input ( including spaces and saves it to the variable text
getline(cin, text);
//give the variable len the value of the user input length
len = (int)text.length();
//counter that makes it keep looping until it "encrypts" all of the user input (that's why it keeps looping while its less than len
for(x = 0; x < len; x++) {
//checks each letts (and spaces) in the user input (x is the number of the offset keep in mind that it starts from 0 and for example text[x] if the user input was waleed would be w since its text[0]
if (isalpha(text[x])) {
//converts each letter to small letter ( even though it can be done another way by making the check like this if (text[x] =='z' || text[x] == 'Z')
text[x] = tolower(text[x]);
//another counter that loops 13 times
for (int counter = 0; counter < 13; counter++) {
//it checks if the letts text[x] is z and if it is it will make it a
if (text[x] == 'z') {
text[x] = 'a';
//if its not z it will keeps increamenting (using the loop 13 times)
else {
//prints out the final value of text
cout << "Encrypted text:\n" << text << endl;
//return 0 (because the the main function is an int so it must return an integer value
return 0;
Note: this is called caeser cipher encryption it works like this :
so for example my name is waleed
it will be written as : JNYRRQ
so its simply add 13 letters to each letter
i hope that helped you

It works but don't forget that if you increment 'z' you need to get 'a' so maybe you should pass by a check function that output 'a' when you get 'z'.

cast letter[n] to byte* and increase its referenced value by 1.


I'm trying to change every letter in a given string with the letter following it in the alphabet using custom input

using namespace std;
string pass(string a){
int i=0;
string c[100];
char d;
d = a[i];
if(d>='a'&& d<='z'){
else if(d>='A' && d<='Z'){
for(int k=0; k<i; k++){
int main(){
string x;
return 0;
This is my solution.
I was looking for this kind of problem for a while but all I got was for pre-defined inputs. So, I passed a string from the main function.
I used a while loop to store every letter with the following letter (EX "a -> b") in another array "c". I then print the copied array using a loop.
Can we make it shorter?
You don't need to create a separate array called c. You can create an output string and iterate through it and increment the characters as shown below:
int main()
std::string input;
std::getline(std::cin, input);
std::string output(input);
for(char &c: output)
std::cout<<"input was: "<<input<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"changed string is: "<<output<<std::endl;
This is probably a better (and shorter) implementation for your code:
char NextAlpha(char character)
if (character == 'Z') return 'A';
else if (character == 'z') return 'a';
return character + 1; // Can be replaced by 'char((int)character + 1);'
int main() {
std::string input;
getline(std::cin, input);
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++)
input[i] = NextAlpha(input[i]);
std::cout << input;
return 0;
The NextAlpha function returns the next alphabet by adding 1 to the character, but a more understandable version of it will be firstly converting the given character into an int as such:
..which basically means getting the ascii value of that character. Now we add 1 to the int:
(int)character + 1
..and then convert it back to char
char((int)character + 1)
..but here I've not used this way because ++character looks a lot more cleaner.
The exceptions are defined before the return statement.
In the main function, we have a loop that iterates through all of the characters in the given string, and for each character, it does the following:
// Set the character at index 'i' of string 'input' to the next character in the alphabet.
input[i] = NextAlpha(input[i]);
Also, consider not using the following in your code:
using namespace std; it's considered as bad practice.
First, you have an error in your code: your pass function is declared as returning a string but it doesn't return anything. Actually, you don't need to return anything – just pass the string by reference and make any required changes to its content "in place".
Second, you should be aware that the C++ Standard does not require that the Latin letters (lower- and upper-case) be represented by contiguous, sequential values (though in the ASCII system, used in most implementations today, they are).1
Third, you don't need so many loops, and you don't need to repeat the c[i]=d; statement in the if, else if and else blocks.
I'm not sure what you want to do with the 'z' and 'Z' characters but, in the code below, I'm assuming these should "wrap around", to 'a' and 'A', respectively.
So, here's a way to do what you want more concisely, and which doesn't depend on the implementation's specific representation values for Latin letters:
void pass(std::string& a) // Pass by reference (using "&") - changes will be kept.
const std::string Lowers{ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" };
const std::string Uppers{ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" };
size_t p;
for (auto& c : a) { // Note the "&" again: changes to c will be reflected in the corresponding "a" element
if ((p = Lowers.find(c)) != std::string::npos) {
c = Lowers[++p % 26]; // 'z' wraps round to 'a'
if ((p = Uppers.find(c)) != std::string::npos) {
c = Lowers[++p % 26]; // 'Z' wraps round to 'A'
int main()
std::string x;
std::getline(std::cin, x);
std::cout << x << std::endl;
return 0;
I have moved the output of the transformed string to the main function (and simplified it somewhat); generally, a function should do only the task it is set – which, in this case is to make the transformation. The subsequent display of the transformed string should be left to the calling module.
1 The EBCDIC system, for example, doesn't have the Latin letters in a contiguous sequence. You could use the std::islower(), std::isupper() and/or std::isalpha() functions to check for letters, but you would still need some sort of "data table" to determine what the 'next' character should be, unless you assume an ASCII or compatible encoding system.

Cipher Algorithm Problems

Task: This cipher shifts each letter by a number of letters. If the shift takes you past the end of the alphabet, just rotate back to the front of the alphabet.
For example:
string = "Abc Def Ghi 999 -*%/&()[]"
shift(number that you entered) = 1(Can be any integer)
Program should print like this: Bcd Efg Hij -*%/&()[]
I did this with a void function but once I tried to do same thing with string function it didn't work. It just process first element of string then returns the value. For this particular situation
my program prints like "Bbc Def Ghi 999 -*%/&()[]"
Any idea to solve this problem?
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
string Cipher(string password, int shift) {
char Uppercase[26] = { 'A','B','C' ,'D' ,'E' ,'F' ,'G' ,'H' ,'I' ,'J' ,'K' ,'L' ,'M' ,'N' ,'O','P' ,'Q' ,'R' ,'S' ,'T' ,'U' ,'V' ,'W' ,'X' ,'Y','Z' };
char Lowercase[26] = { 'a','b','c' ,'d' ,'e' ,'f' ,'g' ,'h' ,'i' ,'j' ,'k' ,'l' ,'m' ,'n' ,'o','p' ,'q' ,'r' ,'s' ,'t' ,'u' ,'v' ,'w' ,'x' ,'y','z' };
for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 26; k++) {
int add = shift + k;
if (password[i] == Uppercase[k]) {
for (int i = 0; add > 25; i++) { // controlling add isn't bigger than 25
add -= 25;
password[i] = Uppercase[add]; // converting each letter
else if (password[i] == Lowercase[k]) {
for (int i = 0; add > 25; i++) { // controlling add isn't bigger than 25
add -= 25;
password[i] = Lowercase[add]; //converting each letter
else {
k = 25; // if element of string is different from letters, program goes to next element
return password;
int main() {
cout << "Please enter an integer different from 0 and multiples of 25: ";
string password = "Abc def ghi 999 -*%/&()[]";
int shift;
cin >> shift;
cout<< Cipher(password, shift);
Your encryption problem can be solved with one statement by using modern C++.
But because this is somehow advanced, I will give a detailed explanation.
Let us first think, what to do and then, how to implement.
The what:
Only alpha characters shall be converted
None alpha characters shall be output unencrypted (same as input)
In case of encryption, the case of the original letter shall be preserved for the encrypted letter. Meaning, if at position 5 was an uppcase letter, also in the encrypted string the letter in position 5 shall be uppercase
Letters shall be shifted by a specified amount.
The how:
We will first check, it the original letter is an alpha-letter by using the isalpha-function.
So, for the case that it is an alpha letter, we will check, if the letter is in uppercase or in lowercase. Actually, we check only, if it is a uppercase letter.
Because if it is not, then it must be a lowercase letter (because it was definitely a letter, what we did check before, and, if it is not upper, then it is lower case). For this check, we use the isupper-function.
We will then do the shift action. And convert back to a letter, taken the case into account.
We assume ASCII. If we to convert an ASCII letter/character into a 0 based index, we need to do the following:
If we look in the ASCII table, then we see, that and 'A' is equivalent to 65 and so forth. So, to get the 0-based index, we subtract 65 from the letter. Then we have an index value between 0 and 25.
Then we add the shift value. There could of course be an overflow. But, this can be simply corrected by a modulo 26 division.
So: 26->0, 27->1, 28->2 and so on. Rather simple. But, because we want to have later a letter again, we will add 65 to this result.
For lowercase letters, we will do nearly the same, but use 97 for the offset to letter 'a'.
Then, we can put verything in one expresion by using the ternary or conditional-operator.
std::isalpha(c) ? std::isupper(c) ? (c - 65 + shift) % 26 + 65 : (c - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97 : c
This is a short for
// Check if letter/character is alpha
if (std::isalpha(c)) {
// Now check for upper or lower case
if (std::isupper(c)) {
// The character is uppercase
c = (c - 65 + shift) % 26 + 65;
else {
// The character is lower case
c = (c - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97;
else {
// The character is not alpha
Same as the one liner, no difference
So, first, check for alpha. If true, check for uppercase, if true, do the conversion for uppcase letter, else for lower case letters. If it was no alpha letter, then leave it unchanged.
All this we will then embed as a Lambda-expresion in a std::transform-statement. Please see here for a description.
The result will be one statement only, for the whole conversion process:
std::transform(password.begin(), password.end(), password.begin(), [shift](const char c)
{return std::isalpha(c) ? std::isupper(c) ? (c - 65 + shift) % 26 + 65 : (c - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97 : c; });
At the end, we build a small driver program for demo purposes:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
int main() {
// Our password
std::string password = "Abc def ghi 999 -*%/&()[]";
// Give instruction to the user
std::cout << "\nPlease enter a postive integer: ";
// Get number of shifts from user and check, if the value could be read
if (int shift{}; std::cin >> shift && shift > 0) {
// Now do the encryption
std::transform(password.begin(), password.end(), password.begin(), [shift](const char c)
{return std::isalpha(c) ? std::isupper(c) ? (c - 65 + shift) % 26 + 65 : (c - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97 : c; });
// Show the result to the user
std::cout << "\n\nEncrypted passphrase: \t" << password << '\n';
else std::cerr << "\n\n*** Error: Problem with input!\n\n";
return 0;
And, since the one liner is maybe too advanced, let's use the explicit and more verbose code. Just to be complete:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
int main() {
// Our password
std::string password = "Abc def ghi 999 -*%/&()[]";
// Give instruction to the user
std::cout << "\nPlease enter a postive integer: ";
// Get number of shifts from user and check, if the value could be read
if (int shift{}; std::cin >> shift && shift > 0) {
// --------------Can be written in one statement -----------------------
for (char& c : password) {
// Check if letter/character is alpha
if (std::isalpha(c)) {
// Now check for upper or lower case
if (std::isupper(c)) {
// The character is uppercase
c = (c - 65 + shift) % 26 + 65;
else {
// The character is lower case
c = (c - 97 + shift) % 26 + 97;
else {
// The character is not alpha
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show the result to the user
std::cout << "\n\nEncrypted passphrase: \t" << password << '\n';
else std::cerr << "\n\n*** Error: Problem with input!\n\n";
return 0;
Within your k loop you determine the index of the letter in the alphabet. However, when e.g. i=1 then password[1] represents the letter 'b'. Now, starting the k-loop from k==0 where Uppercase[0] and Lowercase[0] represent 'A' and 'a', respectively, you directly end up in the else condition and your k-loop terminates without doing anything (you set k=25 and increment it). Here is a fixed version (note that I also use the modulo operator % to make sure that 0 < add < 26:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
string Cipher(string password, int shift) {
char Uppercase[26] = { 'A','B','C' ,'D' ,'E' ,'F' ,'G' ,'H' ,'I' ,'J' ,'K' ,'L' ,'M' ,'N' ,'O','P' ,'Q' ,'R' ,'S' ,'T' ,'U' ,'V' ,'W' ,'X' ,'Y','Z' };
char Lowercase[26] = { 'a','b','c' ,'d' ,'e' ,'f' ,'g' ,'h' ,'i' ,'j' ,'k' ,'l' ,'m' ,'n' ,'o','p' ,'q' ,'r' ,'s' ,'t' ,'u' ,'v' ,'w' ,'x' ,'y','z' };
for (int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 26; k++) {
int add = (shift + k)%26;
if (password[i] == Uppercase[k]) {
password[i] = Uppercase[add]; // converting each letter
else if (password[i] == Lowercase[k]) {
password[i] = Lowercase[add]; //converting each letter
return password;
int main() {
cout << "Please enter an integer different from 0 and multiples of 25: ";
string password = "Abc def ghi 999 -*%/&()[]";
int shift;
cin >> shift;
cout<< Cipher(password, shift);

How to get an easier way of generating the alphabet in C++?

i am trying to make a project,to experiment and learn C++, i didnt finish making it,but what it does is you type in a 3 or 4 (the variable noc) word and the program runs through all the possible (noc) letter words or nonsense, until it finds yours,so there are 2 factors: the length of the word or nonsense and what characters it can type,in my case i just want the alphabet
so here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
const int noc = 3;
int main() {
string used[noc];
string inp;
cin >> inp;
char albet[] = {'a','b','c'};
cout << "Starting..." << endl;
string aiput = "";
while(aiput != inp){
for(int i = 0; i <= noc; i++){
aiput = aiput +
return 0;
currently i need the alphabet in the array called 'albet' (i come up with short words for what they mean its easy to forget tho)
so please can you get me a way to generate the alphabet in C++ quickly instead of having to type all of them one by one
When you need a character array you do not have to use individual character literals one by one, as in
char albet[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f',... uff this is tedious ...};
You can use a string literal instead:
const std::string albet{"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"};
Took me ~10 seconds to type and compared to other answers, this does not rely on ASCII encoding (which is not guaranteed).
You could use std::iota, which is a great algorithm for this use case:
char albet[26] {};
std::iota(std::begin(albet), std::end(albet), 'a');
Here's a demo.
Note that this is not guaranteed to work in c++, unless you have ASCII encoding, but if you can rely on that you'll be fine.
Because all characters can be represented in ASCII codes ('a' starts at 97, all ASCII codes are int), you can simply make a loop to do that. For example:
char albet[26];
for (int ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {
//do ch-'a' because we start at index 0
albet[ch-'a'] = ch;
and you are done!
Each letter has an ASCII representation. More about that here.
They are processed as numbers, being cast, and transformed into characters. For example, the letter a would be represented by the number 97 in decimal.
int aInAscii = 97;
printf("%c", (char)aInAscii);
The upper code would print, as you expect, the letter a. Why? Because we have just converted the number 97 to it's ASCII corresponding character.
So, in this way, we could generate the alphabet, using only numbers. A short example would be here (I preferred casting it before so that the starting and ending points are more clear.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<char> alphabet;
int aLetterCode = (int)'a'; // ASCII code for letter a (97)
int zLetterCode = (int)'z'; // ASCII code for letter z (122)
for (int charAsciiCode = aLetterCode; charAsciiCode <= zLetterCode; charAsciiCode++) {
for (char c : alphabet) {
cout << c << " ";
return 0;
You just can also make a function that returns a char, without generating an array, like this:
char get_alphabet_letter(unsigned int index, bool is_upper = false)
char letter = 97 + index;
if(is_upper) return letter - 32;
return letter;
from the given below code, you can generate uppercase alphabets of English. Uppercase alphabhets starts in ASCII from A = 65 to Z = 90. And, then, typecast the
integral value of uppercase alphabets into character using char().
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
char a[26];
for (int i=65 ; i<91 ; i++) {
int a[65-i] = char(i);
return 0;

Checking if items from a particular txt file agree to constraints in c++ - Name That Number USACO

I have got some doubts while solving - Name That Number.
It goes like this -
Among the large Wisconsin cattle ranchers, it is customary to brand cows with serial numbers to please the Accounting Department. The cowhands don't appreciate the advantage of this filing system, though, and wish to call the members of their herd by a pleasing name rather than saying, "C'mon, #4734, get along."
Help the poor cowhands out by writing a program that will translate the brand serial number of a cow into possible names uniquely associated with that serial number. Since the cowhands all have cellular saddle phones these days, use the standard Touch-Tone(R) telephone keypad mapping to get from numbers to letters (except for "Q" and "Z"):
2: A,B,C 5: J,K,L 8: T,U,V
3: D,E,F 6: M,N,O 9: W,X,Y
4: G,H,I 7: P,R,S
Acceptable names for cattle are provided to you in a file named "dict.txt", which contains a list of fewer than 5,000 acceptable cattle names (all letters capitalized). Take a cow's brand number and report which of all the possible words to which that number maps are in the given dictionary which is supplied as dict.txt in the grading environment (and is sorted into ascending order).
For instance, brand number 4734 produces all the following names:
As it happens, the only one of these 81 names that is in the list of valid names is "GREG".
Write a program that is given the brand number of a cow and prints all the valid names that can be generated from that brand number or ``NONE'' if there are no valid names. Serial numbers can be as many as a dozen digits long.
Here is what I tried to solve this problem. Just go through all the names in the list and check which is satisfying the constraints given.
int numForChar(char c){
if (c=='A'||c=='B'||c=='C') return 2;
else if(c=='D'||c=='E'||c=='F') return 3;
else if(c=='G'||c=='H'||c=='I') return 4;
else if(c=='J'||c=='K'||c=='L') return 5;
else if(c=='M'||c=='N'||c=='O') return 6;
else if(c=='P'||c=='R'||c=='S') return 7;
else if(c=='T'||c=='U'||c=='V') return 8;
else if(c=='W'||c=='X'||c=='Y') return 9;
else return 0;
int main(){
string S; cin >> S;
int len = S.length();
string x;
while(cin >> x){
string currName = x;
if(currName.length() != S.length()) continue;
string newString = x;
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
//now encode the name as a number according to the rules
int num = numForChar(currName[i]);
currName[i] = (char)num;
if(currName == S){
cout << newString << "\n";
return 0;
Unfortunately, when I submit it to the judge, for some reason, it says no output produced that is my program created an empty output file. What's possibly going wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You.
UPDATE: I tried what Some Programmer Dude suggested by adding a statement else return 0; at the end of the numOfChar function in case of a different alphabet. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
So after looking further at the question and exploring the information for Name That Number. I realized that it is not a current contest, and just a practice challenge. Thus, I updated my answer and also giving you my version of a successful submission. Nonetheless, that is a spoiler and will be posted after why your code was not working.
First, you forgot a } after the declaration of your number function. Secondary, you did not implement anything to check whether if the input fail to yield a valid name. Third, when you use numForChar() on the character of currName, the function yielded an integer value. That is not a problem, the problem is that it is not the ASCII code but is a raw number. You then compare that against a character of the input string. Of which, is an ASCII's value of a digit. Thus, your code can't never find a match. To fix that you can just add 48 to the return value of the numForChar() function or xor the numForChar() return's value to 48.
You are on the right track with your method. But there is a few hints. If you are bored you can always skip to the spoiler. You don't need to use the numForChar() function to actually get a digit value from a character. You can just use a constant array. A constant array is faster than that many if loop.
For example, you know that A, B, C will yield two and A's ASCII code is 65, B's is 66, and C's equal to 67. For that 3, you can have an array of 3 indexes, 0, 1, 2 and all of them stores a 2. Thus, if you get B, you subtract B's ASCII code 65 will yield 1. That that is the index to get the value from.
For getting a number to a character you can have a matrix array of char instead. Skip the first 2 index, 0 and 1. Each first level index, contain 3 arrays of 3 characters that are appropriate to their position.
For dictionary comparing, it is right that we don't need to actually look at the word if the length are unequal. However, besides that, since their dictionary words are sorted, if the word's first letter is lower than the range of the input first letter, we can skip that. On the other hand, if words' first letter are now higher than the highest of the input first letter, there isn't a point in continue searching. Take note that my English for code commenting are almost always bad unless I extensively document it.
Your Code(fixed):
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int numForChar(char c){
if (c=='A'||c=='B'||c=='C') return 2;
else if(c=='D'||c=='E'||c=='F') return 3;
else if(c=='G'||c=='H'||c=='I') return 4;
else if(c=='J'||c=='K'||c=='L') return 5;
else if(c=='M'||c=='N'||c=='O') return 6;
else if(c=='P'||c=='R'||c=='S') return 7;
else if(c=='T'||c=='U'||c=='V') return 8;
else if(c=='W'||c=='X'||c=='Y') return 9;
else return 0;
int main(){
ifstream fin("");
ifstream dict("dict.txt");
ofstream fout("namenum.out");
string S;
fin >> S;
int len = S.length();
bool match = false;
string x;
while(dict >> x){
string currName = x;
if(currName.length() != S.length()) continue;
string newString = x;
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
//now encode the name as a number according to the rules
int num = numForChar(currName[i]) ^ 48;
currName[i] = (char)num;
if(currName == S){
fout << newString << "\n";
match = true;
if ( match == false ){
fout << "NONE" << endl;
return 0;
Spoiler Code(Improved):
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// A = 65
// 65 - 0 = 65
const char wToN[] = {
// A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F ,G ,H ,I ,
// J ,K ,L ,M ,N ,O ,P ,Q ,R ,S
// T ,U ,V ,W ,X ,Y ,Z
// 2 = {A, B, C} = 2[0] = A, 2[1] = B, 2[2] C
const char nToW[10][3] = {
{}, // 0 skip
{}, // 1
int main(){
ifstream fin("");
ifstream dict("dict.txt");
ofstream fout("namenum.out");
string S;
fin >> S;
// Since this will not change
// make this a const to make it
// run faster.
const int len = S.length();
// lastlen is last Index of length
// We calculate this value here,
// So we do not have to calculate
// it for every loop.
const int lastLen = len - 1;
int i = 0;
unsigned char digits[len];
unsigned char firstLetter[3];
// If not match print None
bool match = false;
for ( ; i < len; i++ ){
// No need to check upper bound
// constrain did not call for check.
if ( S[i] < '2' ) {
fout << "NONE" << endl;
return 0;
const char digit1 = S[0] ^ 48;
// There are 3 set of first letter.
// We get them by converting digits[0]'s
// value using the nToW array.
firstLetter[0] = nToW[digit1][0];
firstLetter[1] = nToW[digit1][1];
firstLetter[2] = nToW[digit1][2];
string dictStr;
while(dict >> dictStr){
// For some reason, when keeping the i = 0 here
// it seem to work faster. That could be because of compiler xor.
i = 0;
// If it is higher than our range
// then there is no point contineuing.
if ( dictStr[0] > firstLetter[2] ) break;
// Skip if first character is lower
// than our range. or If they are not equal in length
if ( dictStr[0] < firstLetter[0] || dictStr.length() != len ) continue;
// If we are in the letter range
// we always check the second letter
// not the first, since we skip the first
i = 1;
for ( int j = 1; j < len; j++ ){
// We convert each letter in the word
// to the corresponding int value
// by subtracting the word ASCII value
// to 65 and use it again our wToN array.
// if it does not match the digits at
// this current position we end the loop.
if ( wToN[dictStr[i] - 65] != S[j] ) break;
// if we get here and there isn't an unmatch then it is a match.
if ( j == lastLen ) {
match = true;
fout << dictStr << endl;
// No match print none.
if ( match == false ){
fout << "NONE" << endl;
return 0;
I suggest you use c++ file handling. Overwriting stdin and stdout doesn't seem appropriate.
Add these,
std::ifstream dict ("dict.txt");
std::ofstream fout ("namenum.out");
std::ifstream fin ("");
Accordingly change,
cin >> S --to--> fin >> S;
cin >> x --to--> dict >> x
cout << newString --to--> fout << newString

[number]-F appearing at the end of String?

I am a new to c++ and was butchering together a palindrome program at 1am on a Sunday just, because! and I have come across this problem:
Input: test
Reverse: tset3-F
Where has the 3-F come from? Sometimes it's just -F or another number-F. Where is this coming from?
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string eString;
int length;
int counter = 0;
cout << "Enter String: ";
cin >> eString;
length = eString.length();
char reverseChar[length];
for(int x = eString.length() -1; x > -1; x--) {
reverseChar[counter] = eString[x];
cout << "Reverse: " << reverseChar;
Many thanks for your time.
You aren't adding a null terminator to the end of your strings. It's random data that happens to be in memory.
reverseChar should be length + 1 in size
The final char should be set to '\0'
reverseChar[length] = '\0';
You need to add a null terminator to the reverseChar string. There is a 0 just after the last character of all strings in C, which tells string manipulation functions where the string ends in memory. The 0 is never included in the length, so you have to remember to add room for it when allocating space for a string.
char reverseChar[length + 1];
for(int x = eString.length() -1; x > -1; x--) {
reverseChar[counter] = eString[x];
reverseChar[length] = 0;
I think: char reverseChar[length+1] because you need to leave space for the end of string delimiter reverseChar[length]='\0'