Win32 API GetMessage() - c++

I want to change the default behaviour of a combobox (c++, win32 api). I make the combobox drop down when something is entered in its edit control I want to avoid the default behaviour that the combobox searches for the first match in the list, selects it, and enters the selected string into the edit control. Can I suppress this behaviour by catching the respective (LB_SETCURSEL etc.) messages out of the message queue myself with GetMessage()?
Does anyone habe a different idea of how to do it?

You likely want to implement Window subclassing. This allows you to insert your own WndProc function into the combobox control that gets called before the control's own WndProc is called. You can filter out (and drop) window messages you don't want the control to get.
I'm not booted into my windows partition right now to run Spy++ on a combobox to see what messages it actually receives. My guess is that you want to filter out WM_CHAR from being received by the combobox.


Calling SendInput() results in unexpected behaviour

Calling SendInput to simulate pressing down left click appears to be executed after code written below said call to SendInput is executed.
I made a listbox and I want right click to select items from the list box so I decided to make the message WM_CONTEXTMENU call SendInput to simulate a left click immediately before opening a context menu, but I believe the context menu is popping up before the left click occurs, resulting in the left click clicking the edge of the context menu (which does nothing).
Adding MessageBox(0,0,0,0); right in between the call to SendInput and the creation of the popup menu results in the left click successfully occurring and selecting an item, this is the behaviour I expected and desire. Strangely calling Sleep(1000) after the call to SendInput delays the program but doesn't cause the SendInput to behave as expected.
EDIT: Yes I know one solution to my problem is to select it using LB_SETSEL, but I'm partially doing this for learning purposes and if I run into a similar problem using SendInput I want to know how to solve it, so please help me resolve this specific bug.
SendInput() merely injects keystrokes into the keyboard's input buffer and then exits immediately, letting your app do other things while Windows handles the keystrokes in the background as if the user had typed them manually. That is not the solution to your problem.
In your WM_CONTEXTMENU handler, simply send a LB_SETCURSEL message (for a single-select ListBox) or a LB_SETSEL message (for a multi-select ListBox) directly to the ListBox's HWND to select the desired list item(s) before then displaying your popup menu.

Keyboard messages from child controls

I am currently developing a user interface DLL that uses the WIN32 API. The DLL must work for numerous platforms, XP, WIN CE, etc. I have managed to incorporate docking, anchoring and so on but appear to have a problem regarding owner-drawn buttons. I can draw the button's correct state, focus, clicked, default. However, I cannot receive key notifications. I specifically want to perform a click operation on a button that currently has focus, should the user press enter.
Note that I am using a windows message loop rather than a dialog message loop. I use windows hooks to hook into the window creation and set the user data to 'point' to my control instance. If I test for WM_KEYDOWN in the main message loop I can get a handle to my button control instance and could forward the message to the relevant control. Unfortunately, I am dealing with a lot of legacy code and this may not be an ideal solution.
So, my question is what is the best way forward. Is subclassing the button control's window procedure a viable option or is there an easier way?
Many thanks in advance.
The comments above are correct. The button with focus should be getting the key messages. But buttons don't (by themselves) respond to Enter--they respond to Space. It sounds like what you're missing is the typical dialog keyboard navigation, like Tab key moving the focus and Enter activating the "default" button.
If you've got a typical Windows message pump, and you want the keyboard behavior normally associated with dialogs, then you need to use the IsDialogMessage API in your message loop. This means your window is essentially a "modeless dialog".
Looks like standard window proc subclassing should do the trick. See for details.

Getting title bar double-clicks

I am working on a MFC C++ application. I was working on a dialog that has SystemMenu property set to FALSE, so it does not have the ability to maximize. I want to handle the double-click message on the title bar. How can I do that?
I hope this time it will be clear for everybody. I have a dialog that does not have system menu (and system buttons or icon). When the user double-clicks the titlebar of that dialog, I want the program to call function x();.
Technically, you would have to handle WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK and check if the double click occurred in the caption area of the window, possibly by sending it WM_NCHITTEST and testing that the return value is HTCAPTION.
(Update: As JohnCz rightfully points out, sending WM_NCHITTESTis not actually necessary, since WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK already carries its result in wParam.)
Then you would only have to send WM_SYSCOMMAND with SC_MAXIMIZE in wParam to the window to maximize it.
In practice, however, it will not achieve much if your dialog box is not ready to handle size changes and layout its controls accordingly. This feature did not come out of the box in MFC last time I checked.
I think there is some kind of confusion here:
Frédéric Hamidi
You are correct, handling WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK message is the right way to go, however it is no necessary to call HitTest, since WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK message delivers hit information that MFC framework translates in the WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK handler.
What is exactly that you are trying to achieve by handling WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK message?
Maybe there is some other way to fulfill your requirement once you make it clear to us.
The fact that you do not have system menu, does not prevent your app from receiving non-client area messages.

How to get notified of textbox focus?

Using a Windows 7 touch device Windows shows this little touch-keyboard indicator (tabing this will bring up the touch on screen keyboard) when you tab/focus a textbox or kind of input field (Notepad etc.).
I want to write an application that gets notified when exactly that happens, a textbox (etc.) gets focused (no matter which application).
Are applications informed about focusing in other applications, do I need to hook something?
Is there a way in doing so in c++?
I believe the SetWinEventHook function and specifically the EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS event is what you are looking for.
From the MSDN description:
An object has received the keyboard focus. The system sends this event for the following user interface elements: list-view control, menu bar, pop-up menu, switch window, tab control, tree view control, and window object. Server applications send this event for their accessible objects.
The hwnd parameter of the WinEventProc callback function identifies the window that receives the keyboard focus.

WinApi equivalent of .NET KeyPreview

In .Net there is a feature called KeyPreview. How can I do this in WinApi. Maybe I don't necessarily need this but my hWnd has WM_KEYDOWN, but it does not receive it when my Text Box has focus. How can I achieve this?
*Using pure Win32API...
is there an alternative, how could I handle the Text Box's WM_KEYDOWN?
You can try subclassing the edit control. Either "instance subclassing", to trap messages for only one window, or "global subclassing" to trap messages for all windows of that class (in your application, not system-wide).
The example here ( shows how to subclass an edit control and trap the WM_GETDLGCODE message -it wouldn't be that difficult to change it to WM_KEYDOWN.
You may have problems previewing the keys used for dialog commands, e.g. TAB or RETURN, as they may be trapped higher up the food chain. You may need to look at changing WM_GETDLGCODE as well.
If you use MFC you can look at PreTranslateMessage (I am not sure regarding to PreTranslateMessage, but you can easily to verify whether to enough to override the function).
You can set keyboard hook.
There is no such a possibility in WinAPI to catch the messages belonging to controls in window procedure of parent window (although some exceptions exist).
What .NET basically does is that it routes all messages of all controls including their parent window to a single window procedure. Then it's easy to catch all the messages in one place.
This is your way to go - to set window procedures of all the controls into single procedure and there to catch all the messages
As window procedure also receives hwnd parameter, it's then also easy to determine the control to which the message belongs.