Debug libraries of boost getting used in Release mode in visual c++ - c++

I have written a DLL that uses boost extensively in its implementation. I have both release and debug version of boost libraries with me libboost_thread-vc80-mt-1_40.lib, libboost_thread-vc80-mt-gd-1_40.lib. I am using Visual studio to build my code and using auto-linking.
When i build the DLL in debug version it links itself with libboost_thread-vc80-mt-gd-1_40.lib which is expected, but when i am building my DLL in release mode it stills tries to link it with libboost_thread-vc80-mt-gd-1_40.lib instead of libboost_thread-vc80-mt-1_40.lib. I am using /MD while building in release mode.
I am not sure what i am missing in this, can someone please point me that.

Have you tried /MT instead of /MD?

Look if there is in the release configuration a Preprocessor Definitions with the word debug, this has to be deleted if it exist.


Why are my project settings conflicting in Release mode?

I am trying to use the DirectXTex library for my project. I cloned it from GitHub and built it using the Visual Studio 2019 solution for desktop, with the exact same code generation settings as in my own project. It works fine for debug configurations, but when I build on release, an error message similar to this occurs:
_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL: Value 2 of (some DirectXTex .obj) is conflicting with value 0 of (my own .obj)
which goes along with this message:
Runtime library: MTd_StaticDebug of (some DirectXTex .obj) is conflicting with MT_StaticRelease of (my own .obj)
This is strange, because I set the runtime library of both projects to Multithreaded (/MT) for release and Multithreaded-Debug (/MTd) for debug. I have done some research and found this article that covers this exact problem, but none of those solutions work for me. I tried the following:
See if _DEBUG preprocessor is defined in release mode build of DirectXTex for some reason (it is not)
Try to set both project settings to Multithreaded-DLL
Checked if all code generation settings are really the same (debug and release)
Checked if I use the correct library build for debug and release
Made a clean new build in case my .obj files are older versions
None of these worked. But it compiles and works fine for release if I set the runtime library of my own project to Multithreaded-Debug for release mode aswell. This is obviously not an ideal solution.
What I also don't understand is that the DirectXTex library seems to build the release configuration of DirectXTex with MT_StaticDebug (at least the error message indicates that), although I explicitly set its runtime library to Multithreaded (/MT) for release. How can I fix this?
The DirectXTex_Desktop_2019.vcxproj in the GitHub repo is set to use /MDd for Debug and /MD for Release. Using the DLL-based Visual C++ runtime is recommended for numerous reasons over static CRT linking.
With that said, if you are using static linking, then you should verify that in each Platform/Configuration combination that they are set correctly as it seems like you don't have /MTd set in all of Debug configurations cases. For example, do you have both x86 and x64 platforms in your project?

Combine Debug with Release for C++ .lib in Visual Studio

I'm trying to make my C++ into a .lib file to use with my projects.
I have the files Log.h and Log.cpp.
I went into my project properties in Visual Studio and changed the configuration type from .exe to .lib. I set the build mode to Release and built my class into a file called Log.lib.
In a new C++ project, I'm trying to include that .lib file I made along with the Log.h file. All was successful, it recognised my functions, but when I try to run my exe program with my included Log.h, I get the following errors:
mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL':
value '2' doesn't match value '0' in main.obj
By referencing this stackoverflow post, I discovered that building and running my new project in Release mode (the same as the .lib mode) removes the errors and I can successfully run my program and use the Log.h.
How can I compile my Log.h lib to be compatible with both Debug and Release?
You have a mismatch in the version of the C runtime library that your projects are linking to. One of the projects is linking to the debug version of the CRT, while the other one is linking to the release version of the CRT. That mixed configuration is not supported, and it is resulting in the error message. The standard library template classes are actually different in debug and release builds.
You need to check the settings for all of your projects (everything that generates either an EXE or a LIB file as output), and ensure that they are all using the same version of the CRT. This is the /MT or /MD switches passed to the compiler.
It is not possible to build your lib to be compatible to Debug and Release C runtime library (CRT).
See also here.
But it is possible to change the version of the CRT in your exe project: If both the debug and release configuration use the same version of the CRT (e.g. Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)) you can build your lib in release configuration and use it in release and debug configuration of your exe program (which will result in poorer debug support).
To change the runtime library in Visual Studio, open the Project Properties and go to "C/C++" - "Code Generation" - "Runtime library" (this depends on the version of Visual Studio you use, but should at least be valid for VS2010-2015).

How to create a .exe with visual studio 2015 that I can run from my desktop

I've written a game using OpenGL, GLFW, C/C++. I use third party libraries like SOIL and irrKlang. I use Microsoft Visual 2015. Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other. All of my .dll are saved in the release and debug folders.
However, when I go to my release folder and copy and paste the .exe found there, onto my desktop,it no longer runs. I keep getting a message that says the irrKlang.dll is missing. Could someone please explain how to get a standalone .exe of my game up and running?
Two things here. First, the .exe is the executable which contains the entry point of your application. So this is indeed the first piece you need. However, your application is allowed to depend on code that's not linked into it statically, but rather dynamically -- such dynamically linked code is only loaded at runtime. These runtime libraries of code are called DLLs ("dynamically linked libraries").
If your application depends on a DLL, it will look for that DLL while it's running. If it doesn't find it, you'll see that message box about a missing DLL. So, you need to copy not only the .exe file, but all the .dlls it depends on (and that they depend on) too. Note that your application links against many default system DLLs, e.g. kernel32, but these don't need to be copied next to the .exe because they're always present in the system search path.
Now, the second part. If you want to run your application on a PC that doesn't have Visual Studio installed, you need to make sure that computer has the C/C++ runtimes that the VS2015 toolchain automatically links against installed. These are not DLLs that you copy by hand; rather, there is a redistributable installer for them which installs them globally on the PC for all applications. You can ship this with your own installer.
For this to work, you want to be linking with just /MD in Release (the debug CRT is for debugging only, and is only installed when Visual Studio is installed -- it's not meant to run outside your PC).
This statement:
"Both the debug and release version run ok from visual studio. In properties -> C++ -> Code Generation-> Runtime Library I selected /MDd. I did try other settings but the release version wouldn't work with any other."
Leads me to believe that maybe you don't have a release version of one of your third party libraries.
/MDd causes your application to use the debug version of the MS runtime, which means that something in your project is being built with or as a debug version.
I use the 'depends.exe' application to see the dependencies of my executables and DLLs. It used to be provided directly by Microsoft, but now seems to be supported via a third party. Older SDKs will have it.

The /MT option (static link for MSVCR100.dll dependency) does not work with Visual Studio

I am using a DLL that I compile with MSVC9 (Visual Studio 10 C++).
There is a dependency on msvcp100d.dll and msvcr100d.dll.
I would to make a static link in order to use my DLL standalone . To do so I use /MT instead of /MD option in my makefile.
Howewer when I check with dumpbin or dependency walker the dependency are still present, the msvcp100d.dll and msvcr100d.dll seems to be still dynamically linked.
Another thing that seems to be related, if I use the DLL through VS I have no problem, If I use another program I have a crash - it seems to be releated !
Thanks !
Thanks #Hans Passant he was right, I was linking using another DLL where the dependencies msvcp100d.dll and msvcr100d.dll present.
So even with a static compilation of my DLL I still need the others DLL.
I'll deliver with these DLL in release mode.

Msvcr90d.dll not found when building in RELEASE

It's strange, if I build my program in debug mode, I have no errors, but if I build my program in released mode, I get an error saying that Msvcr90d.dll is not found.
Msvcr90d.dll is a debug library, I'm not sure why it's coming up when I load it for release =/
msvcr90d.dll is a debug version of C/C++ library. It looks like you have a dependency somewhere on a debug target. Check that all the projects in release target use the release version of C runtime, and not the debug. Also, check other 3rd party libraries (DLLs) that you might use, so they not depend on msvcr90d.dll
You can use dependency walker tool to check the dependencies of your binaries, so you can identify the project in your solution that still depends on debug version of C library.
If you are getting the warning LNK 4098 during build, please see this
And follow the recommendations.
Also, make sure that you chose the correct C/C++ runtime under the Code Generation tab (Multi-threaded DLL -- not Multithreaded Debug DLL)