Thread-safety of sub-word-size flags - c++

Consider the following scenario:
There exists a globally accessible variable F.
Thread A repeatedly assigns a random value to F (without any regard to the previous value of F).
Thread B does the same thing as thread A (independent of A).
Thread C repeatedly reads the value of F (and say, prints it).
This is in C++ (Visual C++) on Windows on x64 architecture, multi-processor. F is of type bool and marked volatile, and none of the accesses are protected by any locks.
Question: Is there anything thread-unsafe about this scenario?
Assuming that the logical behavior of the code is valid, is there anything unsafe about the fact that multiple threads are reading and writing the values to the same location at the same time?
What guarantees can be made (across architectures, OSes, compilers) about the atomicity of reading from and writing to variables that are <= word-size on the platform? (I am assuming word-size is important...)
On a related note, what is an acceptible way of communicating between threads the state of completion of some operation (none of the threads are waiting for the operation to complete, they may just be interested in querying the state from time to time)?

It depends on your thread-safety requirements. You'll always get a consistent value (that is, it is impossible that you get half the value of thread A's write and the other half from thread B), but there is no guarantee that the value you'll read is, in fact, the latest one that was logically written.
The problem here is the CPU cache that may or may not get flushed. When a thread writes to the memory, the value first goes to the cache, and eventually it gets written to memory. In the while, if other cores attempt to read the object from memory, they'll get the old value.

Under x86, any read or write to a type correctly aligned for its size is considered to be atomic (so for a bool it need only be a 1 byte alignment boundery), but its recommended to use explict atomic ops for portability and the memory barriers they provide. An excerpt from the Intel System Programming Guide, Vol 3A, Section 8. May 2011 (there is another one as well, can't find it atm).
The Intel486 processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following
basic memory operations will always be carried out atomically:
• Reading or writing a byte
• Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
• Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary
The Pentium processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following
additional memory operations will always be carried out atomically:
• Reading or writing a quadword aligned on a 64-bit boundary
• 16-bit accesses to uncached memory locations that fit within a 32-bit data bus
The P6 family processors (and newer processors since) guarantee that the following
additional memory operation will always be carried out atomically:
• Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cache
Microsoft also has a few examples of using volatitle bool's for signaling thread exits, however, if you want to signal threads that are waiting, its best to use kernel constructs, on windows this would be a event (see CreateEventA/W), this will prevent the wait from burning cpu cycles when the variable hasn't been set yet.
For threads that will have almost zero wait time, its a good idea to implement a user level lock, with optional backoff if its a high contention enviroment, intel has a good article on that here, alternatively you can use WinAPI's CriticalSections (these are semi-kernel level).


MESI Protocol & std::atomic - Does it ensure all writes are immediately visible to other threads?

In regards to std::atomic, the C++11 standard states that stores to an atomic variable will become visible to loads of that variable in a "reasonable amount of time".
From 29.3p13:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.
However I was curious to know what actually happens when dealing with specific CPU architectures which are based on the MESI cache coherency protocol (x86, x86-64, ARM, etc..).
If my understanding of the MESI protocol is correct, a core will always read the value previously written/being written by another core immediately, possibly by snooping it. (because writing a value means issuing a RFO request which in turn invalidates other cache lines)
Does it mean that when a thread A stores a value into an std::atomic, another thread B which does a load on that atomic successively will in fact always observe the new value written by A on MESI architectures? (Assuming no other threads are doing operations on that atomic)
By “successively” I mean after thread A has issued the atomic store. (Modification order has been updated)
I'll answer for what happens on real implementations on real CPUs, because an answer based only on the standard can barely say anything useful about time or "immediacy".
MESI is just an implementation detail that ISO C++ doesn't have anything to say about. The guarantees provided by ISO C++ only involve order, not actual time. ISO C++ is intentionally non-specific to avoid assuming that it will execute on a "normal" CPU. An implementation on a non-coherent machine that required explicit flushes for store visibility might be theoretically possible (although probably horrible for performance of release / acquire and seq-cst operations)
C++ is non-specific enough about timing to even allow an implementation on a single-core cooperative multi-tasking system (no pre-emption), with the compiler inserting voluntary yields occasionally. (Infinite loops without any volatile accesses or I/O are UB). C++ on a system where only one thread can actually be executing at once is totally fine and possible, assuming you consider a scheduler timeslice to still be a "reasonable" amount of time. (Or less if you yield or otherwise block.)
Even the model of formalism ISO C++ uses to give the guarantees it does about ordering is very different from the way hardware ISAs define their memory models. C++ formal guarantees are purely in terms of happens-before and synchronizes-with, not "re"-ordering litmus tests or any kind of stuff like that. e.g. How to achieve a StoreLoad barrier in C++11? is impossible to answer for pure ISO C++ formalism. The "option C" in that Q&A serves to show just how weak the C++ guarantees are; that case with store then load of two different SC variables is not sufficient to imply happens-before based on it, according to the C++ formalism, even though there has to be a total order of all SC operations. But it is sufficient in real life on systems with coherent cache and only local (within each CPU core) memory reordering, even AArch64 where the SC load right after the SC store does still essentially give us a StoreLoad barrier.
when a thread A stores a value into an std::atomic
It depends what you mean by "doing" a store.
If you mean committing from the store buffer into L1d cache, then yes, that's the moment when a store becomes globally visible, on a normal machine that uses MESI to give all CPU cores a coherent view of memory.
Although note that on some ISAs, some other threads are allowed to see stores before they become globally visible via cache. (i.e. the hardware memory model may not be "multi-copy atomic", and allow IRIW reordering. POWER is the only example I know of that does this in real life. See Will two atomic writes to different locations in different threads always be seen in the same order by other threads? for details on the HW mechanism: Store forwarding for retired aka graduated stores between SMT threads.)
If you mean executing locally so later loads in this thread can see it, then no. std::atomic can use a memory_order weaker than seq_cst.
All mainstream ISAs have memory-ordering rules weak enough to allow for a store buffer to decouple instruction execution from commit to cache. This also allows speculative out-of-order execution by giving stores somewhere private to live after execution, before we're sure that they were on the correct path of execution. (Stores can't commit to L1d until after the store instruction retires from the out-of-order part of the back end, and thus is known to be non-speculative.)
If you want to wait for your store to be visible to other threads before doing any later loads, use atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst);. (Which on "normal" ISAs with standard choice of C++ -> asm mappings will compile to a full barrier).
On most ISAs, a seq_cst store (the default) will also stall all later loads (and stores) in this thread until the store is globally visible. But on AArch64, STLR is a sequential-release store and execution of later loads/stores doesn't have to stall unless / until a LDAR (acquire load) is about to execute while the STLR is still in the store buffer. This implements SC semantics as weakly as possible, assuming AArch64 hardware actually works that way instead of just treating it as a store + full barrier.
But note that only blocking later loads/stores is necessary; out-of-order exec of ALU instructions on registers can still continue. But if you were expecting some kind of timing effect due to dependency chains of FP operations, for example, that's not something you can depend on in C++.
Even if you do use seq_cst so nothing happens in this thread before the store is visible to others, that's still not instant. Inter-core latency on real hardware can be on the order of maybe 40ns on mainstream modern Intel x86, for example. (This thread doesn't have to stall that long on a memory barrier instruction; some of that time is the cache miss on the other thread trying to read the line that was invalidated by this core's RFO to get exclusive ownership.) Or of course much cheaper for logical cores that share the L1d cache of a physical core: What are the latency and throughput costs of producer-consumer sharing of a memory location between hyper-siblings versus non-hyper siblings?
From 29.3p13:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads
within a reasonable amount of time.
The C and C++ standards are all over the place on threads, hence not usable as formal specifications. They use the concept of time, and somewhat imply that everything runs step by step, sequentially (if not, you wouldn't have a sound program semantic) and then say that some constructs can see effects out of order, without ever telling which is which.
When effects are seen out of order, thread time is ill defined as you don't have a chronometer that would also be out of order: you wouldn't do sport with out of order execution of actions!
Even "out of order" suggests that some things are purely sequential and some other operations can be "out of order" with respect to the firsts. That is not how std::atomic is defined.
What the standards try to say is that there is a notion of progress for each thread, with a CPU time or cost index, and as it increases as more stuff is done, and stuff can only be slightly reordered by the implementation: now reordering is well defined, not in term of other sequential instructions, but in term of cost/cycles/CPU time.
So if two instructions are close to each other in the sequential intra-thread execution, they will be close in CPU time too. A reasonable compiler shouldn't move a volatile operation, a file output, or an atomic operation past a very costly "pure" computation (one that has no externally visible side effect).
A basic idea that many committee members sadly couldn't even spell out!

Are c++ bits switched atomically when reading unsigned ints across a thread?

In C++ on a mac, pc and unix:
If I am writing to unsigned ints or Ipp32us on one thread (the write thread) and reading the unsigned ints from another (the read thread), does the read thread read without glitches, even if the write thread is writing. I am wanting to know if the bits are switched atomically.
Thank you
By the standard, for non-atomic types, there are no guarantees. In practice, it usually depends on the underlying hardware and the alignment of the data type in question; for example, if 64 bit writes are implemented on the hardware as a pair of 32 bit writes, then you can see torn values (half the old value, half the new). If the hardware implements them as a true 64 bit write, you're probably safe, but it's not something to count on.
Keep in mind, the "write" may be torn at multiple stages, e.g. the compiler might actually generate separate move to memory instructions for each half (so even on a single core, another thread could be scheduled between halves of the write), or it might write it as a single instruction, but the processor implements it internally as a pair of writes (in either order, with even the assembly not telling you the order; architectures like x86 appear to execute CISC instructions, but actually translate them to a completely different internal RISC instruction set), or the processor might implement it as a single write, but if the storage spans a cache line and the system has weak memory ordering, it could easily have flushed only one of the lines (unpredictably) by the time some other processor requests it, etc.
Point is, if you want atomic writes and reads, actually use C++11 std::atomic types. Without it, even if it works, that just means it works on that compiler, with that hardware, and says nothing at all about portability.

Why do developers lock word-length data during reads/writes in multithreaded code?

Specifically in unmanaged languages (e.g. C++, C), my understanding is that reads/writes of word-length data are atomic. If this is the case then why do people still lock (via mutex) word-length data during reads/writes in a multithreaded environment?
Reads and writes may* be individually atomic, but read-modify-write sequences are not.
*That depends very much on the architecture and how you use it.
It depends by what you mean by "atomic". There is not any
guarantee in C++ that a read or a write to a variable actually
ends up in global memory where other threads can see it.
An Intel x86 (or compatible) processor will do word-sized reads and writes atomically as long as the data is properly aligned (specifically, so the entire word is in the same cache line).
Two obvious problems with that though:
Incorrect alignment can break it
It's not portable -- a different CPU could break it as well
Less obviously, atomic operations can force a memory fence so operations happen in the correct order. For example, if I'm writing some data, then writing a status variable to tell another process that the data is now valid, it's not enough that each of those writes is atomic -- it's crucial that the "valid" status only be set after the data itself has actually been written. Without some sort of memory fence operation, the processor is free to rearrange writes so the status could be written before the data.
Because an assignment (what I assume you mean by read/write of data) in a language like C or C++ may still be multiple assembly instructions, and the thread can be preempted at any of them.

Noise with multi-threaded raytracer

This is my first multi-threaded implementation, so it's probably a beginners mistake. The threads handle the rendering of every second row of pixels (so all rendering is handled within each thread). The problem persists if the threads render the upper and lower parts of the screen respectively.
Both threads read from the same variables, can this cause any problems? From what I've understood only writing can cause concurrency problems...
Can calling the same functions cause any concurrency problems? And again, from what I've understood this shouldn't be a problem...
The only time both threads write to the same variable is when saving the calculated pixel color. This is stored in an array, but they never write to the same indices in that array. Can this cause a problem?
Multi-threaded rendered image
(Spam prevention stops me from posting images directly..)
Ps. I use the exactly same implementation in both cases, the ONLY difference is a single vs. two threads created for the rendering.
Both threads read from the same variables, can this cause any problems? From what I've understood only writing can cause concurrency problems...
This should be ok. Obviously, as long the data is initialized before the two threads start reading and destroyed after both threads have finished.
Can calling the same functions cause any concurrency problems? And again, from what I've understood this shouldn't be a problem...
Yes and no. Too hard to tell without the code. What does the function do? Does it rely on shared state (e.g. static variables, global variables, singletons...)? If yes, then this is definitely a problem. If there is never any shared state, then you're ok.
The only time both threads write to the same variable is when saving the calculated pixel color. This is stored in an array, but they never write to the same indices in that array. Can this cause a problem?
Maybe sometimes. An array of what? It's probably safe if sizeof(element) == sizeof(void*), but the C++ standard is mute on multithreading, so it doesn't force your compiler to force your hardware to make this safe. It's possible that your platform could be biting you here (e.g. 64bit machine and one thread writing 32bits which might overwrite an adjacent 32bit value), but this isn't an uncommon pattern. Usually you're better off using synchronization to be sure.
You can solve this in a couple of ways:
Each thread builds its own data, then it is aggregated when they complete.
You can protect the shared data with a mutex.
The lack of commitment in my answers are what make multi-threaded programming hard :P
For example, from Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals, describes how different platforms gaurantee different levels of atomicity:
7.1.1 Guaranteed Atomic Operations
The Intel486 processor (and newer
processors since) guarantees that the
following basic memory operations will
always be carried out atomically:
Reading or writing a byte
Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary
The Pentium processor (and newer
processors since) guarantees that the
following additional memory operations
will always be carried out atomically:
Reading or writing a quadword aligned on a 64-bit boundary
16-bit accesses to uncached memory locations that fit within a 32-bit data bus
The P6 family processors (and newer
processors since) guarantee that the
following additional memory operation
will always be carried out atomically:
Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cache line
Accesses to cacheable memory that are
split across bus widths, cache lines,
and page boundaries are not guaranteed
to be atomic by the Intel Core 2 Duo,
Intel Atom, Intel Core Duo, Pentium M,
Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, P6 family,
Pentium, and Intel486 processors. The
Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Atom, Intel
Core Duo, Pentium M, Pentium 4, Intel
Xeon, and P6 family processors provide
bus control signals that permit
external memory subsystems to make
split accesses atomic; however,
nonaligned data accesses will
seriously impact the performance of
the processor and should be avoided.
I have solved the problem, I did it by building up the data separately for each thread just as Stephen suggested (the elements where not of void* size). Thanks for a very detailed answer!

Thread Synchronisation 101

Previously I've written some very simple multithreaded code, and I've always been aware that at any time there could be a context switch right in the middle of what I'm doing, so I've always guarded access the shared variables through a CCriticalSection class that enters the critical section on construction and leaves it on destruction. I know this is fairly aggressive and I enter and leave critical sections quite frequently and sometimes egregiously (e.g. at the start of a function when I could put the CCriticalSection inside a tighter code block) but my code doesn't crash and it runs fast enough.
At work my multithreaded code needs to be a tighter, only locking/synchronising at the lowest level needed.
At work I was trying to debug some multithreaded code, and I came across this:
m_bSomeVariable = true;
Now, m_bSomeVariable is a Win32 BOOL (not volatile), which as far as I know is defined to be an int, and on x86 reading and writing these values is a single instruction, and since context switches occur on an instruction boundary then there's no need for synchronising this operation with a critical section.
I did some more research online to see whether this operation did not need synchronisation, and I came up with two scenarios it did:
The CPU implements out of order execution or the second thread is running on a different core and the updated value is not written into RAM for the other core to see; and
The int is not 4-byte aligned.
I believe number 1 can be solved using the "volatile" keyword. In VS2005 and later the C++ compiler surrounds access to this variable using memory barriers, ensuring that the variable is always completely written/read to the main system memory before using it.
Number 2 I cannot verify, I don't know why the byte alignment would make a difference. I don't know the x86 instruction set, but does mov need to be given a 4-byte aligned address? If not do you need to use a combination of instructions? That would introduce the problem.
QUESTION 1: Does using the "volatile" keyword (implicity using memory barriers and hinting to the compiler not to optimise this code) absolve a programmer from the need to synchronise a 4-byte/8-byte on x86/x64 variable between read/write operations?
QUESTION 2: Is there the explicit requirement that the variable be 4-byte/8-byte aligned?
I did some more digging into our code and the variables defined in the class:
class CExample
CRITICAL_SECTION m_Crit1; // Protects variable a
CRITICAL_SECTION m_Crit2; // Protects variable b
CRITICAL_SECTION m_Crit3; // Protects variable c
CRITICAL_SECTION m_Crit4; // Protects variable d
// ...
Now, to me this seems excessive. I thought critical sections synchronised threads between a process, so if you've got one you can enter it and no other thread in that process can execute. There is no need for a critical section for each variable you want to protect, if you're in a critical section then nothing else can interrupt you.
I think the only thing that can change the variables from outside a critical section is if the process shares a memory page with another process (can you do that?) and the other process starts to change the values. Mutexes would also help here, named mutexes are shared across processes, or only processes of the same name?
QUESTION 3: Is my analysis of critical sections correct, and should this code be rewritten to use mutexes? I have had a look at other synchronisation objects (semaphores and spinlocks), are they better suited here?
QUESTION 4: Where are critical sections/mutexes/semaphores/spinlocks best suited? That is, which synchronisation problem should they be applied to. Is there a vast performance penalty for choosing one over the other?
And while we're on it, I read that spinlocks should not be used in a single-core multithreaded environment, only a multi-core multithreaded environment. So, QUESTION 5: Is this wrong, or if not, why is it right?
Thanks in advance for any responses :)
1) No volatile just says re-load the value from memory each time it is STILL possible for it to be half updated.
2) Windows provides some atomic functions. Look up the "Interlocked" functions.
The comments led me do a bit more reading up. If you read through the Intel System Programming Guide You can see that there aligned read and writes ARE atomic.
8.1.1 Guaranteed Atomic Operations
The Intel486 processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following
basic memory operations will always be carried out atomically:
• Reading or writing a byte
• Reading or writing a word aligned on a 16-bit boundary
• Reading or writing a doubleword aligned on a 32-bit boundary
The Pentium processor (and newer processors since) guarantees that the following
additional memory operations will always be carried out atomically:
• Reading or writing a quadword aligned on a 64-bit boundary
• 16-bit accesses to uncached memory locations that fit within a 32-bit data bus
The P6 family processors (and newer processors since) guarantee that the following
additional memory operation will always be carried out atomically:
• Unaligned 16-, 32-, and 64-bit accesses to cached memory that fit within a cache
Accesses to cacheable memory that are split across bus widths, cache lines, and
page boundaries are not guaranteed to be atomic by the Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel
Atom, Intel Core Duo, Pentium M, Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, P6 family, Pentium, and
Intel486 processors. The Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Atom, Intel Core Duo, Pentium M,
Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, and P6 family processors provide bus control signals that
permit external memory subsystems to make split accesses atomic; however,
nonaligned data accesses will seriously impact the performance of the processor and
should be avoided.
An x87 instruction or an SSE instructions that accesses data larger than a quadword
may be implemented using multiple memory accesses. If such an instruction stores
to memory, some of the accesses may complete (writing to memory) while another
causes the operation to fault for architectural reasons (e.g. due an page-table entry
that is marked “not present”). In this case, the effects of the completed accesses
may be visible to software even though the overall instruction caused a fault. If TLB
invalidation has been delayed (see Section, such page faults may occur
even if all accesses are to the same page.
So basically yes if you do an 8-bit read/write from any address a 16-bit read/write from a 16-bit aligned address etc etc you ARE getting atomic operations. Its also interesting to note that you can do unaligned memory read/writes within a cacheline on a modern machine. The rules seem quite complex though so I wouldn't rely on them if i were you. Cheers to the commenters thats a good learning experience for me that one :)
3) A critical section will attempt to spin lock for its lock a few times and then locks a mutex. Spin Locking can suck CPU power doing nothing and a mutex can take a while to do its stuff. CriticalSections are a good choice if you can't use the interlocked functions.
4) There are performance penalties for choosing one over another. Its a pretty big ask to go through the benefits of everything here. The MSDN help has lots of good information on each of these. I sugegst reading them.
Critical Sections & Spin locks
5) You can use a spin lock in a single threaded environment its not usually necessary though as thread management means that you can't have 2 processors accessing the same data simultaneously. It just isn't possible.
1: Volatile in itself is practically useless for multithreading. It guarantees that the read/write will be executed, rather than storing the value in a register, and it guarantees that the read/write won't be reordered with respect to other volatile reads/writes. But it may still be reordered with respect to non-volatile ones, which is basically 99.9% of your code. Microsoft have redefined volatile to also wrap all accesses in memory barriers, but that is not guaranteed to be the case in general. It will just silently break on any compiler which defines volatile as the standard does. (The code will compile and run, it just won't be thread-safe any longer)
Apart from that, reads/writes to integer-sized objects are atomic on x86 as long as the object is well aligned. (You have no guarantee of when the write will occur though. The compiler and CPU may reorder it, so it's atomic, but not thread-safe)
2: Yes, the object has to be aligned for the read/write to be atomic.
3: Not really. Only one thread can execute code inside a given critical section at a time. Other threads can still execute other code. So you can have four variables each protected by a different critical section. If they all shared the same critical section, I'd be unable to manipulate object 1 while you're manipulating object 2, which is inefficient and constrains parallelism more than necessary. If they are protected by different critical sections, we just can't both manipulate the same object simultaneously.
4: Spinlocks are rarely a good idea. They are useful if you expect a thread to have to wait only a very short time before being able to acquire the lock, and you absolutely neeed minimal latency. It avoids the OS context switch which is a relatively slow operation. Instead, the thread just sits in a loop constantly polling a variable. So higher CPU usage (the core isn't freed up to run another thread while waiting for the spinlock), but the thread will be able to continue as soon as the lock is released.
As for the others, the performance characteristics are pretty much the same: just use whichever has the semantics best suited for your needs. Typically critical sections are most convenient for protecting shared variables, and mutexes can be easily used to set a "flag" allowing other threads to proceed.
As for not using spinlocks in a single-core environment, remember that the spinlock doesn't actually yield. Thread A waiting on a spinlock isn't actually put on hold allowing the OS to schedule thread B to run. But since A is waiting on this spinlock, some other thread is going to have to release that lock. If you only have a single core, then that other thread will only be able to run when A is switched out. With a sane OS, that's going to happen sooner or later anyway as part of the regular context switching. But since we know that A won't be able to get the lock until B has had a time to executed and release the lock, we'd be better off if A just yielded immediately, was put in a wait queue by the OS, and restarted when B has released the lock. And that's what all other lock types do.
A spinlock will still work in a single core environment (assuming an OS with preemptive multitasking), it'll just be very very inefficient.
Q1: Using the "volatile" keyword
In VS2005 and later the C++ compiler surrounds access to this variable using memory barriers, ensuring that the variable is always completely written/read to the main system memory before using it.
Exactly. If you are not creating portable code, Visual Studio implements it exactly this way. If you want to be portable, your options are currently "limited". Until C++0x there is no portable way how to specify atomic operations with guaranteed read/write ordering and you need to implement per-platform solutions. That said, boost already did the dirty job for you, and you can use its atomic primitives.
Q2: Variable needs to be 4-byte/8-byte aligned?
If you do keep them aligned, you are safe. If you do not, rules are complicated (cache lines, ...), therefore the safest way is to keep them aligned, as this is easy to achieve.
Q3: Should this code be rewritten to use mutexes?
Critical section is a lightweight mutex. Unless you need to synchronize between processes, use critical sections.
Q4: Where are critical sections/mutexes/semaphores/spinlocks best suited?
Critical sections can even do spin waits for you.
Q5: Spinlocks should not be used in a single-core
Spin lock uses the fact that while the waiting CPU is spinning, another CPU may release the lock. This cannot happen with one CPU only, therefore it is only a waste of time there. On multi-CPU spin locks can be good idea, but it depends on how often the spin wait will be successful. The idea is waiting for a short while is a lot faster then doing context switch there and back again, therefore if the wait it likely to be short, it is better to wait.
Don't use volatile. It has virtually nothing to do with thread-safety. See here for the low-down.
The assignment to BOOL doesn't need any synchronisation primitives. It'll work fine without any special effort on your part.
If you want to set the variable and then make sure that another thread sees the new value, you need to establish some kind of communication between the two threads. Just locking immediately before assigning achieves nothing because the other thread might have come and gone before you acquired the lock.
One final word of caution: threading is extremely hard to get right. The most experienced programmers tend to be the least comfortable with using threads, which should set alarm bells ringing for anyone who is inexperienced with their use. I strongly suggest you use some higher-level primitives to implement concurrency in your app. Passing immutable data structures via synchronised queues is one approach that substantially reduces the danger.
Volatile does not imply memory barriers.
It only means that it will be part of the perceived state of the memory model. The implication of this is that the compiler cannot optimize the variable away, nor can it perform operations on the variable only in CPU registers (it will actually load and store to memory).
As there are no memory barriers implied, the compiler can reorder instructions at will. The only guarantee is that the order in which different volatile variables are read/write will be the same as in the code:
void test()
volatile int a;
volatile int b;
int c;
c = 1;
a = 5;
b = 3;
With the code above (assuming that c is not optimized away) the update to c can happen before or after the updates to a and b, providing 3 possible outcomes. The a and b updates are guaranteed to be performed in order. c can be optimized away easily by any compiler. With enough information, the compiler can even optimize away a and b (if it can be proven that no other threads read the variables and that they are not bound to a hardware array (so in this case, they can in fact be removed). Note that the standard does not require an specific behavior, but rather a perceivable state with the as-if rule.
Questions 3: CRITICAL_SECTIONs and Mutexes work, pretty much, the same way. A Win32 mutex is a kernel object, so it can be shared between processes, and waited on with WaitForMultipleObjects, which you can't do with a CRITICAL_SECTION. On the other hand, a CRITICAL_SECTION is lighter-weight and therefore faster. But the logic of the code should be unaffected by which you use.
You also commented that "there is no need for a critical section for each variable you want to protect, if you're in a critical section then nothing else can interrupt you." This is true, but the tradeoff is that accesses to any of the variables would need you to hold that lock. If the variables can meaningfully be updated independently, you are losing an opportunity for parallelising those operations. (Since these are members of the same object, though, I would think hard before concluding that they can really be accessed independently of each other.)