Local variables in assembly:are they faster than global variables? - c++

I was wondering if local variables in assembly are faster than the global variables that we use. The context for this is that I am learning some 2d animation using the win32 api, from a book. The author uses a function to initialize(Creation,registration, showing and updating of the window) the main window for the program. I wrote that function in asm(just to practice some asm). So, I was wondering if there is any performance advantage involved, since in the asm function i used, the WNDCLASSEX structure was created locally(in stack). I know that the local variables in assembly are supposed to be faster, but having gone through the disassembly for another program(entirely in cpp), I noticed that the compiler creates the WNDCLASSEX locally as well. This confused me about the topic. So i want to know if there is any difference in performance between the asm code and C++ code.

The top of the stack is touched by a lot of code. That means the the top of the stack is usually in CPU cache. Accessing this would be faster than accessing other memory areas (from .bss, etc).
But for a function like CreateWindow which is called only a few times per program this doesn't really matter. The difference is less than a a few hundred CPU cycles. For other parts of the code the difference might be more noticeable. But an important thing to note is that if you're doing the same thing repeatedly with the same piece of data that data too will end up in CPU cache and thus the performance difference would be negated.

To be honest, I think you should leave such decisions to the compiler. The people who wrote the compiler have spent a lot of person-years optimizing the code, so there is very little reason to worry about such things for 99% of all apps. In the 1% case, when you compile, do an assembly listing and check the code, since there you may earn a cycle or two.

Without having your code to judgment, i have an advise:
Some days, coding in assembly was a great way to write a fast program. But, nowadays with third-party libraries, complex algorithms, smart optimizations in compilers, portability issues and huge improvements in cpu and memory speeds, this approach is leaving off.
Even, in my experience hand made assembly codes may occurs bad effect on performance of code, because compilers can not make smart codes in that assembly block.
Another bad thing with coding with assembly inside a high level language is preventing portability a code.
Note: Yet, there is some machines and systems which coding by assembly is good for them.


Is it worth writing part of code in C instead of C++ as micro-optimization?

I am wondering if it is still worth with modern compilers and their optimizations to write some critical code in C instead of C++ to make it faster.
I know C++ might lead to bad performance in case classes are copied while they could be passed by reference or when classes are created automatically by the compiler, typically with overloaded operators and many other similar cases; but for a good C++ developer who knows how to avoid all of this, is it still worth writing code in C to improve performance?
I'm going to agree with a lot of the comments. C syntax is supported, intentionally (with divergence only in C99), in C++. Therefore all C++ compilers have to support it. In fact I think it's hard to find any dedicated C compilers anymore. For example, in GCC you'll actually end up using the same optimization/compilation engine regardless of whether the code is C or C++.
The real question is then, does writing plain C code and compiling in C++ suffer a performance penalty. The answer is, for all intents and purposes, no. There are a few tricky points about exceptions and RTTI, but those are mainly size changes, not speed changes. You'd be so hard pressed to find an example that actually takes a performance hit that it doesn't seem worth it do write a dedicate module.
What was said about what features you use is important. It is very easy in C++ to get sloppy about copy semantics and suffer huge overheads from copying memory. In my experience this is the biggest cost -- in C you can also suffer this cost, but not as easily I'd say.
Virtual function calls are ever so slightly more expensive than normal functions. At the same time forced inline functions are cheaper than normal function calls. In both cases it is likely the cost of pushing/popping parameters from the stack that is more expensive. Worrying about function call overhead though should come quite late in the optimization process -- as it is rarely a significant problem.
Exceptions are costly at throw time (in GCC at least). But setting up catch statements and using RAII doesn't have a significant cost associated with it. This was by design in the GCC compiler (and others) so that truly only the exceptional cases are costly.
But to summarize: a good C++ programmer would not be able to make their code run faster simply by writing it in C.
measure! measure before thinking about optimizing, measure before applying optimization, measure after applying optimization, measure!
If you must run your code 1 nanosecond faster (because it's going to be used by 1000 people, 1000 times in the next 1000 days and that second is very important) anything goes.
Yes! it is worth ...
changing languages (C++ to C; Python to COBOL; Mathlab to Fortran; PHP to Lisp)
tweaking the compiler (enable/disable all the -f options)
use different libraries (even write your own)
What you must not forget is to measure!.
pmg nailed it. Just measure instead of global assumptions. Also think of it this way, compilers like gcc separate the front, middle, and back end. so the frontend fortran, c, c++, ada, etc ends up in the same internal middle language if you will that is what gets most of the optimization. Then that generic middle language is turned into assembler for the specific target, and there are target specific optimizations that occur. So the language may or may not induce more code from the front to middle when the languages differ greatly, but for C/C++ I would assume it is the same or very similar. Now the binary size is another story, the libraries that may get sucked into the binary for C only vs C++ even if it is only C syntax can/will vary. Doesnt necessarily affect execution performance but can bulk up the program file costing storage and transfer differences as well as memory requirements if the program loaded as a while into ram. Here again, just measure.
I also add to the measure comment compile to assembler and/or disassemble the output and compare the results of your different languages/compiler choices. This can/will supplement the timing differences you see when you measure.
The question has been answered to death, so I won't add to that.
Simply as a generic question, assuming you have measured, etc, and you have identified that a certain C++ (or other) code segment is not running at optimal speed (which generally means you have not used the right tool for the job); and you know you can get better performance by writing it in C, then yes, definitely, it is worth it.
There is a certain mindset that is common, trying to do everything from one tool (Java or SQL or C++). Not just Maslow's Hammer, but the actual belief that they can code a C construct in Java, etc. This leads to all kinds of performance problems. Architecture, as a true profession, is about placing code segments in the appropriate architectural location or platform. It is the correct combination of Java, SQL and C that will deliver performance. That produces an app that does not need to be re-visited; uneventful execution. In which case, it will not matter if or when C++ implements this constructors or that.
I am wondering if it is still worth with modern compilers and their optimizations to write some critical code in C instead of C++ to make it faster.
no. keep it readable. if your team prefers c++ or c, prefer that - especially if it is already functioning in production code (don't rewrite it without very good reasons).
I know C++ might lead to bad performance in case classes are copied while they could be passed by reference
then forbid copying and assigning
or when classes are created automatically by the compiler, typically with overloaded operators and many other similar cases
could you elaborate? if you are referring to templates, they don't have additional cost in runtime (although they can lead to additional exported symbols, resulting in a larger binary). in fact, using a template method can improve performance if (for example) a conversion would otherwise be necessary.
but for a good C++ developer who knows how to avoid all of this, is it still worth writing code in C to improve performance?
in my experience, an expert c++ developer can create a faster, more maintainable program.
you have to be selective about the language features that you use (and do not use). if you break c++ features down to the set available in c (e.g., remove exceptions, virtual function calls, rtti) then you're off to a good start. if you learn to use templates, metaprogramming, optimization techniques, avoid type aliasing (which becomes increasingly difficult or verbose in c), etc. then you should be on par or faster than c - with a program which is more easily maintained (since you are familiar with c++).
if you're comfortable using the features of c++, use c++. it has plenty of features (many of which have been added with speed/cost in mind), and can be written to be as fast as c (or faster).
with templates and metaprogramming, you could turn many runtime variables into compile-time constants for exceptional gains. sometimes that goes well into micro-optimization territory.

Why not mark everything inline?

First off, I am not looking for a way to force the compiler to inline the implementation of every function.
To reduce the level of misguided answers make sure you understand what the inline keyword actually means. Here is good description, inline vs static vs extern.
So my question, why not mark every function definition inline? ie Ideally, the only compilation unit would be main.cpp. Or possibly a few more for the functions that cannot be defined in a header file (pimpl idiom, etc).
The theory behind this odd request is it would give the optimizer maximum information to work with. It could inline function implementations of course, but it could also do "cross-module" optimization as there is only one module. Are there other advantages?
Has any one tried this in with a real application? Did the performance increase? decrease?!?
What are the disadvantages of marking all function definitions inline?
Compilation might be slower and will consume much more memory.
Iterative builds are broken, the entire application will need to be rebuilt after every change.
Link times might be astronomical
All of these disadvantage only effect the developer. What are the runtime disadvantages?
Did you really mean #include everything? That would give you only a single module and let the optimizer see the entire program at once.
Actually, Microsoft's Visual C++ does exactly this when you use the /GL (Whole Program Optimization) switch, it doesn't actually compile anything until the linker runs and has access to all code. Other compilers have similar options.
sqlite uses this idea. During development it uses a traditional source structure. But for actual use there is one huge c file (112k lines). They do this for maximum optimization. Claim about 5-10% performance improvement
We (and some other game companies) did try it via making one uber-.CPP that #includeed all others; it's a known technique. In our case, it didn't seem to affect runtime much, but the compile-time disadvantages you mention turned out to be utterly crippling. With a half an hour compile after every single change, it becomes impossible to iterate effectively. (And this is with the app divvied up into over a dozen different libraries.)
We tried making a different configuration such that we would have multiple .objs while debugging and then have the uber-CPP only in release-opt builds, but then ran into the problem of the compiler simply running out of memory. For a sufficiently large app, the tools simply are not up to compiling a multimillion line cpp file.
We tried LTCG as well, and that provided a small but nice runtime boost, in the rare cases where it didn't simply crash during the link phase.
Interesting question! You are certainly right that all of the listed disadvantages are specific to the developer. I would suggest, however, that a disadvantaged developer is far less likely to produce a quality product. There may be no runtime disadvantages, but imagine how reluctant a developer will be to make small changes if each compile takes hours (or even days) to complete.
I would look at this from a "premature optimization" angle: modular code in multiple files makes life easier for the programmer, so there is an obvious benefit to doing things this way. Only if a specific application turns out to run too slow, and it can be shown that inlining everything makes a measured improvement, would I even consider inconveniencing the developers. Even then, it would be after a majority of the development has been done (so that it can be measured) and would probably only be done for production builds.
This is semi-related, but note that Visual C++ does have the ability to do cross-module optimization, including inline across modules. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0zza0de8%28VS.80%29.aspx for info.
To add an answer to your original question, I don't think there would be a downside at run time, assuming the optimizer was smart enough (hence why it was added as an optimization option in Visual Studio). Just use a compiler smart enough to do it automatically, without creating all the problems you mention. :)
Little benefit
On a good compiler for a modern platform, inline will affect only a very few functions. It is just a hint to the compiler, modern compilers are fairly good at making this decision themselves, and the the overhead of a function call has become rather small (often, the main benefit of inlining is not to reduce call overhead, but opening up further optimizations).
Compile time
However, since inline also changes semantics, you will have to #include everything into one huge compile unit. This usually increases compile time significantly, which is a killer on large projects.
Code Size
if you move away from current desktop platforms and its high performance compilers, things change a lot. In this case, the increased code size generated by a less clever compiler will be a problem - so much that it makes the code significantly slower. On embedded platforms, code size is usually the first restriction.
Still, some projects can and do profit from "inline everything". It gives you the same effect as link time optimization, at least if your compiler doesn't blindly follow the inline.
That's pretty much the philosophy behind Whole Program Optimization and Link Time Code Generation (LTCG) : optimization opportunities are best with global knowledge.
From a practical point of view it's sort of a pain because now every single change you make will require a recompilation of your entire source tree. Generally speaking you need an optimized build less frequently than you need to make arbitrary changes.
I tried this in the Metrowerks era (it's pretty easy to setup with a "Unity" style build) and the compilation never finished. I mention it only to point out that it's a workflow setup that's likely to tax the toolchain in ways they weren't anticipating.
It is done already in some cases. It is very similar to the idea of unity builds, and the advantages and disadvantages are not fa from what you descibe:
more potential for the compiler to optimize
link time basically goes away (if everything is in a single translation unit, there is nothing to link, really)
compile time goes, well, one way or the other. Incremental builds become impossible, as you mentioned. On the other hand, a complete build is going to be faster than it would be otherwise (as every line of code is compiled exactly once. In a regular build, code in headers ends up being compiled in every translation unit where the header is included)
But in cases where you already have a lot of header-only code (for example if you use a lot of Boost), it might be a very worthwhile optimization, both in terms of build time and executable performance.
As always though, when performance is involved, it depends. It's not a bad idea, but it's not universally applicable either.
As far as buld time goes, you have basically two ways to optimize it:
minimize the number of translation units (so your headers are included in fewer places), or
minimize the amount of code in headers (so that the cost of including a header in multiple translation units decreases)
C code typically takes the second option, pretty much to its extreme: almost nothing apart from forward declarations and macros are kept in headers.
C++ often lies around the middle, which is where you get the worst possible total build time (but PCH's and/or incremental builds may shave some time off it again), but going further in the other direction, minimizing the number of translation units can really do wonders for the total build time.
The assumption here is that the compiler cannot optimize across functions. That is a limitation of specific compilers and not a general problem. Using this as a general solution for a specific problem might be bad. The compiler may very well just bloat your program with what could have been reusable functions at the same memory address (getting to use the cache) being compiled elsewhere (and losing performance because of the cache).
Big functions in general cost on optimization, there is a balance between the overhead of local variables and the amount of code in the function. Keeping the number of variables in the function (both passed in, local, and global) to within the number of disposable variables for the platform results in most everything being able to stay in registers and not have to be evicted to ram, also a stack frame is not required (depends on the target) so function calling overhead is noticeably reduced. Hard to do in real world applications all the time, but the alternative a small number of big functions with lots of local variables the code is going to spend a significant amount of time evicting and loading registers with variables to/from ram (depends on the target).
Try llvm it can optimize across the entire program not just function by function. Release 27 had caught up to gcc's optimizer, at least for a test or two, I didnt do exhaustive performance testing. And 28 is out so I assume it is better. Even with a few files the number of tuning knob combinations are too many to mess with. I find it best to not optimize at all until you have the whole program into one file, then perform your optimization, giving the optimizer the whole program to work with, basically what you are trying to do with inlining, but without the baggage.
Suppose foo() and bar() both call some helper(). If everything is in one compilation unit, the compiler might choose not to inline helper(), in order to reduce total instruction size. This causes foo() to make a non-inlined function call to helper().
The compiler doesn't know that a nanosecond improvement to the running time of foo() adds $100/day to your bottom line in expectation. It doesn't know that a performance improvement or degradation of anything outside of foo() has no impact on your bottom line.
Only you as the programmer know these things (after careful profiling and analysis of course). The decision not to inline bar() is a way of telling the compiler what you know.
The problem with inlining is that you want high performance functions to fit in cache. You might think function call overhead is the big performance hit, but in many architectures a cache miss will blow the couple pushes and pops out of the water. For example, if you have a large (maybe deep) function that needs to be called very rarely from your main high performance path, it could cause your main high performance loop to grow to the point where it doesn't fit in L1 icache. That will slow your code down way, way more than the occasional function call.

Do global variables mean faster code?

I read recently, in an article on game programming written in 1996, that using global variables is faster than passing parameters.
Was this ever true, and if so, is this still true today?
Short answer - No, good programmers make code go faster by knowing and using the appropriate tools for the job, and then optimizing in a methodical way where their code does not meet their requirements.
Longer answer - This article, which in my opinion is not especially well-written, is not in any case general advice on program speedup but '15 ways to do faster blits'. Extrapolating this to the general case is missing the writer's point, whatever you think of the merits of the article.
If I was looking for performance advice, I would place zero credence in an article that does not identify or show a single concrete code change to support the assertions in the sample code, and without suggesting that measuring the code might be a good idea. If you are not going to show how to make the code better, why include it?
Some of the advice is years out of date - FAR pointers stopped being an issue on the PC a long time ago.
A serious game developer (or any other professional programmer, for that matter) would have a good laugh about advice like this:
You can either take out the assert's
completely, or you can just add a
#define NDEBUG when you compile the final version.
My advice to you, if you really wish to evaluate the merit of any of these 15 tips, and since the article is 14 years old, would be to compile the code in a modern compiler (Visual C++ 10 say) and try to identify any area where using a global variable (or any of the other tips) would make it faster.
[Just joking - my real advice would be to ignore this article completely and ask specific performance questions on Stack Overflow as you hit issues in your work that you cannot resolve. That way the answers you get will be peer reviewed, supported by example code or good external evidence, and current.]
When you switch from parameters to global variables, one of three things can happen:
it runs faster
it runs the same
it runs slower
You will have to measure performance to see what's faster in a non-trivial concrete case. This was true in 1996, is true today and is true tomorrow.
Leaving the performance aside for a moment, global variables in a large project introduce dependencies which almost always make maintenance and testing much harder.
When trying to find legitimate uses of globals variables for performance reasons today I very much agree with the examples in Preet's answer: very often needed variables in microcontroller programs or device drivers. The extreme case is a processor register which is exclusively dedicated to the global variable.
When reasoning about the performance of global variables versus parameter passing, the way the compiler implements them is relevant. Global variables typically are stored at fixed locations. Sometimes the compiler generates direct addressing to access the globals. Sometimes however, the compiler uses one more indirection and uses a kind of symbol table for globals. IIRC gcc for AIX did this 15 years ago. In this environment, globals of small types were always slower than locals and parameter passing.
On the other hand, a compiler can pass parameters by pushing them on the stack, by passing them in registers or a mixture of both.
Everyone has already given the appropriate caveat answers about this being platform and program specific, needing to actually measure timings, etc. So, with that all said already, let me answer your question directly for the specific case of game programming on x86 and PowerPC.
In 1996, there were certain cases where pushing parameters onto the stack took extra instructions and could cause a brief stall inside the Intel CPU pipeline. In those cases there could be a very small speedup from avoiding parameter passing altogether and reading data from literal addresses.
This isn't true any more on the x86 or on the PowerPC used in most game consoles. Using globals is usually slower than passing parameters for two reasons:
Parameter passing is implemented better now. Modern CPUs pass their parameters in registers, so reading a value from a function's parameter list is faster than a memory load operation. The x86 uses register shadowing and store forwarding, so what looks like shuffling data onto the stack and back can actually be a simple register move.
Data cache latency far outweighs CPU clock speed in most performance considerations. The stack, being heavily used, is almost always in cache. Loading from an arbitrary global address can cause a cache miss, which is a huge penalty as the memory controller has to go and fetch the data from main RAM. ("Huge" here is 600 cycles or more.)
What do you mean, "faster"?
I know for a fact, that understanding a program with global variables takes me a whole lot more time than one without.
If the extra time it takes the programmer(s) is less than the time gained by the users when they run the program with globals, then I'd say using global is faster.
But consider that the program is going to be run by 10 people once a day for 2 years. And that it takes 2.84632 secs without globals and 2.84217 secs with globals (a 0.00415 sec increase). That's 727 seconds less of TOTAL runtime. Gaining 10 minutes of run time is not worth the introduction of a global as regards programmer time.
To a degree any code that avoids processor instructions (ie shorter code) will be faster. However how much faster? Not very! Also note that compiler optimisation strategies may result in the smaller code anyway.
These days this is only an optimisation on very specific applications usually in ultra time critical drivers or micro-control code.
Putting aside the issues of maintainability and correctness, there are basically two factors that will govern performance with regard to globals vs. parameters.
When you make a global you avoid a copy. That's slightly faster. When you pass a parameter by value, it has to be copied so that a function can work on a local copy of it and not damage the caller's copy of the data. At least in theory. Some modern optimizers do pretty tricky things if they identify that your code is well behaved. A function may get automatically inlined, and the compiler may notice that the function doesn't do anything to the parameters, and just optimise away any copying.
When you make a global, you are lying to the cache. When you have all of your variables neatly contained in your function, and a few parameters, the data will tend to all be in one place. Some of the variables will be in registers, and some will probably be in cache right away because they are right 'next to' each other. Using a lot of global variables is basically pathological behavior for the cache. There is no guarantee that various globals will be used by the same functions. Location has no obvious correlation with usage. Perhaps you have a small enough working set that it makes no difference where anything is, and it all winds up in cache.
All of this just adds up to the point made by a poster above me:
When you switch from parameters to
global variables, one of three things
can happen:
* it runs faster
* it runs the same
* it runs slower
You will have to measure performance
to see what's faster in a non-trivial
concrete case. This was true in 1996,
is true today and is true tomorrow.
Depending on the specific behavior of your exact compiler, and precise details of the hardware that you use to run your code, it's possible that global variables could be a very slight performance win in some cases. That possibility may be worth trying it on some code that runs too slow as an experiment. It's probably not worth dedicating yourself to, as the answer of your experiment could change tomorrow. So, the right answer is almost always to go with "correct" design patterns and avoid the uglier design. Look for better algorithms, more efficient data structures, etc., before intentionally trying to spaghettify your project. Much better payoff in the long run.
And, aside from the dev time vs user time argument, I'll add the dev time vs. Moore's time argument. If you assume Moore's law will make computers something like half again as fast every year, then for the sake of a simple round number, we can assume that progress happens in a steady 1% progress per week. IF you are looking at a microoptimisation that may improve things like 1%, and it will add a week to the project from complicating things, then just taking the week off will have the same effect on average run times for your users.
Perhaps a micro optimisation, and would probably be wiped out by optimisations your compiler could generate without resort to such practices. In fact the use of globals may even inhibit some compiler optimisations. Reliable and maintainable code would generally be of greater value, and globals are not conducive to that.
Using globals to replace function parameters renders all such functions non-reentrant, which may be a problem if multi-threading is used - not a common practice in game development in 1996, but more common with the advent of multi-core processors. It also precludes recursion, although that is probably less of an issue since recursion has its own issues.
In any significant body of code, there is likely to be more mileage in higher-level optimisation of algorithms and data structures. Moreover there are options open to you other than global variables that avoid parameter passing, most especially C++ class-member variables.
If the habitual use of global variables in your code makes a measurable or useful difference to its performance, I would question the design first.
For a discussion of the problems inherent in global variables and some ways to avoid them see A Pox on Globals by Jack Gannsle. The article relates to embedded systems development, but is generally applicable; its just that some embedded systems developers think they have good reason to use globals, probably for all the same misguided reasons used to justify it in game development.
Well, if you are considering using global parameters instead of parameter passing, that could mean that you have a long chain of methods/functions that you have to pass that parameter down. It that is the case, you really WILL save CPU cycles by switching from parameter to global variable.
So, guys that say that it depends, I guess that they are plain wrong. Even with REGISTER parameter passing, there will still be MORE cpu cycles and MORE overhead for pushing the parameters down to the callee.
HOWEVER - I never do that. CPUs are superior now, and at times when there were 12Mhz 8086s that could be the issue. Nowadays, if you don't write embedded or super-turbo-charged performance code, stick to that which looks good in code, which doesn't break code logic, and thrives to be modular.
And lastly, leave machine language code generation to compiler - guys who designed it are best at knowing how their baby performs and will make your code run at its best.
In general (but it may depend greatly on compiler and platform implementation), passing parameters mean writing them onto the stack which you would not need with global variable.
That said, global variable may mean include page refresh in the MMU or memory controller whereas the stack may be located in much faster memory available to the processor...
Sorry, no good answer for a general question like this, just measure it (and try different scenarios too)
It was faster when we had <100mhz processors. Now that that processors are 100x faster this 'problem' is 100x less significant. It wasnt a big deal then, it was a big deal when you did it in assembly and had no (good) optimizer.
Says the guy who programmed on a 3mhz processor. Yes you read that right and 64k was NOT enough.
I see a lot of theoretical answers, but no practical advice for your scenario. What I'm guessing is that you have a large number of parameters to pass down through a number of function calls, and you're worried about accumulated overhead from many levels of call frames and many parameters at each level. Otherwise your concern is completely unfounded.
If this is your scenario, you should probably put all of the parameters in a "context" structure and pass a pointer to that structure. This will ensure data locality, and makes it so you don't have to pass more than one argument (the pointer) at each function call.
Parameters accessed this way are slightly more expensive to access than true function arguments (you need an extra register to hold the pointer to the base of the structure, as opposed to the frame pointer which would serve this purpose with function arguments), and individually (but probably not with cache effects factored in) more expensive to access than global variables in normal, non-PIC code. However, if your code is in a shared library/DLL using position independent code, the cost of accessing parameters passed by pointer to struct is cheaper than accessing a global variable and identical to accessing static variables, due to GOT and GOT-relative addressing. This is another reason never to use global variables for parameter passing: if you may eventually put your code in a shared library/DLL, any possible performance benefits will suddenly backfire!
Like everything else: yes and no. There is no one answer because it depends on context.
Imagine programming on Itanium where you have hundreds of registers. You can put quite a few globals into those, which will be faster than the typical way globals are implemented in C (some static address (although they might just hardcode the globals into instructions if they are word length)). Even if the globals are in cache the whole time, registers may still be faster.
In Java, overuse of globals (statics) can decrease performance because of initialization locks that have to be done. If 10 classes want to access some static class, they all have to wait for that class to finish initializing its static fields, which can take anywhere form no time up to forever.
In any case, global state is just bad practice, it raises code complexity. Well designed code is naturally fast enough 99.9% of the time. It seems like newer languages are removing global state all together. E removes global state because it violates their security model. Haskell removes state all together. The fact that Haskell exists and has implementations that outperform most other languages is proof enough for me that I will never use globals again.
Also, in the near future, when we all have hundreds of cores, global state isn't really going to help much.
It might still be true, under some circumstances.
A global variable might be as fast as a pointer to a variable, where its pointer is stored in/passed through registers only. So, it is a question about the count of registers, you can use.
To speed-optimize a function call, you could do several other things, that might perform better with global-variable-hacks:
Minimize the count of local variables in the function to a few (explicit) register variables.
Minimize the count of parameters of the function, i.e. by using pointers to structures instead of using the same parameter-constellations in functions that call each other.
Make the function "naked", that means that it does not use the stack at all.
Use "proper-tail-calls" (does neither work with java/-bytecode nor java-/ecma-script)
If there is no better way, hack yourself sth like TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE, which locates your global variables next to the function code. In functional languages this is a backend-optimization that uses the function-pointer as data-pointer, too; but as long as you do not program in a functional language, you only need to locate those variables beside those used by the function. Then again, you only want this to remove the stack-handling from your function. If your compiler generates assembler code that handles the stack, then there is no point in doing this, you could use pointers instead.
I've found this "gcc attribute overview":
and I can give you these tags for googling:
- Proper Tail Call (it is mostly relevant to imperative backends of functional languages)
- TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE (it is mostly relevant to Haskell and LLVM)
But you have 'spaghetti code', when you often use global variables.

Mixing assembler code with c/c++

Why is assembly language code often needed along with C/C++ ?
What can't be done in C/C++, which is possible when assembly language code is mixed?
I have some source code of some 3D computer games. There are a lot of assembler code in use.
Things that pop to mind, in no particular order:
Special instructions. In an embedded application, I need to invalidate the cache after a DMA transfer has filled the memory buffer. The only way to do that on an SH-4 CPU is to execute a special instruction, so inline assembly (or a free-standing assembly function) is the only way to go.
Optimizations. Once upon a time, it was common for compilers to not know every trick that was possible to do. In some of those cases, it was worth the effort to replace an inner loop with a hand-crafted version. On the kinds of CPUs you find in small embedded systems (think 8051, PIC, and so forth) it can be valuable to push inner loops into assembly. I will emphasize that for modern processors with pipelines, multi-issue execution, extensive caching and more, it is often exceptionally difficult for hand coding to even approach the capabilities of the optimizer.
Interrupt handling. In an embedded application it is often needed to catch system events such as interrupts and exceptions. It is often the case that the first few instructions executed by an interrupt have special responsibilities and the only way to guarantee that the right things happen is to write the outer layer of a handler in assembly. For example, on a ColdFire (or any descendant of the 68000) only the very first instruction is guaranteed to execute. To prevent nested interrupts, that instruction must modify the interrupt priority level to mask out the priority of the current interrupt.
Certain portions of an OS kernel. For example, task switching requires that the execution state (at least most registers including PC and stack pointer) be saved for the current task and the state loaded for the new task. Fiddling with execution state of the CPU is well outside of the feature set of the language, but can be wrapped in a small amount of assembly code in a way that allows the rest of the kernel to be written in C or C++.
Edit: I've touched up the wording about optimization. Let me emphasize that for targets with large user populations and well supported compilers with decent optimization, it is highly unlikely that an assembly coder can beat the performance of the optimizer.
Before attempting, start by careful profiling to determine where the bottlenecks really lie. With that information in hand, examine assumptions and algorithms carefully, because the best optimization of all is usually to find a better way to handle the larger picture. Then, if all else fails, isolate the bottleneck in a test case, benchmark it carefully, and begin tweaking in assembly.
Why is assembly language code often
needed along with C/C++ ?
Competitive advantage. Like, if you are writing software for the (soon-to-be) #1 gaming company in the world.
What can't be done in C/C++, which is
possible when assembly language code
is mixed?
Nothing, unless some absolute performance level is needed, say, X frames per second or Y billions of polygons per second.
Edit: based on other replies, it seems the consensus is that embedded systems (iPhone, Android etc) have hardware accelerators that certainly require the use of assembly.
I have some source code of some 3D
computer games. There are a lot of
assembler code in use.
They are either written in the 80's-90's, or they are used sparingly (maybe 1% - 5% of total source code) inside a game engine.
Edit: to this date, compiler auto-vectorization quality is still poor. So, you may see programs that contain vectorization intrinsics, and since it's not really much different from writing in actual assembly (most intrinsics have one-one mapping to assembly instructions) some folks might just decide to write in assembly.
According to anecdotal evidence, RollerCoaster Tycoon is written in 99% assembly.
In the past, compilers used to be pretty poor at optimizing for a particular architecture, and architectures used to be simpler. Now the reverse is true. These days, it's pretty hard for a human to write better assembly than an optimizing compiler, for deeply-pipelined, branch-predicting processors. And so you won't see it much. What there is will be short, and highly targeted.
In short, you probably won't need to do this. If you think you do, profile your code to make sure you've identified a hotspot - don't optimize something just because it's slow, if you're only spending 0.1% of your execution time there. See if you can improve your design or algorithm. If you don't find any improvement there, or if you need functionality not exposed by your higher-level language, look into hand-coding assembly.
There are certain things that can only be done in assembler and cannot be done in C/C++.
These include:
generating software interrupts (SWI or INT instructions)
Use of instructions like SWP for creating mutexes
specialist coporcessor instructions (such as those needed to program the MMU and manage RAM caches)
Access to carry and overflow flags.
You may also be able to optimize code better in assembler than C/C++ (eg memcpy on Android is written in assembler)
There may be new instructions that your compiler cannot yet generate, or the compiler does a bad job, or you may need to control the CPU directly.
Why is assembly language code often
needed along with C/C++ ?needed along with C/C++ ?
It isn't
What can't be done in C/C++, which is
possible when assembly language code
is mixed?
Accessing system registers or IO ports on the CPU.
Accessing BIOS functions.
Using specialized instructions that doesn't map directly to the programming language,
e.g. SIMD instructions.
Provide optimized code that's better than the compiler produces.
The two first points you usually don't need unless you're writing an operating system, or code
running without an operatiing system.
Modern CPUs are quite complex, and you'll be hard pressed to find people that actually can write assembly than what the compiler produces. Many compilers come with libraries giving you access
to more advanced features, like SIMD instructions, so nowadays you often don't need to fall back to
assembly for that.
One more thing worth mentioning is:
C & C++ do not provide any convenient way to setup stack frames when one needs to implement a binary level interop with a script language - or to implement some kind of support for closures.
Assembly can be very optimal than what any compiler can generate in certain situations.

Will my iPhone app take a performance hit if I use Objective-C for low level code?

When programming a CPU intensive or GPU intensive application on the iPhone or other portable hardware, you have to make wise algorithmic decisions to make your code fast.
But even great algorithm choices can be slow if the language you're using performs more poorly than another.
Is there any hard data comparing Objective-C to C++, specifically on the iPhone but maybe just on the Mac desktop, for performance of various similar language aspects? I am very familiar with this article comparing C and Objective-C, but this is a larger question of comparing two object oriented languages to each other.
For example, is a C++ vtable lookup really faster than an Obj-C message? How much faster? Threading, polymorphism, sorting, etc. Before I go on a quest to build a project with duplicate object models and various test code, I want to know if anybody has already done this and what the results where. This type of testing and comparison is a project in and of itself and can take a considerable amount of time. Maybe this isn't one project, but two and only the outputs can be compared.
I'm looking for hard data, not evangelism. Like many of you I love and hate both languages for various reasons. Furthermore, if there is someone out there actively pursuing this same thing I'd be interesting in pitching in some code to see the end results, and I'm sure others would help out too. My guess is that they both have strengths and weaknesses, my goal is to find out precisely what they are so that they can be avoided/exploited in real-world scenarios.
Mike Ash has some hard numbers for performance of various Objective-C method calls versus C and C++ in his post "Performance Comparisons of Common Operations". Also, this post
by Savoy Software is an interesting read when it comes to tuning the performance of an iPhone application by using Objective-C++.
I tend to prefer the clean, descriptive syntax of Objective-C over Objective-C++, and have not found the language itself to be the source of my performance bottlenecks. I even tend to do things that I know sacrifice a little bit of performance if they make my code much more maintainable.
Yes, well written C++ is considerably faster. If you're writing performance critical programs and your C++ is not as fast as C (or within a few percent), something's wrong. If your ObjC implementation is as fast as C, then something's usually wrong -- i.e. the program is likely a bad example of ObjC OOD because it probably uses some 'dirty' tricks to step below the abstraction layer it is operating within, such as direct ivar accesses.
The Mike Ash 'comparison' is very misleading -- I would never recommend the approach to compare execution times of programs you have written, or recommend it to compare C vs C++ vs ObjC. The results presented are provided from a test with compiler optimizations disabled. A program compiled with optimizations disabled is rarely relevant when you are measuring execution times. To view it as a benchmark which compares C++ against Objective-C is flawed. The test also compares individual features, rather than entire, real world optimized implementations -- individual features are combined in very different ways with both languages. This is far from a realistic performance benchmark for optimized implementations. Examples: With optimizations enabled, IMP cache is as slow as virtual function calls. Static dispatch (as opposed to dynamic dispatch, e.g. using virtual) and calls to known C++ types (where dynamic dispatch may be bypassed) may be optimized aggressively. This process is called devirtualization, and when it is used, a member function which is declared virtual may even be inlined. In the case of the Mike Ash test where many calls are made to member functions which have been declared virtual and have empty bodies: these calls are optimized away entirely when the type is known because the compiler sees the implementation and is able to determine dynamic dispatch is unnecessary. The compiler can also eliminate calls to malloc in optimized builds (favoring stack storage). So, enabling compiler optimizations in any of C, C++, or Objective-C can produce dramatic differences in execution times.
That's not to say the presented results are entirely useless. You could get some useful information about external APIs if you want to determine if there are measurable differences between the times they spend in pthread_create or +[NSObject alloc] on one platform or architecture versus another. Of course, these two examples will be using optimized implementations in your test (unless you happen to be developing them). But for comparing one language to another in programs you compile… the presented results are useless with optimizations disabled.
Object Creation
Consider also object creation in ObjC - every object is allocated dynamically (e.g. on the heap). With C++, objects may be created on the stack (e.g. approximately as fast as creating a C struct and calling a simple function in many cases), on the heap, or as elements of abstract data types. Each time you allocate and free (e.g. via malloc/free), you may introduce a lock. When you create a C struct or C++ object on the stack, no lock is required (although interior members may use heap allocations) and it often costs just a few instructions or a few instructions plus a function call.
As well, ObjC objects are reference counted instances. The actual need for an object to be a std::shared_ptr in performance critical C++ is very rare. It's not necessary or desirable in C++ to make every instance a shared, reference counted instance. You have much more control over ownership and lifetime with C++.
Arrays and Collections
Arrays and many collections in C and C++ also use strongly typed containers and contiguous memory. Since the address of the next element's members are often known, the optimizer can do much more, and you have great cache and memory locality. With ObjC, that's far from reality for standard objects (e.g. NSObject).
Regarding methods, many C++ implementations use few virtual/dynamic calls, particularly in highly optimized programs. These are static method calls and fodder for the optimizers.
With ObjC methods, each method call (objc message send) is dynamic, and is consequently a firewall for the optimizer. Ultimately, that results in many restrictions or inconveniences regarding what you can and cannot do to keep performance at a minimum when writing performance critical ObjC. This may result in larger methods, IMP caching, frequent use of C.
Some realtime applications cannot use any ObjC messaging in their render paths. None -- audio rendering is a good example of this. ObjC dispatch is simply not designed for realtime purposes; Allocations and locks may happen behind the scenes when messaging objects, making the complexity/time of objc messaging unpredictable enough that the audio rendering may miss its deadline.
Other Features
C++ also provides generics/template implementations for many of its libraries. These optimize very well. They are typesafe, and a lot of inlining and optimizations may be made with templates (consider it polymorphism, optimization, and specialization which takes place at compilation). C++ adds several features which just are not available or comparable in strict ObjC. Trying to directly compare langs, objects, and libraries which are very different is not so useful -- it's a very small subset of actual realizations. It's better to expand the question to a library/framework or real program, considering many aspects of design and implementation.
Other Points
C and C++ symbols can be more easily removed and optimized away in various stages of the build (stripping, dead code elimination, inlining and early inlining, as well as Link Time Optimization). The benefits of this include reduced binary sizes, reduced launch/load times, reduced memory consumption, etc.. For a single app, that may not be such a big deal; but if you reuse a lot of code, and you should, then your shared libraries could add a lot of unnecessary weight to the program, if implemented ObjC -- unless you are prepared to jump through some flaming hoops. So scalability and reuse are also factors in medium/large projects, and groups where reuse is high.
Included Libraries
ObjC library implementors also optimize for the environment, so its library implementors can make use of some language and environment features to offer optimized implementations. Although there are some pretty significant restrictions when writing an optimized program in pure ObjC, some highly optimized implementations exist in Cocoa. This is one of Cocoa's strong points, although the C++ standard library (what some people call the STL) is no slouch either. Cocoa operates at a much higher level of abstraction than C++ -- if you don't know well what you're doing (or should be doing), operating closer to the metal can really cost you. Falling back on to a good library implementation if you are not an expert in some domain is a good thing, unless you are really prepared to learn. As well, Cocoa's environments are limited; you can find implementations/optimizations which make better use of the OS.
If you're writing optimized programs and have experience doing so in both C++ and ObjC, clean C++ implementations will often be twice as fast or faster than clean ObjC (yes, you can compare against Cocoa). If you know how to optimize, you can often do better than higher level, general purpose abstractions. Although, some optimized C++ implementations will be as fast as or slower than Cocoa's (e.g. my initial attempt at file I/O was slower than Cocoa's -- primarily because the C++ implementation initializes its memory).
A lot of it comes down to the language features you are familiar with. I use both langs, they both have different strengths and models/patterns. They complement each other quite well, and there are great libraries for both. If you're implementing a complex, performance critical program, correct use of C++'s features and libraries will give you much more control and provide significant advantages for optimization, such that in the right hands, "several times faster" is a good default expectation (don't expect to win every time, or without some work, however). Remember, it takes years to understand C++ well enough to really reach that point.
I keep the majority of my performance critical paths as C++, but also recognize that ObjC is also a very good solution for some problems, and that there are some very good libraries available.
It's very hard to collect "hard data" for this that's not misguiding.
The biggest problem with doing a feature-to-feature comparison like you suggest is that the two languages encourage very different coding styles. Objective-C is a dynamic language with duck typing, where typical C++ usage is static. The same object-oriented architecture problem would likely have very different ideal solutions using C++ or Objective-C.
My feeling (as I have programmed much in both languages, mostly on huge projects): To maximize Objective-C performance, it has to be written very close to C. Whereas with C++, it's possible to make much more use of the language without any performance penalty compared to C.
Which one is better? I don't know. For pure performance, C++ will always have the edge. But the OOP style of Objective-C definitely has its merits. I definitely think it is easier to keep a sane architecture with it.
This really isn't something that can be answered in general as it really depends on how you use the language features. Both languages will have things that they are fast at, things that they are slow at, and things that are sometimes fast and sometimes slow. It really depends on what you use and how you use it. The only way to be certain is to profile your code.
In Objective C you can also write c++ code, so it might be easier to code in Objective C for the most part, and if you find something that doesn't perform well in it, then you can have a go at writting a c++ version of it and seeing if that helps (C++ tends to optimize better at compile time). Objective C will be easier to use if APIs you are interfacing with are also written in it, plus you might find it's style of OOP is easier or more flexible.
In the end, you should go with what you know you can write safe, robust code in and if you find an area that needs special attention from the other language, then you can swap to that. X-Code does allow you to compile both in the same project.
I have a couple of tests I did on an iPhone 3G almost 2 years ago, there was no documentation or hard numbers around in those days. Not sure how valid they still are but the source code is posted and attached.
This isn't a very extensive test, I was mainly interested in NSArray vs C Array for iterating a large number of objects.
You can see the C Array is much faster at high iterations. Since then I've realized that the bottleneck is probably not the iteration of the NSArray but the sending of the message. I wanted to try methodForSelector and calling the methods directly to see how big the difference would be but never got round to it. According to Mike Ash's benchmarks it's just over 5x faster.
I don't have hard data for Objective C, but I do have a good place to look for C++.
C++ started as C with Classes according to Bjarne Stroustroup in his reflection on the early years of C++ (http://www2.research.att.com/~bs/hopl2.pdf), so C++ can be thought of (like Objective C) as pushing C to its limits for object orientation.
What are those limits? In the 1994-1997 time frame, a lot of researchers figured out that object-orientation came at a cost due to dynamic binding, e.g. when C++ functions are marked virtual and there may/may not be children classes that override these functions. (In Java and C#, all functions expect ctors are inherently virtual, and there isnt' much you can do about it.) In "A Study of Devirtualization Techniques for a Java Just-In-Time Compiler" from researchers at IBM Research Tokyo, they contrast the techniques used to deal with this, including one from Urz Hölzle and Gerald Aigner. Urz Hölzle, in a separate paper with Karel Driesen, had shown that on average 5.7% of time in C++ programs (and up to ~50%) was spent in calling virtual functions (e.g. vtables + thunks). He later worked with some Smalltalk researachers in what ended up the Java HotSpot VM to solve these problems in OO. Some of these features are being backported to C++ (e.g. 'protected' and Exception handling).
As I mentioned, C++ is static typed where Objective C is duck typed. The performance difference in execution (but not lines of code) probably is a result of this difference.
This study says to really get the performance in a CPU intensive game, you have to use C. The linked article is complete with a XCode project that you can run.
I believe the bottom line is: Use Objective-C where you must interact with the iPhone's functions (after all, putting trampolines everywhere can't be good for anyone), but when it comes to loops, things like vector object classes, or intensive array access, stick with C++ STL or C arrays to get good performance.
I mean it would be totally silly to see position = [[Vector3 alloc] init] ;. You're just asking for a performance hit if you use references counts on basic objects like a position vector.
yes. c++ reign supreme in performance/expresiveness/resource tradeoff.
"I'm looking for hard data, not evangelism". google is your best friend.
obj-c nsstring is swapped with c++'s by apple enginneers for performance. in a resource constrained devices, only c++ cuts it as a MAINSTREAM oop language.
NSString stringWithFormat is slow
obj-c oop abstraction is deconstructed into procedural-based c-structs for performance, otherwise a MAGNITUDE order slower than java! the author is also aware of message caching - yet no-go. so modeling lots of small players/enemies objects is done in oop with c++ or else, lots of Procedural structs with a simple OOP wrapper around it with obj-c. there can be one paradigm that equates Procedural + Object-Oriented Programming = obj-c.