Why is my array not allocated any more inside subroutine? - fortran

I have a Fortran type which has an entry which is a type again. This type has an allocatable integer array:
type inner
integer, allocatable :: dyn_arr(:)
integer another_var
end type
type outer
type(inner) entry
type(inner) another_entry
end type
I allocate the array and then call a subroutine. Inside the subroutine I want to access the array.
type(outer) main_struct
call routi(main_struct)
My code segfaults. When I run with debugger, before the call everything seems fine, when I enter the subroutine routi, the debugger says dyn_arr is not allocated. How can that be?

I created a short program to test this and did not have any problems. Could you post a short program that shows this failure?
Here is my code that worked fine when compiled using gfortran 4.5:
MODULE temp_module
TYPE inner
INTEGER another_var
END TYPE inner
TYPE outer
TYPE(inner) entry
TYPE(inner) another_entry
END TYPE outer
SUBROUTINE test (input)
TYPE(outer), INTENT(in) :: input
WRITE(*,*) input%entry%dyn_arr
END MODULE temp_module
USE temp_module
TYPE(outer) main_struct
CALL test(main_struct)

I guess that in routi() you have an intent(out), havent't you ?
From here
An allocated ultimate allocatable component of an actual argument that
is associated with an INTENT(OUT) dummy argument is deallocated on
procedure entry so that the corresponding component of the dummy
argument has an allocation status of not currently allocated.
This ensures that any pointers that point to the previous contents of
the allocatable component of the variable become undefined.
Never use intent(out). It's evil.


How to understand this negative index array variable declaration? [duplicate]

I need in a program to pass some allocatable arrays to subroutines, and i need to know if the way I do it are in the standard or not.
If you know where I can search for the standard of fortran, Tell me please.
Here is a little code that will better explain than words
program test
use modt99
implicit none
real(pr), dimension(:), allocatable :: vx
call test3(vx,vx,vx)
end program test
with the module modt99
module modt99
subroutine test3(v1,v2,v3)
real(pr), dimension(:), intent(in) :: v1
real(pr), dimension(0:), intent(in) :: v2
real(pr), dimension(:), allocatable, intent(in) :: v3
end subroutine test3
end module modt99
on screen, I get
666.000000000000 214.000000000000 558.000000000000
214.000000000000 558.000000000000 332.000000000000
558.000000000000 332.000000000000 -521.000000000000
So are the three ways of dummy arguments in subroutine test3 legal (in what version of fortran, 90, 95, 2003?) and are their behavior normal?
The first version passes the array slice to the subroutine. Note that boundary information are not passed along in this way, arrays are assumed to start at 1 and go to size(array).
The second way is just like the first one, but you manually set the lower boundary to 0, that's why printing v3(1:3) gives you the values with an offset of 1.
The third way passes all array information to the subroutine (including boundaries), hence the "correct" indexing. Passing allocatable arrays was introduced with Fortran 2003.
Apart from the fact that you have an aliasing issue (passing the same variable to three different dummy arguments), all three versions are legal.
You can find all documents of the standards here.
Especially, take a look at the Fortran 2003 Standard, Ch. DIMENSION attribute to see the differences between assumed shape and deferred shape arrays in dummy arguments.

Reset (deallocate / nullify) a Fortran allocatable array that has been corrupted

When a situation such as described in Incorrect fortran errors: allocatable array is already allocated; DEALLOCATE points to an array that cannot be deallocated happens (corrupted memory leaves an allocatable array that appears allocated but does not "point" to a valid address), is there anything that can be done within Fortran to cure it, i.e., reset the array as deallocated, without trying to deallocate the memory it points to?
The situation is a Fortran/C program where a piece of C code purposefully corrupts (writes garbage to) allocated memory. This works fine for arrays of normal types. But with an allocatable array of a user-defined type, which includes itself an allocatable component, the garbage written to the portion belonging to the allocatable component means that now the component appears as allocated, even though it's not. Rather than making the C code aware of what it should corrupt or not, I'd prefer fixing it after, but "nullifying" the allocatable component, when I know I don't care about the memory it currently appears to point to. With a pointer, it would be just a matter of nullify, but with an allocatable array?
If the memory is really corrupted as in stack corruption/heap corruption. You cannot do anything. The program is bound to fail because the very low-level information is lost. This is true for any programming language, even C.
If, what is corrupted, is the Fortran array descriptor, you cannot correct it from Fortran. Fortran does not expose these implementation details to Fortran programmers. It is only available via special headers called ISO_Fortran_binding.h from C.
If the only corruption that happened was making Fortran thing that the array is allocated where it isn't, it should be rather simple to revert that from C. All it should be necessary is to change the address of the allocated memory. Allocatable arrays are always contiguous.
One could also try dirty tricks like telling a subroutine that what you are passing is a pointer when it in fact is an allocatable and nullify it. It will likely work in many implementations. But nullifying the address in a controllable way is much cleaner. Even if it is just a one nullifying C function you call from Fortran.
Because you really only want to change the address to 0 and not make any other special stuff with the array extents, strides and other details, it should be simple to do even without the header.
Note that the descriptor will still contain nonsense data in other variables, but those should not matter.
This is a quick and dirty test:
dimension A(:,:)
allocatable A
subroutine write_garbage(A) bind(C)
dimension A(:,:)
allocatable A
end subroutine
subroutine c_null_alloc(A) bind(C)
dimension A(:,:)
allocatable A
end subroutine
end interface
call write_garbage(A)
print *, allocated(A)
call c_null_alloc(A)
print *, allocated(A)
#include <stdint.h>
void write_garbage(intptr_t* A){
*A = 999;
void c_null_alloc(intptr_t* A){
*A = 0;
> gfortran c_allocatables.c c_allocatables.f90
> ./a.out
A proper version should use ISO_Fortran_binding.h if your compiler provides it. And implicit none and other boring stuff...
A very dirty (and illegal) hack that I do not recommend at all:
dimension A(:,:)
allocatable A
subroutine write_garbage(A) bind(C)
dimension A(:,:)
allocatable A
end subroutine
subroutine null_alloc(A) bind(C)
dimension A(:,:)
allocatable A
end subroutine
end interface
call write_garbage(A)
print *, allocated(A)
call null_alloc(A)
print *, allocated(A)
subroutine null_alloc(A) bind(C)
dimension A(:,:)
pointer A
A => null()
end subroutine
> gfortran c_allocatables.c c_allocatables.f90
10 | subroutine null_alloc(A) bind(C)
| 2
27 | subroutine null_alloc(A) bind(C)
| 1
Warning: ALLOCATABLE mismatch in argument 'a' between (1) and (2)
> ./a.out

How can I resolve the problem about intrinsic assignment between two polymorphic components into a type variables using Gfortran?

Gfortran 8.1 and 9.1 give me an error about intrinsic assignment between two polymorphic components into a type variables. I don't have any problem using intel compiler but no in the case in gfortran. I'm asking if someone know any workaround.
Here an example that you can try to compile.
Program Check
implicit none
!> Type definitions
Type :: Atm_Type
End Type Atm_Type
Type, extends (Atm_type) :: Atm_Std_Type
End Type Atm_Std_Type
Type, extends (Atm_std_type) :: Atm_Ref_Type
End Type Atm_Ref_Type
Type :: AtList_Type
integer :: Natoms
class(Atm_Type), dimension(:), allocatable :: Atom
end Type AtList_Type
!> Variables
type(AtList_Type) :: list
call sub(list)
Subroutine Sub(List)
!---- Argument ----!
type (AtList_Type), intent(in out) :: List
!---- Local Variables ----!
integer :: i
type (AtList_Type), allocatable :: local
if (List%natoms <= 0 ) return
do i=1, List%natoms
end do
End Subroutine Sub
End Program Check
Here the workaround is very simple and appeared in one of the recent questions/answers. Just copy the whole array
local%atom = list%atom
However, it is not always possible to do that when you really need to access individual elements. If your real use case is like that, show the real use case.
If the number of possible types inside is limited, you can also use the select type type guard, but often that is not possible either.

Writing assumed-size array causes "upper bound shall not be omitted..."

I am writing code to add on a closed-source Finite-Element Framework that forces me (due to relying on some old F77 style approaches) in one place to rely on assumed-size arrays.
Is it possible to write an assumed-size array to the standard output, whatever its size may be?
This is not working:
module fun
implicit none
subroutine writer(a)
integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: a
write(*,*) a
end subroutine writer
end module fun
program test
use fun
implicit none
integer, dimension(2) :: a
a(1) = 1
a(2) = 2
call writer(a)
end program test
With the Intel Fortran compiler throwing
error #6364: The upper bound shall not be omitted in the last dimension of a reference to an assumed size array.
The compiler does not know how large an assumed-size array is. It has only the address of the first element. You are responsible to tell how large it is.
write(*,*) a(1:n)
Equivalently you can use an explicit-size array
integer, intent(in) :: a(n)
and then you can do
write(*,*) a
An assumed-size array may not occur as a whole array reference when that reference requires the shape of the array. As an output item in a write statement that is one such disallowed case.
So, in that sense the answer is: no, it is not possible to have the write statement as you have it.
From an assumed-size array, array sections and array elements may appear:
write (*,*) a(1:2)
write (*,*) a(1), a(2)
write (*,*) (a(i), i=1,2)
leading simply to how to get the value 2 into the subroutine; at other times it may be 7 required. Let's call it n.
Naturally, changing the subroutine is tempting:
subroutine writer (a,n)
integer n
integer a(n) ! or still a(*)
end subroutine
or even
subroutine writer (a)
integer a(:)
end subroutine
One often hasn't a choice, alas, in particular when associating a procedure with a dummy procedure with a specific interface . However, n can get into the subroutine through any of several other ways: as a module or host entity, or through a common block (avoid this one if possible). These methods do not require modifying the interface of the procedure. For example:
subroutine writer(a)
use aux_params, only : n
integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: a
write(*,*) a(1:n)
end subroutine writer
or we could have n as an entity in the module fun and have it accesible in writer through host association. In either case, setting this n's value in the main program before writer is executed will be necessary.

Program stops due to array allocation in a function [duplicate]

The following code is returning a Segmentation Fault because the allocatable array I am trying to pass is not being properly recognized (size returns 1, when it should be 3). In this page (http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=170599) a similar example seems to indicate that it should work fine in F95; my code file has a .F90 extension, but I tried changing it to F95, and I am using gfortran to compile.
My guess is that the problem should be in the way I am passing the allocatable array to the subroutine; What am I doing wrong?
INTEGER :: iii,jjj
DO iii=1,3
DO jjj=1,3
CALL Subtest(Array)
SUBROUTINE Subtest(Array)
INTEGER :: iii,jjj
DO iii=1,SIZE(Array,1)
DO jjj=1,SIZE(Array,2)
If a procedure has a dummy argument that is an allocatable, then an explicit interface is required in any calling scope.
(There are numerous things that require an explicit interface, an allocatable dummy is but one.)
You can provide that explicit interface yourself by putting an interface block for your subroutine inside the main program. An alternative and far, far, far better option is to put the subroutine inside a module and then USE that module in the main program - the explicit interface is then automatically created. There is an example of this on the eng-tips site that you provided a link to - see the post by xwb.
Note that it only makes sense for a dummy argument to have the allocatable attribute if you are going to do something related to its allocation status - query its status, reallocate it, deallocate it, etc.
Please also note that your allocatable dummy argument array is declared with intent(in), which means its allocation status will be that of the associated actual argument (and it may not be changed during the procedure). The actual argument passed to your subroutine may be unallocated and therefore illegal to reference, even with an explicit interface. The compiler will not know this and the behaviour of inquiries like size is undefined in such cases.
Hence, you first have to check the allocation status of array with allocated(array) before referencing its contents. I would further suggest to implement loops over the full array with lbound and ubound, since in general you can't be sure about array's bounds:
subroutine subtest(array)
double precision, allocatable, intent(in) :: array(:,:)
integer :: iii, jjj
if(allocated(array)) then
print*, size(array, 1), size(array, 2)
do iii = lbound(array, 1), ubound(array, 1)
do jjj = lbound(array, 2), ubound(array, 2)
print*, array(iii,jjj)
end subroutine
This is a simple example that uses allocatable dummy arguments with a module.
module arrayMod
real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: theArray
end module arrayMod
program test
use arrayMod
implicit none
subroutine arraySub
end subroutine arraySub
end interface
write(*,*) allocated(theArray)
call arraySub
write(*,*) allocated(theArray)
end program test
subroutine arraySub
use arrayMod
write(*,*) 'Inside arraySub()'
end subroutine arraySub