Graph user notifications. Get Post ID - facebook-graph-api

I'm starting to use the Graph API to get my notifications, and in the REST interface, they had the object_id field. I used this to get the notification objects' id to then query the Graph for more information.
The Graph API object does not include this information.
Example of what I want to do:
Get user's notifications JSON object.
Grab single item
Identify if this item supports commenting/liking
Display comments and number of likes for that item
if user can comment or like item, display buttons for this
my process:
call me/notifications/?include_read=1
is pretty easy to do.
I can identify if the object refers to a group, event, random application, post, or photo using the URL. I know that posts, likes, photos and others support commenting/likes so I have a way of doing this, though it involves parsing the link attribute of the item
this is what I need help with. I can get the id of the object by parsing the link, but I don't get the full object some times using this. For example, to post on a comment, you need to have USERID_COMMENTID and the link only has the COMMENTID in this form
I also need help with this. I guess some fb objects can't been liked via the graph?
any help would be great!

The notification FQL table, which also replaced the REST notifications.get API, still has an object_id column. That's the closest thing that exists to what you're asking for. It doesn't look like the Graph API call is documented to have the object_id field unfortunately.


Get Facebook Comments via the Graph Api

Im trying to get Facebook comments using the Graph Api.
I've researched online and found an example that works but there's one thing that about it that I can't find any information about it.
Here's the Example that works:
Is it the UserId concatenated with the Comment Id, is it returned by the Graph Api?
Why is there practicaly no information on this?
In the case of getting a page's post_id you can make a call like this to get the post_id.{pageId}/posts?access_token={accessToken}
post_id looks something like this - 5704324444475_570454233326 and is in the id field of each returned post.
To get all comments for a page first you need to make a call to get all your posts and then make a call for each post to get comments.

What fields/properties can be queried from Facebook Graph API on a Place object?

I'm doing a query of this form:,checkins,products,name,talking_about_count,description,category&type=place&center=37.327453,-121.813102&distance=400
I am interested in finding out the exhaustive list of fields that can be selected for a Place object.
In particular, on the facebook page for a specific place, there are often multiple categories listed which I have been unable to figure out if it's possible to retrieve using the Graph API.
e.g. On, there is an entry "Car Dealership" but the graph api call above returns "Local business".
If you leave out the "fields" attribute in your query you will get all the fields. The number of fields depends on the object type (for example owned pages vs. wiki pages)
Don't just look at the Graph API. Take a look at FQL. There are different fields available in FQL vs. the API. And yes, using the distance function you can look for places in an area.
Graph API != FQL
One thing to try is the Facebook Open Graph schema entry for Page and Place.
You'll find all the additional fields for Pages. You can think of places as a subclass of pages.
If you're curious about the types of page that might be returned, try having a look through the create a page flow.

Finding out if an Open Graph Object has been liked before

Is there anyway to determine if an object in Open Graph has been liked?
The documentation seem to imply that I have to post a like action on my object and expect an Error 3501 when it has been liked before.
From an UI pov this doesn't make sense, I want to change my like button ui to an "unlike" state without having to like my object and see if it fails or not.
If you're looking specifically for likes on an Open Graph Object (as in the target of an Open Graph Action), and you're talking about built-in (og.likes) likes, Shawn's answer is mostly right, but you need to look in a different FQL table.
An Open Graph Object is just a URL that resolves to a page that has og:type meta in its header. Facebook treats these as link objects (you can check this with SELECT type FROM object_url where url='')
You can find interesting information in the link and link_stat FQL tables, but what you're looking for is the join table where Facebook relates user likes to links: the url_likes table.
So, to tell if the current user has liked a given Open Graph Object, you'd use:
SELECT user_id FROM url_like WHERE user_id=me() AND url=''
If you get a value back, the current user has already liked it. If you get an empty array, the current user has not liked it.
To my knowledge, there's no way to do this with the Graph API, only FQL. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
Depending on the object, if the object has a like connection you can user the graph api to determain if current user has liked the object.
i use fql in a similar fasion to check if a user likes a post.
refer to post / like

Facebook Graph determine if user likes object

By querying fbid/likes i can get the fbid and names of all of the users who likes an object. However, when me myself likes the object, i represent a page, and therefore my "like" isn't presented as me, but as the page. How can i determine if the user likes an object or not?
After some more research i found that i simply can't. The best way is to query the Graph for the users who like the object, and then compare that to the user id and see if the user id exists in the result

Retrieving action's title using graph API

I am using the following query in Graph API explorer and i only want to get the title fields of previously posted actions on timeline, but the problem is that using the code below i am getting all fields like: title, image, URL etc.
As far as I'm aware, fields only works on a subset of Graph API calls, e.g. /me, but the Facebook Documentation does say it should work in most areas. It could be a bug, but I don't see any reference to it being part of the Object / Actions.
I would file a bug and see if it's 'as designed'.