Reading from a file, only reads text untill it gets to empty space - c++

I managed to successfully read the text in a file but it only reads until it hits an empty space, for example the text: "Hi, this is a test", cout's as: "Hi,".
Removing the "," made no difference.
I think I need to add something similar to "inFil.ignore(1000,'\n');" to the following bit of code:
cout<<"The file cointains the following: "<<text<<endl;
I would prefer not to change to getline(inFil, variabel); because that would force me to redo a program that is essentially working.
Thank you for any help, this seems like a very small and easily fixed problem but I cant seem to find a solution.

std::ifstream file("file.txt");
if(!file) throw std::exception("Could not open file.txt for reading!");
std::string line;
//read until the first \n is found, essentially reading line by line unti file ends
while(std::getline(file, line))
//do something line by line
std::cout << "Line : " << line << "\n";
This will help you read the file. I don't know what you are trying to achieve since your code is not complete but the above code is commonly used to read files in c++.

You've been using formatted extraction to extract a single string, once: this means a single word.
If you want a string containing the entire file contents:
std::fstream fs("/path/to/file");
std::string all_of_the_file(


editing a file using cpp code without creating a new file

Is it possible to edit text in a file using cpp code. Already there is related question on it, but it doesn't solve my problem. Kindly help me out.
I have given a rough code line on this.
seek() through the file and try to replace the contents with new string from that point till the end of line.
I need the "hello" string be placed and must be the end of line.
like if we have new.txt as
If I want the file content to be changed as
I am getting the file content as
fstream file("new.txt",fstream::in|fstream::out);;
str.erase(pos,len);//len specifies the value till end of str
char *d=new char[str.length()+1];
delete [] d;
If I could copy the file contents to the string, manipulate it, then copy to the new file then it is possible.
Is it possible to change the contents in the same file. If so kindly help me out, I am struck in this. If the replacing string is longer than the one actually existing then this works, but if the replacing string is smaller than the one which is actually existing then I am unable to do.
if you case is only one line in the file you can easily separate the I/O process in two stages. Read the file and get the position of the text. then close the file and reopened as out then write the string you want. Note that this will work if you have one line in the file
check the following code
std::string value = "GFGHHFGHH";
std::string str;
std::fstream file("new.txt", std::ios::in);
std::size_t found;
while (file >> str)
found = str.find(value);
if (found != std::string::npos)
str.erase(value.length() );
str.replace(found, 6, "hello");
file.close();"new.txt", std::ios::out);
file << str;
You can do it using system call for sed:
string s="sed -i s/hey/ho/g file0102.txt";

How to extract specific substring from getline function in C++?

I'm fairly new to C++ so please forgive me if my terminology or methodology isn't correct.
I'm trying to write a simple program that:
Opens two input files ("infileicd" and "infilesel").
Opens a single output file "list.txt".
Compares "infilesel" to "infileicd" line by line.
If a line from "infilesel" is found in "infileicd", it writes that line from "infileicd" to "list.txt", effectively making a separate log file.
I am using the getline() function to do this but have run into trouble when trying to compare each file line. I think it might be easier if I could use only the substring of interest to use as a comparison.
The problem is that there are multiple words within the entire getline string and I am only really interested in the second one. Here are two examples:
"1529 nic1_mau_op_mode_3 "8664afm007-01" "1" OUTPUT 1 0 LOGICAL 4 4136"
"1523 pilot_mfd_only_sel "8664afm003-02" "1" OUTPUT 1 0 LOGICAL 4 4112"
"nic1_mau_op_mode_3" and "pilot_mfd_only_sel" are the only substrings of interest.
It would make it a lot easier if I could only use that second substring to compare but I don't know how to extract it specifically from the getline() function. I haven't found anything suggesting it is impossible to do this, but if it is impossible, what would be an alternative method for extracting that substring?
This is a personal project so I'm under no time contstraints.
Any assistance is greatly apprecated in advance. Here is my code (so far):
int main()
//Open the file to write the selected variables to.
ofstream writer("list.txt");
//Open the selected variabels file to be read.
ifstream infilesel;"varsel.txt");
//Open the icd file to be read.
ifstream infileicd;"aic_fdk_host.txt");
//Check icd file for errors.
if ({
cerr << "Error opening icd.\n" << endl;
return 1;
else {
cout << "The icd file has been opened.\n";
//Check selected variables file for errors.
if ({
cerr << "Error opening selection file.\n" << endl;
return 1;
else {
cout << "The selection file has been opened.\n";
//Read each infile and copy contents of icd file to the list file.
string namesel;
string nameicd;
getline(infileicd, nameicd);
getline(infilesel, namesel);
if (nameicd != namesel){ //This is where I would like to extract and compare the two specific strings
infileicd; //Skip to next line if not the same
} else {
writer << nameicd << namesel << endl;
return 0;
So, based on what we discussed in the comments, you just need to toss the stuff you don't want. So try this:
string namesel;
string nameicd;
string junk;
// Get the first section, which we'll ignore
getline(infileicd, junk, ' ');
getline(infilesel, junk, ' ');
// Get the real data
getline(infileicd, nameicd, ' ');
getline(infilesel, namesel, ' ');
// Get the rest of the line, which we'll ignore
getline(infileicd, junk);
getline(infilesel, junk);
Basically, getline takes a delimiter, which by default is a newline. By setting it as a space the first time, you get rid of the first junk section, using the same method, you get the part you want, and then the final portion goes to the end of the line, also ignoring it.

Replace line in txt file c++

I just wondering cause i have a text file containing STATUS:USERID:PASSWORD in accounts.txt
example it would look like this:
i have a user input in my main as such user can login 3x else status will change from OPEN to LOCK
example after 3 tries of john
what i have done is:
void lockUser(Accounts& in){
// Accounts class consist 3 attributes (string userid, string pass, status)
ofstream oFile;
fstream iFile;
string openFile="accounts.txt";
string status, userid, garbage;
Accounts toupdate;;;
getline(iFile, status, ':');
getline(iFile, userid, ':');
getline(iFile, garbage, '\n');
if(userid == in.getUserId()){
//here i should update the account.txt how do i do that?;
There are two common ways to replace or otherwise modify a file. The first and the "classic" way is to read the file, line by line, check for the line(s) that needs to be modified, and write to a temporary file. When you reach the end of the input file you close it, and rename the temporary file as the input file.
The other common way is when the file is relatively small, or you have a lot of memory, is to read it all into memory, do the modification needed, and then write out the contents of the memory to the file. How to store it in memory can be different, like a vector containing lines from the file, or a vector (or other buffer) containing all characters from the file without separation.
Your implementation is flawed because you open the output file (which is the same as the input file) inside the loop. The first problem with this is that the operating system may not allow you to open a file for writing if you already have it open for reading, and as you don't check for failure from opening the files you will not know about this. Another problem is if the operating system allows it, then your call to open will truncate the existing file, causing you to loose all but the very first line.
Simple pseudo-ish code to explain
std::ifstream input_file("your_file");
std::vector<std::string> lines;
std::string input;
while (std::getline(input_file, input))
for (auto& line : lines)
if (line_needs_to_be_modified(line))
std::ofstream output_file("your_file");
for (auto const& line : lines)
output_file << line << '\n';
Use ReadLine and find the line you wanna replace, and use replace to replace the thing you wanna replace. For example write:
string Example = "Text to find";
openFile="C:\\accounts.txt"; // the path of the file
ReadFile(openFile, Example);
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
ifstream openFile;
string ExampleText = BOB;
openFile >> ExampleText;
openFile.replace(Example, "Hello");

getline() function in visual studio 2012 working differently, directly skipping to the last line

this is the first time i am using getline() and i think there is something wrong with it!
Here is my code:
ifstream file ("new2.csv");
string val;
while (file.good())
getline (file,val);
and the output is always the last line of the csv file, no matter how many lines i have in the csv file.
my csv file is a simple Delimited file. like:
i think getline is supposed to read the first line of the csv file, but in this case, my output will be : monkey,flower,text,word
and this happens with any number of lines in the csv file.
i am unable to find out what may be doing this. please help me.
Ofcourse it will only print the last line read from the file, because cout prints outside the loop and it prints the last line, after reading ALL lines finished.
You should write this instead:
ifstream file ("new2.csv");
string val;
while (file.good())
getline (file,val);
cout<< val << endl;
while (file.good())
getline (file,val);
Your cout is outside the loop, so you'll only print the last line.

Problems using getline()

I'm running out of hair to pull out, so I thought maybe someone here could help me with this frustration.
I'm trying to read a file line by line, which seems simple enough, using getline(). Problem is, my code seems to keep ignoring the \n, and putting the entire file into one string, which is problematic to say the least.
void MakeRandomLayout(int rows, int cols)
string fiveByFive = "cubes25.txt";
string fourByFour = "cubes16.txt";
ifstream infile;
while (true) {;
if ( {
cout << "No such file found";
} else {
Vector<string> cubes;
string cube;
while (std::getline(infile, cube)) {
Edits: Running OSX 10.7.
The infinite loop for the file is unfinished, will eventually ask for a file.
No luck with extended getline() version, tried that earlier.
Same system for dev and build/run.
The text file i'm reading in looks as follows:
Each string is on a new line in the file. The second one that I'm not reading in is the same but 25 lines instead of 16
Mac software recognizes either '\r' or '\n' as line-endings, for backward compatibility with Mac OS Classic. Make sure that your text editor hasn't put '\r' line endings in your file when your processing code is expecting '\n' (and verify that the '\n' characters you think are in the middle of the string aren't in fact '\r' instead.
I suspect that you are failing to display the contents of Vector correctly. When you dump the Vector, do you print a \n after each entry? You should, because getline discards the newlines on input.
FYI: the typical pattern for reading line-by-line is this:
Vector<string> cubes;
string cube;
while(std::getline(infile, cube)) {
Note that this will discard the newlines, but will put one line per entry in Vector.
EDIT: For whatever it is worth, if you were using an std::vector, you could slurp the file in thusly:
std::ifstream ifile(av[1]);
std::vector<std::string> v(