Aptana Studio replace functions - replace

I've been using Aptana Studio 3 for a few weeks now and I think it's somewhat ok.
One of the things that I miss from the code editor I used before (Macromedia Homesite: yeah, kinda old :P ) is the ability to find/replace text on multiple lines.
Is there a plugin that provides this?
Or is it possible to propose this feature to the developers?
Thank you.

Well Daniele This feature is already requested to Aptana developer team .
Take a look at this link
Enable multi-line search in find bar
Status : Open #Resolution: Unresolved
This one adds support for multi-line find and replace in the find bar.
and also
Via Tender: Multiline search
Status:Open #Resolution: Unresolved
Which adds a new multi-line search page to the existing set, with a few new options, taken from DreamWeaver and UltraEdit.[Please bring back the multiline search feature in aptana studio 2.0.x]
Now hope they Resolve this issues quickly.


Sublime Text: interactive confirm for replace?

I need to do a lot of search/replace across 50+ files, and am using Sublime Text 3.
Is there a way to step through and interactively confirm each change? I dont't want a blanket Replace All action that just performs all replacements.
I am thinking way back to vi/vim with its %s/old/new/gc functionality.
Both the Find/Replace and Find in Files/Replace commands don't natively support prompting you if the replacement should happen. Regular in-buffer find/replace just replaces directly and the only confirmation that you can get is when you do a Find in Files and Sublime prompts you to confirm the replacement after telling you how many replacements will be made.
As such, the only way to get something like this is to look to an external plugin/package that would do it's own find and replace option so that you could be asked to confirm the changes.
I'm not personally aware of any packages that would do this, but a search in Package Control turns up the RegReplace package, which lists among its features:
Create commands that highlight results and requiring confirmation before replacing.
That said I've never used the package myself, and from briefly looking at the documentation site it seems like it's only capable of searching in the current document and not across files.
A potential workaround would be to use the native Find in Files to find all files with matches, then manually open them and use RegReplace to perform the same operation again.

Commit C++ Intellisense suggestion with space bar in VS 2013

I have recently been exploring C++ some after using C# exclusively for quite awhile. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and the one thing that is bugging me to death is the inability to commit an Intellisense suggestion by pressing the space bar. I have tried to edit the commit character list in Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced to accept the space bar but so far I've had no luck. Coming from C# this is very aggravating. Does anybody know if it's possible to make such a change? I know I can use Tab or Enter, but in my opinion using Space is far more fluid.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Space seems to commit some suggestions but not others. if I type "std::stri", it commits "std::string". Unfortunately, Intellisense won't commit anything created by me or even common keywords. It just adds a space after what I already typed.
Further to my comment on your question, I have installed the trial version of Visual Studio 2013 (Ultimate), and can confirm that space bar does work to complete IntelliSense suggestions. Combining all comments, it would appear that it works in the following versions:
VS 2010
VS 2012
VS 2013
Here is a screenshot of my IntelliSense settings located at Tools > Options > Text Editor > C/C++ > Advanced:
As a last resort you may want to try changing all your settings back to default, as suggested in this answer:
Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings
UPDATE: After reading JoshC's comments, I have experimented a bit more and I get the problem too. It appears to be related to whether or not the item you are trying to autocomplete is a member of a type or namespace. If it is (e.g. std::string) then space will work. If it is not (e.g. void) then it will not work (but for some reason, tab will work). As per this link, you can manually invoke the "List Members feature" by pressing CTRL+J in which case on a blank line it will include items which are in the global namespace - however this is clearly not a practical solution.
I have no idea why it discriminates between space and tab in this way. If anyone is aware of a workaround please let me know and I will edit this answer again.
The following would seem to imply that there is no solution for C++:
When using Visual Studios 2012 for coding in C++, how do you autocomplete code selected in IntelliSense? (see comments)

Remove alt attributes from HTML

I have a huge HTML file which I'm trying to format to be able to import the content into a different application. The one thing that remains is that I need to remove all alt attributes from the HTML entirely. They all have different values and there are around 5000 of them, so clearly a straight find & replace isn't an option. Perhaps there's a way to find and replace with regex in Visual Web developer?
The tools/skills I have available are: HTML, Javascript, ASP (Classic), a little bit of .NET, Visual Web Developer Express 2010, but the only similar things I can find are PHP-based and they don't explain fully enough for me to set up a solution and feed the HTML to it.
I've found things like this: Regular expression to replace several html attributes, which give suggestions of regex functions which do similar things, but I'm not even sure how to run a regex function on a straight HTML file (my browser is struggling with the size of the HTML file as it is, so I don't think javascript is going to cut it).
Can anyone suggest the best way to accomplish this?
Thanks folks...
Since you use Visual Studio, you can try the Regex search & replace option, though the implementation of regexes in Visual Studio is pretty different from other regex engines.
Here's a short article about it:
As it says in the article, the builtin regex engine isn't ideal. They mention a plugin with implements standard regexes though:

Trying to find a syntax highlighter for ColdFusion in Notepad++

I use CFEclipse for most of my projects and heavy lifting but sometimes I find the need to do a quick fix on pages outside the project scope that is easier to accomplish in a simple text editor.
I have googled but can't seem to find an answer so either a link to a download or a link to how to build my own would be awesome. thanks.
Update: Brien Malone's answer below along with charlie arehart's comments are what people should use at this point as nppColdFusion is no longer maintained as of 23 Sept 2011.
nppColdFusion is actively maintained
In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'. 'Coldfusion Lexer' is listed as available plugin
This question is a few years old now, and unfortunately, the accepted answer involving nppColdFusion is no longer valid because the plug-in doesn't work with NP++ after version 5.x.x and is not being maintained. (It stopped working when Notepad++ switched their plug-in hooking mechanism in version 6.x.x)
The Notepad++ site points to a library of nearly every language highlighter available:
ColdFusion (specifically CF9) is listed:
It's not as good as a full plug-in like nppColdFusion, but it is better than pages of black text.
Just a comment about Tony's answer (Aug 22 '14 at 13:00) : he wrote "In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'."
However, in ver. 6.8 (maybe since before), there's no "Plugins" menu item on the menu bar. What I had to do is:
1- From the User Defined Language Page
Download the ColdFusion User Defined Language file
Into the Notepad++ Folder
2- From the User Defined Language panel, import that file:
Language > Define your language... then press the Import button
ColdFusion will then appear at the bottom of the Language menu item selection list, and NotePad++ will automatically use it for any .CF file you open.
This link might help: http://howardscholz.wordpress.com/2007/06/01/notepad-support-for-coldfusion-8/
Disclaimer: I haven't tried it myself.
I found that nppColdFusion was working well, until I updated NP++ to version 7.6.6. I have tried just about everything to get it working, but to no avail.
I tried Delire Web's solution and it worked perfectly.
The different formatting (font and background colors) takes a bit of getting used to though.

How do you enable auto-complete functionality in Visual Studio C++ express edition?

Please guide me, how do you enable autocomplete functionality in VS C++? By auto-complete, I mean, when I put a dot after control name, the editor should display a dropdown menu to select from.
Thank you.
Start writing, then just press CTRL+SPACE and there you go ...
When you press ctrl + space, look in the Status bar below.. It will display a message saying IntelliSense is unavailable for C++ / CLI, if it doesn't support it.. The message will look like this -
It's enabled by default. Probably you just tried on an expression that failed to autocomplete.
In case you deactivated it somehow... you can enable it in the Visual Studio settings. Just browse to the Editor settings, then to the subgroup C/C++ and activate it again... should read something like "List members automatically" or "Auto list members" (sorry, I have the german Visual Studio).
Upon typing something like std::cout. a dropwdownlist with possible completitions should pop up.
All the answers were missing Ctrl-J (which enables and disables autocomplete).
Goto => Tools >> Options >> Text Editor >> C/C++ >> Advanced >>
Change => Member List Commit Aggressive to True
VS is kinda funny about C++ and IntelliSense. There are times it won't notice that it's supposed to be popping up something. This is due in no small part to the complexity of the language, and all the compiling (or at least parsing) that'd need to go on in order to make it better.
If it doesn't work for you at all, and it used to, and you've checked the VS options, maybe this can help.
Have you tried Visual Assist X ? Sort of lights up the VS editor.
I came across over the following post:
The issue is that the "IntelliSense" option in c++ is disabled.
This link explains about the IntelliSense database configuration and options.
After enabling the database you must close and reopen visual studio
for autocomplete use 'ctrl'+'space'
'ctrl'+'space' will open C/C++ autocomplete.
Include the class that you are using Within your text file, then intelliSense will know where to look when you type within your text file. This works for me.
So it’s important to check the Unreal API to see where the included class is so that you have the path to type on the include line. Hope that makes sense.
It's enabled by default. Probably you just tried on an expression that failed to autocomplete.
In case you deactivated it somehow... you can enable it in the Visual Studio settings.
Step 1: Go to settings
Step 2: Search for complete and enable all the auto complete functions
I believe that show help