How do I parse weeks-in-year with boost::date_time? - c++

I want to parse strings that consist of a 4-digit year and the week number within the year. I've followed the boost date/time IO tutorial, producing a test example like this:
std::string week_format = "%Y-W%W";
boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char> week_facet = boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char>(week_format);
std::stringstream input_ss;
input_ss.imbue(locale(input_ss.getloc(), &week_facet));
std::string input_week = "2004-W34";
boost::gregorian::date input_date;
input_ss >> input_date;
Unfortunately, input_date just prints as "2004-01-01", implying that it just parsed the year. What am I doing wrong? Is %W not available on input? (The documentation doesn't mark it as such.)

You are correct that the documentation doesn't mark it as such in the "Format Flags" section (no "!" next to it...)
But that seems to be an oversight. Because in Boost's format_date_parser.hpp there is no coverage for this case in can look at the switch statement and see that:
Despite the absence of any code to do it, even the comments in the source say it handles %W and %U on parse input. What's up with that? :-/
On another note, I believe week_facet needs to be dynamically allocated in your example:
std::string week_format = "%Y-W%W";
boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char>* week_facet =
new boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char>(
std::stringstream input_ss;
input_ss.imbue(std::locale(input_ss.getloc(), week_facet));
(Or at least I had to do it that way to keep the example from crashing.)


Jmeter Regular Expression Extractor. How to save all returned values to a single variable?

I'm quite new to Jmeter and already spent numerous hours to figure it out.
What i'm trying to achieve:
Using Post Processor Regex Extractor I wrote a regex that returns me several values (already tested it in and it's working as expected). However, when I do this in Jmeter, I need to provide MatchNo. which in this case will only return to me one certain value. I sort of figured it out that negative digit in this field (Match No) suppose to return all values found. When I use Debug Sampler to find out how many values are returned and to what variables they are assigned, I see a lot of unfamiliar stuff. Please see examples below:
Text where regex to be parsed:
some data here...
"PlanDescription":"DF4-LIB 4224-NNJ"
"PlanDescription":"45U-LIP 2423-NNJ"
"PlanDescription":"PMH-LIB 131-NNJ"
some data here...
As I said earlier, at I tested this with regex:
And all needed for me information are correct (with the group 1).
DF4-LIB 4224-NNJ
45U-LIP 2423-NNJ
With the negative number (I tried -1, -2, -3 - same result) at MatchNo. field in Jmeter Regex Extractor field (which Reference Name is Plans) at the Debug Sampler I see the following:
Plans_1=DF4-LIB 4224-NNJ
Plans_1_g0="PlanDescription":"DF4-LIB 4224-NNJ"
Plans_1_g1=DF4-LIB 4224-NNJ
Plans_2=45U-LIP 2423-NNJ
Plans_2_g0="PlanDescription":"45U-LIP 2423-NNJ"
Plans_2_g1=45U-LIP 2423-NNJ
Plans_3=PMH-LIB 131-NNJ
Plans_3_g0="PlanDescription":"PMH-LIB 131-NNJ"
Plans_3_g1=PMH-LIB 131-NNJ
I only need at this particular case - Jmeter regex to return 3 values that contain:
DF4-LIB 4224-NNJ
45U-LIP 2423-NNJ
And nothing else. If anybody faced that problem before any help will be appreciated.
Based on output of the Debug Sampler, there's no problem, it's just how RegEx returns the response:
Plans_1,Plans_2,Plans_3 is the actual set of variables you wanted.
There should also be Plans_matchNr which should contain the number of matches (3 in your example). It's important if you loop through them (you will loop from 1 to the value of this variable)
_g sets of variables refer to matching groups per matching instance (3 in your case). Ignore them if you don't care about them. They are always publish, but there's no harm in that.
Once variables are published you can do a number of things:
Use them as ${Plans_1}, ${Plans_2}, ${Plans_3} etc. (as comment above noticed).
Use Plans_... variables in loop: refer to the next variable in the loop as ${__V(Plans_${i})}, where i is a counter with values between 1 and Plans_matchNr
You can also concatenate them into 1 variable using the following simple BeanShell Post-Processor or BeanShell Sampler script:
int count = 0;
String allPlans = "";
// Get number of variables
try {
count = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("Plans_matchNr"));
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {}
// Concatenate them (using space). This could be optimized using StringBuffer of course
for(int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
allPlans += vars.get("Plans_" + i) + " ";
// Save concatenated string into new variable
vars.put("AllPlans", allPlans);
As a result you will have all old variables, plus:
AllPlans=DF4-LIB 4224-NNJ 45U-LIP 2423-NNJ PMH-LIB 131-NNJ

Identifying nearly identical messages in list

It looks like a simple task, but how would you solve it? I don't get any solution right now.
ls_message-text = 'Pernr. 12345678 (Pete Peterson) is valid (06/2015).
append ls_message to lt_message.
ls_message-text = 'Pernr. 12345678 (Pete Peterson) is valid (07/2015).
append ls_message to lt_message.
This is the code I got, the thing is, this is the message I am showing in my application. The customer says that the 2 messages are the same. The second should be deleted.
How would you compare it to delete the line? The table might contain more then 2 lines and also with another text like "is not valid".
I can't extend the structure to have more fields for comparison, I can only use the string comparison on this one field. Are there string comparisons possible with a regex or something?
Maybe you could solve your requirement using the Levenshtein distance . ABAP has a built-in function "distance" that gives you the number of operations to convert one string into another. Ex:
DATA msg1 type string.
DATA msg2 type string.
msg1 = 'Levehnstein Distance 7/2015'.
msg2 = 'Levehnstein Distance 6/2015'.
data l_distance type i.
l_distance = distance( val1 = msg1 val2 = msg2 ).
if l_distance lt 2 .
"It's almost the same text
In this case l_distance will be 1, because only one operation is necessary (replacing).
Hope this helps,
Assuming you want to retain only one message for each unique Pernr. in lt_message, you can use regex to filter for the Pernr. and use that as "key". Now you can delete all but the first message of lt_message that matches this key.
Expand your regex if you want to keep only certain messages, e.g. only the "is valid" ones.
have you tried looking to program DEMO_REGEX_TOY.
Gives an idea on how to work with Regular expresion, that probably will save the problem

How to read semicolon separated certain values from a QString?

I am developing an application using Qt/KDE. While writing code for this, I need to read a QString that contains values like ( ; delimited)
<>; rel=describedby; type="application/x-bittorrent"; name="differentname.ext"
I need to read every attribute like rel, type and name into a different QString. The apporach I have taken so far is something like this
if (line.contains("describedby")) {
m_reltype = "describedby" ;
if (line.contains("duplicate")) {
m_reltype = "duplicate";
That is if I need to be bothered only by the presence of an attribute (and not its value) I am manually looking for the text and setting if the attribute is present. This approach however fails for attributes like "type" and name whose actual values need to be stored in a QString. Although I know this can be done by splitting the entire string at the delimiter ; and then searching for the attribute or its value, I wanted to know is there a cleaner and a more efficient way of doing it.
As I understand, the data is not always an URL.
1: Split the string
2: For each substring, separate the identifier from the value:
id = str.mid(0,str.indexOf("="));
value = str.mid(str.indexOf("=")+1);
You can also use a RegExp:
regexp = "^([a-z]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$";
id = \1 of the regexp;
value = \2 of the regexp;
I need to read every attribute like rel, type and name into a different QString.
Is there a gurantee that this string will always be a URL?
I wanted to know is there a cleaner and a more efficient way of doing it.
Don't reinvent the wheel! You can use QURL::queryItems which would parse these query variables and return a map of name-value pairs.
However, make sure that your string is a well-formed URL (so that QURL does not reject it).

opening a file which has date in a formatted manner and get that date to compare

I am programming in c++,i have a requirement as to get the date only ,rest of the components are not needed,
i have contents in my file in the following way:-
2012-03-26T15:05:24.844Z - DEBUG: Logging_Test:test3 : Testing file logger
2012-03-26T15:05:24.844Z->this part is returned from a function GetDateTime(),which has a stringstream sDateStream and returing to the function GetDateTime() a string
My objective is just to get the date from this part and compare it with the system's date and for the system date i m using:-
void FileLogger::date()
SYSTEMTIME time;//variable time to get the system time
GetLocalTime(&time);//reference to the timek
int hour = time.wHour;
if (hour > 12) hour -= 12;
int year = time.wYear;
int month = time.wMonth;
int day = time.wDay;
//not returning anything just storing values of day ,month
//& year
now i need to make a comparision b/w two dates and if the date in the .txt is smaller than today's date a new file gets created
please help guys i know it is very simple for the masters but for a starter like me it is creating troubles , please provide help in form of some code so that i can understand it
If you've got the line as a string, and you're sure of the format, the
simplest solution would be:
std::string dateString(
line.begin(), std::find( line.begin(), line.end(), 'T' ) );
(I'd still do some extra checking; e.g. that the dateString is exactly
10 characters long, that it only contains digits or '-', etc.)
This is the ISO date format; it has been especially designed to support
comparison directly as a string, so you might want to consider getting
the system date as a string in ISO format as well. (This is very easy
if you use the standard functions time, localtime and strftime.)

String extraction

Currently I am working very basic game using the C++ environment. The game used to be a school project but now that I am done with that programming class, I wanted to expand my skills and put some more flourish on this old assignment.
I have already made a lot of changes that I am pleased with. I have centralized all the data into folder hierarchies and I have gotten the code to read those locations.
However my problem stems from a very fundamental flaw that has been stumping me.
In order to access the image data that I am using I have used the code:
string imageLocation = "..\\DATA\\Images\\";
string bowImage = imageLocation + "bow.png";
The problem is that when the player picks up an item on the gameboard my code is supposed to use the code:
hud.addLine("You picked up a " + (*itt)->name() + "!");
to print to the command line, "You picked up a Bow!". But instead it shows "You picked up a ..\DATA\Images\!".
Before I centralized my data I used to use:
name_(item_name.substr(0, item_name.find('.')))
in my Item class constructor to chop the item name to just something like bow or candle. After I changed how my data was structured I realized that I would have to change how I chop the name down to the same simple 'bow' or 'candle'.
I have changed the above code to reflect my changes in data structure to be:
name_(item_name.substr(item_name.find("..\\DATA\\Images\\"), item_name.find(".png")))
but unfortunately as I alluded to earlier this change of code is not working as well as I planned it to be.
So now that I have given that real long winded introduction to what my problem is, here is my question.
How do you extract the middle of a string between two sections that you do not want? Also that middle part that is your target is of an unknown length.
Thank you so very much for any help you guys can give. If you need anymore information please ask; I will be more than happy to upload part or even my entire code for more help. Again thank you very much.
In all honeasty, you're probably approaching this from the wrong end.
Your item class should have a string "bow", in a private member. The function Item::GetFilePath would then (at runtime) do "..\DATA\Images\" + this->name + ".png".
The fundamental property of the "bow" item object isn't the filename bow.png, but the fact that it's a "bow". The filename is just a derived proerty.
Assuming I understand you correctly, the short version of your question is: how do I split a string containing a file path so I have removed the path and the extension, leaving just the "title"?
You need the find_last_of method. This gets rid of the path:
std::size_type lastSlash = filePath.find_last_of('\\');
if (lastSlash == std::string::npos)
fileName = filePath;
fileName = filePath.substr(lastSlash + 1);
Note that you might want to define a constant as \\ in case you need to change it for other platforms. Not all OS file systems use \\ to separate path segments.
Also note that you also need to use find_last_of for the extension dot as well, because filenames in general can contain dots, throughout their paths. Only the very last one indicates the start of the extension:
std::size_type lastDot = fileName.find_last_of('.');
if (lastDot == std::string::npos)
title = fileName;
title = fileName.substr(0, lastDot);
extension = fileName.substr(lastDot + 1);
using boost filesystem:
#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
void some_function(void)
string imageLocation = "..\\DATA\\Images\\";
string bowImage = imageLocation + "bow.png";
fs::path image_path( bowImage );
hud.addLine("You picked up a " + image_path.filename() + "!"); //prints: You picked up a bow!
So combining Paul's and my thoughts, try something like this (broken down for readability):
string extn = item_name.substr(item_name.find_last_of(".png"));
string path = item_name.substr(0, item_name.find("..\\DATA\\Images\\"));
name_ = item_name.substr( path.size(), item_name.size() - extn.size() );
You could simplify it a bit if you know that item name always starts with "..DATA" etc (you could store it in a constant and not need to search for it in the string)
Edit: Changed extension finding part to use find_last_of, as suggested by EarWicker, (this avoids the case where your path includes '.png' somewhere before the extension)
item_name.find("..\DATA\Images\") will return the index at which the substring "..\DATA\Images\" starts but it seems like you'd want the index where it ends, so you should add the length of "..\DATA\Images\" to the index returned by find.
Also, as hamishmcn pointed out, the second argument to substr should be the number of chars to return, which would be the index where ".png" starts minus the index where "..\DATA\Images\" ends, I think.
One thing that looks wrong is that the second parameter to substr should be the number of chars to copy, not the position.