Return Obj-C blocks in C++ code - c++

I'm currently porting some classes from the Apple iOS Foundation Framework to C++ and i'm expecting some issues. I'm trying to port this Obj-C method from the NSExpression #class :
- (id, NSArray *, NSMutableDictionary *)expressionBlock
So in my sfExpression class, I have the following code (when deleting others methods ^^)
class sfExpression : public sfObject {
id (^ExpressionBlock())(id, NSArray*, NSMutableDictionary*);
NSExpression* _Expression;
And when I'm trying to implement this function like this :
id (^sfExpression::ExpressionBlock())(id, NSArray*, NSMutableDictionary*) {
return [_Expression expressionBlock];
It doesn't work... Any ideas ?
I've tried many things but... without success :'(
EDIT : The code is right. Just switch to LLVM Compiler instead of GCC

Edit: Moral of the story, don't use GCC when dealing with blocks.
Here is a full example as far as I can see, this works in my tests.
class Foo
Foo(NSExpression *_exp) : expression([_exp retain])
[expression release];
id (^ExpressionBlock())(id, NSArray*, NSMutableDictionary*);
NSExpression *expression;
id (^Foo::ExpressionBlock())(id, NSArray*, NSMutableDictionary*)
return [expression expressionBlock];
int main()
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
Foo a([NSExpression expressionForBlock:^id(id evaluatedObject, NSArray *expressions, NSMutableDictionary *context) {
return evaluatedObject;
} arguments:[NSArray arrayWithObject:#"Test"]]);
NSLog(#"%#", a.ExpressionBlock()(#"Hello", nil, nil));
[pool drain];

/usr/include/Block.h manipulates ObjC blocks using opaque void pointers, so that's probably what you should use to pass them around to C++ code if you can't compile it with a compiler supporting blocks. Also take note of the Block_copy and Block_release functions in that header. There's also an article on memory management of ObjC blocks.


How to call C++ method from Objective-C Cocoa Interface using Objective-C++

Right now my OS X 10.9 project is set up with a GUI in Objective-C and all the processing in a C++ class. This doesn't seem like the best way, but this was given to me and I have to work with these constraints. I currently have a NSSlider in the Cocoa GUI. I want to be able to have this NSSlider control a variable x in the C++ class.
Currently the tolerance bar is working when I run the program (working meaning it's continuously updating its value as per my sliding).
Header for NSSlider (Slider.h):
#interface Slider : NSObject {
__weak IBOutlet NSTextField *sliderValue;
__weak IBOutlet NSSlider *slider;
- (IBAction)updateSliderValue:(id)sender;
Implementation for the NSSlider (
#import "Slider.h" // The NSSlider object
#import "CMain.h" // The C++ class that does all the processing (not sure if this is the way to include a C++ interface in an Objective-C++ class or if this will allow me to call its methods)
#implementation Slider
-(void) awakeFromNib {
[slider setIntValue:40];
[sliderValue setIntValue:[slider intValue]];
- (IBAction)updateSliderValue:(id)sender {
[sliderValue setIntValue:[slider intValue]];
// Here is where I'd think that if I have a setValueofX(int number) method in the C++ class
// I could call this somehow using objective-C++. I don't know if I can or how to call this method here
Here is the relevant snippet from Main.h:
class CMain(){
void setValueofX(int number);
int getValueofX();
int x;
How do I include CMain.h in the Objective-C++ (which, the .h file or .mm file? and how?) such that it would allow me to call the methods in CMain.h? How would I phrase the method call in Objective-C to set x's value using the setValueofX(sliderValue)?
Please let me know if more information is needed! Any help or thoughts are appreciated!
The code for calling the setter is the same as it would be in C++. However, you'd need a pointer to the CMain object to be able to call the method on it. I don't know where that object currently resides. If there is no object yet in another object, you probably want to create one, which you can by just declaring an instance variable CMain myCMain; and then calling myCMain.setValueOfX( [slider intValue] ); in updateSliderValue:.
As to where to include the C++ class, it's really your choice. However, if you use any C++ in your header, it will take a bunch of careful extra work to include it from plain .m files. So in general I try to stick to plain C and ObjC in the header, and only use C++ in the .mm file. You can use a class extension (sometimes called "class continuation" as well) to declare additional ivars in your .mm file to keep them out of the header.
If you want more info about ObjC++, I answered in detail on another post: Can I separate C++ main function and classes from Objective-C and/or C routines at compile and link? and that also links to a Podcast I was a guest on where I talk about a lot of the details and tricks for integrating ObjC and C++.
Aside: I hope these are not actual names and comments you're using. Never have an ObjC class without a prefix (3 letters, Apple stated they reserve all 2-letter prefixes for their own use, and they've used un-prefixed internal class names in the past which broke some peoples' programs). Also, "Slider" is a bad name, as NSSlider is the actual slider, and this sounds like it should be a subclass. You really want to call this an ISTSliderController or whatever.
I found a solution by noting that there was an existing wrapper class CWrapper.h and it was an objective-C++ implementation class There was a CMain variable instantiated as cmain. I made a getter method for x and I simply created a static method in the wrapper class + (void) passX:(int) number; that I called in the slider class. I chose a static method because this for this application, this value will never have to be different between objects. I hope I made the right choice here!
See code changes below:
I added this to the Slider.h file.
- (int)X;
I added the getter and [CWrapper passX:[self getX]]; to the updateSliderValue method in the file.
- (int)X {
return [slider intValue];
- (IBAction)updateSliderValue:(id)sender {
[sliderValue setIntValue:[slider intValue]];
[CWrapper passX:[self getX]];
This is the code I added to CWrapper.h.
+ (void) passX:(int) number;
This is the code I added to
+ (void) passX:(int)num
Here's an all objective-c and objective-c++ answer:
#ifndef Testing_CMain_h
#define Testing_CMain_h
#interface CCMain : NSObject
-(CCMain*) init;
-(void) dealloc;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "CMain.h"
class CMain {
int x;
CMain() : x(0) {}
void setValueofX(int number) {x = number;}
int getValueofX() const {return x;}
#interface CCMain ()
#property (nonatomic, assign) CMain* inst;
#implementation CCMain
-(CCMain*) init
if (!_inst)
_inst = new CMain();
return self;
-(void) dealloc
delete _inst;
_inst = nil;
return _inst->getValueofX();
and if you want to use C-style functions then:
setValueofX(cmain_instance, value);
int val = getValueofX(cmain_instance);
And this works because a C++ class function in C is the same as:
void CMain::MyFunc(int X);
void MyFunc(CMain* inst, int X);
Both are the exact same thing.

How to release bridge object after C++ callback is called from Objective C

I'm creating an app in C++ using cocos2d-x. For some integration work, I need to call Objective C code, with an asynchronous response implemented by calling a C++ callback method from Objective C.
TLDR; how should I release the C++ to Objective C bridge whenever the callback finishes? Should I implement the bridge as a static member variable?
For the basic C++ to Objective C part, I've followed Jesús Bosch's lead, for the calling of a C++ callback from Objective C, I've followed his colleagues post.
Basically, I've ended up with the following setup.
First, we have MyApp.h
class MyApp
static void buttonChosen(int index);
void callObjC();
// ...
and MyApp.cpp, which is responsible for initiating the Objective C code.
void MyApp::buttonChosen(int index)
log("Button choosen: %d", index);
void MyApp::callObjC()
iOSBridge::iOSHelper* bridge = new iOSBridge::iOSHelper();
// delete bridge;
Then, I have the bridge, iOSBridge.h
namespace iOSBridge{
class iOSHelper {
void(*callback)(int index);
iOSHelper() { }
void ShowAlert(void(*callback)(int));
and its implementation iOSHelper.cpp
#include "iOSHelper.h"
#import "IsolatedAlert.h"
namespace iOSBridge{
void iOSHelper::ShowAlert(void(*callback)(int index))
this->callback = callback;
IsolatedAlert* instance = [IsolatedAlert new];
[instance showAlert: this];
Finally, there is the IsolatedAlert.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "iOSHelper.h"
typedef struct iOSBridge::iOSHelper iOsType;
#interface IsolatedAlert : UIViewController
and its implementation
#import "IsolatedAlert.h"
iOsType* staticPointer;
#implementation IsolatedAlert
staticPointer = callback;
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Title?"
otherButtonTitles:#"OK", nil];
[alert show];
[alert release];
-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
Now, my question is this: how should I release iOSBridge::iOSHelper* bridge whenever the buttonChosen() is called? Is implementing it as a static member ok, as long as I promise not to have more than one instance of MyApp instantiated at any one time? Thanks!
The usual C++ way of releasing an instance created with new is to use the delete keyword:
void MyApp::buttonChosen(int index)
log("Button choosen: %d", index);
delete bridge;
bridge = NULL;
It is good practice to NULL the pointer after delete to ensure the application behaves in a consistent manner (crash) in case the object is used after delete. If you don't do that, your application may seem to work for a while, produce incorrect results, show weird behavior, or crash randomly, or all of the aforementioned.
Ah and of course you should make the bridge pointer a member variable of your App class.
#include "iOSHelper.h"
class MyApp
static void buttonChosen(int index);
void callObjC();
// ...
iOSBridge::iOSHelper* bridge;
You should also consider making the existing methods protected or private because buttonChosen is probably not a method you want to be able to be called from outside the MyApp instance.

Objective-C - Disadvantages to Bridging With C++?

So, I was bored today, and decide to mess with C++/Obj-C interpolation, and I found a way to create a very interesting setup.
#protocol NSCPPObj <NSObject>
-(id) init;
-(id) initWithInt:(int) value;
-(int) somethingThatReturnsAValue;
-(void) doSomething;
class NSCPPObj : objc_object {
static Class cls();
int iVar;
int somethingThatReturnsAValue();
void doSomething();
As you can see, the interface is quite straightforward, and easy to understand. We create two (almost) identical interfaces, one for a C++ object, and another for a Obj-C protocol.
Now, I found a way to implement this, but brace yourself, this gets ugly:
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <iostream>
#import "NSCPPObject.h"
Class NSCPPObj_class = nil;
static void initialize()
NSCPPObj_class = objc_allocateClassPair([NSObject class], "NSCPPObj", 0);
class_addMethod(NSCPPObj_class->isa, #selector(alloc), imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id self) {
return class_createInstance(NSCPPObj_class, sizeof(struct NSCPPObj));
}), "##:");
class_addMethod(NSCPPObj_class, #selector(init), imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id self) {
return self;
}), "##:");
class_addMethod(NSCPPObj_class, #selector(initWithInt:), imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id self, int value) {
((struct NSCPPObj *) self)->iVar = value;
return self;
}), "##:i");
class_addMethod(NSCPPObj_class, #selector(doSomething), imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id self) {
((struct NSCPPObj *) self)->doSomething();
}), "v#:");
class_addMethod(NSCPPObj_class, #selector(somethingThatReturnsAValue), imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id self) {
return ((struct NSCPPObj *) self)->somethingThatReturnsAValue();
}), "i#:");
Class NSCPPObj::cls()
return NSCPPObj_class;
this->isa = NSCPPObj_class;
[((id<NSCPPObj>) this) init];
NSCPPObj::NSCPPObj(int value)
this->isa = NSCPPObj_class;
[((id<NSCPPObj>) this) initWithInt:value];
void NSCPPObj::doSomething()
std::cout << "Value Is: " << [((id<NSCPPObj>) this) somethingThatReturnsAValue] << std::endl;
int NSCPPObj::somethingThatReturnsAValue()
return iVar;
I'll summarize what this does:
Allocates a Class Pair
Adds all class and instance methods to the object
Registers the class Pair
Now, as you can see, this isn't very flexible, but it does work, and it's a two-way street:
id<NSCPPObj> obj = [[NSCPPObj::cls() alloc] initWithInt:15];
[obj doSomething];
NSLog(#"%i", [obj somethingThatReturnsAValue]);
NSLog(#"%#", obj);
NSCPPObj *objAsCPP = (__bridge NSCPPObj *) obj;
std::cout << objAsCPP->somethingThatReturnsAValue() << std::endl;
You can also create the object by using new NSCPPObj(15), but remember to delete it!
Obviously, this can work in a ARC or non-ARC environment, but ARC requires a few extra bridged casts.
So, I come to the real question:
What are the pros/cons of this design structure? I can list a few off of the top of my head:
Operator Overloading with C++
Dynamic method binding with ObjC
Can be constructed in either a C++ or ObjC fashion
Hard-to-read implementation
Selectors & bindings must be added for every C++ implementation added to the interface
Class object cannot be referenced directly
So, after all that, would you recommend this design structure in an application? and why.
So, after all that, would you recommend this design structure in an
application? and why.
It is a really nice bit of code; I particularly like the use of imp_implementationWithBlock() (but I admit I might be partial to that particular feature of the runtime ;). And, of course, explorations like this are always an incredibly valuable learning tool.
The issue, in the context of "real world paying project" use, is that you are effectively creating a relatively generic bridge that will then have to have specific bridges at either end to interface with either typical C++ libraries or typical Objective-C APIs/libraries. To put it another way, you have effectively created a new runtime derived from an amalgamation of two existing runtimes.
And, as you point out in the Cons, you pretty much have to touch, wrap, modify and/or debug a shim on top of every C++ class you want to bring into this pattern.
In working with quite a bit of Objective-C++ code over the last 20+ years, a bridge like this is generally more trouble than it is worth. You would likely be better off -- spend less time writing and debugging code -- creating simple Objective-C wrappers around the C++ (or C, frankly) APIs that can then be integrated with and consumed by the targeted system's Objective-C frameworks.

Writing a C++ Wrapper around Objective-C

I want to call and work with Objective-C classes from within a C++ project on OS X. It is time to start moving towards all Objective-C, but we need to do this over some time.
How does one go about accomplishing this? Can anyone shed some light and provide an example?
Objective-C++ is a superset of C++, just as Objective-C is a superset of C. It is supported by both the gcc and clang compilers on OS X and allows you to instantiate and call Objective-C objects & methods from within C++. As long as you hide the Objective-C header imports and types within the implementation of a C++ module, it won't infect any of your "pure" C++ code.
.mm is the default extension for Objective-C++. Xcode will automatically do the right thing.
So, for example, the following C++ class returns the seconds since Jan 1., 1970:
class MyClass
double secondsSince1970();
#include "MyClass.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
double MyClass::secondsSince1970()
return [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
MyClass c;
double seconds = c.secondsSince1970();
You will quickly find that Objective-C++ is even slower to compile than C++, but as you can see above, it's relatively easy to isolate its usage to a small number of bridge classes.
I think it was Phil Jordan that really put forward the best C++ wrapped Obj-C formula. However, I think the latter, C++ wrapped by Obj-C is more useful. I'll explain why below.
Wrapping an Objective-C object with C++
Person.h - The Obj-C header
#interface Person : NSObject
#property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
PersonImpl.h - The C++ header
namespace people {
struct PersonImpl;
class Person
virtual ~Person();
std::string name();
void setName(std::string name);
PersonImpl *impl;
} - The Obj-C++ implementation
#import "Person.h"
#import "PersonImpl.h"
namespace people {
struct PersonImpl
Person *wrapped;
Person::Person() :
impl(new PersonImpl())
impl->wrapped = [[Person alloc] init];
if (impl) {
[impl->wrapped release]; // You should turn off ARC for this file.
// -fno-objc-arc in Build Phases->Compile->File options
delete impl;
std::string Person::name()
return std::string([impl->wrapped UTF8String]);
void Person::setName(std::string name)
[impl->wrapped setName:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:name.c_str()]];
#implementation Person
Wrapping a C++ object with Objective-C
I often find the real problem isn't getting C++ to talk to Obj-C code, it's switching back and forth between the two where things get ugly. Imagine an object that needs to have C++-only items, but the basic object details are filled out in Obj-C land. In this case, I write the object in C++ and then make it so I can talk to it in Obj-C.
Person.h - The C++ header
namespace people
struct PersonImpl;
class Person
Person(Person &otherPerson);
std:string name;
PersonImpl *impl;
Person.cpp - The C++ implementation
namespace people
struct PersonImpl
// I'll assume something interesting will happen here.
Person::Person() :
impl(new PersonImpl())
Person::Person(Person &otherPerson) :
impl(new PersonImpl()),
delete impl;
Person.h - The Obj-C header
#interface Person : NSObject
#property (unsafe_unretained, nonatomic, readonly) void *impl;
#property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
#end - The Obj-C++ implementation
#interface Person ()
#property (unsafe_unretained, nonatomic) std::shared_ptr<people::Person> impl;
#implementation Person
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.impl = std::shared_ptr<people::Person>(new people::Person());
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithPerson:(void *)person
self = [super init];
if (self) {
people::Person *otherPerson = static_cast<people::Person *>(person);
self.impl = std::shared_ptr<people::Person>(new people::Person(*otherPerson));
return self;
- (void)dealloc
// If you prefer manual memory management
// delete impl;
- (void *)impl
return static_cast<void *>(self.impl.get());
- (NSString *)name
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:self.impl->name.c_str()];
- (void)setName:(NSString *)name
self.impl->name = std::string([name UTF8String]);
Regarding the void *
The second you stepped into the land of C++ you were going to feel some pain if you want to avoid your whole project being littered with .mm files. So, let's just say, if you don't think it is ever necessary to get your C++ object back out, or reconstitute the Obj-C object with the C++ object you can remove that code. It is important to note that the second you remove the Person instance from the Obj-C code through the void * method you had better make your own copy with the copy constructor or the pointer will become invalid.
First rename your files from *.m to *.mm so you get Objective-C++
I have not tired this, so it is speculation (I will tonight):
As all Objective-C++ objects (that are reference counted) are controlled via pointers so you can write a special destructor for shared pointer.
template<typename T>
struct ObjCDestruct
void operator()(T* obj)
[obj release];
Now you can stick your Objective-C obects in a boost::shared_ptr
// FuncFile.M
int func()
boost::shared_ptr<MyX, ObjCDestruct<MyX> > data([[MyX alloc] init]);
[data.get() doAction1:#"HI"];
Check out this question Calling Objective-C method from C++ method?
You will need to have some objective-c classes to wrap the code and expose with a C function.

iPhoneOS: using detachNewThreadSelector method inside a C++ class method

I have a C++ class method where i need to call the "detachNewThreadSelector" method with all the parameters.
Here lies the problem, as my class is not objective C i don't have a self pointer. Also i don't see how i will be able to call a class method from the method that i will set as selector.
Please do ask if my question is not clear, i am not from a english speaking country.
Here is some code.
ALuint AudioController::PlayStream(const string& asset)
//attach to a thread
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:(SEL)selector toTarget:(id)selfwithObject:(id)argument]
void AudioController::RotateThread(const string& soundKey)
As you can see how do i pass the RotateThread method as a selector to the "detachNewThreadSelector" and also where do i get the self pointer.
Any help much appreciated.
You can't do this. It isn't as a simple as "Where do I get the self pointer?" The actual question is, "Where do I get something that can respond to messages?" Because a C++ class can't.
Objective-C classes, objects and methods are completely different things from C++ classes, objects and methods. The fact that the two languages use the same terminology and use the things for similar purposes confuses a lot of people, but to be clear: They are totally different things that work in very different ways in the two languages. Case in point: C++ methods are simply called rather than dispatched based on a selector like Objective-C methods. And C++ classes aren't even objects.
You have two real options here:
Create an Objective-C class that has the behavior you want.
Use a C++ concurrency solution.
you may not use c++ object in this manner (as an argument to this NSThread method). if your case is simple (read: few interfaces declared), then you can create a utility (objc) class to handle the message, and to then pass the argument back to the AudioController instance. illustration:
(non-compiled pseudo code follows)
namespace pseudo_object {
template <typename> class reference_counted;
#interface MONAudioControllerWorker : NSObject
pseudo_object::reference_counted<AudioController> audioController_;
std::string asset_;
+ (MONAudioControllerWorker *)newMONAudioControllerWorkerWithAudioController:(pseudo_object::reference_counted<AudioController>&)audioController asset:(const std::string&)asset;
- (void)secondaryWorker;
#implementation MONAudioControllerWorker
+ (MONAudioControllerWorker *)newMONAudioControllerWorkerWithAudioController:(pseudo_object::reference_counted<AudioController>&)audioController asset:(const std::string&)asset
/* ... */
- (void)secondaryWorker
NSAutoreleasePool * pool([NSAutoreleasePool new]);
[pool release];
/* static */
ALuint AudioController::PlayStream(pseudo_object::reference_counted<AudioController>& This, const string& asset)
/* attach to a thread */
MONAudioControllerWorker * controller = [MONAudioControllerWorker newMONAudioControllerWorkerWithAudioController:This asset:asset];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(secondaryWorker) toTarget:controller withObject:0];
[controller release];
sometimes it is just easier to create an objc class which may contain a simplified (generic) interface for this purpose (i.e. reusable beyond this object), or to use more traditional threading routines (pthreads). if this is the only case in the project, then it should be fine. otherwise, you end up with many utility classes/symbols and much more to maintain. illustration:
#interface MONAudioControllerWrapper : NSObject
AudioController audioController_;
std::string asset_;
+ (MONAudioControllerWrapper *)newMONAudioControllerWrapperWithAsset:(const std::string&)asset;
- (void)playStream;
#implementation MONAudioControllerWrapper
+ (MONAudioControllerWrapper *)newMONAudioControllerWrapperWithAsset:(const std::string&)asset
/* ... */
- (void)secondaryWorker
NSAutoreleasePool * pool([NSAutoreleasePool new]);
[pool release];
- (void)playStream
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(secondaryWorker) toTarget:self withObject:0];
As others have said, you can't use detachThreadWithSelector: passing a C++ object as a target or using a C++ method as the selector.
You have two strategies:
wrap the object and selector with an OBjective-C object and selector e.g.
myAudioControllerWrapper = [[OCAudioControllerWrapper alloc] initWithRealController: this];
// need some code to release once thread is complete
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: #selector(wrapperSelector:) target: myAudioControllerWrapper withObject: soundKeyAsNSObject];
and your wrapper selector looks like:
-(void) wrapperSelector: (id) key
cppController->rotateThread([key cppObject]);
Use some other thread mechanism more in keeping with the C++ paradigm. Grand Central Dispatch might be the one if your platform supports it.