I have an Objective-C++ project in Xcode which compiles fine when on the normal build scheme, but when I compile for Archive, Analyze or Profile I get the compile error:
Must use 'class' tag to refer to type 'Line' in this scope
This is a very much simplified version of my code:
class Document;
class Line
friend class Document;
class Document
friend class Line;
The errors occur anywhere I try to use the type Line. Eg.
Line *l = new Line();
Do you know how to fix this error message and why it only appears when compiling in one of the schemes listed above?
I had this problem in my code. After looking at the generated preprocessed file I found the one of my class name was same as a function name. So compiler was trying to resolve the ambiguity by asking to add class tag in front of the type.
Before code (with error):
template <typename V>
void Transform(V &slf, const Transform &transform){ // No problem
//... stuff here ...
void Transform(V2 &slf, const Transform &transform); // Error: Asking to fix this
void Transform(V2 &slf, const class Transform &transform); // Fine
//Calling like
Transform(global_rect, transform_);
After code:
template <typename V>
void ApplyTransform(V &slf, const Transform &transform){ // No problem
//... stuff here ...
void ApplyTransform(V2 &slf, const Transform &transform);
//Calling like
ApplyTransform(global_rect, transform_);
This doesn't answer your question but seeing as that's unanswerable with the information provided I'll just make this suggestion. Instead of having Document be a friend or Line and Line being a friend of Document you could have Document contain lines which to me makes a bit more sense and seems better encapsulated.
class Line
class Document
std::vector<Line> m_lines;
I managed to fix the issue by refactoring the 'Line' type name into something else. The only explanation I can think of is that when performing and Archive build, Xcode compiles in some external source which defines another 'Line' type. Hence it needed the 'class' specifier to clarify the type.
I have a project with quite a lot of function templates that I wrote back in Visual Studio 2017, and it always worked fine. Now I have to build it in VS2019, because I need to include the lib in another project that is written in VS2019, and the thing won't build.
There is one function template it seems to take issue with, although it doesn't actually complain about the function itself. The compiler just says "identifier not found" when I invoke it in the code. The thing is there in the namespace, however, even InteliSense sees it and links to it without complaining. Just the compiler won't.
Here's the code in question:
// declaration
namespace Oparse
// lots of other functions, many of them templates
template <typename T> OpModel<T> *_ModelPtr(T *receiver) { return new OpModel<T>(receiver); };
// Invocation
namespace Oparse
template <class T, class U>
class OpModelFactory
: public OpNestable
OpModelFactory<T, U>(vector<U*> &receiver) : OpNestable(OP_MODELFACTORY), receiver(receiver) {};
// other stuff
void Serialize(string key, stringstream &stream, unsigned int indents)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < receiver.size(); ++i)
// check if the instances are really of the type of this OpModel, otherwise there may be duplicates between polymorphic factories populating the same receiver.
T *currentModel = dynamic_cast<T*>(receiver[i]);
if (currentModel != NULL)
OpModel<T> *parser = _ModelPtr<T>(currentModel); // <-- identifier not found
parser->Serialize(key, stream, indents);
delete parser;
vector<U*> &receiver;
If I comment that invocation, the project builds, despite there being a whole lot more function templates declared right where this one is. I have no clue what to do to make the linker find it. Are there any Visual Studio wizzards who could give me a hint? I must honestly confess that I haven't used the IDE in years, and it's my first time in Visual Studio 2019...
Here's the complete output of the error. There's a second message to it, but I found it perfectly unhelpful:
1>D:\Orbiter_installs\Orbiter2016\Orbitersdk\Oparse\include\OpModel.h(138,27): error C3861: '_ModelPtr': identifier not found
1>D:\Orbiter_installs\Orbiter2016\Orbitersdk\Oparse\include\OpModel.h(152): message : see reference to class template instantiation 'Oparse::OpModelFactory<T,U>' being compiled
And no, there's not further message attached. I have seen similar messages that usually go on with "with ... $further information", but this is all I get.
There is a circular dependency problem.
In Oparse.h, you first include OpModel.h that requires_ModelPtr in implementation of Serialize , but_ModelPtr is only defined later in the header.
You need to forward declare the template method.
In OpModel.h, write this instead:
namespace Oparse
template<typename T> class OpModel;
template <typename T> OpModel<T>* _ModelPtr(T* receiver);
// Remaining of OpModel.h...
typedef map<string, pair<Oparse::OpValue*, vector<Oparse::OpValidator*>>> OpModelDef;
typedef vector<pair<Oparse::OpValue*, vector<Oparse::OpValidator*>>> OpValues;
I am trying to implement a listener. Because of many cross-references I am trying to avoid including other classes and pre-define them
My listener looks as follows
class Book
std::vector<MyListener *> listeners_;
void Notify();
Book::Book() {}
void Book::Notify() {
MyListener *p_listener;
for ( int i = 0; i < this->listeners_.size(); i++ ) {
p_listener = listeners_[i];
This all works fine when I include the listener.h file
#include "listener.h"
But when I instead pre-declare Listener it doesnt work
class Listener;
It gives me the two errors
C:\CPP\qtTradeSim\qtTradeSim\test\book.cpp:33: error: C2027: use of undefined type 'Listener'
C:\CPP\qtTradeSim\qtTradeSim\test\book.cpp:33: error: C2227: left of '->Update' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
Is there a way to avoid including the Listener header?
In the header file of class Book, you should indeed use a forward declaration of MyListener, as the header only defines an std::vector of pointers to MyListener and does not need to know the full declaration of MyListener.
The implementation file of class Book, however, actually needs the full declaration of MyListener, as it calls its update method, so you would include listener.h in the implementation file of class Book instead of in the header file.
Let's suppose the compiler sees the following code:
class Listener;
std::vector<Listener*> pListeners;
// some code...
for(auto& pListener: pListeners) {
Note, how does the compiler see the Listener has a member function update? The symbol update could not be determined until the compiler see the Listener full declaration. Think if you used update with an argument missing, could the compiler capture this problem without seeing the declaration of update? Thus, it cannot translate the code. If you give a full declaration of the Listener, e.g.
class Listener {
Listener() { // some construction
void update() {
// dosth
The compiler could know the update method, its parameters, the return value, etc., and compile it happily.
Had some issues in my code recently surrounding what I now know of as a Circular dependency. In short there are two classes, Player and Ball, which both need to use information from the other. Both at some point in the code will be passed a reference of the other (from another class that will include both .h files).
After reading up on it, I removed the #include.h files from each one and went with forward declaration. This solved the issue of being able to declare the classes in eachother, but I'm now left with an "Incomplete type error" when trying to access a passed reference to the object. There seem to be a few similar examples around, though often mixed with more complex code and hard to narrow down to the basics.
I've rewritten the code in it's simplest form (a skeleton essentially).
class Player;
class Ball {
Player& PlayerB;
float ballPosX = 800;
class Ball;
class Player {
void doSomething(Ball& ball);
#include "Player.h"
void Player::doSomething(Ball& ball) {
ball.ballPosX += 10; // incomplete type error occurs here.
Any help understanding why this is the case would be greatly appreciated :)
If you will place your definitions in this order then the code will be compiled
class Ball;
class Player {
void doSomething(Ball& ball);
class Ball {
Player& PlayerB;
float ballPosX = 800;
void Player::doSomething(Ball& ball) {
ball.ballPosX += 10; // incomplete type error occurs here.
int main()
The definition of function doSomething requires the complete definition of class Ball because it access its data member.
In your code example module Player.cpp has no access to the definition of class Ball so the compiler issues an error.
Player.cpp require the definition of Ball class. So simply add #include "Ball.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Ball.h"
void Player::doSomething(Ball& ball) {
ball.ballPosX += 10; // incomplete type error occurs here.
Here is what I had and what caused my "incomplete type error":
#include "X.h" // another already declared class
class Big {...} // full declaration of class A
class Small : Big {
Small() {}
Small(X); // line 6
//.... all other stuff
What I did in the file "Big.cpp", where I declared the A2's constructor with X as a parameter is..
Small::Big(X my_x) { // line 9 <--- LOOK at this !
I wrote "Small::Big" instead of "Small::Small", what a dumb mistake..
I received the error "incomplete type is now allowed" for the class X all the time (in lines 6 and 9), which made a total confusion..
Anyways, that is where a mistake can happen, and the main reason is that I was tired when I wrote it and I needed 2 hours of exploring and rewriting the code to reveal it.
In my case it was because a typo.
I had something like
struct SomethingStrcut { /* stuff */ };
typedef struct SomethingStruct smth;
Notice how the name of the structure is not the same one as the type definition.
I misspelled struct to strcut.
Look into your code and see wether you have some typos.
I have an odd issue in MSVS 2010. I have a class with a function that is templitized and contains an parameter with a default value.
In my header file:
typedef unsinged int data32
class myClass
template <typename T>
T* myF(data32);
template<typename T>
T* myClass::myF(data32 size = 1)
Ok, now in my main i have something like this:
int main()
myClass A;
data32* myInt = A.myF<data32>(100); // no complaints from pre-compiler
data32* myInt2 = A.myF<data32>(); // pre-compiler complains "Error: no instance of the function template "myClass::myF" matches the argument list"
I understand why it is unhappy as i do not have a function prototype defined for 'myF()' in the class, but shouldn't it know better? I thought the point of defaults were to make the parameters optional in the call. The code DOES compile and run just fine even thought the pre-compiler is unhappy and flags this as a problem.
Any thoughts??
There are bugs (false alarms) in the intellisense analyzer in VS 2010. And this seems like one of them. The analyzer used for intellisense is different from the actual parser used in compiler.
For the upcoming Coursework in January, I started developing a small DirectX engine. To find out if there is a performance increase I wanted to try to not use any virtuals at all (I know that virtuals aren't all bad, but I just wanted to see if it is possible without them).
When I started playing around with a simple StateManager, it got hard to avoid virtuals, but this is my current approach:
#include <boost\function.hpp>
#include <boost\bind.hpp>
template <class Derived>
struct TBaseState {
bool update(float delta) {
return static_cast<Derived *>(this)->update(delta);
struct CTestState : TBaseState<CTestState> {
bool update(float delta) {
return true;
class StateManager
template <class StateClass> static void setState(StateClass nextState)
m_funcptrUpdate = boost::bind(&TBaseState<StateClass>::update, boost::ref(nextState), _1);
static bool update(float delta)
return m_funcptrUpdate(delta);
static boost::function<bool (float)> m_funcptrUpdate;
Visual Studio 2010's Intellisense seems to think everything is fine, but when I want to compile the program and test the StateManager with a very basic approach:
CTestState* t = new CTestState();
The following error is thrown during linking phase:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class boost::function<bool __cdecl(float)> StateManager::m_funcptrUpdate" (?m_funcptrUpdate#StateManager##0V?$function#$$A6A_NM#Z#boost##A)
So obviously he can't find the binded function, but how can I solve this issue? I get similar errors if I use boost::bind directly to some class. Since I am a computer science student I would also be interested in some insight or approaches without boost (e.g. bind1st, ...).
I was also thinking about using C++11 Variadic Templates, but one of the coursework requirements is to stick to VS2012.
Static class members need to be given storage. They're like extern variables. Add a definition to one of your .cpp files, outside of the class definition:
boost::function<bool (float)> StateManager::m_funcptrUpdate;
Also, in this code:
template <class StateClass> static void setState(StateClass nextState)
m_funcptrUpdate = boost::bind(&TBaseState<StateClass>::update,
boost::ref(nextState), _1);
You're maintaining storing a reference to the local variable nextState. That reference will be invalid after setState returns.