Swapping keys and values of a map in C++ - c++

I'm looking for a function in C++ that for swap the contents of a map ...
that is:
those that were the keys now become the items and those that the items were now the keys.
Can you tell me if there is something about this?

As Geoffroy said, std::map doesn't allow this behaviour. However, you might want to use a STL-like container Boost.Bimap - bidirectorial map.
A Bimap is a data structure that represents bidirectional relations between elements of two collections. The container is designed to work as two opposed STL maps. A bimap between a collection X and a collection Y can be viewed as a map from X to Y (this view will be called the left map view) or as a map from Y to X (known as the right map view).

There's no standard method / way to do this, you have to write your own function.
It's not something very hard to do, but first think about doing it in a different way.
If you have to invert your key/values, then you're code may be ill-though, you don't keep the logic of the container.
If you want more information, explain why you want to do this.

Insert the items in the map into a multimap - value first, key second, with appropriate comparison function that compares two values of the original map. Once all value-key items are inserted, the multimap will be sorted as intended. Job done!


Use 2 keys in std::map

I was trying to create a std::map with 2 keys. I can do it with std::pair or create a struct and use it as the key.
In my software, there's a search function that is being called a lot. This function searches by the 1st or the 2nd key.
If I had about 1000 items in the map, I'm guessing it will take some time if I wanted to search it. So I thought that if I make another std::map that holds the 2nd key and the value is 1st key, then I can take the value and search in the other map to get the real value.
But my guess is that this will take more memory. What is the best option in this scenario?
This is an engineering decision that you'll have to resolve.
Multiple maps only makes sense (IMHO) if you know that the sets of key1 and key2 keys conflict. Otherwise, why not just insert both keys into the same map, each corresponding value referring to your object?
You don't want to duplicate your object, so you might put them in a vector, and put the vector index as the mapped value. Or use a map of key-to-pointer, etc.
1k items is not really that many, so I'm not concerned about the memory use here, but using a map instead of an unordered_map might be a concern (rb-tree vs. hash table).
Also, if you remove items from the map, you'll need to be able to remove both keys together, so be sure to account for that.
Brute force approach
You can store your items in std::vector and have two maps: the first with your first key and pointers (or indices) to vector items and the second with your second key and pointers (or indices) to vector items. The problem is to maintain all three containers when your set is modified.
Pointers vs. indices: Pointers are dangerous as pointed correctly in the comment, but simpler if you're going to delete items from the vector. Otherwise indices are safer.
Smart approach
You can use Boost.MultiIndex container that was designed for cases exactly like yours.

Keep the order of unordered_map as we insert a new key

I inserted the elements to the unordered_map with this code:
myMap.insert(std::make_pair("A", 10));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair("B", 11));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair("C", 12));
myMap.insert(std::make_pair("D", 13));
But when I used this command to print the keys
for (const auto i : myMap)
cout << i.first << std::endl;
they are not in the same order as I inserted them.
Is it possible to keep the order?
No, it is not possible.
Usage of std::unordered_map doesn't give you any guarantee on element order.
If you want to keep elements sorted by map keys (as seems from your example) you should use std::map.
If you need to keep list of ordered pairs you can use std::vector<std::pair<std::string,int>>.
Not with an unordered associative data structure. However, other data structures preserve order, such as std::map which keeps the data sorted by their keys. If you search Stackoverflow a little, you will find many solutions for a data structure with fast key-based lookup and ordered access, e.g. using boost::multi_index.
If it is just about adding values to a container, and taking them out in the order of insertion, then you can go with something that models a queue, e.g. std::dequeue. Just push_back to add a new value, and pop_front to remove the oldest value. If there is no need to remove the values from the container then just go with a std::vector.
Remarkably common request without too many clean,simple solutions. But here they are:
The big library: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_71_0/libs/multi_index/doc/tutorial/index.html Use unique index std::string (or is it char?) and sequenced index to retain the order.
Write it yourself using 2 STL containers: Use a combination of std::unordered_map (or std::map if you want sorted key order traverse as well) and a vector to retain the sequenced order. There are several ways to set this up, depending on the types on your keys/values. Usually keys in the map and the values in the vector. then the map is map<"key_type",int> where the int points to the element in the vector and therefore the value.
I might have a play with a simple template for a wrapper to tie the 2 STL containers together and post it here later...
I have put a proof of concept up for review here:
I went with std::list to store the order in the end, because I wanted efficient delete. But You might choose std::vector if you wanted random access by insertion order.
I used a a list of Pair pointers to avoid duplicate key storage.

Underlying storage and functionality of unordered_maps vs unordered_multimaps in C++?

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around unordered_maps and unordered_multimaps because my test code isn't producing what I've been told to expect.
std::unordered_map<string, int> names;
names.insert(std::make_pair("Peter", 4));
names.insert(std::make_pair("George", 4));
names.insert(std::make_pair("George", 4));
When I iterate through this list, I get one instance of George first, then Peter.
1) It's my understanding unordered_maps do not allow multiple keys to map to one value, and that multimaps due. Is this true?
2) Why can Peter and George coexist at a value of 4? What is happening to the second George? And for that matter, why is George appearing first when I iterate from begin() to end() if this is unordered?
3) What is the underlying representation of an unordered map vs. unordered multimap?
4) Is there a way to insert keys into either map without providing a value? E.g. have the compiler create its own hash function that I don't need to worry about when I retrieve keys and look for collisions?
I'll make it short:
No. Multi... refers to keys. A (non-multi)map can't have multiple equivalent keys with differeny values, ie. per key there is at most one value. A multi map can. The same holds for the unordered versions.
Peter != George, which is why they have different key and may very well have the same value.
A hashmap.
Use sets.
In your example the second insertion for George using a (non-multi) is skipped as the same key was previously inserted.
You want to use unordered_multimap to have several keys that are the same.
Since this is unordered you can't really hope to have any particular order, because it depends on the hash function.
If you want order in which you insert things, you need to use std::vector. Even normal maps, which are supposed to be ordered imply the comparison order, and not the order in which you insert things, for example string "AB" comes before "BB", because "A" is less than "B".
To insert without providing a value you need a set, and not a map.
The underlying structure of "unordered_" things is hashtable.

C++ multi-index map implementation

I'm implementing a multi-index map in C++11, which I want to be optimized for specific features. The problem I'm currently trying to solve, is to not store key elements more then once. But let me explain.
The problem arose from sorting histograms to overlay them in different combinations. The histograms had names, which could be split into tokens (properties).
Here are the features I want my property map to have:
Be able to loop over properties in any order;
Be able to return container with unique values for each property;
Accumulate properties' values in the order they arrive, but to be able to sort properties using a custom comparison operator after the map is filled;
I have a working implementation in C++11 using std::unordered_map with std::tuple as key_type. I'm accumulating property values as they arrive into a tuple of forward_lists. The intended use, is to iterate over the lists to compose keys.
The optimization I would like to introduce, is to only store properties' value in the lists, and not store them in tuples used as keys in the map. I'd like to maintain ability to have functions returning const references to lists of property values, instead of lists of some wrappers.
I know that boost::multi_index has similar functionality, but I don't need the overhead of sorting as the keys arrive. I'd like to have new property values stored sequentially, and only be sortable postfactum. I've also looked at boost::flyweight, but in the simplest approach, the lists will then be of flyweight<T> instead of T, and I'd like to not do that. (If that IS the best solution, I could definitely live with it.)
I know that lists are stable, i.e. once an element is created, its pointer and iterator remain valid, even after invoking list::sort(). Knowing that, can something be done to the map, to eliminate redundant copies of tuple elements? Could a custom map allocator help here?
Thanks for suggestions.
Have your map be from tuples of iterators to your prop containers.
Write a hash the dereferences the iterators and combines the result.
Replace the forward list prop containers with sets that first order on hash, then contents.
Do lookup by first finding in set, then doing lookup in hash.
If you need a different order for props, have another container of set iterators.

How to retrieve the elements from map in the order of insertion?

I have a map which stores <int, char *>. Now I want to retrieve the elements in the order they have been inserted. std::map returns the elements ordered by the key instead. Is it even possible?
If you are not concerned about the order based on the int (IOW you only need the order of insertion and you are not concerned with the normal key access), simply change it to a vector<pair<int, char*>>, which is by definition ordered by the insertion order (assuming you only insert at the end).
If you want to have two indices simultaneously, you need, well, Boost.MultiIndex or something similar. You'd probably need to keep a separate variable that would only count upwards (would be a steady counter), though, because you could use .size()+1 as new "insertion time key" only if you never erased anything from your map.
Now I want to retrieve the elements in the order they have been inserted. [...] Is it even possible?
No, not with std::map. std::map inserts the element pair into an already ordered tree structure (and after the insertion operation, the std::map has no way of knowing when each entry was added).
You can solve this in multiple ways:
use a std::vector<std::pair<int,char*>>. This will work, but not provide the automatic sorting that a map does.
use Boost stuff (#BartekBanachewicz suggested Boost.MultiIndex)
Use two containers and keep them synchronized: one with a sequential insert (e.g. std::vector) and one with indexing by key (e.g. std::map).
use/write a custom container yourself, so that supports both type of indexing (by key and insert order). Unless you have very specific requirements and use this a lot, you probably shouldn't need to do this.
A couple of options (other than those that Bartek suggested):
If you still want key-based access, you could use a map, along with a vector which contains all the keys, in insertion order. This gets inefficient if you want to delete elements later on, though.
You could build a linked list structure into your values: instead of the values being char*s, they're structs of a char* and the previously- and nextly-inserted keys**; a separate variable stores the head and tail of the list. You'll need to do the bookkeeping for that on your own, but it gives you efficient insertion and deletion. It's more or less what boost.multiindex will do.
** It would be nice to store map iterators instead, but this leads to circular definition problems.