Is There A C++ Wrapper / Binding For SDL? [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I really have no problem with SDL in C , but it's kind of tiring. Using structs doing stuff without classes, or worse, having to wrap the functions up in a class yourself etc. I was wondering whether there was a good , mature , well-designed (i.e NO Macros , using templates and the STL) wrapper (binding?) for SDL?

You could check out It is C++11/14 binding for SDL2 and related libraries (SDL2_ttf, SDL2_image). Seems like it also satisfies your style requirements - it makes much use of modern C++ features and seem to generally provides safe and easy way of using SDL2 primitives.

SDLmm is a C++ wrapper for SDL. I'm not sure when it was last updated though and I can't vouch for the style of C++ used either.

Pardon the personal plug, but I've been working on just such a library.
It was not my original intent to release it to the world, so it lacks documentation. However, if there were enough interest, I would be more than happy to spin off this CGE folder into its own project.
(CGE stands for CYBORUS Game Engine. It does precisely what you are asking for. For example, it keeps SDL_Surface structs safely inside a class CGE::Image.)


Policy based design in a real world open source project [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anybody point me to an open source C++ project(preferably not a lib), where policy based design is extensively used?
Well, I suppose that any C++ application using the STL containers (parameterized by an Allocator and, sometimes, a Comparator) extensively use Policy-Based design. It's been a corner stone of the STL even seen it saw the light at SGI.
The obvious one by Alexandrescu: Loki
It's being actively developed.
any project that is using boost :-)
if you mean initiating policy-based objects, than it would be a lot of projects that use boost. For example,
or you can look at big projects on github
if you mean defining policy-based object, than most of the use cases would be libraries. The reason for that is that if somethings needs a lot of customization and can be generalized, it becomes a library (even if for internal use). If you just writing a straightforward program that doesn't need customization of objects and poly-morphism, than it wouldn't use much of policy-based design.
for those, you can also search on github, trying out some common policy-based syntaxes.
In my scientific work, I use boost's odeint library that relies on policies. When I code, i start with a specialized hamiltonian, than I generalize it with policies and it basically becomes a library that I use in many other projects.

Cross platform way to create file dialog in C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am writing an application in which I need to be able to browse for an existing file and to create a new one. I need to create user interface for that. Is there any good cross-platform free library to help me do that?
If you're not already using a cross-platform UI library, then it doesn't make a lot of sense to introduce a dependency upon a huge library just to display a file dialog.
Since recommendations for a cross-platform UI library have already been hashed out repeatedly in other questions (use the search feature to find them if you're interested) and are probably off-topic anyway,
I'm going to take the liberty of assuming that such is not your question.
Therefore, the answer is that no, there is no reliable, cross-platform way of creating a file dialog. Each platform provides a different interface/API for this, so you'll need to write code to detect the current platform and then display the dialog as instructed by each platform's documentation.
You can do this either at run-time (if you want to have a single binary), or at compile-time by using conditional compilation (#if statements).
This is basically all that any UI library would be doing, and for such a simple requirement (a single feature) it makes sense to me at least to just do that work yourself.
You can give wxWidgets a try, a GUI library in C++, free, open-source,... and work with the native graphics libraries.

Library for software mixing of sound (wave) streams [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to mix several sound (wave) streams into one.
Each stream might have a different format (bits/sample, channel count, etc.), so conversion is needed also.
I am looking for a library to do this, which I can link into my VS C++ project, before jumping in and implementing my own.
If you just want a library you can use the SOX library. It is pretty good and easy to use.
If you want more control over how the mixing is done, and maybe have more than 2 files to mix, you should take a look at the STK library
It is very simple yet quite powerful. The following is an example of how you can use a single line of code to mix two waves (simple superpositioning of the signals)
output.tick( input1.tick()*0.5+ input2.tick()*0.5 );
Hope this helps.
FMOD is quite good.

Is there a faster and object orientated alternative to SDL for C++? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The current version of libsdl (1.2.x branch) is very, very slow with blending and per pixel alpha (as it uses software blending). Is there any other good alternative to it?
SFML is exactly what you need:
Skim through the tutorials, you'll see that it's way easier and more powerful than SDL.
There is SFML :
Or... just use OpenGL on top of SDL.
GLFW. It only tries to do one thing (window creation/input handling). It is C based and pretty easy to use provides bindings for several languages.
SFML does all that and also provides an API for audio, fonts, and networking. It's nativity a C++ API but provides bindings for several languages.
There are other thousands of options: SDL (older), Unity and UDK if you want to create a game, ...

qpThreads documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any documentation on qpThreads? In what way is it different from pthreads?
It looks like qpthread has become a sourceforge project. It hasn't changed in four or five years from the CVS repository and doesn't seem to contain any documentation. Chances are that if you don't have docs on it, then none exist save for the source code and headers of course.
I grabbed the source out of curiosity and it looks like a pretty standard threading implementation that is layered over pthreads. The largest difference is that pthreads is a C-style interface and qpThreads is an OO interface more akin to what you might find in Java. I haven't delved into it very deeply, but you might want to look at the interfaces like java.util.Timer and java.util.concurrent. Some of the interfaces look quite similar to what qpThreads offers.
You might want to investigate replacing it with Boost.thread or something more recent. Chances are that you will have better luck maintaining it. It shouldn't be that hard to do depending on how much code you have to deal with.
From a cursory look at google search results, qpThreads seems to be an obscure C++ threading class library. pthreads is a very widely used, POSIX-compliant, multi-platform threading C API.
The most important thing about using libraries is making sure they are actively maintained.
You should use a well known and heavily used library if possible. This way you will also have a vast number of people to ask questions if you have any.
Please see this similar SO question for more details:
Good c++ lib for threading (or use the search box for more).
Found some documentation finally.
Sourceforge qpthreads