How to use static files with django nonrel - django

I'm trying to use the Django nonrel project for google app engine. I setup the test project as described here. I added a new folder to the project named "static" for my static files. And for the app.yaml file i added the lines;
- url: /static
static_dir: static
I can't reach my static files. Do i have to do additional configuration?
Thx in advance.

As people already pointed out, you should put your static_dir directive before /.* pattern
However, that is not the only thing you should know about.
By putting this directive into app.yaml, you make AppEngine webserver (whether it's development or production server) handle the path /static, and you need all the static files to be inside static directory. This means you will have to run python collectstatic every time you change anything in your static files (especially if you have/use apps with static files -- like, say, admin or django-tinymce) just to test these changes on local server
So how to avoid that? By default staticfiles provides helpers to serve these files on development server without running collectstatic every time, the problem is the direcotry name conflict described in the previous paragraph: Django can't catch requests to your static files path, as they are handled by appserver. You can resolve it by using different paths on development and production server:
# in
STATIC_URL = '/devstatic/'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
(djangoappengine sets DEBUG to True on development server). You can leave ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/static/admin/', but remember to run collectstatic at least once before using admin
Of course remember to use {{ STATIC_URL }}path/to.css in templates instead of /static/path/to.css
Oh, and I assume that you distinguish the directory for original static files you work on and the directory where static files should be collected. I use this in my
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sitestatic')
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static'),
This means: you put your static fiels into static dir (and into your apps' static dirs), collectstatic collects them into sitestatic dir. Appropriate app.yaml directive is
- url: /static
static_dir: sitestatic
Finally, you can configure app.yaml to ignore static and media directories when uploading your app, since all the static files will be collected into and served from sitestatic. However, you should set this only while uploading (otherwise these files will not be available in debug server)

app.yaml have nothing to do with Django, but it does configures App Engine front-end. The answer depends on whether you want to serve static files with Django or the front-end (which is, well, cheaper and faster).
If you just "added" your - url: /static mapping to the end, move it before the /.* wildcard. As all mappings processed from top to bottom — first matching mapping wins.

Well i just figured it out. Just use static_dir line before the So the app.yaml should look like this;
application: test
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- remote_api: on
- warmup
- url: /_ah/queue/deferred
script: djangoappengine/deferred/
login: admin
- url: /_ah/stats/.*
script: djangoappengine/appstats/
- url: /media/admin
static_dir: django/contrib/admin/media
expiration: '0'
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /.*
script: djangoappengine/main/


django Static files in production server

My problem is with a static files (img , styles). My code is working fine with no error with static files and the images appears when I run the server, but when I make the (debug = False) the images and styles disappear I ran my code on Linux server ubuntu.... How do I make the static files appear with the (debug=false)?
in that is my code
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'music/templates/'),
In my html file the image-tag is just like this:
<img src="{% static 'music/login.jpg' %}" width="300" height="300">
As Jon Clements commented, if debug=False then the Django app staticfiles is disabled. Usually in production one uses a dedicated web server (a server that is not running Django to serve static files). Hence, to solve your problem, an extra server should be set up to serve the static files.
Some high level steps:
Go to your django settings file and add a STATIC_ROOT which will be the directory where Django will place the static files;
Run python collecstatic for Django to collect all the static files and put them at the STATIC_ROOT directory;
Serve the files in this directory when a request contains your STATIC_URL in the URL (these requests will usually contain /static/ or something). For example, this can be done with an Nginx server or an Apache one as explained in Django docs:
In terms of an Nginx config, one short snippet, just to illustrate such idea, could be something like:
server {
listen 80;
# hey Nginx, once you see something like /static/ in the url
# try to grab the file that is under the alias directory and
# return to the user
location /static/myapp/ {
alias /var/www/myproject/static/myproject/myapp/;
access_log true;
add_header Cache-Control "max-age=120";
To sum things up:
Django's staticfiles app is great for local development but is not really suitable for production apps.
Hence, serving static files should usually be done by a dedicated and separated server such as Nginx or an Apache one which requires some additional configuration to set these servers up.

django static files not appearing with virtual environment

So I'm trying to push my website into production, but I have encountered a problem while in the virtual environment, where my static files are not being found (404 errors).
In the file, I have STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/').
In the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/django, I have modified the static files location, to look like this:
location /static {
alias /home/user/myproject/static;
In the directory /home/user/myproject, I have another directory called static, and inside are several directories holding the actual static files.
i.e. /home/user/myproject/static/shopApp/shop_app.css
i.e. /home/user/myproject/static/officeApp/office_app.css
What I am trying to see is if any of my configurations are set up badly. I am very new to django and web development, so I would appreciate any of your help!
EDIT: After doing some research I think I have the same problem as the guy from stackoverflow in this link: Fetching static files failed with 404 in nginx.
I think the second answer might solve my issue but I don't know where to apply the command chown www-data:www-data .
STATIC_ROOT only for prod, static folder for you app or project. PROD static != project static. For example you have 10 apps, like django admin. Without STATIC_ROOT and collectstatic command, you need point to each static folder in each app.
For example
location /static/admin {
alias /home/user/myproject/env../admin/static;
location /static/someapp {
alias /home/user/myproject/someapp/static;
But Django does a lot of work for you. You need to point to folder, which collects all static from all apps. For example STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static_remote/') and run collectstatic
location /static {
alias /home/user/myproject/static_root;
It turns out, that the problem was with my file.
Specifically, when your still using the django development server with your virtual environment (, you should have DEBUG set to True, so that it can serve your static files.
Remember! This is only if your using a django development server. For production, it should be set to False.
I got this information from this django article:

GAE and django: static files

My static files are not being served. What I have verified:
settings.STATIC_ROOT is properly defined: STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '..', 'collectstatic/')
settings.STATIC_URL is properly defined: STATIC_URL = '/static/'
I have done python collectstatic
The static files are indeed collected: my collectstatic/ directory has the right assets
The collectstatic/ directory is tracked in my git repo
I have pushed to the gae repo: git push google (I am not sure if gae is using the gae repo copy for staging, or my local repo)
When pushing to the gae repo, the assets are indeed present
I have redeployed the app: gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --promote -q
My app.yaml is properly configured, as explained here
- url: /static
static_dir: collecstatic
- url: .*
script: myproj.wsgi.application
Still I get 404 for:
Why could this be? What else can I verify?
On The logging tab of the Google Cloud Platform I see warning messages:
Static file referenced by handler not found:
I would say all my settings are correct though.
How can I verify if my app instance has the right assets in the right places? Is there a way of checking the filesystem structure of a running instance?
Embarassing, but the problem was a spelling error. I had:
- url: /static
static_dir: collecstatic
And should be:
- url: /static
static_dir: collectstatic
I'll keep this. Maybe helps somebody else.

Identical and simple way of serving static files in development and production - is it possible?

Is it possible to have static files only in PROJECT_DIR/static directory without duplicates of static files in app dirs and without needing to do collectstatic command? On local computer Django dev server is used, in production - some other web server. From what I have read so far I decided that it's impossible, but maybe it's not true.
Of course it's possible.. the static files app is there to be useful. If you dont like "duplicates" (that's the whole point - you can have files per app, all merged into one area), don't use the staticfiles app.
Just use any folder, anywhere, as your assets folder. In production, serve it at some url, say MY_URL. In development, wire up your URLConf to serve files at your asset folder at MY_URL
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
) + static('MY_URL', document_root='path-to-my-files')
This is the old school method of doing this, before staticfiles brought its goodness.
Are you sure you can't solve this problem by just using the staticfiles app? It's not much work to add in a python collectstatic --noinput in your deployment script.

Serving static admin files for Django 1.5 in a shared hosting environment

I'm trying to get a fresh installation of Django 1.5 running on an Apache-Server. The WebServer is situated on a shared hosting platform called
which means I have no access to the Apache configuration itself I can however write .htaccess files if that's any help at all. Django is deployed via fast-cgi which is working as expected.
Whats not working however is the access to static files on the server like the .css files and graphics for the Django administration interface.
As mentioned in the official docs I used the following command to copy the static Files into my ~/html/static directory. collectstatic
And these are the values from my
STATIC_ROOT = '/home/bier/html/static/'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
All I get is the infamous django 404 page when I try to access any of these Files.
I also followed the 'How to install and deploy Django' guide on my Webhosters Website to the letter. (sorry its only available in german I believe)
I already contacted the webhosters support but they don't know whats wrong.
All the solutions I've come up with so far suggest setting some sort of Alias in the Apache configuration. Which I can not do.
I'm thankful for any ideas you might have.
Try using a full address instead.
STATIC_ROOT = '/home/bier/html/static/'
Edit: Perhaps you could ask your host to setup /static/ in your Apache config:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ and add:
Alias /static/ /home/bier/html/static/
I've had a situation before where I've had to upload /static/ files manually because of a highly restrictive host (permissions). Perhaps you need to download a copy of django to your desktop and then upload the static admin file set into your /static/ directory manually?
Lastly, have you added the static files to your urls?
url(r'^static/(?P<path>.*)$','django.views.static.serve',{'document_root': '/home/bier/html/static'}),
I have more simpler solution. you need to create a directory named, let's say 'x' in "public_html" or similar location from which server serves the files by default.
Then upload all static files in directory x. (this can be done by running collectstatic locally and then upload all contents of directory STATIC_ROOT to x)
Then, change your STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT as follows:
STATIC_URL = '/x/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../public_html/x') # Path to folder