When should I make a repository for my project? - c++

I've been looking into using Mercurial for version management and wanted to try it out. I'm planning on doing a project on my own to help me learn C++ coming from Java and thought it would be a good idea to try version management with it. It would probably be a game or some sort of simple application, not sure with a GUI or not.
The problem is I don't know much about version management. When in a project is a good time to make the repository? Should I just do it right away? How often should I make commits?
I'll be using Netbeans for my development since it seems to be pretty good, also has Mercurial controls built in, but what should I set in the .hgignore for my project? I assume the repository would be the whole folder Netbeans creates but what should I make it ignore?
Bonus questions: I'll be using Bitbucket for hosting/backup, should I make the project public? Why/why not? Also would that make it open source? Should I bother with attaching a license? Because I have no idea how the licenses work and such. Then again, I sincerely doubt I'll be making anything anyone will want to copy too badly.

On repos:
You should use a VCS repository as soon as possible. Not only does it allow for off-site backups, but it allows you to track changes. To find out when a bug was introduced.
Having a VCS, particularly a distributed VCS like Mercurial, will change the way you code. You won't have to be careful not to break things, because you always have the old version that you can revert to. If, after a few weeks or months, you decide that a particular course of development was a bad idea, you can rewind all the way back to some prior point.
You should generally commit either every day, or every time you finish a task. Like, you might have a 4-hour task of "write this class and get it working". You commit after that. When you're done for the day, you commit. I wouldn't suggest committing in a non-compiling state, though, so you should try to stop for the day only when everything still builds.
As for ignoring, you should ignore things you don't intend to commit. Things that you wouldn't want in the repo. Generated files, temporary files, the stuff that you wouldn't need.
What should be in the repo is 100% of the information necessary to build the project from scratch (minus external dependencies).
On licenses:
I would say that it is very rude to put up a public repository without some kind of license attached. Without a license, that means that anyone even pulling from the repo (which is what you're inviting by making it public) is a violation of your copyright without direct, explicit permission from you.
So either look at how copyright works and pick a license to release your stuff under, or keep your repos private.

The instant you conceive of it, usually. There is no penalty for putting everything you have into a VCS right away, and who knows, you may want that super-duper prototype version later on down the road. Unless you're going to be checking in large media files (don't), my answer is: right now.
As for how often to commit, that's a personal preference. I use git, and as far as I'm concerned there is no problem with checking in every time you make some unit of significant change. The more snapshots along the way you have, the easier it becomes to track down bugs later on.
Your .hgignore is up to you. You need to decide what to version and what not to. As a rule of thumb, any files generated during compilation probably shouldn't be checked in.
Also, if you release it to the public, please attach a license. It doesn't matter what it is, but it makes all the bosses and lawyers in the world happy when they know what they can and can't do with your code. Finally, please don't release something to the public unless you think someone else will benefit from it. The internet already suffers from information overload.

Commit early, and commit often.
With distributed VCS like hg or git there's really no reason not to start a repo before you even write any code. If you decide to scrap your project, you can always delete your repo before you post it to whatever hosting site you're using. The more often you commit, the easier it will be to hone in on where you messed up later on (you will).
Stuff to put in your ignore file would be build files and anything that your IDE generates periodically, like user preferences and tag caches. You don't want to foist your preferences on someone else and you don't want to have to create a commit every time you change the position of a window in the IDE. What's in the repo should be the minimum that someone would need to be able to work on your project.
If you're just doing a small project to learn, then I wouldn't worry about licenses or having a private repo. You can always add a license later. Alternatively, just pick a permissive license and go with it.

Based on my experience with git, I would recommend the following:
Create repository along with project.
Commit as often as you can with detailed comments
When you want to test a new idea - create a branch. If the idea is successful, merge your code to the master branch. If the idea is not successful, you can just discard the branch. Probably this is the most important idea.
Put the names of object files, executables and editor backup files in the ignore list.


I accidentally deleted part of my code in c++ Visual Studio

I deleted part of my code, and accidentally saved.
I tried looking at my history and my source explorer, but those were both greyed out.
I'm not sure if you can pull your deleted code out of the void, but you should look into version control software, like Git, to keep a lock on each version of your programs. I know it doesn't solve your problem now, but it will help a ton in the future if you make changes often!
Go to "Edit" → "Undo" to undo recent changes.
Or, go into your version control system's log and revert to an older committed version.
Or, restore from one of your off-site backups.
The most important was already said. However, here some relevant complements:
The Edit -> Undo (or Ctrl+Z) has to be done file by file if you have several files in your project.
The Undo works after a Save, provided that you've set the focus in the editor's window (and not the solution explorer's). However, once you've left Visual Studio, it's lost forever!
The AutoRecover setting in the Environment section of the Option dialog box ensures that a copy of your unsaved work is saved every couple of minutes and keep it a couple of days (in your document folder under Visual Studio 20xx\Backup Files...). Unfortunately, it is designed to protect you against a crash; so the files are removed when you save, and it won't help you (I mention it only in case you were aware of the backup files and hoped to get a solution with it).
If you're working with windows 10 and have activated the file history backup you may luckily look at older versions in the explorer. This will not help if you have done changes and deleted them without a backup in-between (e.g within one hour at least).
You may not like this suggestion because the VS IDE is very comfortable, once you're used to it. But some programming editors allow you to set the configuration to make a backup of the files before you save them (e.g. such as for example emacs or atom). The purpose is exactly to prevent the kind of problems that you've just mentioned.
The best approach to avoid loosing previous work is of course the source code version control, with the corresponding discipline. It's easy to setup: a right-click on your solution in the solution explorer to activate this feature on your project, then at each significant change, again a right-click on the solution to commit the changes. With git, you don't even need to create a central repository if you're working alone on smaller projects. The local repository is sufficient to archive the successive versions of your code and find them back. But again, it's no magic: if you've made a lot of changes and didn't commit them, it won't retrieve them...

vtiger crm development setup

The problem is that the source code distribution is not exactly the code that runs after installation. The installer, which runs when the site is accessed for the first time, generates a lot of code. Also, a running system stores some data in php source code (e.g. user profiles - under the /user_privileges directory) rather than in the database. So, I have the following unsatisfactory possibilities.
(1) Put the original source code under VC and edit it. In this case I have to do a fresh install and run the installer every time to see how my changes are working.
(2) Put the installed source code (after the installer has run) under VC, and edit it. In this case I have immediate feedback, but I can't use that code for new installations. I also have to exclude everything that the running system writes in the source tree from the VC.
Any suggestions?
I am working with Vtiger CRM version 6.0Beta, but any tips relevant to version 5 would help.
Choice 1 is appropriate. VC must always track the source code, not the products of any interpreter or processing. I feel your pain. It is so easy to tweak that Vtiger source code, and VC tends to be left by the wayside.
Get familiar with GIT. Really, it is what you want. Look here, I already did it.
Copy the original code in one branch
Copy the modified code into another branch
Make a diff or better, run git format-patch
Install (checkout) your new Version
Check the patches and apply them, if necessary.
Have a private and a public remote for your repo, so that you can keep track on the crumpy files in user_privileges and friends in private, but share code with others
Have an absolutely beautiful backup with daily rollback by just setting up a branch, a remote and a cronjob.
Beeing able to replicate the live situation within minutes for local development
Painfree Updates !!
I know, this is no easy task, but once done, it will make your live pretty much easier.

Best Practices for Code/Web Application Deployment?

I would love to hear ideas on how to best move code from development server to production server.
A list of gotcha's, don't do this list would be helpful.
Any tools to help automate the steps of.
Make backups of existing code, given these list of files
Record the Deployment of these files from dev to production
Allow easier rollback if deployment or app fails in any way...
I have never worked at a company that had a deployment process, other than a very manual, ftp files from dev to production.
What have you done in your companies, departments, etc?
Thank you...
Yes, I am a coldfusion programmer, but files are files, and this should be language agnostic question.
OK, I'll bite. There's the technology aspect of this problem, which other answers have already covered. But the real issue is a process problem. Where the real focus should be ensuring a meaningful software development life cycle (SDLC) - planning, development, validation, and deployment. I'll cover each in turn. What you want is a repeatable activity at each phase.
Articulating and recording what's to be delivered. Often tickets or user stories are enough. Sometimes you do more, like a written requirements document, that a customer signs off on, that's translated into various artifacts such as written use cases - ultimately what you want though is something recorded in an electronic system where you can associate changes to code with it. Which leads me to...
Remember that electronic system? Good. Now when you make changes to code (you're committing to source control right?) you associate those change with something in this electronic system - typically tickets. I like Trac, but have also heard good things about Atlassian's suite. This gives you traceability. So you can assert what's been done and how. Then you can use this system and source control to create a build - all the bits needed for whatever's changed - and tag that build in source control - that's your list of what's changed. Even better, have a build contain everything, so that it's standalone entity that can easily be deployed on it's own. The build is then delivered for...
Perhaps the most important step that many shops ignore - at their own peril. Defects found in production are exponentially more expensive to fix then when they're discovered earlier in the process. And validation is often the only step where this occurs in many shops - so make sure yours does it.
This should not be done by the programmer! That's like the fox watching the hen house. And whoever is doing is should be following some sort of plan. We use Test Link. This means each build is validated the same way, so you can identify regression bugs. And, this build should be deployed in the same way as you would into production.
If all goes well (we usually need a minimum of 3 builds) the build is validated. And this goes to...
This should be a non-event, because you're taking a validated build following the same steps as you did in testing. Could be first it hits a staging server, where there's an automated copying process, but the point being is that is shouldn't be an issue at this point, because you validated with the same process.
In terms of knowing what's where, what you really want is a logical way to group changes together. This is where the idea of a build comes in. It's really the unit that should segue between steps in the SDLC. If you already have that, then the ability to understand the state of a given system becomes trivial.
Check out Ant or Maven - these are build and deployment tools used in the Java world which can help you copy / ftp files, backup and even check out code from SVN.
You can automate your deployment steps using these tools, for example Ant will allow you declare a set of tasks as part of your deployment. So you could, for example:
Check out a revision using SVNAnt or similar to a directory
Copy (and perhaps zip first) these files to a backup directory
FTP all the files to your web server(s)
Create a report to email to the team illustrating the deployment
Really you can do almost anything you wish to put time into using Ant. Maven is a little more strucutred (and newer) and you can see a discussion of the differences here.
Hope that helps!
In a nutshell...
You should start with some source control solution - probably Subversion or Git. Once that's in place you can create a script that generates a clean build of your source code and deploys it to your production server(s).
You could do this with a simple batch script or use something like Ant for more control. Here is a simple example of a batch file using Subversion:
svn copy svn://path/to/your/project/trunk -r HEAD svn://path/to/your/project/tags/%version%
svn checkout svn://path/to/your/project/trunk -r HEAD //path/to/target/directory
Ant makes it easy to do things like automatically run unit tests and sync directories. For example:
<sync todir="//path/to/target/directory" includeEmptyDirs="true" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<exclude name="**/*.svn"/>
<exclude name="**/test/"/>
This is really just a starting point. A next step might be a continuous integration solution like Hudson. I would also recommend reading "Pragmatic Project Automation: How to Build, Deploy, and Monitor Java Applications".
One ColdFusion specific gotcha is to make sure you clear the Application scope when required (to update any singleton components). A common approach here is to use a URL parameter that causes onRequestStart() to call onApplicationStart(). You may also have to clear the trusted cache.
We use a system called AnthillPro: http://www.anthillpro.com
It's commercial software, but it allows us to completely automate our deployment process across multiple servers and operating systems (We currently use it for both ColdFusion and Java, but it can be used for most languages. It has a ton of 3rd party integrations:

Why should one use a build system over that which is included as part of an IDE?

I've heard more than one person say that if your build process is clicking the build button, than your build process is broken. Frequently this is accompanied with advice to use things like make, cmake, nmake, MSBuild, etc. What exactly do these tools offer that justifies manually maintaining a separate configuration file?
EDIT: I'm most interested in answers that would apply to a single developer working on a ~20k line C++ project, but I'm interested in the general case as well.
EDIT2: It doesn't look like there's one good answer to this question, so I've gone ahead and made it CW. In response to those talking about Continuous Integration, yes, I understand completely when you have many developers on a project having CI is nice. However, that's an advantage of CI, not of maintaining separate build scripts. They are orthogonal: For example, Team Foundation Build is a CI solution that uses Visual Studio's project files as it's configuration.
Aside from continuous integration needs which everyone else has already addressed, you may also simply want to automate some other aspects of your build process. Maybe it's something as simple as incrementing a version number on a production build, or running your unit tests, or resetting and verifying your test environment, or running FxCop or a custom script that automates a code review for corporate standards compliance. A build script is just a way to automate something in addition to your simple code compile. However, most of these sorts of things can also be accomplished via pre-compile/post-compile actions that nearly every modern IDE allows you to set up.
Truthfully, unless you have lots of developers committing to your source control system, or have lots of systems or applications relying on shared libraries and need to do CI, using a build script is probably overkill compared to simpler alternatives. But if you are in one of those aforementioned situations, a dedicated build server that pulls from source control and does automated builds should be an essential part of your team's arsenal, and the easiest way to set one up is to use make, MSBuild, Ant, etc.
One reason for using a build system that I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned is flexibility. In the past, I also used my IDE's built-in build system to compile my code. I ran into a big problem, however, when the IDE I was using was discontinued. My ability to compile my code was tied to my IDE, so I was forced to re-do my entire build system. The second time around, though, I didn't make the same mistake. I implemented my build system via makefiles so that I could switch compilers and IDEs at will without needing to re-implement the build system yet again.
I encountered a similar problem at work. We had an in-house utility that was built as a Visual Studio project. It's a fairly simple utility and hasn't needed updating for years, but we recently found a rare bug that needed fixing. To our dismay, we found out that the utility was built using a version of Visual Studio that was 5-6 versions older than what we currently have. The new VS wouldn't read the old-version project file correctly, and we had to re-create the project from scratch. Even though we were still using the same IDE, version differences broke our build system.
When you use a separate build system, you are completely in control of it. Changing IDEs or versions of IDEs won't break anything. If your build system is based on an open-source tool like make, you also don't have to worry about your build tools being discontinued or abandoned because you can always re-build them from source (plus fix bugs) if needed. Relying on your IDE's build system introduces a single point of failure (especially on platforms like Visual Studio that also integrate the compiler), and in my mind that's been enough of a reason for me to separate my build system and IDE.
On a more philosophical level, I'm a firm believer that it's not a good thing to automate away something that you don't understand. It's good to use automation to make yourself more productive, but only if you have a firm understanding of what's going on under the hood (so that you're not stuck when the automation breaks, if for no other reason). I used my IDE's built-in build system when I first started programming because it was easy and automatic. I later started to become more aware that I didn't really understand what was happening when I clicked the "compile" button. I did a little reading and started to put together a simple build script from scratch, comparing my output to that of the IDE's build system. After a while I realized that I now had the power to do all sorts of things that were difficult or impossible through the IDE. Customizing the compiler's command-line options beyond what the IDE provided, I was able to produce a smaller, slightly faster output. More importantly, I became a better programmer by having real knowledge of the entire development process from writing code all the way down through the generation of machine language. Understanding and controlling the entire end-to-end process allows me to optimize and customize all of it to the needs of whatever project I'm currently working on.
If you have a hands-off, continuous integration build process it's going to be driven by an Ant or make-style script. Your CI process will check the code out of version control when changes are detected onto a separate build machine, compile, test, package, deploy, and create a summary report.
Let's say you have 5 people working on the same set of code. Each of of those 5 people are making updates to the same set of files. Now you may click the build button and you know that you're code works, but what about when you integrate it with everyone else. The only you'll know is that if you get everyone else's and try. This is easy every once in a while, but it quickly becomes tiresome to do this over and over again.
With a build server that does it automatically, it checks if the code compiles for everyone all the time. Everyone always knows if the something is wrong with the build, and what the problem is, and no one has to do any work to figure it out. Small things add up, it may take a couple of minutes to pull down the latest code and try and compile it, but doing that 10-20 times a day quickly becomes a waste of time, especially if you have multiple people doing it. Sure you can get by without it, but it is so much easier to let an automated process do the same thing over and over again, then having a real person do it.
Here's another cool thing too. Our process is setup to test all the sql scripts as well. Can't do that with pressing the build button. It reloads snapshots of all the databases it needs to apply patches to and runs them to make sure that they all work, and run in the order they are supposed to. The build server is also smart enough to run all the unit tests/automation tests and return the results. Making sure it can compile is fine, but with an automation server, it can handle many many steps automatically that would take a person maybe an hour to do.
Taking this a step further, if you have an automated deployment process along with the build server, the deployment is automatic. Anyone who can press a button to run the process and deploy can move code to qa or production. This means that a programmer doesn't have to spend time doing it manually, which is error prone. When we didn't have the process, it was always a crap shoot as to whether or not everything would be installed correctly, and generally it was a network admin or a programmer who had to do it, because they had to know how to configure IIS and move the files. Now even our most junior qa person can refresh the server, because all they need to know is what button to push.
the IDE build systems I've used are all usable from things like Automated Build / CI tools so there is no need to have a separate build script as such.
However on top of that build system you need to automate testing, versioning, source control tagging, and deployment (and anything else you need to release your product).
So you create scripts that extend your IDE build and do the extras.
One practical reason why IDE-managed build descriptions are not always ideal has to do with version control and the need to integrate with changes made by other developers (ie. merge).
If your IDE uses a single flat file, it can be very hard (if not impossible) to merge two project files into one. It may be using a text-based format, like XML, but XML it notoriously hard with standard diff/merge tools. Just the fact that people are using a GUI to make edits makes it more likely that you end up with unnecessary changes in the project files.
With distributed, smaller build scripts (CMake files, Makefiles, etc.), it can be easier to reconcile changes to project structure just like you would merge two source files. Some people prefer IDE project generation (using CMake, for example) for this reason, even if everyone is working with the same tools on the same platform.

What is the purpose of a dedicated "Build Server"? [closed]

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I haven't worked for very large organizations and I've never worked for a company that had a "Build Server".
What is their purpose?
Why aren't the developers building the project on their local machines, or are they?
Are some projects so large that more powerful machines are needed to build it in a reasonable amount of time?
The only place I see a Build Server being useful is for continuous integration with the build server constantly building what is committed to the repository. Is it I have just not worked on projects large enough?
Someone, please enlighten me: What is the purpose of a build server?
The reason given is actually a huge benefit. Builds that go to QA should only ever come from a system that builds only from the repository. This way build packages are reproducible and traceable. Developers manually building code for anything except their own testing is dangerous. Too much risk of stuff not getting checked in, being out of date with other people's changes, etc. etc.
Joel Spolsky on this matter.
Build servers are important for several reasons.
They isolate the environment The local Code Monkey developer says "It compiles on my machine" when it won't compile on yours. This can mean out-of-sync check-ins or it could mean a dependent library is missing. Jar hell isn't near as bad as .dll hell; either way, using a build server is cheap insurance that your builds won't mysteriously fail or package the wrong libraries by mistake.
They focus the tasks associated with builds. This includes updating the build tag, creating any distribution packaging, running automated tests, creating and distributing build reports. Automation is the key.
They coordinate (distributed) development. The standard case is where multiple developers are working on the same code base. The version control system is the heart of this sort of distributed development but depending on the tool, the developers may not interact with each other's code much. Instead of forcing developers to risk bad builds or worry about merging code overly aggressively, design the build process where the automated build can see the appropriate code and processes the build artifacts in a predictable way. That way when a developer commits something with a problem, like not checking in a new file dependency, they can be notified quickly. Doing this in a staged area let's you flag the code that has built so that developers don't pull code that would break their local build. PVCS did this quite well using the idea of promotion groups. Clearcase could do it too using labels but would require more process administration than a lot of shops care to provide.
What is their purpose?
Take load of developer machines, provide a stable, reproducible environment for builds.
Why aren't the developers building the project on their local machines, or are they?
Because with complex software, amazingly many things can go wrong when just "compiling through". problems I have actually encountered:
incomplete dependency checks of different kinds, resulting in binaries not being updated.
Publish commands failing silently, the error message in the log ignored.
Build including local sources not yet commited to source control
(fortunately, no "damn customers" message boxes yet..).
When trying to avoid above problem by building from another folder, some files picked from the wrong folder.
Target folder where binaries are aggregated contains additional stale developer files that shoulkd not be included in release
We've got an amazing stability increase since all public releases start with a get from source control onto an empty folder. Before, there were lots of "funny problems" that "went away when Joe gave me a new DLL".
Are some projects so large that more powerful machines are needed to build it in a reasonable amount of time?
What's "reasonable"? If I run a batch build on my local machine, there are many things I can't do. Rather than pay developers for builds to complete, pay IT to buy a real build machine already.
Is it I have just not worked on projects large enough?
Size is certainly one factor, but not the only one.
A build server is a distinct concept to a Continuous Integration server. The CI server exists to build your projects when changes are made. By contrast a Build server exists to build the project (typically a release, against a tagged revision) on a clean environment. It ensures that no developer hacks, tweaks, unapproved config/artifact versions or uncommitted code makes it into the released code.
The build server is used to build everyone's code when it is checked in. Your code may compile locally, but you most likely won't have all the change made by everyone else all the time.
To add on what has already been said :
An ex-colleague worked on the Microsoft Office team and told me a complete build sometimes took 9 hours. That would suck to do it on YOUR machine, wouldn't it?
It's necessary to have a "clean" environment free of artifacts of previous versions (and configuration changes) in order to ensure that builds and tests work and don't depend on the artifacts. An effective way to isolate is to create a separate build server.
I agree with the answers so far in regards to stability, tracability, and reproducability. (Lots of 'ity's, right?). Having ONLY ever worked for large companies (Health Care, Finance) with MANY build servers, I would add that it's also about security. Ever seen the movie Office Space? If a disgruntled developer builds a banking application on his local machine and no one else looks at it or tests it... BOOM. Superman III.
These machines are used for several reasons, all trying to help you provide a superior product.
One use is to simulate a typical end user configuration. The product might work on your computer, with all your development tools and libraries set up, but the end user most likely won't have the same configuration as you. For that matter, other developers won't have the exact same setup as you either. If you have a hardcoded path somewhere in your code, it will probably work on your machine, but when Dev El O'per tries to build the same code, it won't work.
Also they can be used to monitor who broke the product last, with what update, and where the product regressed at. Whenever new code is checked in, the build server builds it, and if it fails, its clear that something is wrong and the user who committed last is at fault.
For consistent quality and to get the build 'off your machine' to spot environment errors and so that any files you forget to check in to source control also show up as build errors.
I also use it to create installers as these take a lot of time to do on the desktop with code signing etc.
We use one so that we know that the production/test boxes have the same libraries and versions of those libraries installed as what is available on the build server.
It's about management and testing for us. With a build server we always know that we can build our main "trunk" line from version control. We can create a master install with one-click and publish it to the web. We can run all of our unit tests each time code is checked in to make sure it works. By collecting all these tasks into a single machine it makes it easier to get it right repeatedly.
You are right that developers could build on their own machines.
But these are some of the things our build server buys us, and we're hardly sophisticated build makers:
Version control issues (some have been mentioned in earlier responses)
Efficiency. Devs don't have to stop to make builds locally. They can kick it off on the server and get on to the next task. If builds are large, then that is even more time the dev's machine is not occupied. For those doing continuous integration and automated testing, even better.
Centralization. Our build machine has scripts that make the build, distribute it to UAT environments, and even to production staging. Keeping them in one place reduces the hassle of keeping them in sync.
Security. We don't do much special here, but I'm sure a sysadmin can make it such that production migration tools can only be accessed on a build server by certain authorized entities.
Maybe i'm the only one...
I think everyone agrees that one should
use a file repository
do builds from the repository (and in a clean environment)
use a continous testing server (e.g. cruise control) to see if anything is broken after your "fixes"
But no one cares about automatically built versions.
When something was broken in an automatic build, but it's not anymore - who cares? It's a work in progress. Someone fixed it.
When you want to do a release version, you run a build from the repository. And i'm pretty sure you want to tag the version in the repository at that time and not every six hours when the server does it's work.
So, maybe a "build server" is just a misnomer and it's actually a "continous test server". Otherwise it sounds pretty much useless.
A build server gets you a sort of second opinion of your code. When you check it in, the code is checked. If it works, the code has a minimum quality.
Additionally, remember that low level languages take much longer to compile than high level languages. It's easy to think "Well look, my .Net project compiles in a couple of seconds! What's the big deal?" Awhile back I had to mess with some C code and I had forgotten how much longer it takes to compile.
A build server is used to schedule compile tasks (e.g. nightly builds) of usually large projects located in a repository that can sometimes take more than a couple of hours.
A build server also gives you a basis for escrow, being able to capture all the parts necessary to reproduce a build in the case that others may have rights to take ownership.