C++ Alt-Tab Hook - c++

I've looked at some sample code to develop a alt-tab keyboard hook but I don't seem to understand the whole thing. I understand that a .dll is written and that somehow gets injected to all the processes.
Is there a top to bottom guide on how to do this from writing the dll to loading it?

Keyboard hooks are a really shared resource, i.e. it depends on programs not stomping on each other. It's always a bit risky to insert one into the chain. Can I ask what the hook is for? What is it you're trying to ultimately accomplish with the hook?


Keyboard hook only working in the calling process

I am doing a VoIP program where I use keyboard hook to check push-to-talk button is pressed down.
It works locally from the process which installs the hook, but my aim is to have it check all global input too.
Here's what I use:
According to MSDN and other sources, I need to inject my hooking dll into all other processes... which would be painful, and I doubt ventrilo/teamspeak etc does that. Is it possible to inject it unto the system process, and then all child processes (everything) inherit the hook call that way? Or do you HAVE to inject it into every single process?
A global hook like WH_KEYBOARD indeed requires a DLL that can be injected. You typically have to add some IPC code to tell somebody else about it. Beware that you are crossing a process boundary doing this so you need something like a pipe to talk.
Have you considered using a low-level keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL). It doesn't require an injectable DLL, Windows switches context to your process to call the hook. It is almost always good enough to detect a specific keystroke, perhaps combined with GetAsyncKeyState() to check for modifier keys.
A hotkey registered with RegisterHotKey() could perhaps work as well. It should be your first choice since it has much less impact on the machine.

OpenGL/D3D: How do I get a screen grab of a game running full screen in Windows?

Suppose I have an OpenGL game running full screen (Left 4 Dead 2). I'd like to programmatically get a screen grab of it and then write it to a video file.
I've tried GDI, D3D, and OpenGL methods (eg glReadPixels) and either receive a blank screen or flickering in the capture stream.
Any ideas?
For what it's worth, a canonical example of something similar to what I'm trying to achieve is Fraps.
There are a few approaches to this problem. Most of them are icky, and it totally depends on what kind of graphics API you want to target, and which functions the target application uses.
Most DirectX, GDI+ and OpenGL applications are double or tripple-buffered, so they all call:
void SwapBuffers(HDC hdc)
at some point. They also generate WM_PAINT messages in their message queue whenever the window should be drawn. This gives you two options.
You can install a global hook or thread-local hook into the target process and capture WM_PAINT messages. This allows you to copy the contents from the device context just before the painting happens. The process can be found by enumerating all the processes on the system and look for a known window name, or a known module handle.
You can inject code into the target process's local copy of SwapBuffers. On Linux this would be easy to do via the LD_PRELOAD environmental variable, or by calling ld-linux.so.2 explicitly, but there is no equivalient on Windows. Luckily there is a framework from Microsoft Research which can do this for you called Detours. You can find this here: link.
The demoscene group Farbrausch made a demo-capturing tool named kkapture which makes use of the Detours library. Their tool targets applications that require no user input however, so they basically run the demos at a fixed framerate by hooking into all the possible time functions, like timeGetTime(), GetTickCount() and QueryPerformanceCounter(). It's totally rad. A presentation written by ryg (I think?) regarding kkapture's internals can be found here. I think that's of interest to you.
For more information about Windows hooks, see here and here.
This idea intrigued me, so I used Detours to hook into OpenGL applications and mess with the graphics. Here is Quake 2 with green fog added:
Some more information about how Detours works, since I've used it first hand now:
Detours works on two levels. The actual hooking only works in the same process space as the target process. So Detours has a function for injecting a DLL into a process and force its DLLMain to run too, as well as functions that are supposed to be used in that DLL. When DLLMain is run, the DLL should call DetourAttach() to specify the functions to hook, as well as the "detour" function, which is the code you want to override with.
So it basically works like this:
You have a launcher application who's only task is to call DetourCreateProcessWithDll(). It works the same way as CreateProcessW, only with a few extra parameters. This injects a DLL into a process and calls its DllMain().
You implement a DLL that calls the Detour functions and sets up trampoline functions. That means calling DetourTransactionBegin(), DetourUpdateThread(), DetourAttach() followed by DetourTransactionEnd().
Use the launcher to inject the DLL you implemented into a process.
There are some caveats though. When DllMain is run, libraries that are imported later with LoadLibrary() aren't visible yet. So you can't necessarily set up everything during the DLL attachment event. A workaround is to keep track of all the functions that are overridden so far, and try to initialize the others inside these functions that you can already call. This way you will discover new functions as soon as LoadLibrary have mapped them into the memory space of the process. I'm not quite sure how well this would work for wglGetProcAddress though. (Perhaps someone else here has ideas regarding this?)
Some LoadLibrary() calls seem to fail. I tested with Quake 2, and DirectSound and the waveOut API failed to initalize for some reason. I'm still investigating this.
I found a sourceforge'd project called taksi:
Taksi does not provide audio capture, though.
I've written screen grabbers in the past (DirectX7-9 era). I found good old DirectDraw worked remarkably well and would reliably grab bits of hardware-accelerated/video screen content which other methods (D3D, GDI, OpenGL) seemed to leave blank or scrambled. It was very fast too.

C++ hook process and show status

Ok so I am learning C++ slowly. I am familiar with all the console syntax and everything, but now I'm moving on to windows programming. Now what im trying to do, is create a DLL that I inject into a process, so it's hooked in. All I want the C++ application to do, is have text in it, that says "Hooked" if it's successfully injected, and an error if something wrong happened. Or even if I can do it without a DLL, Just open an executable, and when the certain process I'm trying to hook is opened, the status is changed to "Hooked". Also I have a safaribooksonline.com account so if there is any good reads you would recommend, just write it down. thanks
I think you might be looking at this backwards. In C/C++ an application 'pulls' a DLL in rather than having a DLL 'injected' into an application. Typically for plugins/hooks, there is some mechanism to inform an application of a DLL's availability (often just its presence in a specific directory) and a configuration file or some other logic is used to instruct the application to explicitly load the library, extract a function or two, and call them.
For Windows programming, I'd suggest doing a search for examples of the LoadLibrary() API call. You'll likely find a tutorial or two on how to do it.
If by "hooked" you mean, "have my DLL run in that processes' address space", you want CreateRemoteThread(). This is fairly advanced and difficult to debug, because your bugs make the other program crash. It's how a lot of malware works, by the way.
If you mean "have my DLL get notified of activity in the other process", you want SetWindowsHookEx().
Sounds like you want to inject as soon as the application starts? You can do that with Microsoft's Detours DetourCreateProcessWithDll(). Example here.

How can I detect message boxes popping up in another process?

I'd like to execute some code whenever a (any!) message box (as spawned by the MessageBox Function) is shown in another process. I didn't start the process I'm monitoring.
I can think of three approaches:
Install a global CBT Hook procedure which tells me whenever a window is created on the desktop. Then, check whether the window belongs to the process I'm monitoring and whether the class name is #32770 (which is the class name of dialogs according to the About Window Classes page at the MSDN). This would probably work, but it would pull the DLL which contains the hook procedure into virtually every process on the desktop, and the hook procedure gets called a lot. It smells like a potential perfomance problem.
Try to subclass the #32770 system window class (is this possible at all?) and look for WM_CREATE messages in my custom window procedure.
Intercept the MessageBox Function API call (even though the remote process is running already!) and call my code from the hook function.
So far, I only know that the first idea is feasible, but it seems really inefficient. Can anybody think of a simpler solution than that to this problem?
I can't think of any efficient solution that doesn't involve injecting code into the other process (this is basically what many types of hooks do by the way). But if you are willing to go down that path, you can intercept calls to MessageBox.
Spend some time stepping through into a call to MessageBox in the debugger in assembly language mode and you'll see that it's an indirect call through a lookup table (that's how exports work). so if you can get your code into the process, you can patch the table to jump to your code instead.
See http://www.codeproject.com/KB/threads/completeinject.aspx for code showing how to inject a dll into another process.
I think: Approach 2 is impossible. Approaches 1-3 require dll, that is loaded into all processes, and approach 3 is "more right". I suppose searching windows by timer is not suite by some reasons?
I would go with the first option. You should be able to get away with only installing the hook for the main UI thread of the app you're monitoring, but if that doesn't work, even global CBT hooks aren't terribly resource intensive in my experience. Of course, you'll want your hook DLL to contain as little as possible other than the hook logic itself. If you need anything bulky, link it dynamically only when you know you're in the right process.

Parse information from programs added to taskbar with C++

Basically what I am trying to do is write my own pseudo task bar in C++. The program needs to idle until another program is started up, at which point it needs to visually depict that the other program is running. For each other program that is running, the user should be able to click on the visual representation and have Windows switch focus to the selected program.
The big underlying question at this point: is this even a possibility? Or has Windows hidden most/all of its fiddly-bits to make this close to, if not completely, impossible?
[EDIT:] restructured the question
The obvious starting point would be SetWindowsHookEx(WH_SHELL,...); which will get you notifications when top-level windows are created or destroyed (along with some other related events, like a different window being activated, a window's title changing, etc.)
Think ahead to actually bringing the window to the front, as I once researched myself.
SetForegroundWindow() won't work unless issued from the foreground process - neither SwitchToThisWindow() nor the AttachThreadInput() kludge seemed to always work, but maybe I just wasn't doing it right. Anyway as far as I know there no way to make a window foreground as good as Windows does, please enlighten me if say you discover say an undocumented call which actually Works.
It seems possible to me at least in a basic way:
1. Set up a shell hook as described by Jerry
2. figure the executable file from the module handle to access it's icons using shell services
The Vista-like feature of keeping a 'live' miniature of the screen seems much more challenging.