How to port a Ubuntu C++ library to MinGW? - c++

In Ubuntu, there is a package called uuid-dev. To install and use it, I just need to run apt-get install uuid-dev. However, in MinGW, I couldn't install this package using mingw-get install.
May I know what are the basic steps to port a C++ application/library from Ubuntu to MinGW?

It might already support compilation under MinGW. Generally you would download the source, unpack them and run ./configure and see what happens.
Give that a try and get back to me.


Howto install the latest CodeLite in openSUSE

Hi I've tried to install the latest codelite but when I try to open it, it doesn't. I followed the instructions on the site but no luck.
I'm using openSUSE 13.2 64-bit
You probably need to install the wxWidgets runtime libs, which were supposed to be included in the CodeLite package but weren't.
openSUSE don't seem to have a meta-package for these, and there are a confusing number of choices, most of which will be wrong for you. However if you ask yast to install libwx_gtk2u_webview-suse-3_0-0 I think you'll find that will depend on the rest of the correct libwx* family.
At the time of this writing, you can install codelite and wxwidget in opensuste in a straightforward method. Just go to the
opensuse software repository and search for codelite. After representation of the results press on the button
Direct Install
to let you install the package on your machine.

mingw without g++ compiler

i am new to linux and I have the following question:
I am trying to install MINGW in Ubuntu.
I ran the command:
sudo apt-get install mingw-w64
It was installed, and if i put the command gcc it runs ok. The problem is g++ command does not work. I guess it is because i don't have the c++ compiler (as I read in similar questions in stackoverflow).
I read too that you can use the next command:
mingw-get install g++
but i don't have the executable program for this command.
My question is, how can I install that executable? or is there another way to update my mingw so I can use the g++ compiler?
Hope I have explained myself correctly. Thank you for any help I receive.
mingw-get is a windows specific package manager, it is not needed when you use a native linux package manager such as APT.
Installing package mingw-w64 depends on package g++-mingw-w64, which depends on g++-mingw-w64-i686 and g++-mingw-w64-x86-64.
These packages install the mingw cross compilers as
Older versions of mingw cross compiler shipped /usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-c++, which is replaced by i686-w64-mingw32-c++-win32
You can usually use this toolchain in a project by running ./configure CXX=i686-w64-mingw32-c++-win32 or make CXX=i686-w64-mingw32-c++-win32
Note: the above description is correct for the most recent toolchain in Debian unstable. It may need some minor tweaking for older systems.

Does Linux command libboost-all-dev install and compile the header-only libraries?

On Ubuntu there is a command to install boost libraries which is something like this:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
does this command also install and compile the header-only libraries?
If not, what other terminal command would I need to execute so that I can install the FULL set of boost libraries?
My ultimate aim is to know which linux terminal commands I need to install (and have available) to obtain all of the boost libraries.
As is implied by "header only", one does not need to compile the header-only libraries. They're just headers.
Now, the libbost-all-dev package does install those libraries which need compilation (in addition to the header-only libs), but it does not compile them on the spot. Ubuntu is a so-called binary distribution, which means that it distributes packages in compiled form. Apt downloads the binaries and installs them immediately. This is in contrast to e.g. Gentoo which is a source distribution (and compiles everything on your machine).
In short, no further commands are necessary. Installing libbost-all-dev will install all available Boost libraries on Ubuntu.
Your questions, as posed, makes no sense.
The Debian / Ubuntu package libboost-all-dev has dependencies, and those dependencies do include the few binary library packages (eg Boost Thread, the formatting parts of Boost DateTime, etc pp). All those will get installed.
And yes, the intent of this meta package is to install the rest of the Boost development environment.
But it does not compile anything. All Debian / Ubuntu packages are pre-generated and built-offline and "just installed" at your end.
You can inspect the content of a package by browsing the online database.
But if you are only interested in header-only libraries I suggest to download the latest version of the boost libraries right from the official website; you should also learn how to build boost from the source because it's a know-how that you are very likely to use in a near future if you are relying on that library.
An equivalent step to browsing the online database, it's about using the following command
apt-cache show <package>
so, in your case
apt-cache show libboost-all-dev
and this will give you a very specific idea about what you are about to install.

How do I install Eclipse with C++ in Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)?

I just installed Ubuntu 12.10, and I tried to install Eclipse and C++, but I failed miserably.
I started with an installation from the Software Center, Eclipse worked, but only in Java. Then I started googling for installation guides and tutorials, but after hours of downloads and installations, the C++ in Eclipse still doesn't work.
So now I have two questions:
How do I clean up this mess?
Actually, how do I know if there is a mess?
According to the Ubuntu Software Center, Eclipse is installed and has three add-ons.
How do I know if the other installations of other Eclipse versions/packagings overwrote each other or if I have multiple installations?
How do I install the latest version of Eclipse and C++ in Ubuntu 12.10?
There is a package called eclipse-cdt in the Ubuntu 12.10 repositories, this is what you want. If you haven't got g++ already, you need to install that as well, so all you need is:
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++
Whether you messed up your system with your previous installation attempts depends heavily on how you did it. If you did it the safe way for trying out new packages not from repositories (i.e., only installed in your home folder, no sudos blindly copied from installation manuals...) you're definitely fine. Otherwise, you may well have thousands of stray files all over your file system now. In that case, run all uninstall scripts you can find for the things you installed, then install using apt-get and hope for the best.
I used (the suggested answer from above)
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++
but ONLY after then also doing
sudo eclipse -clean
Hope that also helps.
I also tried in Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS and works fine!
First, I downloaded it from, choosing Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers.
I save the file somewhere, let´s say into my home directory. Open a console or terminal, and type:
>>cd ~; tar xvzf eclipse*.tar.gz;
Remember for having Eclipse running in Linux, it is required a JVM, so download a jdk file e.g jdk-7u17-linux-i586.rpm (I cann´t post the link due to my low reputation) ... anyway
Install the .rpm file following
Find the path to the Java installation, by typing:
>>which java
I got /usr/bin/java. To start up Eclipse, type:
>>cd ~/eclipse; ./eclipse -vm /usr/bin/java
Also, once everything is installed, in the home directory, you can double-click the executable icon called eclipse, and then you´ll have it!. In case you like an icon, create a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications:
>>sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop
The .desktop file content is as follows:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec="This is the path of the eclipse executable on your machine"
Icon="This is the path of the icon.xpm file on your machine"
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
Best luck!
I was in the same boat. Installed Eclipse, realized need CDT.
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-cdt g++
This just adds the CDT package on top of existing installation - no un-installation etc. required.
^Give that a try
I have not used the CDT for eclipse but I do use Eclipse Java for Ubuntu 12.04 and it works wonders.

BLAS library incompatible with Fortran 77 compiler settings

I'm trying to install Octave-3.6.2 from source on Ubuntu 12.04 with KDE desktop but when I run the Octave configure script I get this error
BLAS library was detected but found incompatible with your Fortran 77
compiler settings
I used ./configure F77=gfortran as was suggested by numerous web searches and I've ensured that the alternatives system F77 files are moved out of harms way as per the comments in this SO post. The installed BLAS libraries are those installed by the package manager.
What does the error mean and how do I remedy it?
Try installing the Package liblapack-dev, libblas-dev, and if it exists, libblas-64. While not Ubuntu, I had the same issue and needed to install the fedora fc20 equivalent packages which are blas-devel, blas64-devel, lapack-devel, and lapack64-devel. The standard routine for getting the build dependencies is
sudo yum-builddep octave
While that installed most of the dependencies, I needed to follow with the following before it would completely configure. This is from an almost scratch Fedora fc20 install with updates as of 10/23/2014.
sudo yum install lapack64-devel lapack64
sudo yum install gl2ps-devel qrupdate-devel qt-devel qscintilla-devel java-devel
Although I did not explicitly list the blas-devel and blas64-devel packages, they were installed as dependencies of the libpack packages as was libpack-devel and plain libpack.
I suppose for Ubuntu it may be apt-get. Either way, here is another post that talks about an earlier version of Ubuntu.
BLAS and LAPACK libraries required for compiling
I fixed this problem by moving the BLAS to /usr/lib64.
for slackware recompile blas using -libdir=/usr/lib64
Run sudo apt-get build-dep octave
This will install all dependencies for octave
I was compiling octave-4.0.1 on openSUSE-12.3_x86-64 and met this problem. Before this, the blas lib (libblas3) was already installed. Then I installed the 32bit lib (libblas3-32bit), nothing changed. Then I installed the package named "blas-devel", it's resolved.
That package includes these files: