How can I avoid using the stack with continuation-passing style? - clojure

For my diploma thesis I chose to implement the task of the ICFP 2004 contest.
The task--as I translated it to myself--is to write a compiler which translates a high-level ant-language into a low-level ant-assembly. In my case this means using a DSL written in Clojure (a Lisp dialect) as the high-level ant-language to produce ant-assembly.
The ant-assembly has several restrictions: there are no assembly-instructions for calling functions (that is, I can't write CALL function1, param1), nor returning from functions, nor pushing return addresses onto a stack. Also, there is no stack at all (for passing parameters), nor any heap, or any kind of memory. The only thing I have is a GOTO/JUMP instruction.
Actually, the ant-assembly is for to describe the transitions of a state machine (=the ants' "brain"). For "function calls" (=state transitions) all I have is a JUMP/GOTO.
While not having anything like a stack, heap or a proper CALL instruction, I still would like to be able to call functions in the ant-assembly (by JUMPing to certain labels).
At several places I read that transforming my Clojure DSL function calls into continuation-passing style (CPS) I can avoid using the stack[1], and I can translate my ant-assembly function calls into plain JUMPs (or GOTOs). Which is exactly what I need, because in the ant-assembly I have no stack at all, only a GOTO instruction.
My problem is that after an ant-assembly function has finished, I have no way to tell the interpreter (which interprets the ant-assembly instructions) where to continue. Maybe an example helps:
The high-level Clojure DSL:
(defn search-for-food [cont]
(sense-food-here? ; a conditional w/ 2 branches
(pickup-food ; true branch, food was found
(go-home ; ***
(search-for-food cont))))
(move ; false branch, continue searching
(search-for-food cont))))
(defn run-away-from-enemy [cont]
(sense-enemy-here? ; a conditional w/ 2 branches
(go-home ; ***
(call-help-from-others cont))
(search-for-food cont)))
(defn go-home [cont]
; don't bother that this "while" is not in CPS now
(while (not (sense-home-here?))
The ant-assembly I'd like to produce from the go-home function is:
turn left nextline
turn left nextline
turn left nextline ; now we turned backwards
JUMP ???
The syntax for the ant-asm instructions above:
turn direction which-line-to-jump
sense direction what jump-if-true jump-if-false
move which-line-to-jump
My problem is that I fail to find out what to write to the last line in the assembly (JUMP ???). Because--as you can see in the example--go-home can be invoked with two different continuations:
After go-home has finished I'd like to call either drop-food or call-help-from-others. In assembly: after I arrived at home (=the WE-ARE-AT-HOME label) I'd like to jump either to the label FUNCTION-DROP-FOOD or to the FUNCTION-CALL-HELP-FROM-OTHERS.
How could I do that without a stack, without PUSHing the address of the next instruction (=FUNCTION-DROP-FOOD / FUNCTION-CALL-HELP-FROM-OTHERS) to the stack? My problem is that I don't understand how continuation-passing style (=no stack, only a GOTO/JUMP) could help me solving this problem.
(I can try to explain this again if the things above are incomprehensible.)
And huge thanks in advance for your help!
[1] "interpreting it requires no control stack or other unbounded temporary storage". Steele: Rabbit: a compiler for Scheme.

Yes, you've provided the precise motivation for continuation-passing style.
It looks like you've partially translated your code into continuation-passing-style, but not completely.
I would advise you to take a look at PLAI, but I can show you a bit of how your function would be transformed, assuming I can guess at clojure syntax, and mix in scheme's lambda.
(defn search-for-food [cont]
(sense-food-here? ; a conditional w/ 2 branches
(lambda (r)
(drop-food r
(lambda (s)
(go-home s cont)))))
(lambda (r)
(move r cont)))))
I'm a bit confused by the fact that you're searching for food whether or not you sense food here, and I find myself suspicious that either this is weird half-translated code, or just doesn't mean exactly what you think it means.
Hope this helps!
And really: go take a look at PLAI. The CPS transform is covered in good detail there, though there's a bunch of stuff for you to read first.

Your ant assembly language is not even Turing-complete. You said it has no memory, so how are you supposed to allocate the environments for your function calls? You can at most get it to accept regular languages and simulate finite automata: anything more complex requires memory. To be Turing-complete you'll need what amounts to a garbage-collected heap. To do everything you need to do to evaluate CPS terms you'll also need an indirect GOTO primitive. Function calls in CPS are basically (possibly indirect) GOTOs that provide parameter passing, and the parameters you pass require memory.

Clearly, your two basic options are to inline everything, with no "external" procedures (for extra credit look up the original meaning of "internal" and "external" here), or somehow "remember" where you need to go on "return" from a procedure "call" (where the return point does not necessarily need to fall in the physical locations immediately following the "calling" point). Basically, the return point identifier can be a code address, an index into a branch table, or even a character symbol -- it just needs to identify the return target relative to the called procedure.
The most obvious here would be to track, in your compiler, all of the return targets for a given call target, then, at the end of the called procedure, build a branch table (or branch ladder) to select from one of the several possible return targets. (In most cases there are only a handful of possible return targets, though for commonly used procedures there could be hundreds or thousands.) Then, at the call point, the caller needs to load a parameter with the index of its return point relative to the called procedure.
Obviously, if the callee in turn calls another procedure, the first return point identifier must be preserved somehow.
Continuation passing is, after all, just a more generalized form of a return address.

You might be interested in Andrew Appel's book Compiling with Continuations.


Abstract structure of Clojure

I've been learning Clojure and am a good way through a book on it when I realized how much I'm still struggling to interpret the code. What I'm looking for is the abstract structure, interface, or rules, Clojure uses to parse code. I think it looks something like:
(some-operation optional-args)
optional-args can be nearly anything and that's where I start getting confused.
(operation optional-name-string [vector of optional args]) would equal (defn newfn [argA, argB])
I think this pattern holds for all lists () but with so much flexibility and variation in Clojure, I'm not sure. It would be really helpful to see the rules the interpreter follows.
You are not crazy. Sure it's easy to point out how "easy" ("simple"? but that another discussion) Clojure syntax is but there are two things for a new learner to be aware of that are not pointed out very clearly in beginning tutorials that greatly complicate understanding what you are seeing:
Destructuring. Spend some quality time with guides on destructuring in Clojure. I will say that this adds a complexity to the language and is not dissimilar from "*args" and "**kwargs" arguments in Python or from the use of the "..." spread operator in javascript. They are all complicated enough to require some dedicated time to read. This relates to the optional-args you reference above.
macros and metaprogramming. In the some-operation you reference above, you wish to "see the rules the interpreter follows". In the majority of the cases it is a function but Clojure provides you no indication of whether you are looking at a function or a macro. In the standard library, you will just need to know some standard macros and how they affect the syntax they headline. (e.g. if, defn etc). For included libraries, there will typically be a small set of macros that are core to understanding that library. Any macro will to modify, dare I say, complicate the syntax in the parens you are looking at so be on your toes.
Clojure is fantastic and easy to learn but those two points are not to be glossed over IMHO.
Before you start coding with Clojure, I highly recommend studying functional programming and LISB. In Clojure, everything is a prefix, and when you want to run and specific function, you will call it and then feed it with some arguments. for example, 1+2+3 will be (+ 1 2 3) in Clojure. In other words, every function you call will be at the start of a parenthesis, and all of its arguments will be follows the function name.
If you define a function, you may do as follow:
(defn newfunc [a1 a2]
(+ 100 a1 a2))
Which newfunc add 100 and a1 and a2. When you call it, you should do this:
(newfunc 1 2)
and the result will be 103.
in the first example, + is a function, so we call it at the beginning of the parenthesis.
Clojure is a beautiful world full of simplicity. Please learn it deeply.

How to determine if a BasicBlock is controled by a `if`

I want to use LLVM to analyze if a basic block is affected by a control flow of an if(i.e., br instruction). "A basic block BB is NOT affected by br" means that no matter which of two blocks the br goes to BB will be executed for sure. I use an example to briefly show what I want:
My current rule to determine if a basic block BB is affected is (if true, affected.)
¬(postDominate(BB, BranchInst->leftBB) && postDominate(BB, BranchInst->rightBB))
Since I can not exhaustively test the rule above to all possible CFGs, I want to know if this rule is sound and complete.
Further question
I am also confused if I should use dominate rather than postDominate like (I know the difference between post-dominance and dominance, but which should I use? Both rules seems work in this example, but I am not sure which one will/won't work in other cases):
Dominate(BranchInst->leftBB, BB) || Dominate(BranchInst->rightBB, BB)
A block Y is control dependent on block X if and only if Y postdominates at least one but not all successors of X.
llvm::ReverseIDFCalculator in llvm/Analysis/IteratedDominanceFrontier.h will calculate the post-dominance frontier for you, which is exactly what you need. The "iterated" part isn't relevant to your use case, ignore the setLiveInBlocks() method.
I have not tested this at all, but I expect that something like this should do the trick:
// PDT is the llvm::PostDominatorTree
SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 1> BBSet{block_with_branch};
SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 32> IDFBlocks;
ReverseIDFCalculator IDFs(PDT);
The relation control dependent is transitive. Applying the definition to all the control-dependent-impacted block(s) iteratively is the right way.

What's the purpose of #_ in Clojure?

I was going through a library code in which they used #_. As gone through multiple references, I understand #_ is discard symbol, which tell the reader to ignore whatever comes next.
Why it is even needed in the first place? If we have something to be ignored, why can't we remove it or just comment it? What's the significance of #_ over commenting?
It's super handy when debugging or writing some altered code.
Say you have some massive function, and you want to comment it out for a bit. You have a few options:
You can use line comments:
; (defn some-huge-thing []
; ... Many lines)
But that's painful unless your IDE has an commenting shortcut, and even then it takes some work. Plus, I've found most IDE's handling of comment-shortcuts to work less than ideally. Sometimes they just add another "layer" of comments instead of removing the existing ones. Line comments also don't help if you only want to comment out a small piece of a function since they aren't context sensitive.
You could use comment:
(defn some-huge-thing []
... Many lines))
But I personally don't like comment because here, it requires either nesting the entire thing, or violating Parinfer just to add the comment. Also as #amalloy points out, it ends up expanding to nil, so it can only be used in a context where a stray nil won't effect anything.
... Or, you can use #_:
(defn some-huge-thing []
... Many lines)
It doesn't require altering the function at all. It's just two keystrokes to put in, and two to remove. It also doesn't evaluate to nil; it's simply ignored. That means you can use it, for example, to comment out arguments inside of a function call.
I personally use #_ quite often when playing around with different implementations and when I'm trying to isolate a bug. It causes anything comming immediately after it to be ignored, so it's very easy to control what is and isn't executing.

Does replacing statements by expressions using the C++ comma operator could allow more compiler optimizations?

The C++ comma operator is used to chain individual expressions, yielding the value of the last executed expression as the result.
For example the skeleton code (6 statements, 6 expressions):
if (condition)
return step4;
return step5;
May be rewritten to: (1 statement, 6 expressions)
return step1,
step3, step4 :
I noticed that it is not possible to perform step-by-step debugging of such code, as the expression chain seems to be executed as a whole. Does it means that the compiler is able to perform special optimizations which are not possible with the traditional statement approach (specially if the steps are const or inline)?
Note: I'm not talking about the coding style merit of that way of expressing sequence of expressions! Just about the possible optimisations allowed by replacing statements by expressions.
Most compilers will break your code down into "basic blocks", which are stretches of code with no jumps/branches in or out. Optimisations will be performed on a graph of these blocks: that graph captures all the control flow in the function. The basic blocks are equivalent in your two versions of the code, so I doubt that you'd get different optimisations. That the basic blocks are the same isn't entirely obvious: it relies on the fact that the control flow between the steps is the same in both cases, and so are the sequence points. The most plausible difference is that you might find in the second case there is only one block including a "return", and in the first case there are two. The blocks are still equivalent, since the optimiser can replace two blocks that "do the same thing" with one block that is jumped to from two different places. That's a very common optimisation.
It's possible, of course, that a particular compiler doesn't ignore or eliminate the differences between your two functions when optimising. But there's really no way of saying whether any differences would make the result faster or slower, without examining what that compiler is doing. In short there's no difference between the possible optimisations, but it doesn't necessarily follow that there's no difference between the actual optimisations.
The reason you can't single-step your second version of the code is just down to how the debugger works, not the compiler. Single-step usually means, "run to the next statement", so if you break your code into multiple statements, you can more easily debug each one. Otherwise, if your debugger has an assembly view, then in the second case you could switch to that and single-step the assembly, allowing you to see how it progresses. Or if any of your steps involve function calls, then you may be able to "do the hokey-cokey", by repeatedly doing "step in, step out" of the functions, and separate them that way.
Using the comma operator neither promotes nor hinders optimization in any circumstances I'm aware of, because the C++ standard guarantee is only that evaluation will be in left-to-right order, not that statement execution necessarily will be. (This is the same guarantee you get with statement line order.)
What it is likely to do, though, is turn your code into a confusing mess, since many programmers are unaware that the comma-as-operator even exists, and are apt to confuse it with commas used as parameter separators. (Want to really make your code unreadable? Call a function like my_func((++i, y), x).)
The "best" use of the comma operator I've seen is to work with multiple variables in the iteration statement of a for loop:
for (int i = 0, j = 0;
i < 10 && j < 12;
i += j, ++j) // each time through the loop we're tinkering with BOTH i and j
Very unlikely IMHO. The thing get's compiled down to assembler/machine code, then further low-level optimizations are done, so it probably turns out to the same thing.
OTOH, if the comma operator is overloaded, the game changes completely. But I'm sure you know that. ;)
The obligatory list:
Don't worry about rewriting almost equivalent code to gain performance
If you have a perf-problem, profile to see what the problem is
If you can't get it faster by algorithmic ops, look at the disassembly and see that the compiler does what you intended
If not, ask here and post source and disassembly for both versions. :)

calculating user defined formulas (with c++)

We would like to have user defined formulas in our c++ program.
e.g. The value v = x + ( y - (z - 2)) / 2. Later in the program the user would define x,y and z -> the program should return the result of the calculation. Somewhen later the formula may get changed, so the next time the program should parse the formula and add the new values. Any ideas / hints how to do something like this ? So far I just came to the solution to write a parser to calculate these formulas - maybe any ideas about that ?
If it will be used frequently and if it will be extended in the future, I would almost recommend adding either Python or Lua into your code. Lua is a very lightweight scripting language which you can hook into and provide new functions, operators etc. If you want to do more robust and complicated things, use Python instead.
You can represent your formula as a tree of operations and sub-expressions. You may want to define types or constants for Operation types and Variables.
You can then easily enough write a method that recurses through the tree, applying the appropriate operations to whatever values you pass in.
Building your own parser for this should be a straight-forward operation:
) convert the equation from infix to postfix notation (a typical compsci assignment) (I'd use a stack)
) wait to get the values you want
) pop the stack of infix items, dropping the value for the variable in where needed
) display results
Using Spirit (for example) to parse (and the 'semantic actions' it provides to construct an expression tree that you can then manipulate, e.g., evaluate) seems like quite a simple solution. You can find a grammar for arithmetic expressions there for example, if needed... (it's quite simple to come up with your own).
Note: Spirit is very simple to learn, and quite adapted for such tasks.
There's generally two ways of doing it, with three possible implementations:
as you've touched on yourself, a library to evaluate formulas
compiling the formula into code
The second option here is usually done either by compiling something that can be loaded in as a kind of plugin, or it can be compiled into a separate program that is then invoked and produces the necessary output.
For C++ I would guess that a library for evaluation would probably exist somewhere so that's where I would start.
If you want to write your own, search for "formal automata" and/or "finite state machine grammar"
In general what you will do is parse the string, pushing characters on a stack as you go. Then start popping the characters off and perform tasks based on what is popped. It's easier to code if you force equations to reverse-polish notation.
To make your life easier, I think getting this kind of input is best done through a GUI where users are restricted in what they can type in.
If you plan on doing it from the command line (that is the impression I get from your post), then you should probably define a strict set of allowable inputs (e.g. only single letter variables, no whitespace, and only certain mathematical symbols: ()+-*/ etc.).
Then, you will need to:
Read in the input char array
Parse it in order to build up a list of variables and actions
Carry out those actions - in BOMDAS order
With ANTLR you can create a parser/compiler that will interpret the user input, then execute the calculations using the Visitor pattern. A good example is here, but it is in C#. You should be able to adapt it quickly to your needs and remain using C++ as your development platform.