where to place the js_plugins and css_plugins? - templates

where to place the js_plugins and css_plugins?
I want to create a html/css template.some css files and are coded myself,such as
but sometimes I want to use some existed css or js plugins from other people who had shared on web,such as
1.some plugins only have css,no js needed. (ex:css3_button.css)
2.some plugins have both css and js. (ex:jquery.prettyphoto.js && jquery.prettyphoto.css)
for these plugins ,where should i put them in my template folder?
i do it like this bellow, but i don't think my structure is good enough.
how to place these files, to ensure the easy managing in the feature?

I use static folder, which includes folders for CSS, images and JavaScript. You can also add a folder for your plugins, where each plugin will be in its own folder.
You can replicate your general structure inside each plugin folder, but most plugins come pre-organized, and changing their structure is not always easy.
Keeping the plugin files together makes their maintenance easier, but it affects performance. It is best practice to combine CSS and JavaScript files when deploying on production machines. You can have best of both worlds if you use build scripts, such as ant


How to compile project's CSS files into one file

By default ember-cli seems to be set up not to compile css files into one (as it does with the JS files).
What is the best way to configure ember-cli to merge all files in app/styles (and subdirectories) into one app.css file (and then fingerprint etc)? Is this possible via the Brocfile or do I need to override EmberApp.styles()?
Update: As far as I can see there are the following (not very elegant) options:
1) Using SASS and #import the CSS files into app.scss individually. The downside of this is that I need to use an extra plugin (SASS) and that SASS does not seem to allow for globbing patterns in #import (e.g. #import('**/*.scss')), which makes this solution cumbersome for big projects.
2) Overriding EmberApp.styles() such that it does not copy the CSS files (this is currently being done by a wrapper around broccoli-static-compiler) and configuring Broccoli such that it concatenates the css files into app.css. This solution seems a bit hacky though and there is a risk of incompatibility with newer versions of ember-cli.
3) Workaround: Use broccoli-funnel and broccoli-concat to do the concatenation yourself.
In Brocfile.js:
var appTree = app.toTree()
var concatenated = concat(appTree, {
inputFiles: [
outputFile: '/assets/app.css',
module.exports = mergeTrees([appTree, concatenated], { overwrite: true });
This will create a new app.css with all our concatenated CSS in /assets/app.css.However, this file not fingerprinted. Our assets directory now looks something like this:
So a - admittedly hacky - second step is to 1) get the filename of the fingerprinted app-<fingerprint>.css, 2) delete app-<fingerprint>.css and 3) rename app.css to app-<fingerprint>.css. This last step can be automated using Grunt or gulp.
Personally, I think SCSS would be the way to go. It is the simplest solution and there are other advantages to using SCSS besides importing things into one file (variables for repeated patterns, for example).
In addition, manually adding files allows the developer to configure exactly where each piece of code is included. I don't see that as a con, but I can understand the other point of view and I've definitely spent 5m trying to figure out why my styles weren't being applied until I realized it was because I didn't include a new style file.
Edit: There are some node-sass globbing solutions available that could probably be added if that is a big show stopper.

Grunt - change asset linking when building for production

I've built a mobile version of an existing website. The site I've built is completely static and relies only on HTML/CSS/JS. This site resides on the same server as the desktop version and is served from under http://example.com/mobile as a subdirectory. As such, I've set the <base> tag to:
<base href="http://example.com/mobile/">
The only access I get to the existing site is via FTP, so I don't have too many options to reconfigure the already existing server. And I don't want to either.
My mobile version is only somewhat functioning - all the <script> and <link> tags inside index.html correctly point to http://example.com/mobile/{js,css,img}, while links used inside js or css files look up to the top domain (e.g - http://example.com/img/image.png instead of http://example.com/mobile/img/image.png).
I can manually copy all the assets for the links to work, but since this is a Grunt project I figured there might be a smarter way to do this.
So, how can I have all internal asset links in js or scss files change when building (grunt build)? Something like:
// in dev
body {
background: url('/img/image.png') top left no-repeat;
// after building
body {
background: url('/mobile/img/image.png') top left no-repeat;
See grunt-replace or grunt-string-replace as tools that can help with this.
You could use either of these within your build task to process the changes you need.
The hardest part will be writing an accurate regex, but there are many regex testers/builders online that can help if you aren't expert at that.
Also, while .htaccess is a great idea for Apache based sites, it doesn't help if you are on Windows or on a cloud hosting solution that doesn't honor it.

Meteor: index.html is getting huge

In my meteor project I can separate the javascript files in the client and server directories. But I cannot find a solution for all the html templates I need to define.
The problem I have now is that I need to embed this svg image in a template too, which is a huge image. So now I have this html file which is now 2 times 'huge' :)
The reason I need to have this svg inline in my html/template is because I need to style it with css. Any suggestions ?
You can put the .html files anywhere! Besides the server directory, of course. The natural place to store them is the client folder, and a good practice is to keep each template in a separate file. The Javascript code related to that template (data helpers, events, callbacks) can then go to a file with the same name and with extension .js instead of .html. These are the basics if you want to keep your project tidy.

templating system with zf2?

we are planing to create a CMS with zf2 and doctrine orm .
actually we are concern about our cms templating
we want our system works with several templates and easily change between themes via admin
and creating a new templates should be easy for end-users developers
we want an advice or suggest for how to build templating system that :
there is a core module and there a lot sub modules with their own phtml
so where to store theme1 phtml and where to store theme2 phtmls ...
any suggest or advice please
I encourage you to take a look at Twig, its the best template engine I have seen so far :) It does take some time to learn Twig syntax, but its well worthy if you look at what you get :)
I cant yet write comments, so I wrote this as an answare.
Hope this helps. Trust me, the Twig is the way to go. Joust look at his documentation for more specific details how to use it!
The problem you are trying to solve has nothing to do with template engine. You can do that with any template engine. You can do it even with plain PHP if you want.
I built web application where users can register, get their own sub domain, and there they can build their webpage. Change theme, edit text, add pages. Simple CMS functionality.
The easiest way to do this is to have themes folder, where you would store themes, like this:
- themeBlue
- css/
- images/
- js/
- html or views/
- themeRose
Now this is where you would place all your themes, every theme has its own folder with images, css, js files...
And then you would have users, and every user would be able to choose and change theme.
That information would be stored in database. You need to store that user Jack is using themeBlue. You can do that as you want. You can event put this in users table like user_theme column.
Now when someone visits site, you first query database to see what theme is that user or creator of web using. And then you load all that files from current theme folder. And populate html files with data stored in database like in any other CMS.
This is the simplest implementation. You could for example, store css and html files in database :)
Hope this answers your question.
Good luck with that, I almost gone mad building my system :) I ended up with writing my own PHP MVC Framework joust to accomplish what I wanted.
if you activate another module in the application.config.php which has the same views and layouts (same folder structure and filenames) it's viewscripts and layouts will automatically be used when it's loaded after your core module.
so you could simply make your application.config.php dynamic to load the active template module which only contains the view folder. this would be a simple and effective solution without any other libraries.
additionally you can use an asset manager like assetic to also provide images, css etc. inside of your (template-)modules. (have a look at zf2-assetic-module, I wrote my own assetize-module based on assetic to fit my needs...)
I do this in my Application->Module.php onBootstrap
$ss = $serviceManager->get('application_settings_service');
$settings = $ss->loadSettings();
$templatePathResolver = $serviceManager->get('Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack');
$templatePathResolver->setPaths(array(__DIR__ . '/view/'.$settings['theme'])); // here is your skin name
$viewModel = $application->getMvcEvent()->getViewModel();
$viewModel->themeurl = 'theme/'.$settings['theme'].'/';
In this situation I have this structure in my view folder
The $viewmodel above injects a variable into the layout for the themeurl in the public_html folder /theme/red/ with all assets for red
Access in layout.phtml -> themeurl;?> in a viewscript layout()->themeurl;?>
I am still working out my Dynamic Views. Right now I have a BaseController and all my ActionControllers extend it. It has a render() function that builds the required views but not sure its going to be scalable hoping to try some placeholder ideas.
application_settings_service is a Settings Service that gets settings for whatever domain was used to call the system and builds an array accessible via any service aware part of the site. Thats a whole different post and it may or may not rub MVC peeps the wrong way
I know your question is marked answered just thought I would share

How to best manage Django templates & static content?

So, my team and I are new to Django development. We've been trying to design our project structure over the last couple weeks, and we've done a lot of reading to try and get a grasp of the best practice of doing this.
However, we are still struggling to get our heads around the best way to store our templates/static files that are generic to all applications.
Let me detail our structure we've implemented so far:
base-app-1.html **extends base.html
base.html **extends base.html at 'project-name' level
base-app-2.html **extends base.html
The one thing that bugs me with this structure is that our top level templates reside inside the 'project-name' level. I would like to see this folder at the same level as our root level static folder.
However, I don't want to move the root level static folder content into 'project-name/collectstatic' because I don't want to have files inside that folder being version controlled.
We realise that there is no definitive answer to this problem in the Django world. But, are we on the right lines? Have we misunderstood something?
A couple ideas we've got are:
To have an app dedicated to top level templates and htdocs called something along the lines of 'general' or 'generic'.
To move the 'project-name/templates' dir to the root level along side our 'static' folder there.
To stop talking about this problem and go with the structure drawn out above.
In Django it's preferable to rely on staticfiles' AppDirectoriesFinder finder and the template's 'app_directories.Loader` loader classes for managing your static files and templates.
That means that you'll have some sort of project.core, project.base or project.commons application that you'll populate with base templates and static resources that are reused throughout your project.
I'm assuming your problem with the project-name/collectstatic/ folder is that it's your defined STATIC_ROOT, on a path that's under version control. Ideally, you'll move your static and media root outside of your project's sources. The simplest solution is to move it next to your project's top-level package, in the standard project layout for distributing Python packages, or to your Web server's preconfigured document root.
In either way, this should move your locally generated static resources outside of your project's Python packages.