Open Office server mode macro - openoffice-calc

I'm trying to run xls files on an open office server on Windows.
I start the oo in server mode with the following bat:
start soffice.exe -headless -nofirststartwizard
The server is used by a Java application.
The problem is that the macros of the given xls file don't execute.
Does anyone have experience with this?

Taking some links from
This possibly has to do with having to explicitly set permissions for
macros, for instance:
Can't execute macro from command line (View topic) • Community Forum
See also:
Custom Basic Macros and Libraries - Wiki Forum :: Enable OpenOffice Macro through Command Line. Forum :: simple command line question Forum :: HowTo Run Macros from Document from Shell


Why can't i search for vs code extensions?

So i have fresh Manjaro installation and only software i have is ws code and some bloatware.
But when i want to search for extesions like C/C++ it find somethink but not what i need.
This is what i get
my output
what i want
I find something like product.json but i cannot find its location or anything.
I tried reinstalling... nothing.
Also I can't find it as .vsix file so i don't know what to do.
Search for solution on internet.
Kamen's answer explains it pretty well. However, there is a workaround. You can go to the browser marketplace and search for the C/C++ Extension Pack. On the right, under "Resources", there is a "Download Extension" link. It will download a vsix file which you can install in Code by searching for Extensions: Install from VSIX... in the command palette (ctrl + shift + p).
What you're using is Code - OSS and not VSCode; they're built from almost the same source except for the telemetry and the part that handles the marketplace (the latter being a proprietary component by Microsoft). As far as I know it's not possible to have VSCode's Marketplace working for another editor. Code - OSS relies on Open VSX Registry.
Differences between Code OSS and Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code Extension for remote debugging PL/I on z/OS

we want to write a VSCode debug extension for remote debugging PL/I source code on the mainframe.
We use IBM's z/OS Explorer, but we don't want to start this heavy Eclipse bundle for debugging (everything else is done in this VSCode extension).
We "wiresharked" the communication with IBM's z/OS Explorer, so it would be no problem to send and receive tcp packages according what the debugger (running on the mainframe) needs.
But we don't understand how debugging could work in a VSCode extension.
Now it is working as following:
Write a dataset on the mainframe
Submit a job with the program you want to debug
When the z/OS Explorer is started, debugging is starting.
What is needed to
1.) init vscode debugging functions
2.) send start command via tcp
3.) receive and display the information via tcp
4.) start, stop and breakpoint functionalities
Any examples etc. would be helpful, thank you!
The only way you will be able to do this is with WAZi developer. You MUST have the IBM Debugger installed on the z/OS, and that is a licensable program. Yes, you could write a debugger on your own, but the cost/benefit grossly exceeds the price of IBM's licenses.
Here's the details on debugging with WAZi

Cppdepend handling from command line

I´ve downloaded the CppDepend static code analyzator, to analyze my .cpp programs. It seems to have a nice visual APK to manage my files, however, I´m more looking for something that can be controlled from the command line, so that I can create another program which runs that and does the appropriate stuff.
Visual application seems to have a quite rich Doc here:
but so far I have not found anything about it´s command version.
Does anyone have any experience with this or anything helpful to share?
Yes you can execute CppDepend from the terminal or any script using CppDepend.Console.exe

Howto Debug CgiCC App

I develop a Win32 C++ cgi app for windows and linux and start from scratch.
I use CgiCC as lib and Visual Studio 2010 as IDE.
How can I debug that? When I instanziate my cgicc class the program holds and waits for CGI input I guess.
How can I set up an environment for my CGI input?
I set some environment variables like QUERY_STRING.
But I have no idea how to provide the values my cgi app would get while running on a webserver.
I am almost there.
I captured the traffic while browsing and wrote that content to a file.
Then I redirected stdin to that file: "< input.txt" as debug command line arguments in visual studio.
I set some environment variables under windows like CONTENT_LENGTH and CONTENT_TYPE.
after that I can read some content from my input like this:
cgicc::Cgicc cgi;
string u = cgi("user");
but i get an exception (reading from unallocated memory and exceptions like that) while doing this:
vector<FormFile, allocator<FormFile>> files = cgi.getFiles();
somehow not everthing if loaded correctly.
CGI apps receive their input via environment variables and standard input, so you can easily replicate the environment that a web server sets up for the CGI task.
As far as environment variables, here is a list of the environment variables that are part of the CGI protocol. I recommend that you set all of them, either by hand or better yet, by capturing the environment given to a working cgi app by a production web server. Since environment variables are inherited by child processes, if you set these up in your environment inside a Windows command prompt and then invoke the Visual Studio IDE from that same window then these variables will be available when your CGI application starts inside the debugger and also when you run it without debugging.
Getting a standard input replacement can be a bit more complex in your case, since you are working with a file upload form. This site contains a template that should get you started with the multipart/form-data format. The official document for file uploads via forms is RFC 1867.
I hope this helps.
Solved it by myself:
Build cgicc with the same visual studio version that I compile my project with.
Build cgicc as a static library instead of a dynamic library.
Setting the preprocessor define CGICC_EXPORTS in my project which activated __declspec(dllexport).
Then it worked!

IIS Metabase C++ examples

Could anybody point be in the direction of some examples with creating/editing/removing IIS Web/FTP sites and their respective virtual directories. As MSDN doesn't seem to give many C++ based examples.
The VCDeploy tool from the ATL Server source code is one example I know of:
This is the command line tool that implements the Web Deployment build step in Visual C++ 2005.