How to get link of all users videos uploaded by him? - facebook-graph-api

I am working on facebook api and i want to get a link of users uploaded videos. i got an access_token with the permission to access photos. now how can i fetch the videos of the user using fql or graph api.

You would just access /me/videos via the graph api.
SELECT vid, owner, title, description, thumbnail_link,
embed_html, updated_time, created_time FROM video
WHERE owner=me()


What information can I get using Social Media APIs for analytics purpose?

I am working on website analytics tool. I have to show social media information (useful data for analytics) such as profile, mentions etc.
I am able to get Twitter profile and mentions using twitter API (without user authentication). I want similar data from other social media APIs such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest and so on. I want to read public data (as I am doing with twitter) without user permission.
You can obtain most of a Facebook user's information if the user explicitly grants your app permission to do so. The Facebook Graph API explorer is a good place to start:

get information of public media using API graph instagram

The response of API to get media with tag of user does not return any informations about the user who has posted the media.
Is there a way to get information of those media'user. My app has already the feature instagram public contents
THanks a lot for your replies
You can no longer get user info got hashtag feed using Instagram graph API. You can only get likes count, comments count and caption, no user info.

accessing videos uploaded to a page via the Graph API

I need to fetch videos uploaded by users to a Facebook Page.
I'd have expected them to show up in, but it appears this only covers videos I've uploaded to my profile, not to a page.
The only place I can find that these show up is, but there they're crammed in amongst all the other stuff and I can't filter to find just the authenticated user's uploads to the page.
Is there a way to get only a specific user's video uploads / tags to a page?
OK, if we’re just talking videos posted to the wall here, I guess you could get that info querying the FQL stream table.
Filter it by:
source_id: The ID of the page whose wall the post is on
actor_id: The ID of the user that published the post
type: "128" - Video posted
Information about the video should be in the attachment column.

API photo datetime taken

I need to get photos from a album via Facebook API and I also need a datetime taken of the photos. Is is still not possible? Isn't it there some workaround? Thanks
Facebook doesn't give you a taken time on their photos, only a time when the photo was uploaded to the Facebook system via the created field in FQL or created_time in the Graph API.
You could try downloading the largest version of a photo Facebook has on their system and checking for EXIF data. I doubt that there will be any.

FQL doesn't return mobile photos groups uploaded via the Facebook Camera app

It looks like the FQL query to return photos from a user's Mobile Uploads album doesn't return all of a user's uploaded the photos. This is the case for any photo groups (when uploading more than 1 photo at a time) from the Facebook Camera app. These photos get grouped into their own data entity, and do not get returned when I query for all photos from Mobile Uploads via FQL. However, if I do the same query but via the Graph Api, all those photos do get returned, so it looks like there's an inconsistency between the way the Graph Api returns the photos data and the way FQL returns it. The Graph Api seems to return a more comprehensive set of results.
I've found that if you upload multiple photos they gets categorised as a status update and you need the user's "user_status" permission to access them through the API, even though they're in the mobile uploads album (any other photo in there you can access with only the user_photos permission)