find size of derived class object using base class pointer - c++

Is it possible to find the size of a derived class object using a base class pointer, when you don't know the derived type.
Thank you.

There's no direct way, but you can write a virtual size() method child classes can implement. An intermediary templates class can automate the leg work.
struct base {
virtual size_t size() const =0;
virtual ~base() { }
template<typename T>
struct intermediate : base {
virtual size_t size() const { return sizeof(T); }
struct derived : intermediate<derived>
{ };
This does require your hierarchy be polymorphic... however, requesting behavior based on the dynamic type of an object rather than its static type is part of the definition of polymorphic behavior. So this won't add a v-table to the average use case, since at the very least you probably already have a virtual destructor.
This particular implementation does limit your inheritance tree to a single level without getting into multiple inheritance [ie, a type derived from derived will not get its own override of size]. There is a slightly more complex variant that gets around that.
struct base { /*as before */ };
template<typename Derived, typename Base>
struct intermediate : Base {
virtual size_t size() const { return sizeof(Derived); }
struct derived : intermediate<derived, base>
{ };
struct further_derived : intermediate<further_derived, derived>
{ };
Basically, this inserts an intermediate in between each actual layer of your hierarchy, each overriding size with the appropriate behavior, and deriving from the actual base type. Repeat ad nauseum.
//what you want
base >> derived
>> more_deriveder
>> most_derivedest
//what you get
base >> intermediate<derived, base>
>> derived >> intermediate<more_deriveder, derived>
>> more_deriveder >> intermediate<most_derivedest, more_deriveder>
>> most_derivedest
Several mixin-type libraries make use of such a scheme, such that the mixins can be added to an existing hierarchy without introducing multiple inheritance. Personally, I rarely use more than a single level of inheritance, so I don't bother with the added complexity, but your mileage may vary.

I don't think it can be done, because sizeof works on compile time types. You could define a virtual Size function in the base class and override it for each derived class.

Due to lack of reflection in C++, this is not generally possible with arbitrary classes at a whim. There are some workarounds however. You can write a virtual size() method as others have suggested. You can also use the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern, aka inheriting from Register<T> as well but I wouldn't recommend it, vtable costs 4 bytes per object, subclasses of T report incorrect size and correcting it results in multiple inheritance.
The best way would be to use a class to register, store and query dynamic size information, without modifying the class you want to query:
EDIT: As it turns out, due to the inconsistent semantics of typeid, it still needs classes with vtables, see the comments.
#include <cstddef>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
class ClassNotFoundException
: public exception
class Register
template <class T>
static void reg (T* = NULL)
// could add other qualifiers
v[&typeid(T)] = sizeof(T);
v[&typeid(const T)] = sizeof(T);
v[&typeid(T*)] = sizeof(T);
v[&typeid(const T*)] = sizeof(T);
template <class T>
static int getSize (const T& x)
const type_info* id = &typeid(x);
if( v.find(id) == v.end() ){
throw ClassNotFoundException();
return v[id];
template <class T>
static int getSize (T* x)
return getSize(*x);
template <class T>
static int getSize (const T* x)
return getSize(*x);
static map<const type_info*, int> v;
map<const type_info*, int> Register::v;
class A
A () : x () {}
virtual ~A () {}
int x;
class B
: public A
B() : y () {}
virtual ~B () {}
int y;
int main ()
A* a = new B();
const A* b = new B();
cout << Register::getSize(a) << endl;
cout << Register::getSize(b) << endl;

Considering the nice answer of #Dennis Zickefoose, there's a case where you can implement multiple levels of inheritance which requires you neither to have virtual functions nor an intermediate class between each layer of inheritance and the added complexity.
And that's when all the intermediate (non-leaf) classes in the inheritance hierarchy are abstract classes, that is, they are not instantiated.
If that's the case, you can write the non-leaf abstract classes templated (again) on derived concrete types.
The example below demonstrates this:
template <class TDerived>
class Shape // Base
float centerX;
float centerY;
int getSize()
{ return sizeof(TDerived); }
void demo()
<< static_cast<TDerived*>(this)->getSize()
<< std::endl;
class Circle : public Shape<Circle>
float radius;
class Square : public Shape<Square>
// other data...
template <class TDerived>
class Shape3D : public Shape<TDerived>
// Note that this class provides the underlying class the template argument
// it receives itself, and note that Shape3D is (at least conceptually)
// abstract because we can't directly instantiate it without providing it
// the concrete type we want, and because we shouldn't.
float centerZ;
class Cube : public Shape3D<Cube>
// other data...
class Polyhedron : public Shape3D<Polyhedron>
typedef float Point3D[3];
int numPoints;
Point3D points[MAX_POINTS];
int getSize() // override the polymorphic function
{ return sizeof(numPoints) + numPoints * sizeof(Point3D); }
// This is for demonstration only. In real cases, care must be taken about memory alignment issues to correctly determine the size of Polyhedron.
Sample usage:
Circle c;
Polyhedron p;
p.numPoints = 4;


how to extract template derived class's method into non-template base class

I want using polymorphism in C++, I am try to extract method shows in all derived class into base class.
For example:
I have two class, HouseA and HouseB, they are template class.
And they are derived from base class BaseHouse.
class BaseHouse
//other thing
template <typename Type>
class HouseA : public BaseHouse
HouseA(Type object_input) : object(object_input)
// other thing about HouseA
Type &getObject()
std::cout << "this is House A" << std::endl;
return object;
Type object;
template <typename Type>
class HouseB : public BaseHouse
HouseB(Type object_input) : object(object_input)
// other thing about HouseB
Type &getObject()
std::cout << "this is House B" << std::endl;
return object;
Type object;
Bacause of polymorphism, we using base class's pointer to access derivated class object. When I need to call method defined in derivated class, I am always transfer base class pointer into derivated class pointer:
int main()
HouseA<int> house_a(5);
int x = house_a.getObject();
BaseHouse *base_ptr = &house_a;
// suppose after some complicate calculate calculation
// we only have the base class pointer can access derivated class object
HouseA<int> *ptr_a = (HouseA<int> *)base_ptr; //transfer base class pointer into derivated class pointer
return 0;
But the derived class HouseA and HouseB both have the method getObject.
So I want to extract template derived class's method into non-template base class.
For some reason, we suppose that the base class BaseHouse can not be template class.
Is there any way I can do that?
Thanks in advance.
If the signature of the derived member depends on the template arguments (as your getObject does on Type) the member cannot be extracted into a non-template base. At least not without removing the ability of the member's signature to vary based on template arguments.
Maybe not exactly a classical Visitor, but...
Okay, the basic idea is we have to somehow capture and encapsulate templated processing into a single entity ready-to-use in a run-time polymorphic construct.
Let's start with a simple class hierarchy:
struct Consumer;
struct Base {
virtual void giveObject(Consumer const &) const = 0;
virtual ~Base() = default;
struct Derived1: Base {
Derived1(int x): x(x) {}
void giveObject(Consumer const &c) const override {
int x;
struct Derived2: Base {
Derived2(double y): y(y) {}
void giveObject(Consumer const &c) const override {
double y;
So far, it is very simple: the Base class has a pure virtual method that accepts an object of type Consumer and a concrete implementation of this method is expected to expose to Consumer the relevant part of the internal state of its particular implementor (which is a subtype of Base). In other words, we have taken that 'virtual template' idiom and hid it inside the Consumer. Ok, what could it possibly be?
First option, if you know in advance at compile-time (at source code-time, more exactly) what it could possibly do, i.e. there's only one algorithm of consumption per each object type, and the set of types is fixed, it is quite straightforward:
struct Consumer {
void consume(int x) const { std::cout << x << " is an int.\n"; }
void consume(double y) const { std::cout << y << " is a double.\n"; }
template<typename T> void consume(T t) const {
std::cout << "Default implementation called for an unknown type.\n";
More elaborate implementation would allow run-time construction of a templated entity. How is that even possible?
Alexandrescu in his "Modern C++ Design" uses typeid to store particular type handlers in a single data structure. In a brief, this could be something like:
struct Handler {
virtual ~Handler() = default; // now it's an empty polymorphic base
template<typename T> struct RealHandler: Handler {
RealHandler(std::function<void(T)> f): f(std::move(f)) {}
void handle(T x) {
std::function<void(T)> f;
#include <map>
#include <type_info>
#include <functional>
struct Consumer {
template<typename T> void consume(T t) const {
auto f{knownHandlers.find(typeid(t))};
if(f != knownHandlers.end()) {
RealHandler<T> const &rh{
dynamic_cast<RealHandler<T> const &>(*f->second)};
else {
// default implementation for unregistered types here
template<typename T> Consumer &register(std::function<void(T)> f) {
knownHandlers[typeid(T)] = std::make_unique<RealHandler<T>>(std::move(f));
std::map<std::type_info, std::unique_ptr<Handler>> knownHandlers;
Haven't actually tested it, as I don't like typeids and other RTTI much. What I have quickly tested is another solution that requires neither maps nor typeinfo to store handlers in a templated manner. Still it uses a small trick, like how can we possibly pass, keep and retrieve information of an arbitrary type with the same call.
struct Consumer {
Consumer() {}
template<typename T> void consume(T t) const {
auto f{setSlot<T>()};
if(f) f(t);
else {
// default implementation for an unset slot
std::cout << t / 2 << '\n';
template<typename T>
std::function<void(T)> &setSlot(
std::function<void(T)> f = std::function<void(T)>{}) const
static std::function<void(T)> slot;
if(f) { // setter
slot = std::move(f);
return slot;
Here, setSlot() is used to store a handler for a particular type: when called with a non-empty argument, it stores that argument; and then returns its currently kept value. With Consumer so defined, the class hierarchy from above works as:
int main() {
Consumer c;
c.setSlot<int>([](int x){ std::cout << x << " is an int!\n"; });
Base const &b1{Derived1{42}};
Base const &b2{Derived2{3.14}};
42 is an int!
In the first line we see a message printed by a custom int handler; in the second line, a default message is printed for the double type, as no custom handler for double was installed.
One obvious drawback of this implementation is that handlers are stored in static variables thus all Consumers share the same handlers for all types, so Consumer here is actually a monostate. At least, you can change implementations for types at run-time, unlike if you had fixed Consumers of the very first approach. The maps-of-typeids approach from above shouldn't have this drawback, in exchange for some performance cost.

C++:: How to only define once, a common function of different classes inheriting the same interface? [duplicate]

Is it possible to find the size of a derived class object using a base class pointer, when you don't know the derived type.
Thank you.
There's no direct way, but you can write a virtual size() method child classes can implement. An intermediary templates class can automate the leg work.
struct base {
virtual size_t size() const =0;
virtual ~base() { }
template<typename T>
struct intermediate : base {
virtual size_t size() const { return sizeof(T); }
struct derived : intermediate<derived>
{ };
This does require your hierarchy be polymorphic... however, requesting behavior based on the dynamic type of an object rather than its static type is part of the definition of polymorphic behavior. So this won't add a v-table to the average use case, since at the very least you probably already have a virtual destructor.
This particular implementation does limit your inheritance tree to a single level without getting into multiple inheritance [ie, a type derived from derived will not get its own override of size]. There is a slightly more complex variant that gets around that.
struct base { /*as before */ };
template<typename Derived, typename Base>
struct intermediate : Base {
virtual size_t size() const { return sizeof(Derived); }
struct derived : intermediate<derived, base>
{ };
struct further_derived : intermediate<further_derived, derived>
{ };
Basically, this inserts an intermediate in between each actual layer of your hierarchy, each overriding size with the appropriate behavior, and deriving from the actual base type. Repeat ad nauseum.
//what you want
base >> derived
>> more_deriveder
>> most_derivedest
//what you get
base >> intermediate<derived, base>
>> derived >> intermediate<more_deriveder, derived>
>> more_deriveder >> intermediate<most_derivedest, more_deriveder>
>> most_derivedest
Several mixin-type libraries make use of such a scheme, such that the mixins can be added to an existing hierarchy without introducing multiple inheritance. Personally, I rarely use more than a single level of inheritance, so I don't bother with the added complexity, but your mileage may vary.
I don't think it can be done, because sizeof works on compile time types. You could define a virtual Size function in the base class and override it for each derived class.
Due to lack of reflection in C++, this is not generally possible with arbitrary classes at a whim. There are some workarounds however. You can write a virtual size() method as others have suggested. You can also use the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern, aka inheriting from Register<T> as well but I wouldn't recommend it, vtable costs 4 bytes per object, subclasses of T report incorrect size and correcting it results in multiple inheritance.
The best way would be to use a class to register, store and query dynamic size information, without modifying the class you want to query:
EDIT: As it turns out, due to the inconsistent semantics of typeid, it still needs classes with vtables, see the comments.
#include <cstddef>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
class ClassNotFoundException
: public exception
class Register
template <class T>
static void reg (T* = NULL)
// could add other qualifiers
v[&typeid(T)] = sizeof(T);
v[&typeid(const T)] = sizeof(T);
v[&typeid(T*)] = sizeof(T);
v[&typeid(const T*)] = sizeof(T);
template <class T>
static int getSize (const T& x)
const type_info* id = &typeid(x);
if( v.find(id) == v.end() ){
throw ClassNotFoundException();
return v[id];
template <class T>
static int getSize (T* x)
return getSize(*x);
template <class T>
static int getSize (const T* x)
return getSize(*x);
static map<const type_info*, int> v;
map<const type_info*, int> Register::v;
class A
A () : x () {}
virtual ~A () {}
int x;
class B
: public A
B() : y () {}
virtual ~B () {}
int y;
int main ()
A* a = new B();
const A* b = new B();
cout << Register::getSize(a) << endl;
cout << Register::getSize(b) << endl;
Considering the nice answer of #Dennis Zickefoose, there's a case where you can implement multiple levels of inheritance which requires you neither to have virtual functions nor an intermediate class between each layer of inheritance and the added complexity.
And that's when all the intermediate (non-leaf) classes in the inheritance hierarchy are abstract classes, that is, they are not instantiated.
If that's the case, you can write the non-leaf abstract classes templated (again) on derived concrete types.
The example below demonstrates this:
template <class TDerived>
class Shape // Base
float centerX;
float centerY;
int getSize()
{ return sizeof(TDerived); }
void demo()
<< static_cast<TDerived*>(this)->getSize()
<< std::endl;
class Circle : public Shape<Circle>
float radius;
class Square : public Shape<Square>
// other data...
template <class TDerived>
class Shape3D : public Shape<TDerived>
// Note that this class provides the underlying class the template argument
// it receives itself, and note that Shape3D is (at least conceptually)
// abstract because we can't directly instantiate it without providing it
// the concrete type we want, and because we shouldn't.
float centerZ;
class Cube : public Shape3D<Cube>
// other data...
class Polyhedron : public Shape3D<Polyhedron>
typedef float Point3D[3];
int numPoints;
Point3D points[MAX_POINTS];
int getSize() // override the polymorphic function
{ return sizeof(numPoints) + numPoints * sizeof(Point3D); }
// This is for demonstration only. In real cases, care must be taken about memory alignment issues to correctly determine the size of Polyhedron.
Sample usage:
Circle c;
Polyhedron p;
p.numPoints = 4;

CRTP and method returning void *

I use C++ 11. I have a Base class and several derived classes for parsing different configuration files line by line.
template <class T>
class Base
virtual ~Base();
bool load_from_file(const QString& str);
virtual void* get_data(const QString& str) const = 0;
QList<QSharedPointer<T> > items_;
Each descendant (class Derived: public Base<My_struct>) must provide get_data() implementation.
Each My_struct instance contains information from certain line of a settings file.
For example, imagine a typical file with a list of proxies.
My_struct instances are wrapped in smart pointers in Base class in the load_from_file() method and appended to the items_ member. load_from_file() method casts void* to T* before wrapping.
Is it possible to redesign these classes in order to avoid using void* (and without libraries like boost::any)?
I mean considering CRTP and so on. Usually CRTP examples contain methods of derived classes with void return values (like procedures in Pascal).
Bro! Try to switch to C++14 and use the following snippet as a hint:
template <typename Derived>
struct base
template <typename T>
auto f(T x)
return static_cast<Derived&>(*this).f_impl(x);
auto g()
return static_cast<Derived&>(*this).g_impl();
struct derived : base<derived>
bool f_impl(int x)
return true;
double g_impl()
return 4.2;
This fragment has been taken from here.

Is it possible to store polymorphic class in shared memory?

Suppose I have class Base and Derived : public Base.
I have constructed a shared memory segment using boost::interprocess library. Is it possible to have code similar to this:
Base* b = new Derived();
write(b); //one app writes
Base* b2 = read(b); //second app reads
//b equals b2 (bitwise, not the ptr location)
The problems I see here is for instance that the required space for a derived class of Base is unknown (so how much shmem to allocate?)
Q: how to pass objects via pointers between applications?
Just read its documentation
In particular:
Virtuality forbidden
The virtual table pointer and the virtual table are in the address
space of the process that constructs the object, so if we place a
class with a virtual function or virtual base class, the virtual
pointer placed in shared memory will be invalid for other processes
and they will crash.
This problem is very difficult to solve, since each process needs a
different virtual table pointer and the object that contains that
pointer is shared across many processes. Even if we map the mapped
region in the same address in every process, the virtual table can be
in a different address in every process. To enable virtual functions
for objects shared between processes, deep compiler changes are needed
and virtual functions would suffer a performance hit. That's why
Boost.Interprocess does not have any plan to support virtual function
and virtual inheritance in mapped regions shared between processes.
Shared memory originally only allows POD structures (at heart, they may have constructors/copy/etc...).
Boost.Interprocess raises the bar by emulating pointers semantics on top of offsets into the shared memory segment.
However, a virtual pointer is not a pointer to pure data, it's a pointer to code sections, and that is where things get complicated because code sections are not necessarily mapped to the same address from one process to another (even if they were launched from the same binary).
So... no, virtual pointers-polymorphic objects cannot be stored in shared memory.
However, just because many C++ implementations chose to use a virtual-pointer mechanism does not mean that this is the only way to have polymorphic behavior. For example, in LLVM and Clang they build on their closed hierarchies to get polymorphism without virtual pointers (and RTTI) so as to lower memory requirements. Those objects could, effectively, be stored in shared memory.
So, how to get polymorphism compatible with shared memory: we need not to store pointers to tables/functions, however we can store indexes.
Example of the idea, but could probably be refined.
/// In header
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
template <class, size_t> class BaseT;
class Base {
template <class, size_t> friend class BaseT;
int get() const; // -> Implement: 'int getImpl() const' in Derived
void set(int i); // = 0 -> Implement: 'void setImpl(int i)' in Derived
struct VTable {
typedef int (*Getter)(void const*);
typedef void (*Setter)(void*, int);
VTable(): _get(0), _set(0) {}
Getter _get;
Setter _set;
static std::vector<VTable>& VT(); // defined in .cpp
explicit Base(size_t v): _v(v) {}
size_t _v;
}; // class Base
template <class Derived, size_t Index>
class BaseT: public Base {
BaseT(): Base(Index) {
static bool const _ = Register();
// Provide default implementation of getImpl
int getImpl() const { return 0; }
// No default implementation setImpl
static int Get(void const* b) {
Derived const* d = static_cast<Derived const*>(b);
return d->getImpl();
static void Set(void* b, int i) {
Derived* d = static_cast<Derived*>(b);
static bool Register() {
typedef Base::VTable VTable;
std::vector<VTable>& vt = Base::VT();
if (vt.size() <= Index) {
vt.insert(vt.end(), Index - vt.size() + 1, VTable());
} else {
assert(vt[Index]._get == 0 && "Already registered VTable!");
vt[Index]._get = &Get;
vt[Index]._set = &Set;
}; // class BaseT
/// In source
std::vector<VTable>& Base::VT() {
static std::vector<VTable> V;
return V;
} // Base::VT
int Base::get() const {
return VT()[_v]._get(this);
} // Base::get
void Base::set(int i) {
return VT()[_v]._set(this, i);
} // Base::set
Okay... I guess that now you appreciate the compiler's magic...
Regarding the usage, it's fortunately much simpler:
/// Another header
#include <Base.h>
// 4 must be unique within the hierarchy
class Derived: public BaseT<Derived, 4> {
template <class, size_t> friend class BaseT;
Derived(): _i(0) {}
int getImpl() const { return _i; }
void setImpl(int i) { _i = i; }
int _i;
}; // class Derived
In action at ideone.
I believe you are looking at serialization of objects. Have a look at
A few ways you can do is:
1. serialize your C++ class
2. send data to another app
3. deserialize into C++ class.
//From the example above , I have removed VTable
// I also removed static variables as per boost::interprocess
// static variable don't work with shared memory, and also I did not see
// any advantage in actually builting a VTable for all derived classes
#include <vector>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
template <class> class BaseT;
class Base {
template <class> friend class BaseT;
boost::function< int (void) > _get;
boost::function< void (int) > _set;
int get() {
return _get();
} // -> Implement: 'int get() ' in Derived
void set(int i) {
} // = 0 -> Implement: 'void set(int i)' in Derived
}; // class Base
template <class Derived>
class BaseT : public Base {
BaseT() : Base(), impl(static_cast<Derived *> (this)) {
Base::_get = boost::bind(&BaseT<Derived>::get, this);
Base::_set = boost::bind(&BaseT<Derived>::set, this, _1);
int get() {
return impl->get();
void set(int i) {
Derived * impl;
//some A implementation of Base
struct A : BaseT<A> {
int get() {
return 101; //testing implementation
void set(int i) {
; //implementation goes here
//some B implementation of Base
struct B : BaseT<B> {
int get() {
return 102; //testing implementation
void set(int i) {
; //implementation goes here
int main() {
BaseT<A> objectA;
BaseT<B> objectB;
Base *a = &objectA;
Base *b = &objectB;
std::cout << a->get() << " returned from A class , "
<< b->get() << " returned from B class " << std::endl;
return 0;
//While redefining I changed semantics of constnance in getter,
//and had non- const Derived pointer used for both getter and setter.
//But original simantics can be preserved as following:
int get() const {
//return impl->get();
//this enforces that get has to be const
static_cast<const Derived *> (this)->get() ;

What are alternatives to this typelist-based class hierarchy generation code?

I'm working with a simple object model in which objects can implement interfaces to provide optional functionality. At it's heart, an object has to implement a getInterface method which is given a (unique) interface ID. The method then returns a pointer to an interface - or null, in case the object doesn't implement the requested interface. Here's a code sketch to illustrate this:
struct Interface { };
struct FooInterface : public Interface { enum { Id = 1 }; virtual void doFoo() = 0; };
struct BarInterface : public Interface { enum { Id = 2 }; virtual void doBar() = 0; };
struct YoyoInterface : public Interface { enum { Id = 3 }; virtual void doYoyo() = 0; };
struct Object {
virtual Interface *getInterface( int id ) { return 0; }
To make things easier for clients who work in this framework, I'm using a little template which automatically generates the 'getInterface' implementation so that clients just have to implement the actual functions required by the interfaces. The idea is to derive a concrete type from Object as well as all the interfaces and then let getInterface just return pointers to this (casted to the right type). Here's the template and a demo usage:
struct NullType { };
template <class T, class U>
struct TypeList {
typedef T Head;
typedef U Tail;
template <class Base, class IfaceList>
class ObjectWithIface :
public ObjectWithIface<Base, typename IfaceList::Tail>,
public IfaceList::Head
virtual Interface *getInterface( int id ) {
if ( id == IfaceList::Head::Id ) {
return static_cast<IfaceList::Head *>( this );
return ObjectWithIface<Base, IfaceList::Tail>::getInterface( id );
template <class Base>
class ObjectWithIface<Base, NullType> : public Base
virtual Interface *getInterface( int id ) {
return Base::getInterface( id );
class MyObjectWithFooAndBar : public ObjectWithIface< Object, TypeList<FooInterface, TypeList<BarInterface, NullType> > >
// We get the getInterface() implementation for free from ObjectWithIface
virtual void doFoo() { }
virtual void doBar() { }
This works quite well, but there are two problems which are ugly:
A blocker for me is that this doesn't work with MSVC6 (which has poor support for templates, but unfortunately I need to support it). MSVC6 yields a C1202 error when compiling this.
A whole range of classes (a linear hierarchy) is generated by the recursive ObjectWithIface template. This is not a problem for me per se, but unfortunately I can't just do a single switch statement to map an interface ID to a pointer in getInterface. Instead, each step in the hierarchy checks for a single interface and then forwards the request to the base class.
Does anybody have suggestions how to improve this situation? Either by fixing the above two problems with the ObjectWithIface template, or by suggesting alternatives which would make the Object/Interface framework easier to use.
dynamic_cast exists within the language to solve this exact problem.
Example usage:
class Interface {
virtual ~Interface() {}
}; // Must have at least one virtual function
class X : public Interface {};
class Y : public Interface {};
void func(Interface* ptr) {
if (Y* yptr = dynamic_cast<Y*>(ptr)) {
// Returns a valid Y* if ptr is a Y, null otherwise
if (X* xptr = dynamic_cast<X*>(ptr)) {
// same for X
dynamic_cast will also seamlessly handle things like multiple and virtual inheritance, which you may well struggle with.
You could check COM's QueryInterface for this- they use a similar design with a compiler extension. I've never seen COM code implemented, only used the headers, but you could search for it.
What about something like that ?
struct Interface
virtual ~Interface() {}
virtual std::type_info const& type() = 0;
template <typename T>
class InterfaceImplementer : public virtual Interface
std::type_info const& type() { return typeid(T); }
struct FooInterface : InterfaceImplementer<FooInterface>
virtual void foo();
struct BarInterface : InterfaceImplementer<BarInterface>
virtual void bar();
struct InterfaceNotFound : std::exception {};
struct Object
void addInterface(Interface *i)
// Add error handling if interface exists
interfaces.insert(&i->type(), i);
template <typename I>
I* queryInterface()
typedef std::map<std::type_info const*, Interface*>::iterator Iter;
Iter i = interfaces.find(&typeid(I));
if (i == interfaces.end())
throw InterfaceNotFound();
else return static_cast<I*>(i->second);
std::map<std::type_info const*, Interface*> interfaces;
You may want something more elaborate than type_info const* if you want to do this across dynamic libraries boundaries. Something like std::string and type_info::name() will work fine (albeit a little slow, but this kind of extreme dispatch will likely need something slow). You can also manufacture numeric IDs, but this is maybe harder to maintain.
Storing hashes of type_infos is another option:
template <typename T>
struct InterfaceImplementer<T>
std::string const& type(); // This returns a unique hash
static std::string hash(); // This memoizes a unique hash
and use FooInterface::hash() when you add the interface, and the virtual Interface::type() when you query.