What is wrong with Facebook and Twitter APIs? - facebook-graph-api

Is anyone else noticing that facebook and twitters APIs aren't working?
For facebook even if I allow my application to have access to my wall
Is always 0... When I try to open getLoginUrl it just open pop-up and redirect it instantly to success return link...
Here is code:
require_once 'src/base_facebook.php';
require_once 'src/facebook.php';
$app_id = 'xxx';
$app_secret = 'xxx';
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $app_id,
'secret' => $app_secret,
'oauth' => true,
'cookie' => true
$req_perms = "publish_stream";
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if (!$user)
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('display' => 'popup', 'redirect_uri' => 'http://xxxx.com/return_close.php?success=1', 'cancel_url' => 'http://xxxx.com/return_close.php?success=0','req_perms' => $req_perms, 'scope' => $req_perms));
And for twitter it's like someone mistyped return link...
When I open getAuthorizeURL and when I log in it redirects me to this URL:
Yes, https://twitter.comoauth_callback/ is right, there is no / after .com, it's together, so I get not found page...
It's like both APIs have serious problems... Facebook sometimes work and sometimes doesn't, it's buggy a lot...
Facebook library downloaded from OFFICIAL GitHub page. Tried versions:
And none of those work...
Return URL ( redirect_uri ) MUST have facebook class included in file...
There is so many examples/documentations and none of those had this explained...
So, Facebook fixed... Twitter still not working...

Well, nothing is broken in the API. Where did you get the above code? and if you come up with it then based on what resource?
First of all, take a look at the example of the OFFICIAL PHP-SDK, you'll notice the following:
Only the facebook.php file has been included, why not base_facebook.php? well because it's included in the facebook.php file!
Developers used to use req_perms but now to request permissions you just need to use scope
Take a look inside base_facebook.php for the params the Facebook() class expect: appId, secret and fileUpload ONLY
Only use the display parameter if you know what you are doing!
Use proper indentation with your code, it makes your life (and others!) much easier!
This been said, this is a rewrite of your code:
require 'src/facebook.php';
$app_id = 'xxx';
$app_secret = 'xxx';
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $app_id,
'secret' => $app_secret
$req_perms = "publish_stream";
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if (!$user) {
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('display' => 'popup', 'redirect_uri' => 'http://xxxx.com/return_close.php?success=1', 'cancel_url' => 'http://xxxx.com/return_close.php?success=0', 'scope' => $req_perms));


share link with original image size on facebook using facebook api and php sdk

I shared link on facebook using php sdk. I got image in facebook fixed size at post. But i want to original image size on my post. Below is my script.
$config = array(
'appId' => 'xxxxx',
'secret' => 'xxx',
'allowSignedRequest' => true // optional but should be set to false for non-canvas apps
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
$user_id = $facebook->getUser();
$access_token= $facebook->getAccessToken();
try {
$facebook->api('/me/feed', 'POST', array( 'access_token' => $access_token, 'message' => 'Omg escape Games', 'link' => 'https://apps.facebook.com/omgescape/', 'picture' => 'https://www.omgescape.com/images/Johnny-320x300-jpg.jpg', 'name' => 'Jane Maxwell', 'caption' => 'Play this', 'description' => 'Play games on OMG Escape' ));
echo 'Successfully posted to Facebook Fan Page';
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
When I share link through facebook api using php sdk, I got image like below.
But I want original image size in post. How to do that
Images shared to Facebook via the API will always appear the same size (as per your screenshot). Facebook decides (using a complex algorithm) if the image should be bigger to users when viewing the Stream - usually this depends on the usefulness or engagement of the share.
Naturally, larger images will get better engagement, so this is exclusively decided by Facebook. If users share something to their timeline manually (e.g. by posting a image or link using the form on Facebook) the images tent to be larger as it's counted as an "organic" share - something the user explicitly did.

adding like comment issue using graph api

i have put last 3 posts in web page , if user loged in he can add comment / like , problem is if user loged in and try add like or comment he is getting an permission error #200 , if i loged in i can add like or comment (application is for me) , am getting the all permission nedded from the user , so how can i give him permission to add like / comment.
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => '',
'secret' => '',
'cookie' => true,
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
if (session_id()) {
} else {
$access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
//check permissions list
$permissions_list = $facebook->api(
'/me/permissions', 'GET', array(
'access_token' => $access_token
//check if the permissions we need have been allowed by the user
//if not then redirect them again to facebook's permissions page
$permissions_needed = array('publish_stream', 'read_stream', 'manage_pages');
foreach ($permissions_needed as $perm) {
if (!isset($permissions_list['data'][0][$perm]) || $permissions_list['data'][0][$perm] != 1) {
$login_url_params = array(
'scope' => 'publish_stream,read_stream,manage_pages',
'fbconnect' => 1,
'display' => "page",
'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost/fb/index.php',
$login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl($login_url_params);
header("Location: {$login_url}");
}else {
//if not, let's redirect to the ALLOW page so we can get access
//Create a login URL using the Facebook library's getLoginUrl() method
$login_url_params = array(
'scope' => 'publish_stream,read_stream,manage_pages',
'fbconnect' => 1,
'display' => "page",
$login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl($login_url_params);
//redirect to the login URL on facebook
header("Location: {$login_url}");
$logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
and if the user click on like button :
jQuery('ul.fb_list a').click(function(){
var comm_id = jQuery(this).attr("class");
access_token : "<?php echo $access_token ?>"
Double check and make sure your variable comm_id is formated with both the user id of the person who posted the post, and then the id of the post itself, with an underscore in between, like this - USERID_POSTID. This is how facebook gives it you if you call to the graph api
$post_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $user_id . "/posts?access_token=". urlencode($access_token);
Not sure if you're getting comm_id from another source or not. Also noticed in your code
access_token : "<?php echo $access_token ?>"
You forgot a semi-colon after the echo call. Should be this
access_token : "<?php echo $access_token; ?>"
Hope this helps. I see you're using a lot of jquery to do the like functionality. I like to stick w/ server side code for stuff like this, I feel that it's more stable for some reason.
This is how I did it. I have a like button like this -
echo '<div id="like_container-'.$i.'">
<div id="like_count">'.$num_likes.'</div>'
<div class="unliked"></div>
and fb_Like() is an ajax call, something like this -
function fb_Like(post_id, token, num_likes, id){
type: "GET",
url: "likepost.php",
data: 'id='+post_id+'&token='+token+'&likes='+num_likes,
success: function(html)
And the likepost.php page is a script similar to the one on this page
Like a Facebook Post externally using Graph Api - example
This worked really well for me. It also let's me update the number of likes that the post has on the front end right above the like button if a like has been made. Good luck!
If you want to check if the user already likes a post, it's pretty simple w/ the facebook graph api
//Create Post Url
$post_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $Page/User_id . "/posts?access_token=". urlencode($access_token);
//Get Json Contents
$resp = file_get_contents($post_url,0,null,null);
//Store Post Entries as Array
$the_posts = json_decode($resp, true);
foreach ($the_posts['data'] as $postdata) {
foreach ($postdata['likes']['data'] as $like){
//do something
This assumes that you already have a facebook user id for the logged in user, in this example, stored in the variable $user.

Batch upload multiple photos to multiple user accounts

I have an array that looks as follows:
$userImages = array(
'100000000000001' => array(
'100000000000002' => array(
which contains FB user ids as keys, and then an array of images to upload to each users account.
My upload code looks as follows:
/** #var FacebookSessionPersistence $facebook */
$facebook = $this->container->get('fos_facebook.api');
$count = 1;
foreach ($userImages as $userId => $images) {
$batch = array();
$params = array();
foreach ($images as $image) {
$request = array(
'method' => 'post',
'relative_url' => "{$userId}/photos",
'attached_files' => "file{$count}",
'access_token' => $this->getUserAccessToken($userId)
$batch[] = json_encode($request);
$params["file{$count}"] = '#' . realpath($image);
$params['batch'] = '[' . implode(',', $batch) . ']';
$result = $facebook->api('/', 'post', $params);
return $result;
I've added user access tokens to each image, under access_token, but when $facebook-api() is called, I get the following back from Facebook:
Does anyone know why, I'm getting these errors? Am I adding the user access token in the wrong place?
The access_token had to be added to the $params associative array, in the root, not to each image item!
Your logic is good, but you need to put the access token inside the body for every individual request.
For example:
$request = array(
'method' => 'post',
'relative_url' => "{$userId}/photos",
'attached_files' => "file{$count}",
'body' => "access_token={$this->getUserAccessToken($userId)}",
Does anyone know why, I'm getting these errors? Am I adding the user access token in the wrong place?
Have you made sure, you’ve actually added access tokens at all, and not perhaps just a null value?
The error message does not say that you used a wrong or expired user access token, but it says that a user access token is required.
So I’m guessing, because you did not really put actual tokens into your separate batch request parts in the first place, then the fallback to your app access token occurs, and hence that particular error message.

I want to post from my site on my fanpage

I have create an app in facebook and, between php sdk, i can post the article of my site on my profile.
Now, i want to post my article in my fanpage and not in my prfile. how i can do this?
This is the code that i use, not much different from the example in facebook developers:
// Remember to copy files from the SDK's src/ directory to a
// directory in your application on the server, such as php-sdk/
$config = array(
'appId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
$user_id = $facebook->getUser();
if($user_id) {
// We have a user ID, so probably a logged in user.
// If not, we'll get an exception, which we handle below.
try {
$access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
$ret_obj = $facebook->api('/me/feed', 'POST',
'link' => $link,
'message' => $titolo,
'picture' => 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'name' => 'Ecosport',
'access_token' => $access_token
echo '<pre>Post ID: ' . $ret_obj['id'] . '</pre>';
} catch(FacebookApiException $e) {
// If the user is logged out, you can have a
// user ID even though the access token is invalid.
// In this case, we'll get an exception, so we'll
// just ask the user to login again here.
$login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl( array(
'scope' => 'publish_stream'
// Give the user a logout link
/*echo '<br />logout';*/
} else {
// No user, so print a link for the user to login
// To post to a user's wall, we need publish_stream permission
// We'll use the current URL as the redirect_uri, so we don't
// need to specify it here.
$login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl( array( 'scope' => 'publish_stream' ) );
/*echo 'Please login.';*/
Oviusly the "xxxx" are used for privacy. I tied to change this " $facebook->api('/me/feed',...... " into this " $facebook->api('/$page_id/feed',....... " but nothing. I can't to post my article in my fanpage.
Can you help me?
Thank you very much.
You need to ask for the manage_pages and publish_stream permissions. Then call to /me/accounts to get a list of accounts (aka pages) that the user administers. Each account in that list of accounts will have an access token associated with it. That access token is special and will need to be used to new up an instance of the facebook api. Once you do that, posting to the page wall is the same as posting to a user's wall (i.e. /me/feed)

Facebook PHP SDK 3.0 - How to get my page wall posts at any time?

I have been trying to read the news feed from a page that I have using an app that I'm coding.
Now I have had some issues trying to do this using the PHP SDK 3.0.
I am able to get the page information, but this is something that is publicly available any way.
My question is how do I get (read) the page wall posts? I'm assuming I have to grant permissions to my app to post to page, but how do I do this?
currently this is the code that I have
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $appId,
'secret' => $secret
$pageProfile = $facebook->api($pageId);
$pagePosts = $facebook->api($pageId . '/posts/');
echo 'My Page profile';
echo 'My Page wall';
Under 'My Page wall' I don't get anything. I don't get any errors either.
To access the posts of a page, it is /feed and not /post. Then, here is the correct version of your example :
require "facebook.php";
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => YOUR_APP_ID,
'secret' => YOUR_APP_SECRET,
$pageFeed = $facebook->api(THE_PAGE_ID . '/feed');
Then the array $pageFeed will contain the 25 latest posts and links to navigation :
[data] => Array(
[0] => Array(
[id] => ...
[from] => ...
[to] => ...
[message] => ...
[icon] => ...
[type] => ...
[application] => ...
[created_time] => ...
[updated_time] => ...
[1] => ...
[2] => ...
[24] => ...
[paging] => Array(
[previous] => https://...
[next] => https://...
Hope that helps !
I know this is old, but I'll bring it up again! I just spent the last three days busting tail and trying to hack and crack the PHP SDK and Graph API, and I've done alright! I posted a full length lab with code and descriptions on my page, and you can view it below and ask me any questions you might have.
Basically, page feed is in a "graph" of info, or a super array. You use the app to connect to the facebook page, and get the feed. Connecting to a page's feed requires no permission from the page, hence why all you need is your APP ID, APP SECRET, and PAGE ID. The SDK automatically generates the APP ACCESS TOKEN for you, so you'r good there.
From then on, it's just about manipulating the graph. I've learned that Facebook feed has different types of posts. some are "photo", "message", "link". Anyways, check out the lab and tell me what you think.