Online Anti-Virus service [closed] - web-services

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How would it be possible to design an online-antivirus service. I was thinking about creating an online version of some open-source antivirus. Would it be possible to upload something like a binary image of the selected folders, and then pass that as an argument to the antivirus service installed on the web server?

Take a look at - this is how they do it. BTW - hashing previous results would probably save you a lot of time on scanning duplicate requests.

Sure. Be quicker to have them fedex their hard drive, though.


DJango how to write a for signing in and registering as well as a log out [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Hi I am new to Django I just want to know how to write the POST and GET so I can sign in and log out as well as register?
thanks for your time.
Please follow the official tutorial here at
Django Tutorial. This is highly detailed documentation and you might rarely run into problem if you follow what they say. Please post questions that show some research.

Bypassing Captcha using python [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Can we resolve the captchas using any python packages ? I had tried pytesseract. It solves only basic captchas. Is there any alternative way to bypass the captchas in the link provided below ?
Link :
Thank in advance
You cannot achieve good captcha guess rate by using any local package or anything.
To really deal with captchas you need to use services like "Anticaptcha" and similar, google it. They provide API, you send an image to it and periodically poll for the answer (typically comes in 10-15 secs). People over there sit and solve your captchas for a small salary, so the solving rate is close to 100%.

Using Google Docs API spreadsheet as Ember Data-Store? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to be able to create a pretty dead simple Ember.js application and have it populate a Google Spreadsheet, and also have the capability to go back and edit records. Is this even feasible? Does anybody know of a good tutorial, github repo or gist demonstrating this?
Right now it is just an idea, and searching the web did not yield much. Is this because it is a foolish idea, or just because nobody has done it yet?
Yes there is: ember-gdrive
provides ember data bindings for google drive.

Delete file and get objects list from Amazon S3 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have developed several classes for classic asp (REST)
After testing, I was surprised at the result:
Uploaded file to the server
Deleting a file
Get list objects
The file remains on the list
I use cloudberry explorer and see that file no exist.
In what may be the problem?
I found the answer.
Maybe it's problem of classic asp. I needed a dynamic query string. When I use an alternative authentication method and it works.

C++ to create a Game for Nintendo DS [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Well, I'm trying to do a small game for DS-DSi in C++. Just for fun and feel happy.
I was wondering if there is any guide or I could get some help with getting started. I have no clue how it works or how to make it boot on the DS.
I suggest getting a nds flash cart, like the cycloDS (for the DS) or an R4i (for the DSi). Thats how you can run your creations on the actual device.
Here is a good list of tutorials starting from the beginning (setting up your environment, getting the armKit etc) on DS development.