Once again I'm stuck when using openMP in C++. This time I'm trying to implement a parallel quicksort.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <utility>
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define SWITCH_LIMIT 1000
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
void insertionSort(std::vector<T> &v, int q, int r)
int key, i;
for(int j = q + 1; j <= r; ++j)
key = v[j];
i = j - 1;
while( i >= q && v[i] > key )
v[i+1] = v[i];
v[i+1] = key;
stack<pair<int,int> > s;
template <typename T>
void qs(vector<T> &v, int q, int r)
T pivot;
int i = q - 1, j = r;
//switch to insertion sort for small data
if(r - q < SWITCH_LIMIT)
insertionSort(v, q, r);
pivot = v[r];
while(v[++i] < pivot);
while(v[--j] > pivot);
if(i >= j) break;
std::swap(v[i], v[j]);
std::swap(v[i], v[r]);
#pragma omp critical
s.push(make_pair(q, i - 1));
s.push(make_pair(i + 1, r));
int main()
int n, x;
int numThreads = 4, numBusyThreads = 0;
bool *idle = new bool[numThreads];
for(int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i)
idle[i] = true;
pair<int, int> p;
vector<int> v;
cin >> n;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cin >> x;
cout << v.size() << endl;
s.push(make_pair(0, v.size()));
#pragma omp parallel shared(s, v, idle, numThreads, numBusyThreads, p)
bool done = false;
int id = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp critical
if(s.empty() == false && numBusyThreads < numThreads)
//the current thread is not idle anymore
//it will get the interval [q, r] from stack
//and run qs on it
idle[id] = false;
p = s.top();
if(numBusyThreads == 0)
done = true;
if(idle[id] == false)
qs(v, p.first, p.second);
idle[id] = true;
#pragma omp critical
return 0;
To use openMP for a recursive function I used a stack to keep track of the next intervals on which the qs function should run. I manually add the 1st interval [0, size] and then let the threads get to work when a new interval is added in the stack.
The problem:
The program ends too early, not sorting the array after creating the 1st set of intervals ([q, i - 1], [i+1, r] if you look on the code. My guess is that the threads which get the work, considers the local variables of the quicksort function(qs in the code) shared by default, so they mess them up and add no interval in the stack.
How I compile:
g++ -o qs qs.cc -Wall -fopenmp
How I run:
./qs < in_100000 > out_100000
where in_100000 is a file containing 100000 on the 1st line followed by 100k intergers on the next line separated by spaces.
I am using gcc 4.5.2 on linux
Thank you for your help,
I didn't actually run your code, but I see an immediate mistake on p, which should be private not shared. The parallel invocation of qs: qs(v, p.first, p.second); will have races on p, resulting in unpredictable behavior. The local variables at qs should be okay because all threads have their own stack. However, the overall approach is good. You're on the right track.
Here are my general comments for the implementation of parallel quicksort. Quicksort itself is embarrassingly parallel, which means no synchronization is needed. The recursive calls of qs on a partitioned array is embarrassingly parallel.
However, the parallelism is exposed in a recursive form. If you simply use the nested parallelism in OpenMP, you will end up having thousand threads in a second. No speedup will be gained. So, mostly you need to turn the recursive algorithm into an interative one. Then, you need to implement a sort of work-queue. This is your approach. And, it's not easy.
For your approach, there is a good benchmark: OmpSCR. You can download at http://sourceforge.net/projects/ompscr/
In the benchmark, there are several versions of OpenMP-based quicksort. Most of them are similar to yours. However, to increase parallelism, one must minimize the contention on a global queue (in your code, it's s). So, there could be a couple of optimizations such as having local queues. Although the algorithm itself is purely parallel, the implementation may require synchronization artifacts. And, most of all, it's very hard to gain speedups.
However, you still directly use recursive parallelism in OpenMP in two ways: (1) Throttling the total number of the threads, and (2) Using OpenMP 3.0's task.
Here is pseudo code for the first approach (This is only based on OmpSCR's benchmark):
void qsort_omp_recursive(int* begin, int* end)
if (begin != end) {
// Partition ...
// Throttling
if (...) {
qsort_omp_recursive(begin, middle);
qsort_omp_recursive(++middle, ++end);
} else {
#pragma omp parallel sections nowait
#pragma omp section
qsort_omp_recursive(begin, middle);
#pragma omp section
qsort_omp_recursive(++middle, ++end);
In order to run this code, you need to call omp_set_nested(1) and omp_set_num_threads(2). The code is really simple. We simply spawn two threads on the division of the work. However, we insert a simple throttling logic to prevent excessive threads. Note that my experimentation showed decent speedups for this approach.
Finally, you may use OpenMP 3.0's task, where a task is a logically concurrent work. In the above all OpenMP's approaches, each parallel construct spawns two physical threads. You may say there is a hard 1-to-1 mapping between a task to a work thread. However, task separates logical tasks and workers.
Because OpenMP 3.0 is not popular yet, I will use Cilk Plus, which is great to express this kind of nested and recursive parallelisms. In Cilk Plus, the parallelization is extremely easy:
void qsort(int* begin, int* end)
if (begin != end) {
int* middle = std::partition(begin, end,
std::bind2nd(std::less<int>(), *end));
std::swap(*end, *middle);
cilk_spawn qsort(begin, middle);
qsort(++middle, ++end);
// cilk_sync; Only necessay at the final stage.
I copied this code from Cilk Plus' example code. You will see a single keyword cilk_spawn is everything to parallelize quicksort. I'm skipping the explanations of Cilk Plus and spawn keyword. However, it's easy to understand: the two recursive calls are declared as logically concurrent tasks. Whenever the recursion takes place, the logical tasks are created. But, the Cilk Plus runtime (which implements an efficient work-stealing scheduler) will handle all kinds of dirty job. It optimally queues the parallel tasks and maps to the work threads.
Note that OpenMP 3.0's task is essentially similar to the Cilk Plus's approach. My experimentation shows that pretty nice speedups were feasible. I got a 3~4x speedup on a 8-core machine. And, the speedup was scale. Cilk Plus' absolute speedups are greater than those of OpenMP 3.0's.
The approach of Cilk Plus (and OpenMP 3.0) and your approach are essentially the same: the separation of parallel task and workload assignment. However, it's very difficult to implement efficiently. For example, you must reduce the contention and use lock-free data structures.
my problem is this:
I want to solve TSP with the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in C++.
Right now Ive implemented a algorithm that solve this problem iterative.
For example: I generate 500 ants - and they find their route one after the other.
Each ant starts not until the previous ant finished.
Now I want to parallelize the whole thing - and I thought about using OpenMP.
So my first question is: Can I generate a large number of threads that work
simultaneously (for the number of ants > 500)?
I already tried something out. So this is my code from my main.cpp:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (auto ant = antarmy.begin(); ant != antarmy.end(); ++ant) {
#pragma omp ordered
if (ant->getIterations() < ITERATIONSMAX) {
And this is the code in my Ant class that is "critical" because each Ant reads and writes into the same Matrix (pheromone-Matrix):
void Ant::antRoute()
this->route.setCity(0, this->getStartIndex());
int nextCity = this->getNextCity(this->getStartIndex());
this->routedistance += this->data->distanceMatrix[this->getStartIndex()][nextCity];
int tempCity;
int i = 2;
this->route.setCity(1, nextCity);
updatePheromone(this->getStartIndex(), nextCity, routedistance, 0);
while (this->getVisitedCount() < datacitycount) {
tempCity = nextCity;
nextCity = this->getNextCity(nextCity);
this->route.setCity(i, nextCity);
this->routedistance += this->data->distanceMatrix[tempCity][nextCity];
updatePheromone(tempCity, nextCity, routedistance, 0);
this->routedistance += this->data->distanceMatrix[nextCity][this->getStartIndex()];
// updatePheromone(-1, -1, -1, 1);
void Ant::updatePheromone(int i, int j, double distance, bool reduce)
#pragma omp critical(pheromone)
if (reduce == 1) {
for (int x = 0; x < datacitycount; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < datacitycount; y++) {
if (REDUCE * this->data->pheromoneMatrix[x][y] < 0)
this->data->pheromoneMatrix[x][y] = 0.0;
this->data->pheromoneMatrix[x][y] -= REDUCE * this->data->pheromoneMatrix[x][y];
else {
double currentpheromone = this->data->pheromoneMatrix[i][j];
double updatedpheromone = (1 - PHEROMONEREDUCTION)*currentpheromone + (PHEROMONEDEPOSIT / distance);
if (updatedpheromone < 0.0) {
this->data->pheromoneMatrix[i][j] = 0;
this->data->pheromoneMatrix[j][i] = 0;
else {
this->data->pheromoneMatrix[i][j] = updatedpheromone;
this->data->pheromoneMatrix[j][i] = updatedpheromone;
So for some reasons the omp parallel for loop wont work on these range-based loops. So this is my second question - if you guys have any suggestions on the code how the get the range-based loops done im happy.
Thanks for your help
So my first question is: Can I generate a large number of threads that work simultaneously (for the number of ants > 500)?
In OpenMP you typically shouldn't care how many threads are active, instead you make sure to expose enough parallel work through work-sharing constructs such as omp for or omp task. So while you may have a loop with 500 iterations, your program could be run with anything between one thread and 500 (or more, but they would just idle). This is a difference to other parallelization approaches such as pthreads where you have to manage all the threads and what they do.
Now your example uses ordered incorrectly. Ordered is only useful if you have a small part of your loop body that needs to be executed in-order. Even then it can be very problematic for performance. Also you need to declare a loop to be ordered if you want to use ordered inside. See also this excellent answer.
You should not use ordered. Instead make sure that the ants know there number beforehand, write the code such that they don't need a number, or at the very least that the order of numbers doesn't matter for ants. In the latter case you can use omp atomic capture.
As to the access to shared data. Try to avoid it as much as possible. Adding omp critical is a first step to get a correct parallel program, but often leads to performance problems. Measure your parallel efficiency, use parallel performance analysis tools to find out if this is the case for you. Then you can use atomic data access or reduction (each threads has their own data they work on and only after the main work is finished, data from all threads is merged).
I'm working on a small Collatz conjecture calculator using C++ and GMP, and I'm trying to implement parallelism on it using OpenMP, but I'm coming across issues regarding thread safety. As it stands, attempting to run the code will yield this:
*** Error in `./collatz': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000001140c40 ***
*** Error in `./collatz': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00007f4d200008c0 ***
[1] 28163 abort (core dumped) ./collatz
This is the code to reproduce the behaviour.
#include <iostream>
#include <gmpxx.h>
mpz_class collatz(mpz_class n) {
if (mpz_odd_p(n.get_mpz_t())) {
n *= 3;
n += 1;
} else {
n /= 2;
return n;
int main() {
mpz_class x = 1;
#pragma omp parallel
while (true) {
//std::cout << x.get_str(10);
while (true) {
if (mpz_cmp_ui(x.get_mpz_t(), 1)) break;
x = collatz(x);
//std::cout << " OK" << std::endl;
Given that I did not get this error when I uncomment the outputs to screen, which are slow, I assume the issue at hand has to do with thread safety, and in particular with concurrent threads trying to increment x at the same time.
Am I correct in my assumptions? How can I fix this and make it safe to run?
I assume what you want to do is to check if the collatz conjecture holds for all numbers. The program you posted is wrong on many levels both serially and in parallel.
if (mpz_cmp_ui(x.get_mpz_t(), 1)) break;
Means that it will break when x != 1. If you replace it with the correct 0 == mpz_cmp_ui, the code will just continue to test 2 over and over again. You have to have two variables anyway, one for the outer loop that represents what you want to check, and one for the inner loop performing the check. It's easier to get this right if you make a function for that:
void check_collatz(mpz_class n) {
while (n != 1) {
n = collatz(n);
int main() {
mpz_class x = 1;
while (true) {
std::cout << x.get_str(10);
The while (true) loop is bad to reason about and parallelize, so let's just make an equivalent for loop:
for (mpz_class x = 1;; x++) {
Now, we can talk about parallelizing the code. The basis for OpenMP parallelizing is a worksharing construct. You cannot just slap #pragma omp parallel on a while loop. Fortunately you can easily mark certain canonical for loops with #pragma omp parallel for. For that, however, you cannot use mpz_class as a loop variable, and you must specify an end for the loop:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (long check = 1; check <= std::numeric_limits<long>::max(); check++)
Note that check is implicitly private, there is a copy for each thread working on it. Also OpenMP will take care of distributing the work [1 ... 2^63] among threads. When a thread calls check_collatz a new, private, mpz_class object will be created for it.
Now, you might notice, that repeatedly creating a new mpz_class object in each loop iteration is costly (memory allocation). You can reuse that (by breaking check_collatz again) and creating a thread-private mpz_class working object. For this, you split the compound parallel for into separate parallel and for pragmas:
#include <gmpxx.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
// Avoid copying objects by taking and modifying a reference
void collatz(mpz_class& n)
if (mpz_odd_p(n.get_mpz_t()))
n *= 3;
n += 1;
n /= 2;
int main()
#pragma omp parallel
mpz_class x;
#pragma omp for
for (long check = 1; check <= std::numeric_limits<long>::max(); check++)
// Note: The structure of this fits perfectly in a for loop.
for (x = check; x != 1; collatz(x));
Note that declaring x in the parallel region will make sure it is implicitly private and properly initialized. You should prefer that to declaring it outside and marking it private. This will often lead to confusion because explicitly private variables from outside scope are unitialized.
You might complain that this only checks the first 2^63 numbers. Just let it run. This gives you enough time to master OpenMP to expert level and write your own custom worksharing for GMP objects.
You were concerned about having extra objects for each thread. This is essential for good performance. You cannot solve this efficiently with locks/critical sections/atomics. You would have to protect each and every read and write to your only relevant variable. There would be no parallelism left.
Note: The huge for loop will likely have a load imbalance. So some threads will probably finish a few centuries earlier than the others. You could fix that with dynamic scheduling, or smaller static chunks.
Edit: For academic sake, here is one idea how to implement the worksharing directly on GMP objects:
#pragma omp parallel
// Note this is not a "parallel" loop
// these are just separate loops on distinct strided
int nthreads = omp_num_threads();
mpz_class check = 1;
// we already checked those in the other program
check += std::numeric_limits<long>::max();
check += omp_get_thread_num();
mpz_class x;
for (; ; check += nthreads)
// Note: The structure of this fits perfectly in a for loop.
for (x = check; x != 1; collatz(x));
You could well be right about collisions with x. You can mark x as private by:
#pragma omp parallel private(x)
This way each thread gets their own "version" of the variable x, which should make this thread-safe. By default, variables declared before a #pragma omp parallel are public, so there is one shared instance between all of the threads.
You might want to touch x only with atomic instructions.
#pragma omp atomic
This ensures that all threads see the same value of x without requires mutexes or other synchronization techniques.
I have following recursive function (NOTE: It is stripped of all unimportant details)
int recursion(...) {
int minimum = INFINITY;
for(int i=0; i<C; i++) {
int foo = recursion(...);
if (foo < minimum) {
minimum = foo;
return minimum;
Note 2: It is finite, but not in this simplified example, so please ignore it. Point of this question is how to aproach this problem correctly.
I was thinking about using tasks, but I am not sure, how to use it correctly - how to paralelize the inner cycle.
EDIT 1: The recursion tree isn't well balanced. It is being used with dynamic programing approach, so as time goes on, a lot of values are re-used from previous passes. This worries me a lot and I think it will be a big bottleneck.
C is somewhere around 20.
Metric for the best is fastest :)
It will run on 2x Xeon, so there is plenty of HW power availible.
Yes, you can use OpenMP tasks exploit parallelism on multiple recursion levels and ensure that imbalances don't cause wasted cycles.
I would collect the results in a vector and compute the minimum outside. You could also perform a guarded (critical / lock) minimum computation within the task.
Avoid spawning tasks / allocating memory for the minimum if you are too deep in the recursion, where the overhead / work ratio becomes too bad. The strongest solution it to create two separate (parallel/serial) recursive functions. That way you have zero runtime overhead once you switch to the serial function - as opposed to checking the recursion depth against a threshold every time in a unified function.
int recursion(...) {
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
return recursion_par(..., 0);
int recursion_ser(...) {
int minimum = INFINITY;
for(int i=0; i<C; i++) {
int foo = recursion_ser(...);
if (foo < minimum) {
minimum = foo;
return minimum;
int recursion_par(..., int depth) {
std::vector<int> foos(C);
for(int i=0; i<C; i++) {
#pragma omp task
if (depth < threshhold) {
foos[i] = recursion_par(..., depth + 1);
} else {
foos[i] = recursion_ser(...);
#pragma omp taskwait
return *std::min_element(std::begin(foos), std::end(foos));
Obviously you must not do any nasty things with global / shared state within the unimportant details.
I am trying to parallelize my own C++ implementation of Travelling Salesman Problem using OpenMP.
I have a function to calculate cost of road cost() and vector [0,1,2,...,N], where N is a number of nodes of the road.
In main(), I am trying to find the best road:
} while (std::next_permutation(permutation_base, permutation_base + operations_number));
I was trying to use #pragma omp parallel to parallelize that code, but it only made it more time consuming.
Is there any way to parallelize that code?
#pragma omp parallel doesn't automatically divide the computation on separate threads. If you want to divide the computation you need do additionally use #pragma omp for, otherwise the hole computation is done multiple times, one time for each thread. For instance the following code prints "Hello World!" four times on my laptop, since it has 4 cores.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
#pragma omp parallel
cout << "Hello World!\n";
The same thing happens to your code, if you simple write #pragma omp parallel. Your code gets executed multiple times, once for each thread. And therefore your program won't be faster. If you want to divide the work onto the threads (each thread does different things), you have to use something like #pragma omp parallel for.
Now we can look at your code. It isn't suited for parallelization. Lets see why. You start with your array permutation_base and calculate the costs. Then you manipulate permutation_base with next_permutation. You actually have to wait for the finished cost computations, before you are allowed to manipulate the the array, because otherwise the cost computation would be wrong. So the whole thing wouldn't work on separate threads.
One possible solution would be, to keep multiple copies of your array permutation_base, and each possible permutation base only runs through a part of all permutations. For instance:
vector<int> permutation_base{1, 2, 3, 4};
int n = permutation_base.size();
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// Make a copy of permutation_base
auto perm = permutation_base;
// rotate the i'th element to the front
// keep the other elements sorted
std::rotate(perm.begin(), perm.begin() + i, perm.begin() + i + 1);
// Now go through all permutations of the last `n-1` elements.
// Keep the first element fixed.
do {
while (std::next_permutation(perm.begin() + 1, perm.end()));
Most definitely.
The big problem with parallelizing these permutation problems is that in order to parallelize well, you need to "index" into an arbitrary permutation. In short, you need to find the kth permutation. You can take advantage of some cool math properties and you'll find this:
std::vector<int> kth_perm(long long k, std::vector<int> V) {
long long int index;
long long int next;
std::vector<int> new_v;
while(V.size()) {
index = k / fact(V.size() - 1);
next = k % fact(V.size() - 1);
V.erase(V.begin() + index);
k = next;
return new_v;
So then your logic might look something like this:
long long int start = (numperms*threadnum)/ numthreads;
long long int end = threadnum == numthreads-1 ? numperms : (numperms*(threadnum+1))/numthreads;
perm = kth_perm(start, perm); // perm is your list of permutations
for (int j = start; j < end; ++j){
if (is_valid_tour(adj_list, perm, startingVertex, endingVertex)) {
return perm;
isValidTour = false;
return perm;
Obviously there's a lot of code, but the idea of parallelizing it can be captured by the little code I've posted. You can visualize "indexing" like this:
^ ^ ^
t1 t2 ... tn
Find the ith permutation and let a thread call std::next_permutation until it finds the starting point of the next thread.
Note that you'll want to wrap the function that contains the bottom code in #pragma omp parallel
I want to parallelize the following function with OpenMP:
void calculateAll() {
int k;
int nodeId1, minCost1, lowerLimit1, upperLimit8;
for (k = mostUpperLevel; k > 0; k--) {
int myStart = borderNodesArrayStartGlobal[k - 1];
int size = myStart + borderNodesArraySizeGlobal[k - 1];
/* this loop may be parallel */
for (nodeId1 = myStart; nodeId1 < size; nodeId1++) {
if (getNodeScanned(nodeId1)) {
} else {
minCost1 = myMax;
lowerLimit1 = getNode3LevelsDownAll(nodeId1);
upperLimit8 = getUpperLimit3LevelsDownAll(nodeId1);
changeNodeValue(nodeId1, lowerLimit1, upperLimit8, minCost1, minCost1);
int myStart = restNodesArrayStartGlobal;
int size = myStart + restNodesArraySizeGlobal;
/* this loop may also be parallel */
for (nodeId1 = myStart; nodeId1 < size; nodeId1++) {
if (getNodeScanned(nodeId1)) {
} else {
minCost1 = myMax;
lowerLimit1 = getNode3LevelsDownAll(nodeId1);
upperLimit8 = getUpperLimit3LevelsDownAll(nodeId1);
changeNodeValue(nodeId1, lowerLimit1, upperLimit8, minCost1, minCost1);
Although I can use "omp pragma parallel for" on the 2 inside loops, code is too slow due to the constant overhead of creating new threads. Is there a way to separate "omp pragma parallel" so that at the beginning of function I take the necessary threads and then with "omp pragma for" to get the best possible results? I am using gcc 4.6.
Thanks in advance
The creation of the threads is normally not the bottleneck in openmp programs. It is the distribution of the tasks to the threads. The threads are actually generated at the first #pragma omp for (You can verify that with a profiler like VTune. At each loop the work is assigned to the threads. This assignment is often the problem as this is a costly operation.
However you should try to play around with the schedulers. As this might have a big impact on the performance. E.g play with schedule(dynamic,chunksize) vs schedule(static,chunksize) and also try different chunksizes.