How to use sitecore query in datasource location? (dynamic datasource) - sitecore

Is it possible to set the datasource location (not the datasource) to be a sitecore query?
What I'm trying to do is to have the sublayout set its datasource location to a folder under the item containing it (current item).
The sublayout datasource location should point to a folder under the current item. So I tried setting the datasource location to query:./Items/* but that did not work.

You don't need the query -- the sublayout datasource location can simply use a relative path. e.g.
Obviously though, that folder needs to exist already. I've been meaning to blog this code, and it may be overkill but I'll post here since it may help you. The following can be added to the getRenderingDatasource pipeline to create a relative path datasource location if it doesn't exist already. Add it before the GetDatasourceLocation processor.
On the sublayout, you'll want to add a parameter contentFolderTemplate=[GUID] to specify the template of the item that gets created.
public class CreateContentFolder
protected const string CONTENT_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_PARAM = "contentFolderTemplate";
public void Process(GetRenderingDatasourceArgs args)
Assert.IsNotNull(args, "args");
Sitecore.Data.Items.RenderingItem rendering = new Sitecore.Data.Items.RenderingItem(args.RenderingItem);
UrlString urlString = new UrlString(rendering.Parameters);
var contentFolder = urlString.Parameters[CONTENT_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_PARAM];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentFolder))
if (!ID.IsID(contentFolder))
Log.Warn(string.Format("{0} for Rendering {1} contains improperly formatted ID: {2}", CONTENT_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_PARAM, args.RenderingItem.Name, contentFolder), this);
string text = args.RenderingItem["Datasource Location"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
if (text.StartsWith("./") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.ContextItemPath))
var itemPath = args.ContextItemPath + text.Remove(0, 1);
var item = args.ContentDatabase.GetItem(itemPath);
var contextItem = args.ContentDatabase.GetItem(args.ContextItemPath);
if (item == null && contextItem != null)
string itemName = text.Remove(0, 2);
//if we create an item in the current site context, the WebEditRibbonForm will see an ItemSaved event and think it needs to reload the page
using (new SiteContextSwitcher(SiteContextFactory.GetSiteContext("system")))
contextItem.Add(itemName, new TemplateID(ID.Parse(contentFolder)));


sitecore identify template type in treelist view

I have a treelist which allows an editor to define a list of links which is then output in a sublayout.
Depending upon which templates the selected pages use in that treelist field will determine the field values I need to write out.
I have a generic content page template where its own sitecore URL should be referenced but I then have a pseudo template which contains a field for a string URL and additional field params relating to to an external site.
In that scenario I don't want the sitecore URL I instead need its field values so as to concat a link to an external site along with the token details and present that to the user in the list of links.
Currently I have the code below but I need to include a condition that says if the template of the current GUID item is type 'SSO-Link' then don't retrieve its sitecore URL from linkmanager instead refer to a field called URL as well as a number of additional fields.
Thanks - current code below
Item[] selectedItems = treelistField.GetItems();
foreach (Item item in selectedItems)
string itemName = item.Name;
string displayName = item.DisplayName;
string url = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(item);
string linkName = "Undefined";
if (displayName != null)
linkName = displayName;
else if (itemName != null)
linkName = itemName;
if (linkName != "Undefined" && url != null)
htmlOutput.Text += "<a href=\"" + url + "\">";
htmlOutput.Text += linkName;
htmlOutput.Text += "</a>";
From what I understand, you need to add this simple condition at the beginning of your loop:
foreach (Item item in selectedItems)
string url = null;
if (item.TemplateName == "SSO-Link")
url = item["URL"];
// other fields
url = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(item);
// your code
I use an extension for my templates and template items. Then I call a constants class for the ID of the template I am comparing to.
public static class TemplateExtensions
public static bool IsDerived([NotNull] this Template template, [NotNull] ID templateId)
return template.ID == templateId || template.GetBaseTemplates().Any(baseTemplate => IsDerived(baseTemplate, templateId));
public static bool IsDerived([NotNull] this TemplateItem template, [NotNull] ID templateId)
return template.ID == templateId || template.BaseTemplates.Any(baseTemplate => IsDerived(baseTemplate, templateId));
public static class Products
public static TemplateID ProductSection = new TemplateID(new ID("{73400360-5935-40B6-88BC-350DC5B9BC90}"));
public static TemplateID ProductDetail = new TemplateID(new ID("{9CD3D5ED-E579-4611-88E0-6B44C9D56F16}"));
if (item.IsDerived(Products.ProductDetail))
{ if code here }
Hope this helps.

Sitecore media item url

I am on Sitecore 7.2
I am experiencing issues trying to retrieve media URL.
I have a template (PageBanner) with just one field called BannerImage. Field type is Image.
Another template named Homepage inherits this template PageBanner.
A content item Home uses template Homepage. I can see the BannerImage field as a part of the Home content item. An image has been assigned to this field as well.
Now, the back-end bit where the issue is encountered.
homeItem.Field["BannerImage"] returns image item.
homeItem["BannerImage"] returns empty string.
If I try to cast it to ImageField -(ImageField)homeItem.Field["BannerImage"], the resultant ImageField item doesn't have MediaItem or any other field set.
I can do :
var imageFieldItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(homeItem.Fields["BannerImage"].ID);
var mediaUrl = MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(imageFieldItem);
But that gives me a dynamic media url in the form of -~/media/a2c15f35836746f398e772c81d040607.ashx
I am looking to get the media URL by path.
Any idea what am I missing here?
You are making the correct call to get the URL using the MediaManager but you need to pass the inner MediaItem to the GetMediaUrl() method:
string imageURL = string.Empty;
Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField imageField = homeItem.Field["BannerImage"];
if (imageField != null && imageField.MediaItem != null)
Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem image = new Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem(imageField.MediaItem);
imageURL = Sitecore.StringUtil.EnsurePrefix('/', Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(image));
As for the dynamic URL being generated, if it is in Edit mode then this is normal, Check in Normal mode that the media URL is fully rendered.
Try this code out in some utility class.
var imageUrl = GetImageUrl(homeItem, "BannerImage" false);
public static string GetImageUrl(Item item, string fieldname, bool includeServerUrl)
// do the checks
if (item == null) { return ""; }
if (fieldname.Length == 0) { return ""; }
// create media options
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaUrlOptions mediaUrlOptions = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaUrlOptions { AlwaysIncludeServerUrl = true };
mediaUrlOptions.AbsolutePath = true;
// do we want to include the FQDN?
if (includeServerUrl)
mediaUrlOptions.AlwaysIncludeServerUrl = true;
// convert to image field
Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField imagefield = item.Fields[fieldname];
if (imagefield == null) { return ""; }
// get the item so we can process it
Item mediaitem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(imagefield.MediaID);
if (mediaitem == null) { return ""; }
// pass in the item with the options to get the URL
string mediaurl = Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaManager.GetMediaUrl(mediaitem, mediaUrlOptions);
if (mediaurl == null) { return ""; }
return mediaurl;

Programmatically add a new field in a template in sitecore

In Sitecore is it possible to programmatically add a new field in a template?
I have a template "DictionaryName", in this template I want to add a field "Newname" with its type "Single-Line Text".
I wrote and tested this code for you - it worked out perfect on my machine and created new single line field within template specified. Here is the method:
private void AddFieldToTemplate(string fieldName, string tempatePath)
const string templateOftemplateFieldId = "{455A3E98-A627-4B40-8035-E683A0331AC7}";
// this will do on your "master" database, consider Sitecore.Context.Database if you need "web"
var templateItem = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master").GetItem(tempatePath);
if (templateItem != null)
var templateSection = templateItem.Children.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Template.Name == "Template section");
if (templateSection != null)
var newField = templateSection.Add(fieldName, new TemplateID(new ID(templateOftemplateFieldId)));
using (new EditContext(newField))
newField["Type"] = "Text"; // text stands for single-line lext field type
// there are no template sections here, you may need to create one. template has only inherited fields if any
And below is the usage - first string parameter is the name of your new field, the second is string value for template path within the database you are using:
AddFieldToTemplate("New Single Line Field", "/sitecore/templates/Sample/Sample Item");
Replace "Sample Item" template with your template path and set desired field name to add. Also do not forget usings for namespaces:
using Sitecore;
using Sitecore.Data;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
Hope this helps!
You can access programmatically a template from the item and then add a an item to this template. The template is a usual item childrens.
Wrote this Example for you.
Want to find out more
public JsonResult CreateTemplate()
using(new SecurityDisabler())
///Get Database
Database master = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
/// Every node in content tree ia an Item. Ex- Templates,Field, Item, etc.
/// Template: /sitecore/templates/System/Templates/Template -{AB86861A-6030-46C5-B394-E8F99E8B87DB}
var templateId = master.GetTemplate(new ID("{AB86861A-6030-46C5-B394-E8F99E8B87DB}"));
/// parentItem is the item/ Template folder where you want to create your template.
/// ParentItem: /sitecore/templates/[new folder {Guid}]
Item parentItem = master.GetItem(new ID("{3C7516ED-7E3E-4442-8124-26691599596E}"));
Item newItem = parentItem.Add("HelloTemplate", templateId);
// adding Field in Templates.
TemplateItem exampleTemplate = master.Templates[new ID(newItem.ID.ToString())];
TemplateSectionItem data = exampleTemplate?.GetSection("data");
if( data == null || data.InnerItem.Parent.ID != exampleTemplate.ID)
data = exampleTemplate.AddSection("Data", false);
TemplateFieldItem title = data?.GetField("title");
if(title == null)
TemplateFieldItem field = data.AddField("Title");
return Json(new { Result = "item created" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
return Json(new { Result = "item not created " + ex.Message+"\n"+ex.StackTrace } , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

determine roles that have access to an item in Sitecore - in code

Sitecore 6.5 system:
In code, is there a way to determine which roles have access to a specific item?
I have an extranet set up, some items are "protected" - meaning the anonymous account has had the inheritance broken, and certain roles have been granted read access. I already have a custom pipeline built, so I can determine when user attempts to view a protected item, but I need to determine what role(s) has access to view the item so I can direct them appropriately.
Here is the relevant code - there may be a better way of doing this (I inherited the system & code), but I am attempting to utilize what was already in place. The problem with the code below is that Sitecore.Context.Item is null when the user doesn't have permission.
public class NotFoundProcessor : Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestProcessor
public override void Process(Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.HttpRequestArgs args)
if (args.PermissionDenied)
//determine what role would give the user access
foreach(Sitecore.Security.Accounts.Role role in Sitecore.Security.Accounts.RolesInRolesManager.GetAllRoles())
bool roleCanRead = Sitecore.Context.Item.Security.CanRead(role);
//... do stuff here
Just from the top of my head, you can check all the roles if they have read access to chosen item:
foreach (Role role in RolesInRolesManager.GetAllRoles())
bool roleCanRead = item.Security.CanRead(role);
EDIT after code sample provided:
You need to try to resolve the item in the same way as ItemResolver does but wrapped it with SecurityDisabler and without setting it to Sitecore Context afterwards. This will allow you to find the requested item despite the fact the user doesn't have access to it:
public class NotFoundProcessor : HttpRequestProcessor
public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
if (args.PermissionDenied)
Item item = GetItemUsingSecurityDisabler(args);
//determine what role would give the user access
foreach(Role role in RolesInRolesManager.GetAllRoles())
bool roleCanRead = item.Security.CanRead(role);
//... do stuff here
private Item GetItemUsingSecurityDisabler(HttpRequestArgs args)
using (new SecurityDisabler())
string path = MainUtil.DecodeName(args.Url.ItemPath);
Item item = args.GetItem(path);
if (item == null)
path = args.Url.ItemPath;
item = args.GetItem(path);
if (item == null)
path = args.LocalPath;
item = args.GetItem(path);
if (item == null)
path = MainUtil.DecodeName(args.LocalPath);
item = args.GetItem(path);
SiteContext site = Sitecore.Context.Site;
string rootPath = site != null ? site.RootPath : string.Empty;
if (item == null)
path = FileUtil.MakePath(rootPath, args.LocalPath, '/');
item = args.GetItem(path);
if (item == null)
path = MainUtil.DecodeName(FileUtil.MakePath(rootPath, args.LocalPath, '/'));
item = args.GetItem(path);
// I've ommited resolving item using DisplayName but you can add if necessary here
return item;

publish related media items in Sitecore 6.5 without using workflow

Our client wants to automatically publish related media items when publishing a page. They're not using workflow which would have made things simpler, so I need to find another way. At the moment I've created a custom publish pipeline processor (as shown in this blog post) where I've enabled History storage for the web database and get the list of changed items from there. When looping through the changed items I'm checking for any related media items and publish them.
This works fine, but I just wanted to check if there's any pitfalls to watch out for or if there is a better way of doing this. Anyone have any ideas?
The best way without using workflow is to replace the AddItemReferences processor in the PublishItem workflow. There you can add what types of items will be published along with the original item.
Here is a blog post Alex Shyba about it.
Here is my local implementation
public class AddItemReferences : Sitecore.Publishing.Pipelines.PublishItem.AddItemReferences
private readonly static ILogger _logger = AppLogger.GetNamedLogger(typeof(AddItemReferences));
protected override List<Item> GetItemReferences(PublishItemContext context)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");
var list = new List<Item>();
// calling base method which processes links from FileDropArea field
// adding our "own" related items
return list;
protected virtual List<Item> GetRelatedReferences(PublishItemContext context)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");
var relatedReferenceList = new List<Item>();
if (context.PublishOptions.Mode == PublishMode.SingleItem )
var sourceItem = context.PublishHelper.GetSourceItem(context.ItemId);
if (sourceItem.Paths.IsContentItem)
var itemLinks = sourceItem.Links.GetValidLinks();
ItemLink[] referers = Globals.LinkDatabase.GetReferers(sourceItem);
catch (Exception ex)
var options = context.PublishOptions;
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.AppendLine("Publishing options");
msg.AppendLine("Deep: " + options.Deep);
msg.AppendLine("From date: " + options.FromDate);
msg.AppendLine("Language: " + options.Language);
msg.AppendLine("Mode: " + options.Mode);
msg.AppendLine("PublishDate: " + options.PublishDate);
msg.AppendLine("Targets: " + string.Join(",",options.PublishingTargets.ToArray()));
msg.AppendLine("Republish all: " + options.RepublishAll);
msg.AppendLine("Root item: " + options.RootItem);
msg.AppendLine("Source database: " + options.SourceDatabase.Name);
_logger.LogError(msg.ToString(), ex);
return relatedReferenceList;
private static IEnumerable<Item> GetMediaItems(ItemLink[] itemLinks)
foreach (var link in itemLinks)
var item = link.GetTargetItem();
if (item == null)
if (item.Paths.IsMediaItem)
yield return item;
private static IEnumerable<Item> GetAliases(ItemLink[] referrers)
foreach (var link in referrers)
var item = link.GetSourceItem();
if (item != null && IsAlias(item))
yield return item;
private static bool IsAlias(Item item)
return item.TemplateID.Guid == DataAccessSettings.Templates.AliasTemplateId;
Input for risk areas:
Missing entries in History storage if editing session is above 30 days prior to publish
Finding related media items involves both link fields and also rich text fields, there can be possible direct links to media, these could be handled and transformed to correctly formatted links.
Alternative solutions
Depending on the Sitecore maturity of your editors another user model could be that you autopublish the media Items from the Save Pipeline. For some users this is easier to understand, since the publishing model is then restricted to handling page visibility.