I have a list of tuples that look like this.
[ [(1,True),(2,True)] , [(3,False),(4,False),(5,False)] ]
My goal is so get [1,2,3,4,5] of out that mess.
I tried to use map and filter to remove all the Bools but filter also removed the first element in the tuple. If I can remove the Bools in each tuple then I can maybe use a loop to assign fst of each tuple to a new empty list?
f :: [[(a, b)]] -> [a]
f = concatMap (map fst)
Then f [ [(1,True),(2,True)] , [(3,False),(4,False),(5,False)] ] is [1,2,3,4,5].
Or with list comprehensions:
f xss = [fst x | xs <- xss, x <- xs]
Try this (edited, thanks to Michael Kohl's and pat's comments):
fun :: [[(a,b)]] -> [a]
fun = map fst . concat
Then in GHC:
*Main> let l = [ [(1,True),(2,True)] , [(3,False),(4,False),(5,False)] ]
*Main> fun l
foldl1 (\acc x -> acc ++ x) [a | b <- lst, let a = map fst b]
I have lists of lists and need to combine it with another list of lists.
Example inputs:
A: [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]
B: [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]
Example output:
2 lists of lists with 4 lists inside both would return us a list of lists size 4*4 = 16
I've tried just recursively combine the lists, but i know it wouldn't work even if would go through.
mergeAll [[]] [[]] = [[]]
mergeAll [[]] b = b
mergeAll a [[]] = a
mergeAll xs ys = mergeAll (merge xs ys) (drop 1 ys)
merge :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
merge [[]] [[]] = [[]]
merge xs [[]] = xs
merge [[]] ys = ys
merge (x:xs) (y:ys) = ((x++y):xs)
You can use a list comprehension:
[ xs ++ ys | xs <- listOfLists1, ys <- listOfLists2 ]
You may do like
Prelude> let doit = \as bs -> as >>= \a -> bs >>= \b -> pure (a ++ b)
Prelude> doit [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]] [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]]
As Robin says in a comment, you can also do it like:
liftA2 (++)
I ask my self a question trying to understand why that is equivalent to:
[xs ++ ys | xs <- xss, ys <- yss]
I want to write a function which takes a input list and manipulates it in the following way:
Step 1: Take the first element of the list and the last element of the list and put it together in a sublist.
Step 2: Take the second element of the list and the second last element of the list and put it together in the next sublist.
Step 3: Take the third element of the list and the third last element of the
list and put it together in next sublist.
Continue this according to the same scheme (for a list of n elements)...
If the number of elements of the input list is odd the n/2 element of the input list will be added as last sublist of the output list.
-- should be transformed to
I already wrote a function which takes every 2 elements of a list and puts it together in sublists and I am wondering if this code might help me with my problem above:
g2 :: [a] -> [[a]]
g2 [] = []
g2 (x1:x2:xs) = [x1,x2]: g2 xs
g2 xs = [xs]
Here's one that does it in one pass:
pairs :: [a] -> [[a]]
pairs xs = fst (go xs xs) where
go (x:xs) (_:_:ys) = f x (go xs ys)
go (x:xs) [_] = ([[x]],xs)
go xs [] = ([],xs)
f x (xs,y:ys) = ([x,y]:xs,ys)
How does it work? Let's look at the first two arguments of go first, and in particular this line:
go (x:xs) (_:_:ys) = f x (go xs ys)
Those two arguments are both from the same list (xs), but we take 2 items off of one, and only one off of the other. Why? So we know when we hit the halfway point. Look at this function for comparison:
halfway xs = go xs xs
go (_:xs) (_:_:ys) = go xs ys
go xs _ = xs
>>> halfway [1..6]
Now, once we get to the halfway point we'll need to "zip" it with the other list. But it needs to be in reverse! How do we do this? A handy way to reverse any function in one pass is to first write it as a fold. Here's zip written as a fold:
zip = foldr (\x k (y:ys) -> (x,y) : k ys) (const [])
To "reverse" it, you just apply is as a foldl rather than as a foldr (you also have to flip the closure).
For our uses, we basically build up the base as we go (in the form of k). So no our function looks like this:
pairs :: [a] -> [[a]]
pairs xs = go xs xs (const []) where
go (y:ys) (_:_:zs) k = go ys zs (f y k)
go (y:ys) [_] k = [y] : k ys
go ys [] k = k ys
f x k (y:ys) = [x,y] : k ys -- same `f` as from `zip`
There's still one problem: the list is returned in the wrong order. To fix this, we replace the list with a difference list, and swap the order of the appends.
Finally, we un-CPS the function, and we get the above.
Here's one using transpose
import Data.List
g2 xs =
transpose [take (x + y) xs, take x (reverse xs)]
where (x, y) = (length xs) `divMod` 2
Note that we have to use drop 1 instead of tail here to avoid errors for odd-length lists.
g2 :: [a] -> [[a]]
g2 [] = []
g2 xs = [first xs] ++ (g2 . drop 1 $ init xs)
where first (x:[]) = [x]
first xs = [head xs, last xs]
Two more, the second is using unfoldr:
pair xs = take (length xs `div` 2) $ zip xs (reverse xs)
-- Note: uses tuples instead of lists
import Data.List
pairs2 = unfoldr (\xs ->
if length xs < 2
then Nothing
else Just ([head xs, last xs], init.tail $ xs))
xs = [2,3,4,7,6]
pair xs -- [(2,6),(3,7)]
pair2 xs -- [[2,6],[3,7]]
I've rewritten the zipWith function using recursion, and now I am trying to rewrite it using list comprehension. I have run into quite a few binding errors and I know that my second line is incorrect. This is the function I have that works like zipWith using recursion:
zipW :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipW _ [] _ = []
zipW _ _ [] = []
zipW f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipW f xs ys
And this is my attempt to rewrite it as list comprehension:
zipW2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipW2 f xs ys = [f x y | (x, y) <- zipW2 f xs ys]
I am not sure how to correct the second statement so that it works like zipWith and allows me to choose the operator.
You will need Parallel List Comprehensions extension:
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
zipWith' :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith' f xs ys = [f x y | x <- xs | y <- ys]
The original zipWith has three cases:
when the first list is empty
when the second list is empty
when the neither list is empty
The third case recursively calls zipWith on the tails of the arguments, which does the case analysis again.
In your definition, you only have one case - the list comprehension, so any recursive calls are going to wrap right back to that. And without case analysis, you could loop forever here:
>>> let myZipWith f xs ys = [ f x y | (x,y) <- myZipWith f xs ys ]
>>> myZipWith (,) [] []
Furthermore because you're using f in the recursive call but requiring that the recursive output be a pair, you're placing the implicit requirement that f x y produce a pair:
>>> :t myZipWith
myZipWith :: (t2 -> t3 -> (t2, t3)) -> t -> t1 -> [(t2, t3)]
The solution is to not recurse, but instead to consider each pair directly.
You can use behzad.nouri's solution of enabling the ParallelListComp language extension:
>>> :set -XParallelListComp
>>> let myZipWith f xs ys = [ f x y | x <- xs | y <- ys ]
>>> myZipWith (+) [1,2,4] [0,10,20]
ParallelListComp makes the second (and later) vertical pipe characters (|) in a list comprehension legal syntax, stepping through those lists in parallel (zip-like) with earlier lists.
It's good to know how this differs from normal list comprehensions, where you separate each list you draw from with commas. Using commas does nested iteration which is flattened out in the resulting list:
>>> let notZipWith f xs ys = [ f x y | x <- xs, y <- ys ]
>>> notZipWith (+) [1,2,4] [0,10,20]
Using the ParallelListComp extension is really just syntatical sugar for the original zipWith, so you may consider it cheating.
You could also just rely on the original zip:
>>> let myZipWith f xs ys = [ f x y | (x,y) <- zip xs ys ]
>>> myZipWith (+) [1,2,4] [0,10,20]
But since zip is defined as zipWith (,), that's probably cheating too.
Another way you could go is to use indices:
>>> let myZipWith f xs ys = [ f x y | i <- [0..min (length xs) (length ys) - 1], let x = xs !! i, let y = ys !! i ]
>>> myZipWith (+) [1,2,4] [0,10,20]
But this is going to be horrendously inefficient, as !! is a linear-time operation, making myZipWith quadratic, while zipWith is linear:
>>> :set +s
>>> last $ myZipWith (+) (replicate 10000000 1) (replicate 10000000 2)
(4.80 secs, 3282337752 bytes)
>>> last $ zipWith (+) (replicate 10000000 1) (replicate 10000000 2)
(0.40 secs, 2161935928 bytes)
I'm sure there's other bad ways to create an equivalent to zipWith with a list comprehension, but I'm not terribly convinced that there's a good way, even from the ones above.
I have the following function
combinations :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
combinations [] = [[]]
combinations (xs:xss) = concat [map (x:) yss | x <- xs]
where yss = combinations xss
Which produces all combinations between its elements:
*Main> combinations [[1,2],[2,3,4],[5,6]]
I some how feel there must be a monadic way to do this
foobar = do
n <- [1,2]
ch <- [3,4,5]
This is how far I came. But I am stuck.
Your function is sequence for the list monad.
> :t sequence
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
> sequence [[1,2],[2,3,4],[5,6]]
The best I've been able to come up with is
combinations [] = [[]]
combinations (xs:xss) = do
x <- xs
ys <- combinations xss
return $ x : ys
The way I derived this was I first converted the list comprehension into monadic code (which also meant dropping the concat to get it to type check)
combinations (xs:xss) =
let yss = combinations xss
in do
x <- xs
map (x:) yss
Then I realized that map (x:) yss is exactly fmap (x:) yss, which is exactly yss >>= return . (x:), so I knew I could do
combinations (xs:xss) =
let yss = combinations xss
in do
x <- xs
ys <- yss
return $ x : ys
And then it can be inlined as
combinations (xs:xss) = do
x <- xs
ys <- combinations xss
return $ x : ys
I am a relative haskell newbie and am trying to create a list of tuples with an equation I named splits that arises from a single list originally, like this:
splits [1..4] --> [ ([1],[2,3,4]), ([1,2],[3,4]), ([1,2,3],[4]) ]
splits "xyz" --> [ ("x","yz"), ("xy","z") ]
Creating a list of tuples that take 1, then 2, then 3 elements, etc. I figured out I should probably use the take/drop functions, but this is what I have so far and I'm running into a lot of type declaration errors... Any ideas?
splits :: (Num a) => [a] -> [([a], [a])]
splits [] = error "shortList"
splits [x]
| length [x] <= 1 = error "shortList"
| otherwise = splits' [x] 1
where splits' [x] n = [(take n [x], drop n [x])] + splits' [x] (n+1)
The Haskell-y approach is to use the inits and tails functions from Data.List:
inits [1,2,3,4] = [ [], [1], [1,2], [1,2,3], [1,2,3,4] ]
tails [1,2,3,4] = [ [1,2,3,4], [2,3,4], [3,4], [4], [] ]
We then just zip these two lists together and drop the first pair:
splits xs = tail $ zip (inits xs) (tails xs)
or equivalently, drop the first element of each of the constituent lists first:
= zip (tail (inits xs)) (tail (tails xs))
splits [] = []
splits [_] = []
splits (x:xs) = ([x], xs) : map (\(ys, zs) -> (x:ys, zs)) (splits xs)
You have several mistakes.
You don't need to have Num a class for a.
use [] or [x] as pattern, but not a variable, use xs instead.
Use ++ instead of + for concatenating lists.
In our case use (:) to add list to value instead of ++.
Add stop for recursion, like additional variable maxn to splits'
splits :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
splits [] = error "shortList"
splits xs
| lxs <= 1 = error "shortList"
| otherwise = splits' xs 1 lxs
lxs = length xs
splits' xs n maxn
| n > maxn = []
| otherwise = (take n xs, drop n xs) : splits' xs (n+1) maxn
There is a built in function that kind of does a part of what you want:
splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
which does what it looks like it would do:
> splitAt 2 [1..4]
Using this function, you can just define splits like this:
splits xs = map (flip splitAt xs) [1..length xs - 1]