What toolchain do I need to cross-compile Clang for iOS - c++

OK, so first of all I know that this can be compiled on iOS (armv7) because I read the documentation. However, I can't find the right toolchain.
So, now, what toolchains I've already tried:
The above cross-compiles to x86 (I'm on i386). Works fine. But I don't need it
The above compiles fine, but doesn't cross compile to arm as I would have expected, instead, it simply compiles to my current arch.
I'm a real beginner in this matter, in fact this is my first attempt to cross-compile something.
Here are the commands that I've tried(this is for armv6; armv7 is similar):
../llvm/configure --host=arm-apple-darwin6 --target=arm-apple-darwin6
--build=i386-apple-darwin --enable-optimized --disable-debug
--disable-expensive-checks --disable-doxygen --disable-threads
env vars:
export DEVROOT=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer
export CFLAGS="-arch armv6 -pipe -no-cpp-precomp -isysroot $SDKROOT -miphoneos-version-min=$IOS_DEPLOY_TGT -I$SDKROOT/usr/include/"
export CPP="$DEVROOT/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-cpp-4.2.1"
export CXX="$DEVROOT/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-g++-4.2.1"
export CXXCPP="$DEVROOT/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-cpp-4.2.1"
export CC="$DEVROOT/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1"
export LD=$DEVROOT/usr/bin/ld
export AR=$DEVROOT/usr/bin/ar
export AS=$DEVROOT/usr/bin/as
export NM=$DEVROOT/usr/bin/nm
export RANLIB=$DEVROOT/usr/bin/ranlib
export LDFLAGS="-L$SDKROOT/usr/lib/"
UPDATE : The purpose of this cross compile is to make an armv7(armv6) library not a command line tool.
YET ANOTHER UPDATE: I used the following:
./llvm/configure --host=i386-apple-darwin --target=armv7-apple-darwin --build=armv7-apple-darwin --enable-optimized --disable-debug --disable-expensive-checks --disable-doxygen --disable-threads --enable-targets=arm
And I managed to get checking whether we are cross compiling... yes out of the configure tool. However, make still outputs a x86_64 binary:(

In principle your configure invocation looks good. I'm trying to shoot a few typical mistakes:
Did you make clean after every change of architecture?
Why are you so sure that the LD, RANLIB etc. of your host system are fine for cross-compilation? It will overwrite the auto-configured value of LD. (The line reading "export LD=ld" would be at fault here.)
Could you check a typical compiler and a typical linker invocation in the output of make for their correct use of the cross-compilation tools?


gperftools - profile file not dumped

I've configured and built gpreftools. however, I can't seem to find the generated profile file of my program to display it.
I took the following actions:
Adding the -lprofiler linker flag to my .pro, building the program and the flag is added correctly at the linking stage.
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -lprofiler
Running with:
$ CPUPROFILE=/tmp/prof.out /path/to/executable
$ pprof --gv /path/to/MyExe /tmp/prof.out
Then I get the following:
Failed to get profile: curl -s --max-time 90 'http:///pprof/profile?seconds=30' > /home/eslam/pprof/.tmp.MyExe.1509005857.: No such file or directory.
Anyone has a resolve on this?
Check that your program actually links to libprofiler.so. Some OSes (e.g. AFAIK some versions of ubuntu) do not actually add .so if none of it's symbols are actually used. E.g. ldd ./yourprogram should list libprofiler.so. If this does not happen, then you should prepend something like -Wl,--no-as-needed to your linker flags.
LD_PRELOAD method without rebuild
Besides passing -Wl,--no-as-needed,-lprofiler,--as-needed at build time mentioned by Eslam, you can also get it to work without modifying the build by passing the LD_PRELOAD option at runtime as:
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprofiler.so CPUPROFILE=prof.out ./main.out
You can find libprofiler.so easily with locate libprofiler.so.
See also: How can I profile C++ code running on Linux?
Tested in Ubuntu 18.04.

C/C++ Cyanogenmod How to compile kernel using different version of toolchain?

I am trying to compile kernel for Cyanogenmod 13. I am getting error
ERROR: modpost: Found 2 section mismatch(es).
To see full details build your kernel with:
To build the kernel despite the mismatches, build with:
(NOTE: This is not recommended)
I read it here. That i need to compile my kernel using 4.7.
How can i choose the version of toolchain during cyanogenmod build ??
I believe you need to setup gcc version 4.7 and use CC variable to set it as a compiler. E.g. make target CC=/bin/gcc4.7
More information here and here.
Thanks to #nopasara and his valuable comment.
So i did little research further and discovered that the kernel is compatiable with arm-eabi tool chain not arm-linux-androideabi toolchain. So here is the command i used
export PATH=$PATH:~/android/system/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-eabi-4.7/bin/ && export ARCH=arm && export SUBARCH=arm && export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-eabi- && make msm8226_defconfig O=~/android/system/out/target/product/E6790/obj/KERNEL_OBJ
make O=~/android/system/out/target/product/E6790/obj/KERNEL_OBJ zImage -j4
To do with this Cyanogenmod add following line to your BoardConfig.mk
and either use
Or edit ~/android/system/build/core/combo/TARGET_linux-arm.mk and set version in
$(combo_2nd_arch_prefix)TARGET_LEGACY_GCC_VERSION := 4.7

How to use Cross Linker instead of native linker

I am trying to cross compile a package for MIPS architecture using toolchain provided by OpenWRT. I come across following error during make:
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /home/user/package/zlib/zlib-1.2.8/libz.so when searching for -lz
In this case zlib is already cross compiled for MIPS but make is using '/usr/bin/ld' instead of 'mipsel-openwrt-linux-ld'. I have tried ./configure with --with-ld option but it says that '--with-ld' is unknown option.
Did you check following page, https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/crosscompile?
Pass the host and build to the build system of the package to trigger cross-compile
For GNU configure, use --build=architecture-unkown-linux-gnu --host=architecture-openwrt-linux-uclibc (for example: ./configure --build=x86_64-unkown-linux-gnu –host=mips-openwrt-linux-uclibc)
Run ./config.guess to get the --build= option.
Check the output and ensure that 'checking whether we are cross compiling… yes' is yes.
For GNU make, override the CC and LD environment variables (usually not needed if GNU configure was used)
make CC=architecture-openwrt-linux-uclibc-gcc LD=architecture-openwrt-linux-uclibc-ld
I know that this two years old. I had the same issue when building foreign packages for OpenWrt.
As for the most recent OpenWrt, you have set at least two ENV variables:
add your Path_to_OpenWrt/staging_dir/toolchain-*/bin path to your PATH ENV var
set your Path_to_OpenWrt/staging_dir to your STAGING_DIR ENV var
You should now be able to compile an autoconf based project with AC_CANONICAL_HOST (look it up in the configure.ac) with ./configure --host=architecture-openwrt-linux.
You probably will need to set more ENV vars e.g. PKG_CONFIG_PATH, PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR to make pkg-config work appropriately.
I have written a bash script which does all the work for you:
You can activate the script with source sdkenv.sh before configuring.

Has anyone ever built omniORB on RHEL?

I am trying to build omniORB libraries on RHEL 5.5.
I tried running configure with
CC=gcc and CXX=g++ and PYTHON=bin/omnipython
I run into this problem where it complains about
gmake[3]: Entering directory `/home/local/NT/jayanthv/omniORB-4.1.4/src/lib/omniORB'
../../../bin/omniidl -bcxx -p../../../src/lib/omniORB -Wbdebug -Wba -p../../../src/lib/omniORB -Wbdebug -v -ComniORB4 ../../../idl/Naming.idl
omniidl: ERROR!
omniidl: Could not open IDL compiler module _omniidlmodule.so
omniidl: Please make sure it is in directory /home/local/NT/jayanthv/omniORB-4.1.4/lib
omniidl: (or set the PYTHONPATH environment variable)
omniidl: (The error was '/home/local/NT/jayanthv/omniORB-4.1.4/lib/_omniidlmodule.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64')
So, I tried to use the Intel C++ compiler instead, with
export CXX=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/bin/ia32/icc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/080/lib/ia32
export PYTHON=/home/local/NT/jayanthv/omniORB-4.1.4/bin/omnipython
But, now it complains about
../../../bin/omniidl -bcxx -p../../../src/lib/omniORB -Wbdebug -Wba -p../../../src/lib/omniORB -Wbdebug -v -ComniORB4 ../../../idl/Naming.idl
omniidl: ERROR!
omniidl: Could not open IDL compiler module _omniidlmodule.so
omniidl: Please make sure it is in directory /home/local/NT/jayanthv/omniORB-4.1.4/lib
omniidl: (or set the PYTHONPATH environment variable)
omniidl: (The error was '/home/local/NT/jayanthv/omniORB-4.1.4/lib/_omniidlmodule.so: undefined symbol: __cxa_pure_virtual')
The OS is RHEL 5.5 with x86_64 architecture, and I am trying to build the 32 bit binaries. Would appreciate any insight into this problem.
That's because omniidl is implemented as a Python extension module.
The Python executable you are using is a 64 bit executable, so it
can't load a 32 bit library.
Check this out http://objectmix.com/object/196129-compiling-omniorb-32bits-libraries-64bits-machine-suse.html
I finally found the magic combination to building omniORB on Linux using Intel compiler.
You see where it complains about '__cxa_pure_virtual' not found, this happens under gcc because it can't find a lib called libstdc++
So, make CC="icc -lstdc++" or CC="gcc -lstdc++" depending on which compiler you are using . Do the same for CXX (if using g++, specify it at g++)
And for Python, I used the omnipython which is a python1.5, PYTHON=bin/omnipython
which means it is looking relative to the omniORB root path.
You can see where it complains about 'wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64', this is because you are trying to link a 32 bit binary using a 64 bit linker.
So, force your compiler and linker flags to 32.
Once done, run your configure
./configure --prefix=/opt/omniInst --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu
Run gmake followed by gmake install, and you will see all the binaries and libs under omniInst or whichever prefix directory you suggested.

How to compile a C++ program as 64-bit on 64-bit machine?

Perhaps a very trivial question:
I need to compile a program as 64-bit (earlier makefile written to compile it as 32-bit).
I saw the option -m32 appearing in command line parameters with each file compilation. So, I modified the makefile to get rid of -m32 in OPTFLAG, but again when the program compiles, I still see -m32 showing up and binaries are still 32-bit. Does this m32 come from somewhere else as well?
-m32 can only be coming from somewhere in your makefiles, you'll have to track it down (use a recursive grep) and remove it.
When I am able to force -m64, I get "CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set".Any clues?. uname -a gives x86_64
That error means there is an option like -march=i686 in the makefiles, which is not valid for 64-bit compilation, try removing that too.
If you can't remove it (try harder!) then adding -march=x86-64 after it on the command line will specify a generic 64-bit CPU type.
If the software you are trying to build is autotools-based, this should do the trick:
./configure "CFLAGS=-m64" "CXXFLAGS=-m64" "LDFLAGS=-m64" && make
Or, for just a plain Makefile:
env CFLAGS=-m64 CXXFLAGS=-m64 LDFLAGS=-m64 make
If you are using CMake, you can add m64 compile options by this: