VS 2010 pre-compile web sites with build process? - build

VS 2010; TFS 2010; ASP.Net 4.0; Web Deployment Projects 2010;
I am using the build process templates in order to do one-click deploys (for dev and QA only). I want my sites to be pre-compiled. I can do it with the command line, using:
-v /site_name
-p "C:\...\site_name"
-f "C:\...\site_name1"
and this works fine if I copy the files over from site_name1 to site_name...
but is there an option in the IDE for this?? It seems really silly to have to do this from the command line. I've read a lot about different options, but none seem applicable to building with the build definitions.

You can do this by adding the following to your .csproj file
<Target Name="PrecompileWeb" DependsOnTargets="Build">
<Message Importance="high" Text="Precompiling to $(PrecompileTargetPath)" />
<GetFullPath path="$(PrecompileTargetPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="fullPath" PropertyName="PrecompileTargetFullPath" />
<Message Importance="high" Text="Precompiling to fullpath: $(PrecompileTargetFullPath)" />
<GetFullPath path="$(PrecompilePhysicalPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="fullPath" PropertyName="PrecompilePhysicalFullPath" />
<Message Importance="high" Text="Precompiling from fullpath: $(PrecompilePhysicalFullPath)" />
<AspNetCompiler PhysicalPath="$(PrecompilePhysicalPath)" VirtualPath="$(PrecompileVirtualPath)" TargetPath="$(PrecompileTargetPath)" Debug="true" Force="$(PrecompileForce)" Updateable="$(PrecompileUpdateable)" FixedNames="true" />
Then in TFS2010's default template
your build definition
Process tab
Advanced parameters section
MSBuild Arguments
set /target="PrecompileWeb"

As it currently stands, I can not find any IDE option to pre-compile websites using the build process templates. I would love to be proved wrong, as using the command line aspnet_compiler requires us (in our setup) to crack open the actual build process template, which we are trying to avoid.
I would love to be proved wrong! :)

We have a website that is stored in TFS2010 as a Web application. I use a MSBuild command to deploy from TFS2010. If you open your project in VS2010 Team Explorer you will see there is a "Builds" option. If you add a build and in the process tab use a build argument like ...:/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=True /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=RemoteAgent /p:MSDeployServiceUrl= /p:DeployIisAppPath=MySiteNameInIIS /p:UserName=myDomain\BuildUser /p:Password=BuildUserPassword In the Process tab where it says "Items to Build" you just point it to your .sln file (might work with a .cspro but then the syntax changes slightly)
We have a TFS2010 server and I deploy a few of our sites to a dev, qa, pre-production or production IIS server. I do unit testing on the dev build and if the test fail then I do not deploy.
The MSBuild command does the pre-compile, would that work for you?

A setting for precompiling has been added. The following works in Visual Studio 2015
Open a solution
Right click on the project
Select "Publish..."
Go to settings, expand "File
Check "Precompile during Publishing"


How to extend msdeploy/publishing pipeline for .NET Core apps

Old style/.NET Framework webapps in Visual Studio have a publish pipeline that could be customized. For example, a Parameters.xml file could be specified, like so:
<WebAppPackageConfigDir Condition=" '$(WebAppPackageConfigDir)' == '' ">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Package</WebAppPackageConfigDir>
so that when the MSDeploy package is built, the MSDeploy parameters defined therein are incorporated into the package. The Web Processing Pipeline (mostly defined in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets) supports customizing the MSDeploy package in multiple ways - for example, package parameters can be defined in a file or in an MSBuild <ItemGroup>.
In SDK style webapps (eg ASP.NET Core webapps), a "new" publishing pipeline is used starting in eg C\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.2\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\build\Microsoft.NET.Publish.targets. This pulls in additional targets files depending on the <PublishProtocol> value, eg C\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.1.2\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish\build\netstandard1.0\PublishTargets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.MSDeploy.targets for PublishProtocol=MSDeploy or .\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.MSDeployPackage.targets for PublishProtocol=MSDeployPackage. Both files define a _CreateParametersFiles target as:
TARGET : _CreateParameterFiles
<Target Name="_CreateParameterFiles">
<MsDeployDeclareParameters Remove="#(MsDeployDeclareParameters)" />
<MsDeployDeclareParameters Include="IIS Web Application Name" >
<ItemGroup Condition="'#(_EFSQLScripts)' != ''">
<MsDeployDeclareParameters Include="%(_EFSQLScripts.DBContext)">
GenerateFileEvenIfEmpty="True" />
It appears that there's no support for customizing deploy parameters. Similarly, the <Target Name="_CreateManifestFiles"> target appears to prohibit customization.
The WPP (Web Publishing Pipeline - the previous implementation) is/was clunky, but there were articles/blog posts about how to customize it. With ASP.NET Core, there is no mention of customizing or extending the deploy process, that I can find. I did find a Channel 9 Video on ASP.NET Publishing, but it seems outdated - it applies to VS 2017 with the project.json and powershell scripts used for deployment, and it appears that was scrapped in favor of MSBuild targets.
I also did find https://github.com/aspnet/websdk/blob/dev/README.md#microsoftnetsdkpublish, which documents a few parts of the msdeploy settings that can be changed, but I would still state that there is no support for extending the pipeline.
I'm interpreting the lack of available information to mean "figure it out yourself", which is challenging when dealing with MSBuild and MSDeploy. Has anyone had any success customizing the deploy pipeline for ASP.NET Core webapps?

Integrate PVS-Studio into MSBuild file

I have many projects that I have created a common MSBuild file to run against. I am attempting to integrate PVS Studio's static analysis into the build without having it build a second time. I followed a bit of the documentation on PVS's site, but I must be missing something.
I say that because when I build the PVS does not seem to my triggered/called.
Does anybody have any experience with this and could give me a hand?
Here is the PVS bit of my build file.
<UsingTask TaskName="ProgramVerificationSystems.PVSStudio.PVSStudio"
AssemblyFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\PVS-Studio\PVS-Studio-MSBuild.dll" />
<Target Name="PVSStudioAnalysisBeforeCompile" BeforeTargets="ClCompile">
<Exec Command="echo PVSStudio initiating now."/>
<PVSStudio Condition="'%(ClCompile.ExcludedFromBuild)'!='true'"
<Output TaskParameter="SourcesAfterTlogParsing"
ItemName="CLCompileAfterTlogParsing" />
<Target Name="PVSStudioAnalysisAfterCompile" AfterTargets="ClCompile">
<PVSStudio Sources="#(CLCompileAfterTlogParsing)"
OutputFilePath ="$(OutputDir)"
SolutionDir="$(SolutionDir)" />
<Exec Command="echo PVSStudio finished"/>
I'm sure you all will need a bit more info to figure this out so let me know what I should get for you.
You should do one of the following:
If you want analyzer's output to be saved to a file, the you should set BuildingInIDE attribute to false in both tasks, you should also specify a file for the output to be saved to, for example, OutputFilePath = "$(OutputDir)"/pvs.log.
You will be able to view such log from PVS-Studio IDE plug-in / Standalone by opening it as unparsed log.
If you want to build your project from inside Visual Studio and PVS-Studio plug-in to hook up the analyzer results to it output window immediately, then you should set both BuildingInIDE attributes to true (or "$(BuildingInsideVisualStudio)") and enable the MSBuild mode by going to PVS-Studio -> Options -> Specific Analyzer Settings -> MSBuild Output Log Monitoring and set it to true.

Setting Code Analysis settings in TFSBuild.proj

I am trying to set/override some settings in our TEST installation of TFS with regards to forcing Code Analysis and assosicated settings during the build process (regardless of the setting sin the project file)
We currently use in our TEST TFS installation:
Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate on our developer machines AND build server
Have TFS 2012 installed on one server (application and data layer)
Have TFS 2012 build service (controller and agent) installed on another server
We can compile sample .net 4.5 projects (class libraries (DLLs), web applications etc) as expected. This is solely to do with overriding associated Code Analysis settings (hopefully).
Scenario 1 - In our sample applications on our developer machines when you select the project settings (right click -> properties in solution explorer), go to the Code Analysis tab if I turn on the "Enable Code Analysis on build" and select a Rule set from the drop down is performs as exepcted, hence it will generate some warnings. This technical adds <RunCodeAnalysis>false</RunCodeAnalysis> to the *.csproj file if opened up in notepad. If the build is executed to compile the sample project/solution then Code Analysis is performed as expected. I do NOT want to do this on every project because a developer could turn it off (although I am looking to have check-in policies and/or private/gated checkins as well to force this anyway).
Scenario 2 - I can disable the "Enable Code Analysis on Build" checkbox and force code analysis in our TFSBuild.proj file (we (will) use the default upgradetemplate.xaml as our process definition because we will be upgrading from TFS 2008 on our LIVE TFS installation) by having:
This works and this is how we will force (lessons still to be learned :-)) Code Analysis on our builds.
The problem then comes when setting other assosicated Code Analysis settings. For example which default rule set(s) to apply/use or treat CA warnings as errors. Some of these settings can be set either in VS or all of them by editting *.csproj in notepad. If i edit the *.csproj then these values are used in the build as expected (as well as locally on the developer machine). This is not ideal as I want to do it centrally in TFSBuild.proj without having to edit every project file. I believe I can use settings such as in my TFSbuild.proj file:
But they don't appear to work or I am putting them in the wrong place? How do I fix/use them correctly?
FYI i build my solutions in TFSBuild.proj by:
<Project DefaultTargets="DesktopBuild" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" ToolsVersion="4.0">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\TeamBuild\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets" />
<SolutionToBuild Include="/some folder/some solution.sln" />
<ConfigurationToBuild Include="Debug|Any CPU">
<PlatformToBuild>Any CPU</PlatformToBuild>
On the build server I did find reference to the target file for Code Analysis at c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\CodeAnalysis but I dont want to change the default behaviour on the build server (although it does work when I do). The condition for example for CodeAnalysisTreatWarningsAsErrors must be getting evaluated as false. Its like my values are not read from TFSBuild.proj but are from the .csproj file.
Any questions feel free to ask and thanks in advance
I had what I think is a similar problem with Cruise Control not compiling using the CODE_ANALYSIS compilation symbol, even if "Enable Code Analysis on Build (defines CODE_ANALYSIS constant)" was checked in VS.Net.
It looks like whether it is check or not, CODE_ANALYSIS is actually not explicitly added to the list of compilation symbols in the csproj (even if it appears in the text box "Conditional compilation symbols"), only <RunCodeAnalysis>true</RunCodeAnalysis> is added.
When compiling through VS.Net, the CODE_ANALYSIS is automatically added, but not when using MSBuild, which is what Cruise Control uses.
I eventually changed in VS.Net the "Conditional compilation symbols" from "CODE_ANALYSIS;MySymbol" to "MySymbol;CODE_ANALYSIS". Doing that forced CODE_ANALYSIS to also appear in the csproj.
I remember having a similar problem - but not having the time to investigate it, I worked around it by calling FxCop directly using the exec task. I'll just give you the highlights, omitting the specification of some properties, I hope the names are clear.
I created an ItemGroup of the output dlls, FilesToAnalyze, and fed it to FxCop in a way similar to:
<FxCopErrorLinePattern>: error</FxCopErrorLinePattern>
<FxCopCommand>"$(FxCopPath)" /gac /rule:"$(FxCopRules)" /ruleset:="$(FxCopRuleSet)" #(FilesToAnalyze->'/file:"%(identity)"', ' ') /out:$(FullFxCopLog) /console | Find "$(FxCopErrorLinePattern)" > "$(FxCopLogFile)"</FxCopCommand>
<Exec Command="$(FxCopCommand)"
<Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="FxCopExitCode"/>
<ReadLinesFromFile File="$(FxCopLogFile)">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="AllErrorLines"/>
I could then determine the number of errors in the output using an extensionpack task:
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Framework.MsBuildHelper TaskAction="GetItemCount" InputItems1="#(AllErrorLines)">
<Output TaskParameter="ItemCount" PropertyName="FxErrorCount"/>
and create a failing build step for each error:
<BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)"
Message="FxCop Failed: $(FxErrorCount) errors."/>
<BuildStep TeamFoundationServerUrl="$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)"
By doing code analysis on the build server this way, we also avoided having to configure each project separately. We isolated all this in a separate .targets file, so adding code analysis to a solution was a matter of importing that file, and perhaps adjusting the behavior by setting appropriate properties.

Splitting a build into multiple output directories

I have a solution that uses NServicebus which contains at least 3 projects that are of interest for this scenario; a publisher, a sweep, and a webservice. Basically the sweep(s) gather data for the publisher to store in a database and then publish to subscribers. The webservice gives access to the data stored in the publishers database.
When I built this solution on my dev box and deployed to the test environment everything was fine. Last week we started using automated builds on a build server and while it builds successfully, the services would not start up in the test environment. I found this to be because NServicesBus uses marker interfaces. The NServicesBus generic host uses reflection to check assemblies in the same directory as the host for those markers so it knows which to fire up. Unlike my local build the build server does not build each project into it's own bin directory, it just dumps all the assemblies into a single bin directory. Since there are now multiple classes that want to be started by the host, it doesn't work out. Also, the webservice has a lot more assemblies to include than the publisher and sweep need so the end result is the same assemblies get deployed to three different directories. It's unnecessary and doesn't work.
I've been modifying the build like so to get around this, but it's tedious and it's not change tolerant:
<CreateItem Include="$(OutDir)*.*" Exclude="$(OutDir)BOHSweep*">
<Output ItemName="PublisherFilesToCopy" TaskParameter="Include" />
<CreateItem Include="$(OutDir)*.*" Exclude="$(OutDir)InventoryPublisher*">
<Output ItemName="BOHSweepFilesToCopy" TaskParameter="Include" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(PublisherFilesToCopy)" DestinationFolder="\\XXXX\Transmittals\BOHPublisher\Test\%(RecursiveDir)" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(BOHSweepFilesToCopy)" DestinationFolder="\\XXXX\Transmittals\BOHSweep\Test\%(RecursiveDir)" />
Any elegant suggestions on how to tackle this issue?
You should be able to use the technique found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/aaronhallberg/archive/2007/06/07/preserving-output-directory-structures-in-orcas-team-build.aspx

TFS 2008 Build and deploy to Inetpub web folder

I have TFS2008 and have a build running, however, I want to automate the deployment of the build folder and place the build into the inetpub folder it belongs to.
Run Build
After Build, automatically place the new built solution into Inetpub/wwwroot/websitefolder
I have tried xcopy, robocopy and synctoy 2.1 and I cannot get any of them to work.
(xcopy use)
<Exec Command="xcopy $(DropLocation)\$(BuildNumber)\Debug\_PublishedWebsites\IPAMIntranet C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\IPAMOnlineSystem.Test /E " />
(robocopy use)
<Exec Command="ROBOCOPY $(DropLocation)\$(BuildNumber)\Debug\_PublishedWebsites\IPAMIntranet C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\IPAMOnlineSystem.Test /S /XJ /B /R:5" />
(synctoy 2.1 use)
<Exec Command="SyncToyCmd.exe -RIPAMBuildProjectDeploy" />
Can anyone at all please help me with this dilemna?
Thank you in advance
This has been effectively resolved by using MSDeploy.