Silverlight 5 Application cannot get HasElevatedPermissions to be true - silverlight-5.0

I am using Silverlight 5 RC on a Windows 7 x64 OS running IE9.
I am trying to get HasElevatedPermissions=True.
I have made the necessary change to the Windows registry and signed the xap using a test certificate as documented here :
I even chose the Use Local IIS Web Server option on the Web project and a project Url with a localhost domain.
I still get HasElevatedPermissions=False.
When I checked the two boxes to Require Elevated trust both outside and in the browser, I got this message:
{System.TypeLoadException: Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Add(System.__Canon)'. Security accessibility of the overriding method must match the security accessibility of the method being overriden.
at System.Windows.Controls.DomainDataSource.InitializeView()
at System.Windows.Controls.DomainDataSource..ctor()}
Someone kindly tell me what I am missing here.

Try updating the registry keys or include "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" in your certificate as explained below:


Bitness confusion

We are migrating a sharepoint farm from a traditional DC to a private cloud.
One of the forms in a site is calling some web services, both the sharepoint site and Web Service application are housed by the same IIS server. Sharepoint site and the Web Services application are having different application pool.
After migrating, one of the forms that is calling some Web Services is throwing an error about: data connection error. Looking at the sharepoint logs, we found that there is http error 500 when hitting the form's URL and that we realized that hitting the WSDL from the browser is throwing the same error too.
The error in WSDL is about: Could not load file or assembly <...> or one of its dependencies. This error is gone if we set the application pool settings to Enable 32 bit = true.
However, the rendering of form is not completed because setting the WSDL application pool to 32 bit is causing to throw a FileNotFoundException with stack trace:
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(SPFarm farm, Uri requestUri, Boolean contextSite, SPUserToken userToken)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite..ctor(String requestUrl) at ...
We are sure that the cause of the problem here is the binary "bitness" because we are able to simulate the above exception and able to resolve in the other forms by just setting back the 32bit option to false in application pool.
We would like to seek anyone's idea on how to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, we only have the DLL of the Web Service, it will take for us a while to get some source codes so we are hoping for some solution that requires no re-compilation. Also, the source code that we are to receive is not guaranteed to produce the same DLL that is deployed to production due to the age of this legacy system turned blackbox.
For more information on the versions of softwares used:
IIS, source: IIS 6; destination: IIS 7.5
Sharepoint: 2007 (yes unfortunately due to alot of reasons upgrade cannot be done just yet) - source and destination are of the same version
OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 - source and destination are of the same version

Set system proxy && authentication in C++ on Windows

Is there a way in C++ to set the Windows system proxy with authentication credentials so it would affect all running programs(browsers, etc...) immediatly but:
Not requiring restarting any browser
Not requiring browser-reauthentication
I am looking really for a system level pre-authenticated proxy.
Thank you for any help. Ask any questions if something is unclear.
Using: c++11, Windows 7
EDIT 1: I need to set this programmatically, so please do not suggest any manual actions.
EDIT 2: Partially acceptable is a way how to set proxy programmatically without pre-authentication but still keeping 1. requirement (Not requiring restarting any browser)
System-level proxy settings are located in registry under \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings hive in HKLM for all users and HKCU hive for current user.
There is an official instruction how to change it via REG file, you does not need to write any code.
But the main problem is: any application may have its own proxy settings, where it 1) can prefer system level settings but allow to override it by user, 2) not using system settings at all.
In corporate environments this problem solves as:
Internet gateway not allowed directly access to external network any computer except proxy server (Microsoft ISA/Forefront Web Proxy)
Proxy settings in registry are forced to all computers via Group Policies
If user need to run application which can not use system-wide proxy settings - it need to install ISA Firewall Client which intercepts all traffic and authenticate it on the ISA proxy.
So when you use full Microsoft software stack - you still not need to write any code :-)
Moreover, ISA Firewall Client uses undocumented Windows features and it will be too hard to write something to replace it with your own "C++11" skills.

Sharepoint 2013 CMIS Workbench Login Fails with "One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid"

Sharepoint 2013 CMIS Workbench Login Fails with "One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid"
I have an install of Sharepoint 2013 and in the site settings I have enabled "Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Producer". I am using CMIS Workbench 0.9.0 (the latest at this time) to connect to the Sharepoint 2013 CMIS service.
I am logging in with this URL:
When I click "Load Repositories" and I get a selection of 2 repositories to choose from: 1. "Administrative Report Library" 2. "Shared Document". Regardless of which repository I pick, I get the following error: InvalidArgument: One or more of the input parameters to the serivce method is missing or invalid.
I have tried using the machine name instead of the IP address, and I receive the same error.
I also have an "Internal" url setup with the machine name and port as "default":
I have authentication setup as "Basic". I'll admit that I am not a Sharepoint expert. I have also tried running workbench directly on the machine hosting SharePoint 2013 and still receive the same error. I have also tried adding the machine name to the hosts file on the client running Workbench but that did not fix the problem.
I am able to connect to the InMemory server. I have also successfully connected to a different machine running SharePoint 2010.
Can someone help with this issue? Are there other settings that need to be setup to make this work?
I found this issue that says an alternate mapping needs to be setup, but I believe I have one setup correctly already using the machine name.
Login error to Sharepoint 2013 repository using openCMIS Workbench
I have found this link and I am not sure if it applies. If it does, how can I get around this issue? If this is the problem, I would not be able to utilize the solution.
I receive the same error when I tried to connect to Sharepoint 2013 with my own application that works OK with the InMemory and SharePoint 2010 servers.
Here is the log from CMIS Workbench:
11:19:04 ERROR hemistry.opencmis.workbench.ClientHelper: CmisInvalidArgumentException: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid.
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisInvalidArgumentException: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid.
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.AbstractAtomPubService.convertStatusCode(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.AbstractAtomPubService.getTypeDefinitionInternal(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.RepositoryServiceImpl.getTypeDefinition(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.impl.RepositoryServiceImpl.getTypeDefinition(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.runtime.SessionImpl.getTypeDefinition(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.workbench.model.ClientSession.createOperationContexts(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.workbench.model.ClientSession.createSession(
at org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.workbench.LoginDialog$2.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
11:19:04 ERROR hemistry.opencmis.workbench.ClientHelper: Error code: 0
I was getting the same error as you. Double check your Alternate Access Mapping Settings:
Go to the Central Administration page
Under System Settings, click Configure Alternate Access Mappings
There should be at least two urls. One with server short name and one with server full name.
If the url is missing, click Add Internal Urls
For the Alternate Access Mapping Collection, click the No Selection link, change and select:
SharePoint - 80
Set the url such as
Set Zone: any such as Intranet
Click Save
(Note: I had posted the question that you had referenced and only finally had the time to get back to it)

Coldfusion 9 installation problem with IIS7

Windows web server 2008 R2 64 bit, CF9 64 bit, IIS7, ISAPI extensions and filters and II6 metabase compatability installed. OS is on C default, and trying to install CF to D:
Testing IIS and it shows index.html correctly from c:\inetpub\wwwroot at http://localhost/index.html
Then I install CF to D:\ , single standard server licence, select run with all IIS sites, select C:\inetpub\wwwroot as the web root for administrator, and when it gets to the bit where it is supposed to open up administrator to complete the installation it opens up the browser with a 500 error.
Now when I go back to http://localhost/index.html I also get a 500 error, if i uninstall CF I can again reach the html page.
CFIDE has been installed in C:\inetpub\wwwroot presumably correctly. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong please.
The exact IIS error is
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Module IsapiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler AboMapperCustom-28262
Error Code 0x800700c1
Requested URL
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test.htm
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
Resolves as below
There is a setting Enable 32-Bit Applications under Application Pool>Advanced settings. Set this to True and you will gain access to your CFIDE>Administrator page.
I would suggest first trying a restart. It is one of those things that after the fact sounds so obvious, but you never think of it. I know I have had problems with installing CF under IIS and had to restart the server to get it running.
I'm humiliated to admit it, but the problem was that what I thought was the cf9 64 bit installer, was the 32 bit one.
# Dave and # CfSimplicity many thanks for your help and in particular the IIS user account stuff was new learning for me.
Try checking the file system permissions for this folder:
The account that IIS uses needs Read, Execute and Modify permissions on this folder and below.
It might be because of two problems.
1) you haven't installed CGI, ISAPI extensions and ISAPI filters aren't installed yet in Web Server (IIS) of Server manager.
Window 2008 R2 with Coldfusion
2) you need to enable 32 bit application at IIS7.
Internal 500 error CF9 on Window 2008
I tried a different approach with my Windows 7 Home Premium - See
It seems that I was successful by using the IIS Connector batch scripts manually and then to create a second default web site after installing the handlers. My article link above shows the steps I took - a very raw article and will likely be refined as I hear from others how they adapted my approach. The important thing is that this worked ;>) I hope it helps others...
The problem could be that your Application Pool that is part of your default website. It is possible to set it to run 32 bit applications. Try setting the Enable32bit to false in the defaultapppool of your IIS server, restart the app pool and your www service itself. Then try to use the ColdFusion wsconfig tool to add the IIS mapping. It should work even without the cf 9 updater 1 being installed on the server.
​To avoid a 500 error when accessing the Administration console for the first time when installaing ColdFusion 9 on a Windows 2008 server with IIS 7.5 installed, include the "IIS_IUSRS" user group with "Full Control" to the \Lib\wsconfig folder in Enterprise server or \runtime\lib\wsconfig folder in Standard server. Before starting the ColdFusion install, make sure the "IIS 6 Management Compatibility" functions are installed, especially the "IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility" function.
Assuming that you use the default installation paths (C:\JRun4 for Enterprise or C:\ColdFusion9 for Standard), here is a step-by-step approach:
Begin the ColdFusion installer as an Administrator. At the completion of the initial installation process, but before accessing the online Administration console, do the following:
1.) At the Start Menu, select "Computer"
2.) In the Enterprise install, go to C:\JRun4\lib. For the Standard install, go to C:\ColdFusion9\runtime\lib.
3.) Right-click "wsconfig" and select "Properties" to open the wsconfig properties dialog box.
4.) Click the "Security" tab.
5.) Click "Edit" to change permissions for that folder.
6.) Click "Add..." to add a new user/group.
7.) Enter "IIS_IUSRS" in the Object name field and click OK to return to the Permissions dialog box.
8.) In the permissions dialog box, ensure that the "IIS_IUSRS" group is highlighted and click "Full Control" in the "Allow" column, then click "OK" to close the dialog box. Ensure that the permissions change will affect all files and folders under wsconfig.
9.) Click "OK" to close the wsconfig properties box.
Return to the ColdFusion installer wizard and continue the installation by clicking the open ColdFusion Administrator link. If the settings are correct, after a minute or two, a web browser with the ColdFusion Administrator Console should appear so you can complete the installation.

How to config IIS in Windows XP SP2

new to IIS. I have two questions:
After installing IIS, I straightly wen to my browser and typed in But a user name and password dialog box pops up and I have no idea what to type in. Why IIS asks this information? How can I remove this asking.
I want to put a web service under IIS. The web service is written in C# under .net. Is there any tutorial for this config? I found a tutorial but it is under windows server 2003 and there is an option called web service extension. However, I installed IIS in XP and the UI seems completely different.
FYI, the IIS Management tool I used tells me that it is version 5.
Thank you very much for the help.
[FYI, the question #1 is the kind that is typically better addressed on, I'll answer it as well since it is bundled...]
To resolve 1), i.e. to allow anonymous access to the web site
- Open the IIS management console
Either from Computer management Console, in 'Aervices and Applications'
+ 'Internet Information Service'
or from the control panel + Administrative tools
+ 'Internet Information Service'
- On right pane, navigate to 'Web Sites' + 'Default Web Site'
- Right Click, select 'Properties' in menu.
This brings a squarish dialog with 2 rows of 4 tabs each at the top.
- Select 'Directory Security' tab
- then in the top group named 'Anonymous Access and authentication control',
click 'Edit'
- The dialog that comes up is where you need to check the Anonymous access,
and enter the account credentials for the account which IIS will use, on
behalf of the anonymous users. I recommend you create one account for
this purpose, rather than using yours or some other actual user.
Now, concering 2) i.e. to deploy the web service itself
I think you just need to copy the asmx file into the location where you want the web service to run, and the binary files (dlls) to the bin directory. In other words its just like publishing a regular .NET web app, except that the files (referenced in the URI) are named *.asmx. (you can also make this file the default file for the dirctory).
This of course implies that .NET would be installed on thie machine, adn allowed to work (see the '.NET Application" tab of the web properties dialog.
A final bit of advice: You probably will want to install this webservices in its own Web Site (or Web application) and own directory. Refer to for more detail about this type of tasks. There are very many settings, some of which have repercussion on security or performance --> let the pros tell you ;-)