Taking key/value pair from string and storing in map - c++

What is the best way to split a string in two? I have this but can't get 'name' right as the substr doesnt allow me to set where to start from and where to finish, only where to start from and for how many characters (which is unknown to me):
string query = "key=value";
string key;
string value;
int positionOfEquals = query.find("=");
key = query.substr(0, positionOfEquals );
value = query.substr(positionOfEquals + 1);

Yours is a fine approach, but you still have one bug. What if there is no '='?
string query = "key=value";
string key;
string value;
int positionOfEquals = query.find("=");
key = query.substr(0, positionOfEquals );
if(positionOfEquals != string::npos)
value = query.substr(positionOfEquals + 1);


C++ split string with \0 into list

I want to List the logical drives with:
const size_t BUFSIZE = 100;
char buffer[ BUFSIZE ];
//get available drives
DWORD drives = GetLogicalDriveStringsA(BUFSIZE,static_cast<LPSTR>(buffer));
The buffer then contains: 'C',':','\','0'
Now I want to have a List filled with "C:\","D:\" and so on. Therefore I tried something like this:
std::string tmp(buffer,BUFSIZE);//to split this string then
QStringList drivesList = QString::fromStdString(tmp).split("\0");
But it didn't worked. Is it even possible to split with the delimiter \0? Or is there a way to split by length?
The problem with String::fromStdString(tmp) is that it will create a string only from the first zero-terminated "entry" in your buffer, because that's how standard strings works. It is certainly possible, but you have to do it yourself manually instead.
You can do it by finding the first zero, extract the substring, then in a loop until you find two consecutive zeroes, do just the same.
current_position = buffer;
while (*current_position != '\0')
end_position = current_position + strlen(current_position);
// The text between current_position and end_position is the sub-string
// Extract it and add to list
current_position = end_position + 1;

How to parsing simple json in strings c++?

I have a string that is containing a small json containing only strings. I have used stringstream and boost::property_tree::read_json for reading it. I have seen that this is not very fast, moreover, the boost json parser is not thread safe (because of the streams). So I have tried to make it in another way:
std::vector< std::string > fields;
std::vector< std::string > values;
int separator = -1;
int prevSeparator = 0;
int fieldBegin = 0;
int fieldEnd = 0;
int valueBegin = 0;
int valueEnd = 0;
int64 t0 = cv::getTickCount();
prevSeparator = separator + 1;
separator = jsonStream.substr(prevSeparator, jsonStream.size() - prevSeparator - 1).find_first_of(',') + prevSeparator;
std::string element = jsonStream.substr(prevSeparator, separator - prevSeparator);
int fvSeparator = element.find_first_of(':');
std::string field = element.substr(0, fvSeparator);
std::string value = element.substr(fvSeparator + 1, element.size() - fvSeparator - 1);
fieldBegin = field.find_first_of('\"') + 1;
fieldEnd = field.find_last_of('\"');
fields.push_back(field.substr(fieldBegin, fieldEnd - fieldBegin));
valueBegin = value.find_first_of('\"') + 1;
valueEnd = value.find_last_of('\"');
values.push_back(value.substr(valueBegin, valueEnd - valueBegin));
} while (prevSeparator - separator <= 0);
Do you think it is good enough or what shall I improve?
If i understand your description of the input right, you have a Json-Array containing strings. That means, it starts with [", then follows a sequence of strings separated by ",". Finally you have "].
Here is a high level algorithm for you:
Split input by ", watching for escaped quotes.
Remove strings [ and ] from the ends (there can be whitespace in there, too).
Remove strings , that appear in between the desired strings (there can be whitespace in there, too).
Unescape based on Json escaping rules, in case there are any escapes.

Converting Zero-Terminated String To D String

Is there a function in Phobos for converting a zero-terminated string into a D-string?
So far I've only found the reverse case toStringz.
I need this in the following snippet
// Lookup user name from user id
passwd pw;
passwd* pw_ret;
immutable size_t bufsize = 16384;
char* buf = cast(char*)core.stdc.stdlib.malloc(bufsize);
getpwuid_r(stat.st_uid, &pw, buf, bufsize, &pw_ret);
if (pw_ret != null) {
// TODO: The following loop maybe can be replace by some Phobos function?
size_t n = 0;
string name;
while (pw.pw_name[n] != 0) {
name ~= pw.pw_name[n];
which I use to lookup the username from a user id.
I assume UTF-8 compatiblity for now.
There's two easy ways to do it: slice or std.conv.to:
const(char)* foo = c_function();
string s = to!string(foo); // done!
Or you can slice it if you are going to use it temporarily or otherwise know it won't be written to or freed elsewhere:
immutable(char)* foo = c_functon();
string s = foo[0 .. strlen(foo)]; // make sure foo doesn't get freed while you're still using it
If you think it can be freed, you can also copy it by slicing then duping: foo[0..strlen(foo)].dup;
Slicing pointers works the same way in all array cases, not just strings:
int* foo = get_c_array(&c_array_length); // assume this returns the length in a param
int[] foo_a = foo[0 .. c_array_length]; // because you need length to slice
Just slice the original string (no coping). The $ inside [] is translated to str.length. If the zero is not at the end, just replace the "$ - 1" expression with position.
void main() {
auto str = "abc\0";
void trimLastZero (ref string str) {
if (str[$ - 1] == 0)
str = str[0 .. $ - 1];
You can do the following to strip away the trailing zeros and convert it to a string:
char[256] name;
getNameFromCFunction(name.ptr, 256);
string s = to!string(cast(char*)name); //<-- this is the important bit
If you just pass in name you will convert it to a string but the trailing zeroes will still be there. So you cast it to a char pointer and voila std.conv.to will convert whatever it meets until a '\0' is encountered.

Splitting a char array by delimeter, then saving the result?

I need to be able to parse the following two strings in my program:
cat myfile || sort
more myfile || grep DeKalb
The string is being saved in char buffer[1024]. What I need to end up with is a pointer to a char array for the left side, and a pointer to a char array for the right side so that I can use these to call the following for each side:
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
Anyone have any ideas as to how I can get the right arguments for the execvp command if the two strings above are saved in a character buffer char buffer[1024]; ?
I need char *left to hold the first word of the left side, then char *const leftArgv[] to hold both words on the left side. Then I need the same thing for the right. I have been messing around with strtok for like two hours now and I am hitting a wall. Anyone have any ideas?
I recommend you to learn more about regular expressions. And in order to solve your problem painlessly, you could utilize the Boost.Regex library which provides a powerful regular expression engine. The solution would be just several lines of code, but I encourage you to do it yourself - that would be a good exercise. If you still have problems, come back with some results and clearly state where you were stuck.
You could use std::getline(stream, stringToReadInto, delimeter).
I personally use my own function, which has some addition features baked into it, that looks like this:
StringList Seperate(const std::string &str, char divider, SeperationFlags seperationFlags, CharValidatorFunc whitespaceFunc)
return Seperate(str, CV_IS(divider), seperationFlags, whitespaceFunc);
StringList Seperate(const std::string &str, CharValidatorFunc isDividerFunc, SeperationFlags seperationFlags, CharValidatorFunc whitespaceFunc)
bool keepEmptySegments = (seperationFlags & String::KeepEmptySegments);
bool keepWhitespacePadding = (seperationFlags & String::KeepWhitespacePadding);
StringList stringList;
size_t startOfSegment = 0;
for(size_t pos = 0; pos < str.size(); pos++)
//Grab the past segment.
std::string segment = str.substr(startOfSegment, (pos - startOfSegment));
segment = String::RemovePadding(segment);
if(keepEmptySegments || !segment.empty())
//If we aren't keeping empty segments, speedily check for multiple seperators in a row.
//Keep looping until we don't find a divider.
//Increment and mark this as the (potential) beginning of a new segment.
startOfSegment = ++pos;
//Check if we've reached the end of the string.
if(pos >= str.size())
//Mark the beginning of a new segment.
startOfSegment = (pos + 1);
//The final segment.
std::string lastSegment = str.substr(startOfSegment, (str.size() - startOfSegment));
if(keepEmptySegments || !lastSegment.empty())
return stringList;
Where 'StringList' is a typedef of std::vector, and CharValidatorFunc is a function pointer (actually, std::function to allow functor and lambda support) for a function taking one char, and returning a bool. it can be used like so:
StringList results = String::Seperate(" Meow meow , Green, \t\t\nblue\n \n, Kitties!", ',' /* delimeter */, DefaultFlags, is_whitespace);
And would return the results:
{"Meow meow", "Green", "blue", "Kitties!"}
Preserving the internal whitespace of 'Meow meow', but removing the spaces and tabs and newlines surrounding the variables, and splitting upon commas.
(CV_IS is a functor object for matching a specific char or a specific collection of chars taken as a string-literal. I also have CV_AND and CV_OR for combining char validator functions)
For a string literal, I'd just toss it into a std::string() and then pass it to the function, unless extreme performance is required. Breaking on delimeters is fairly easy to roll your own - the above function is just customized to my projects' typical usage and requirements, but feel free to modify it and claim it for yourself.
In case this gives anyone else grief, this is how I solved the problem:
//variables for the input and arguments
char *command[2];
char *ptr;
char *LeftArg[3];
char *RightArg[3];
char buf[1024]; //input buffer
//parse left and right of the ||
number = 0;
command[0] = strtok(buf, "||");
//split left and right
while((ptr=strtok(NULL, "||")) != NULL)
//parse the spaces out of the left side
number = 0;
LeftArg[0] = strtok(command[0], " ");
//split the arguments
while((ptr=strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL)
//put null at the end of the array
LeftArg[number] = NULL;
//parse the spaces out of the right side
number = 0;
RightArg[0] = strtok(command[1], " ");
//split the arguments
while((ptr=strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL)
//put null at the end of the array
RightArg[number] = NULL;
Now you can use LeftArg and RightArg in the command, after you get the piping right
execvp(LeftArg[0], LeftArg);//execute left side of the command
Then pipe to the right side of the command and do
execvp(RightArg[0], RightArg);//execute right side of command

C++ std::string length() or size() not working on method args

I have a method that that creates a MatLab array name from a file path and returns it as a std::string. the resulting string is passed into another method that writes the name to the file. When I try to get the length of the passed in string, it displays 0 when the length of the string is 12 or 13 chars.
My code:
bool MyClass::masterMethod(std::string fileURI){
FILE* dataStream;
// Assume dataStream is set up correctly
// Get arrayName from File URI
std::string arrayName = this->makeArrayNameFromPath( fileURI);
//Write array name to file
this->writeArrayName(arrayName , dataStream)
std::string MyClass::makeArrayNameFromPath(std::string filePathURI){
std::string tempString = filePathURI.substr(filePathURI.find_last_of('/')+1);
std::string returnString = "";
long index = 0;
for(long i = 0; i < tempString.length(); i++){
if((tempString[i] != ' ') && (tempString[i] != '.')){
returnString[index++] = tempString[i];
return returnString;
void MyClass::writeArrayName(std::string name , FILE *nameStream){
// long testLength = name.length();
// long testLength2 = name.size();
// const char* testChar = nam.c_str();
// long testCharLen = strlen(testChar);
// The size of the name is the number of Chars * sizeof(int8_t)
int32_t sizeOfName = (int32_t)(name.length() * sizeof(int8_t));
int32_t nameType = miINT8;
fwrite(&nameType , sizeof(int32_t) , 1 , nameStream);
fwrite(&sizeOfName, sizeof(sizeOfName), 1, nameStream);
fwrite(&name , sizeof(name[0]), sizeOfName , nameStream);
So I'm not sure why string::length is not working. If a create a std::string test = name, and print it , I can get the value of the string but can not get its length or size.
If I use const char* testName = name.c_str(); long test = strlen(testName), I get a the
correct value, but thought that wasn't necessary.
So any advice or suggestion is appreciated.
returnString[index++] = tempString[i]; doesn't do what you think it does. It's not adding additional space or length to the string, only overwriting memory at a location that the string doesn't actually own. I think returnString.append(1, tempString[i]) or similar should do it.
You never give the string a size, just trying to assign positions that isn't there.
Try this instead to add characters to the return value
returnString += tempString[i];