_() or {% trans %} in Django templates? - django

In Django templates, you can use either {{ _("Hello World") }} or {% trans "Hello World" %} to mark strings to be translated. In docs, the “official” approach seems to be the {% trans %} tag, but the _() syntax is mentioned too once.
How these approaches differ (except syntax) and why should be one preferable rather than the other?
One difference is that you obviously can't use {% trans %} with tags and filters. But does that mean that I can just use _() everywhere, like {{ _("String") }}? It works and looks much cleaner and more consistent than using {% trans "String" %} with standalone strings and _() with tags and filters.

So it seems that there's technically no difference as of Django 1.5. Template engine internally marks a variable for translation (by setting its translate attribute) in two cases:
when you do {% trans VAR %} (see TranslateNode), or
if the name of a variable starts with _( and ends with ) (see Variable.__init__).
Later, when the variable is being resolved, Django wraps it with ugettext or pgettext if it sees the translate attribute.
However, as can be seen from source code, there are some flexibility considerations in favor of {% trans %} tag:
you can do {% trans "String" noop %}, which will put the string for translation into .po files, but won't actually translate the output when rendering (no internal translate attribute on variable, no ugettext call);
you can specify message context*, like {% trans "May" context "verb" %};
you can put translated message into a variable for later use*, like {% trans "String" as
translated_string %}.
* As of Django 1.4.
Please feel free to correct me or post a better answer in case I'm missing anything.

The trans template tag calls the ugettext() function. In Django _() is an alias to ugettext().
This is covered in the django docs.


Django: Avoid rendering as variable in template

I just started learning django for a few day. Django's templating system looks fascinating. but currently I am facing an issue.
I need to print this kind of text in my webpage multiple times through template.
She {{ was }} a very {{ helpful }} and {{ attractive}} girl.
But whenever I try to use this in template, it thinks those words are variable thaI am referring, and vanishes them from the output due to not getting a value. So the output becomes,
She a very and girl.
I completely understand that this is the intended behaviour, but in some case I am trying to tell the rendering engine to render that as it is. Is there any filter or workaround??
[ I have to use them inside the template, and they can't be passed through variables as string]
You can use the verbatim template tag, which will stop rendering what is inside the tag. See docs here.
{% verbatim %}
She {{ was }} a very {{ helpful }} and {{ attractive}} girl.
{% endverbatim %}

Syntax to supply a parameter to a custom template tag in {% if %} block

I have setup a custom template tag (simple_tag) (using https://stackoverflow.com/a/7716141/1369798) with a definition like this:
def settings_value(name)
which I am able to use in my template like this:
{% settings_value "ALLOWED_BOOL" %}
But this just inserts the text into my HTML output.
What is the syntax to use my template tag with parameter in an {% if %}?
I tried this but I get the error: TemplateSyntaxError at / Unused '"ALLOWED_BOOL"' at end of if expression.
{% if settings_value ALLOWED_BOOL %}
You are allowed.
{% endif %}
You cannot use a templatetag as a parameter to another templatetag. Your options here are either
modifying your settings_value templatetag so it can inject the value in the current context, ie :
{% settings_value ALLOWED_BOOL as allowed_bool %}
{% if allowed_bool %}
You are allowed.
{% endif %}
Note that simple_tag won't work here, you'll either have to switch to assignement_tag (if your Django version support it) - but then you'll loose the ability to directly output a setting in the template the way you actually do - or write a full blown custom templatetag (which is not as difficult as it might seem at first).
Use a custom context_processor instead like danhip suggests - but then only templates rendered using a RequestContext will access these variables.

Django templates - Formatting strings

I've these variables:
#Float (e.g. X.YYYY)
I need these formatted like so (the ` is delimiter):
I've tried numerous ways to format them, but none worked. For example, concatenating them: ""|add:profile.rating|add:"" gave me nothing (literally, nothing).
I suspect that this is because add: is numbers-first, but converting the numbers into string with either slugify or stringformat:"" gave me, again, nothing.
How do I do this?
Do note: I need to do this with filters since the result will be passed as a parameter to an include.
Basically, I'm building a sort of modular include. It include looks like this:
{% if custom_section %}
<section id="{{ custom_section_id }}">
{{ custom_section }}
{% endif %}
which means that I can't just directly include the values in a parameter, I need the markup that will go inside the nested section.
I managed to solve this issue with this piece of markup:
{% with "<a href="\"/user/" as link_start %}
{% with profile.rating|stringformat:".1f" as rating %}
{% with user.id|slugify as id %}
{% with link_start|add:id|add:"/\">" as link %}
{% with link|add:rating|add:"/5</a>" as data %}
{% include "XX" with custom_data:data|safe %}
{% endwith %} a couple of times
Key here is the |stringformat:".1f" and the user.id|slugify since without them, djangos worthless templating language defaults on the belief all values are numerical, and thus crap comes out.
Of note is the |safe as well, as without it the language escapes the value.
Do note: I need to do this with filters since the result will be
passed as a parameter to an include.
You can pass them directly to include, as it will take context correctly.
{% include user.id %}

Writing eclipse templates

I am writing django templates in Eclipse->prefrences->templates, to autocomplete DJango templates. I wrote this
{% block ${cursor} %}
{% endblock %}
Now, when I request and do autocompletion, after typing {% the autocompletion is
{% {% block %}
{% endblock %}
While I would like
{% block %}
{% endblock %}
With cursor after block. How can I do this?
Instead of typing {% and selecting dj_for_empty, try typing dj_ and then auto-completing. It will behave the way you expect in that case.
BOTTOM-LINE: You auto-complete the templates into the editor based on the template name, not based on the template contents.
It appears that autocompletion has two sources: regular HTML tags (for which I can't find the definitions to change anywhere in Eclipse, sorry) and the templates themselves (which you correctly demonstrated in your comment with the screenshot).
Look at this image:
Instead of typing <t and triggering auto-complete, I typed t. You can see that there are entries with <> - indicating these are autocompletions based on the actual HTML tag - and entries with # - indicating these are autocompletions based on a template.
It appears templates are to be accessed by the name of the template. Notice that the template named table provides a complete <table> and not just the <table></table> that is autocompleted if you just type <tab and autocompletes.

How do I DRY up common text in a Django template?

I have some static text that needs to show up at 2 locations within a template.
For example:
{% if something %}
This is a static text
{% else %}
Something else happened
{% endif %}
... more html
{% if something %}
This is a static text
{% else %}
Something else happend
{% endif %}
I can do the above by duplicating the above text at 2 different locations in my template file(as shown above).
I could also create a model which will store the text(This is DRY but cost a call to the DB for a simple task)
I'm thinking of using include template but that's probably not the best way to achieve my goal.
What's the best way to do it?
Definitely use Inclusion Tags:
The tag file would either be something super simple like just the text "This is a static text" or the entire block:
{% if something %}
This is a static text
{% else %}
Something else happened
{% endif %}
"something" can be passed as a variable to the template tag so you can use that entire block in a variable way.
I use the django internationalization to do that. So in my apps/template I just write the key, and in the .po files is the value of the keys.
{% load i18n %}
{% if something %}
{% trans "static" %}
{% else %}
{% trans "something else" %}
{% endif %}
And in my .po file:
msgid "static"
msgstr "This is a static text"
msgid "something else"
msgstr "Something else happened
Besides useful for multi-language, it's much easier for copy writing just in case you want to change it in the future because you can just look unto one file instead of browsing several templates.
There are several ways, but it probably depends on what the text is and how often it will be used. It's hard to recommend a specific choice without full details
Create a custom template tag (this one makes the most sense based on how you've described your problem above).
Create a base template which has the text in it at the correct location and then inherit off of it for your "2 locations"
Put the static piece of text in a settings file and pass it to the template renderer via Context (probably not the best idea, but depending on what you're doing it could be a possibility)
You could use flatblocks : http://github.com/zerok/django-flatblocks
or chunks : http://code.google.com/p/django-chunks/
Those may be overkill for your problem, since they store your snippets in the database, but they add the benefit of making it possible to edit them via the admin.
{% load chunks %}
{% if something %}
{% chunk "something" %}
{% else %}
{% chunk "something_else" %}
{% endif %}
There are lots of forks or similar projects, for example:
I have a file like Java properties that I use for all of my resource strings. I just serve up the one that I want. Keeping these in one place also makes translating easy.
welcome_msg="hello user!"
thank_you="thank you"
goodbye_msg="goodbye, " + thank_you
If the included text gets bigger, use an 'include' tag.
{% include "myapp/helptext.html" %}