Using sed to erase field in bibtex entry - regex

I'm faced with a text file containing multiple bibtex instances like this one
abstract = {Using a simple model potential, a truncated image barrier, for the
Al(111) surface, one obtains a resonant bound surface state at an energy
that agrees surprisingly well with recent observations by inverse
author = {Lindgren and Walld\'{e}n, L.},
citeulike-article-id = {9286612},
citeulike-linkout-0 = {},
citeulike-linkout-1 = {\_query?bibcode=1989PhRvB..4011546L},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.40.11546},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
keywords = {image-potential, surface-states},
month = dec,
pages = {11546--11548},
posted-at = {2011-05-12 11:42:49},
priority = {0},
title = {Resonant bound states for simple metal surfaces},
url = {},
volume = {40},
year = {1989}
I want to erase the abstract field, which can span over one or multiple (like in the above case) lines. I tried using sed in the follwing manner
sed "/^\s*${field}.*=/,/},?$/{
}" file
where file is a text file containing the above bibtex code. However, the output of this command is just
Obviously sed is matching for the final }, but how do I get it to match the closing bracket of the abstract value?

This might work for you:
sed '1{h;d};H;${x;s/\s*abstract\s*=\s*{[^}]*}\+,//g;p};d' file
This slurps the whole file into the hold space then deletes the abstract fields
On the first line replace the hold space (HS) with the current line, append all subsequent lines to the HS. Upon encountering the last line, swap to the HS and substitute all occurrences of the abstract field then print the file out. N.B. all lines that would normally be printed out are deleted.

does this awk line work for you?
awk '/abstract *= *{/{a=1} (a && /} *,$/){a=0;next;}!a' yourInput

Addresses in sed match in a weird way:
addr2 can match BEFORE addr1 which is what you are experiencing with your expression! Use multiple blocks.


Getting Everything Between Two Characters Across New Lines

This is a sample of the text I am working with.
6) Jake's Taxi Service is a new entrant to the taxi industry. It has achieved success by staking out a unique position in the industry. How did Jake's Taxi Service mostly likely achieve this position?
A) providing long-distance cab fares at a higher rate than
competitors; servicing a larger area than competitors
B) providing long-distance cab fares at a lower rate than competitors;
servicing a smaller area than competitors
C) providing long-distance cab fares at a higher rate than
competitors; servicing the same area as competitors
D) providing long-distance cab fares at a lower rate than competitors;
servicing the same area as competitors
Answer: D
I am trying to match the entire question including the answer options. Everything from the question number to the word Answer
This is my current regex expression
((rf'(?<={searchCounter}\) ).*?(?=Answer).*'), re.DOTALL)
SearchCounter is just a variable that will correspond to the current question, in this case 6. I think the issue is something to do with searching across the new lines.
EDIT: Full source code
searchCounter = 1
bookDict = {}
with open ('StratMasterKey.txt', 'rt') as myfile:
for line in myfile:
question_pattern = re.compile((rf'(?<={searchCounter}\) ).*?(?=Answer).*'), re.DOTALL)
result =
if result != None:
bookDict[searchCounter] = result[0]
searchCounter +=1
The reason your regex fails is that you read the file line by line with for line in myfile:, while your pattern searches for matches in a single multiline string.
Replace for line in myfile: with contents = and then use result = to get the first match, or result = question_pattern.findall(contents) to get multiple matches.
A note on the regex: I am not fixing the whole pattern since, as you mentioned, it is out of scope of this question, but since the string input is a multiline string now, you need to remove re.DOTALL and use [\s\S] to match any char in the pattern and . to match any char but a line break char. Also, the lookaround contruct is redundant, you may safely replace (?=Answer) with Answer. Also, to check if there is a match, you may simply use if result: and then grab the whole match value by accessing
Full code snippet:
with open ('StratMasterKey.txt', 'rt') as myfile:
contents =
question_pattern = re.compile((rf'(?<={searchCounter}\) )[\s\S]*?Answer.*'))
result =
if result:
print( )

Using sed command with delimiter character

I have a text file as below containing multiple lines with = in the middle of each line.
User name = user1
Date expire = Oct 20, 2019
I want to find Date expire and replace the right side of = which is the date with something else via sed. For example, Oct 25, 2019.
I know basic usage of sed 's/foo/bar/g' but that is used for fixed strings. I want to change part of the sentence by detecting a special character.
How can I do that?
Could you please try following.
sed '/Date expire/s/\(.*= \).*/\1 your_new_text_here/' Input_file
Using sed mechanism of storing matched regex values into tempraory buffer. Taking everything into 1st buffer till = and then keeping rest of the line's value without storing onto buffer. Finally substituting whole line with 1st value and new value

regex Pattern Matching over two lines - search and replace

I have a text document that i require help with. In the below example is an extract of a tab delimited text doc whereby the first line of the 3 line pattern will always be a number. The Doc will always be in this format with the same tabbed formula on each of the three lines.
nnnn **variable** V -------
* FROM CLIP NAME - **variable**
* LOC: variable variable **variable**
I want to replace the second field on the first line with the fourth field on the third line. And then replace the field after the colon on the second line with the original second field on the first line. Is this possible with regex? I am used to single line search replace function but not multiline patterns.
000003 A009C001_151210_R6XO V C 11:21:12:17 11:21:57:14 01:00:18:22 01:01:03:19
*LOC: 01:00:42:15 WHITE 005_NST_010_E02
000004 B008C001_151210_R55E V C 11:21:18:09 11:21:53:07 01:01:03:19 01:01:38:17
*LOC: 01:01:20:14 WHITE 005_NST_010_E03
The Result would look like :
000003 005_NST_010_E02 V C 11:21:12:17 11:21:57:14 01:00:18:22 01:01:03:19
*FROM CLIP NAME: A009C001_151210_R6XO
*LOC: 01:00:42:15 WHITE 005_NST_010_E02
000004 005_NST_010_E03 V C 11:21:18:09 11:21:53:07 01:01:03:19 01:01:38:17
*FROM CLIP NAME: B008C001_151210_R55E
*LOC: 01:01:20:14 WHITE 005_NST_010_E03
Many Thanks in advance.
A regular expression defines a regular language. Alone, this only expresses a structure of some input. Performing operations on this input requires some kind of processing tool. You didn't specify which tool you were using, so I get to pick.
Multiline sed
You wrote that you are "used to single line search replace function but not multiline patterns." Perhaps you are referring to substitution with sed. See How can I use sed to replace a multi-line string?. It is more complicated than with a single line, but it is possible.
An AWK script
AWK is known for its powerful one-liners, but you can also write scripts. Here is a script that identifies the beginning of a new record/pattern using a regular expression to match the first number. (I hesitate to call it a "record" because this has a specific meaning in AWK.) It stores the fields of the first two lines until it encounters the third line. At the third line, it has all the information needed to make the desired replacements. It then prints the modified first two lines and continues. The third line is printed unchanged (you specified no replacements for the third line). If there are additional lines before the start of the next record/pattern, they will also be printed unchanged.
It's unclear exactly where the tab characters are in your sample input because the submission system has replaced them with spaces. I am assuming there is a tab between FROM CLIP NAME: and the following field and that the "variables" on the first and third line are also tab-separated. If the first number of each record/pattern is hexadecimal instead of decimal, replace the [[:digit:]] with [[:xdigit:]].
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
BEGIN { FS="\t"; n=0 }
/^[[:digit:]]+\t/ { n=1 }
# Split and save first two lines
n==1 { line1_NF = split($0, line1, FS); next }
n==2 { line2_NF = split($0, line2, FS); next }
n==3 {
# At the third line, make replacements
line1_2 = line1[2]
line1[2] = $4
line2[2] = line1_2
# Print modified first two lines
printf "%s", line1[1]
for ( i=2; i<=line1_NF; ++i )
printf "\t%s", line1[i]
print ""
printf "%s", line2[1]
for ( i=2; i<=line2_NF; ++i )
printf "\t%s", line2[i]
print ""
1 # Print lines after the second unchanged
You can use it like
$ awk -f fixit.awk infile.txt
or to pipe it in
$ cat infile.txt | awk -f fixit.awk
This is not the most regular expression inspired solution, but it should make the replacements that you want. For a more complex structure of input, an ideal solution would be to write a scanner and parser that correctly interprets the full input language. Using tools like string substitution might work for simple specific cases, but there could be nuances and assumptions you've made that don't apply in general. A parser can also be more powerful and implement grammars that can express languages which can't be recognized with regular expressions.

Python and Regex with special characters

I can't get my regex to work as desired in my Python 3 code.
I am trying to parse a file find a specific pattern (the exact pattern is Total Optimized)
I am doing this because the file can contain lines which say """Total Optimization (Active)""" and other permutations. I have tried the following lines. None work
PkOp = re.compile(r'Total Optimized\t\d')
PkOp = re.compile(r'Total Optimized\t\d')
PkOp = re.compile(r'Total Optimized\t[^(Active)]')
My basic code (which is simplified here) to just print the matching line out. If I got that working I would then choose the array item I wanted such as
PkOp = PkOpArray[4]
App = re.compile(r'Appliance\s(Active)')
PkOp = re.compile(r"Total Optimized\t\d")
with open("SteelheadMetric2.txt","r") as f:
with open("mydumbfile.txt","w") as o:
for line in f:
line = line.lstrip()
matches = PkOp.findall(line)
for firestick in matches:
PkOpArray = line.split()
PkOp = PkOpArray
Mostly I get this error
matches = PkOp.findall(line)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'findall'
If I remove the slash characters I can get it to show lines with 'Total Optimization' or 'Appliance' whatever. I just can't be more specific in what I want.
What am I missing? It works fine if I just compile a text string but to use special regex like whitespace, tab digit it fails. The regex checks out in notepad++
When you write PkOp = PkOpArray you have just changed your regex into a list.
If you delete that line, and change your print(PkOp) to print(PkOpArray), it should fix your problem, assuming the rest of your code is correct.

Parsing log files

I'm trying to write a script to simplify the process of searching through a particular applications log files for specific information. So I thought maybe there's a way to convert them into an XML tree, and I'm off to a decent start....but The problem is, the application log files are an absolute mess if you ask me
Some entries are simple
2014/04/09 11:27:03 INFO Some.code.function - Doing stuff
Ideally I'd like to turn the above into something like this
<Sub>Doing stuff</Sub>
Other entries are something like this where there's additional information and line breaks
2014/04/09 11:27:04 INFO Some.code.function - Something happens
this stuff happened
I'd like to turn this last chunk into something like the above, but add the additional info into a section
<Sub>Doing stuff</Sub>
this stuff happened</details>
and then other messages, errors will be in the form of
2014/04/09 11:27:03 ERROR Some.code.function - Something didn't work right
Error Code: E3145
Application: Name
message information etc etc and more line breaks, this part of the message may add up to an unknown number of lines before the next entry
This last chunk I'd like to convert as the last to above examples, but adding XML nodes for log entry, error code, application, and again, details like so
<Type>ERROR </Type>
<Sub>Something didn't work right</Sub>
<details>message information etc etc and more line breaks, this part of the message may add up to an unknown number of lines before the next entry</details>
Now I know that Select-String has a context option which would let me select a number of lines after the line I've filtered, the problem is, this isn't a constant number.
I'm thinking a regular expression would also me to select the paragraph chunk before the date string, but regular expressions are not a strong point of mine, and I thought there might be a better way because the one constant is that new entries start with a date string
the idea though is to either break these up into xml or tables of sorts and then from there I'm hoping it might take the last or filtering non relevant or recurring messages a little easier
I have a sample I just tossed on pastebin after removing/replacing a few bits of information for privacy reasons
Sorry this is kind of late, I got tied up with work for a bit there (darn work expecting me to be productive while on their dime). I ended up with something similar to Ansgar Wiechers solution, but formatted things into objects and collected those into an array. It doesn't manage your XML that you added later, but this gives you a nice array of objects to work with for the other records. I'll explain the main RegEx line here, I'll comment in-line where it's practical.
'(^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) [\d+?] (\w+?) {1,2}(.+?) - (.+)$' is the Regex that detects the start of a new record. I started to explain it, but there are probably better resources for you to learn RegEx than me explaining it to me. See this link for a full breakdown and examples.
$Records=#() #Create empty array that we will populate with custom objects later
$Event = $Null #make sure nothing in $Event to give script a clean start
Get-Content 'C:\temp\test1.txt' | #Load file, and start looping through it line-by-line.
?{![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}|% { #Filter out blank lines, and then perform the following on each line
if ($_ -match '(^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) \[\d+?] (\w+?) {1,2}(.+?) - (.+)$') { #New Record Detector line! If it finds this RegEx match, it means we're starting a new record.
if ($Event) { #If there's already a record in progress, add it to the Array
$Event = New-Object PSObject -Property #{ #Create a custom PSObject object with these properties that we just got from that RegEx match
DateStamp = [datetime](get-date $Matches[1]) #We convert the date/time stamp into an actual DateTime object. That way sorting works better, and you can compare it to real dates if needed.
Type = $Matches[2]
Source = $Matches[3]
Message = $Matches[4]}
Ok, little pause for the cause here. $Matches isn't defined by me, why am I referencing it? . When PowerShell gets matches from a RegEx expression it automagically stores the resulting matches in $Matches. So all the groups that we just matched in parenthesis become $Matches[1], $Matches[2], and so on. Yes, it's an array, and there is a $Matches[0], but that is the entire string that was matched against, not just the groups that matched. We now return you to your regularly scheduled script...
} else { #End of the 'New Record' section. If it's not a new record if does the following
if($_ -match "^((?:[^ ^\[])(?:\w| |\.)+?):(.*)$"){
RegEx match again. It starts off by stating that this has to be the beginning of the string with the carat character (^). Then it says (in a non-capturing group noted by the (?:<stuff>) format, which really for my purposes just means it won't show up in $Matches) [^ \[]; that means that the next character can not be a space or opening bracket (escaped with a ), just to speed things up and skip those lines for this check. If you have things in brackets [] and the first character is a carat it means 'don't match anything in these brackets'.
I actually just changed this next part to include periods, and used \w instead of [a-zA-Z0-9] because it's essentially the same thing but shorter. \w is a "word character" in RegEx, and includes letters, numbers, and the underscore. I'm not sure why the underscore is considered part of a word, but I don't make the rules I just play the game. I was using [a-zA-Z0-9] which matches anything between 'a' and 'z' (lowercase), anything between 'A' and 'Z' (uppercase), and anything between '0' and '9'. At the risk of including the underscore character \w is a lot shorter and simpler.
Then the actual capturing part of this RegEx. This has 2 groups, the first is letters, numbers, underscores, spaces, and periods (escaped with a \ because '.' on it's own matches any character). Then a colon. Then a second group that is everything else until the end of the line.
$Field = $Matches[1] #Everything before the colon is the name of the field
$Value = $Matches[2].trim() #everything after the colon is the data in that field
$Event | Add-Member $Field $Value #Add the Field to $Event as a NoteProperty, with a value of $Value. Those two are actually positional parameters for Add-Member, so we don't have to go and specify what kind of member, specify what the name is, and what the value is. Just Add-Member <[string]name> <value can be a string, array, yeti, whatever... it's not picky>
} #End of New Field for current record
else{$Value = $_} #If it didn't find the regex to determine if it is a new field then this is just more data from the last field, so don't change the field, just set it all as data.
} else { #If it didn't find the regex then this is just more data from the last field, so don't change the field, just set it all as data.the field does not 'not exist') do this:
$Event.$Field += if(![string]::isNullOrEmpty($Event.$Field)){"`r`n$_"}else{$_}}
This is a long explanation for a fairly short bit of code. Really all it does is add data to the field! This has an inverted (prefixed with !) If check to see if the current field has any data, if it, or if it is currently Null or Empty. If it is empty it adds a new line, and then adds the $Value data. If it doesn't have any data it skips the new line bit, and just adds the data.
$Records+=$Event #Adds the last event to the array of records.
Sorry, I'm not very good with XML. But at least this gets you clean records.
Edit: Ok, code is notated now, hopefully everything is explained well enough. If something is still confusing perhaps I can refer you to a site that explains better than I can. I ran the above against your sample input in PasteBin.
One possible way to deal with such files is to process them line by line. Each log entry starts with a timestamp and ends when the next line starting with a timestamp appears, so you could do something like this:
Get-Content 'C:\path\to\your.log' | % {
if ($_ -match '^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}') {
if ($logRecord) {
# If a current log record exists, it is complete now, so it can be added
# to your XML or whatever, e.g.:
$logRecord -match '^(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (\S+) ...'
$message = $xml.CreateElement('Message')
$date = $xml.CreateElement('Date')
$date.InnerText = $matches[1]
$time = $xml.CreateElement('Time')
$time.InnerText = $matches[2]
$type = $xml.CreateElement('Type')
$type.InnerText = $matches[3]
$logRecord = $_ # start new record
} else {
$logRecord += "`r`n$_" # append to current record