href geo: fallback for non-mobile browsers? - href

I want to use to open clients possible mobile navigation software, but how can i fallback to a normal URL if geo isn't assoicated with any program on the device?
E.g. in firefox on PC i get this message;
Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (geo) isn't associated with any program.


Disable cookies when using the YouTube IFrame Player API script with the domain

How can you disable cookies set on when using the YouTube IFrame Player API with privacy-enhanced mode videos played from the domain?
In the "Turn on privacy-enhanced mode" section in, it recommends using the domain to:
embed YouTube videos without using cookies that track viewing behavior.
This works well and doesn't set cookies as expected.
However, we use the IFrame Player API (with enablejsapi=1 on the embed params) which does set cookies. We see the following cookies set on the domain:
These get set as HTTP cookies from the Iframe Player API script at (open a Chrome incognito window and view that script URL directly and inspect the cookies and you'll see the 2 above cookies set). I'm unsure what these cookies are exactly, but they look suspiciously like tracking cookies.
So, the fact that these are set before a user interacts with the video or takes any consenting action, means we can't use the IFrame Player API whilst still being GDPR compliant when it comes to the EU cookie directive.
So the question is, how can we use the IFrame Player API without it setting cookies?
Note: I've posted this with the tag youtube-iframe-api in the hope that Google with answer this as:
We support the YouTube IFrame API on Stack Overflow. Google engineers monitor and answer questions with the youtube-iframe-api tag.
I had a similar issue and decided to try using this script instead. However, so far, it doesn't seem clear from their docs how to achieve this without any cookies. Simply replacing with results in a 404 error.
Based on this, I tried the below. This code creates a video player programatically and sets as the host. It does load the video and if you inspect it, you can see that no cookies get created initially; but if you start to play the video, sets a cookie called NID. In terms of setting cookies, this is the same result as loading a video via an iframe using
<div id="js-player"></div>
<script src=""></script>
window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = function() {
new YT.Player(document.getElementById("js-player"), {
height: '315',
width: '560',
host: '',
videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE'
So it appears that no matter what you do, you will end up with at least 1 cookie when using the YouTube player API with JavaScript controls. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an ideal solution to this at the moment.

IE11 does not send session cookie when a link targeting a new tab is clicked (on first request)

I am having some trouble holding onto session when opening an initial new tab (target _blank) from IE11.
When I close all instances of IE11 and then open a fresh browser and navigate to the test webpage (default.aspx) the page stores a value in session and displays the session ID on the page. If I refresh the page the session ID stays the same. The page has a link to itself (default.aspx) with a target of _blank. If I click this link a new tab is opened, but the session ID is different. If I then refresh the original window the session ID now matches the new window.
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="System.Web.UI.Page" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<% Session["StoredValue"]="Test"; %>
<div>SessionID: <%=Session.SessionID%></div>
New Window
3rd Party Window
It appears this problem only occurs for the first window on the same domain opened in a new tab (I have verified the problem with both target="_blank" and by holding CTRL while clicking the link).
When I watch the cookie traffic with Fiddler I can see that the
session cookie is sent normally in the initial request from
default.aspx. When I click the link to open the page in a new tab
the session cookie is not being sent in the request headers.
If I restart the browser, go to the test page, open a new tab
manually and paste the link destination into it the cookie is sent
correctly in the request headers and the session from the new tab
matches the original tab as expected.
If I restart the browser, go to the test page, open google from a
link targeting _blank in the test page, and then click the link
opening the test page in a new tab the cookie is also sent correctly
in the request headers and the session from the new window matches
the original window as expected.
I believe this to be a client side issue but the site is running from Windows Server Standard 2008 R2 SP 1 in a 4.0 Integrated website with .NET 4.51 installed (also tried with only 4.5 installed).
The client is Windows 7 64-bit running IE11 (11.0.9600.16476). I have verified the problem on other machines running Windows 7 from IE11 and confirmed that it is not a problem in IE10 from Windows 8 in desktop mode. Everything works as expected in Chrome and Firefox.
I have verified the problem persists even if I:
Move security from Medium High to Medium
Disable Protected Mode
Change privacy to Accept all Cookies
Add the site to either the Local Intranet or Trusted Sites zone website list
Set a P3P compact privacy policy in the response headers stating no information is collected or used.
Set a P3P compact privacy policy in the response headers that would typically be accepted to allow 3rd party cookies within an iframe in past versions of IE.
Change the website ASP.NET session state settings to cookieless="UseCookies" or "false" or remove the attribute altogether (ASP.NET State Server).
Any ideas? Has anyone else seen this issue or similar?
This is an active bug according to microsoft. There is apparently no server-side way to fix this.
Link to bug report
Not a solution, but a clue:
We noticed similar behavior and tracked it down to requests to root/browserconfig.xml causing user to become unauthenticated. Server sent a new session cookie because Windows was not sending the existing one. Subsequent requests then sent the new session cookie value. We changed our server to look for this request and not set response cookies.
This is not a solution, but:
Try middle click instead. If that works for you 100% of the time(it did for me)
js: links with target='_blank' on ie remove defaultBehaviour and trigger middle click.
Problem solved.
Same issue coming for my login,But we tried it to resolve it by changing some setting in IE11 or other problematic browsers.
Goto tools=> Internet options=> Privacy
There click on Sites button. There add & click on Allow button.
Restart your browser.

Django url port forwarding

I have set up a page in django which currently streams a video from another server on xxxx port.
Everything works fine except that one customer has a firewall and for x reason he can not modify it and the firewall is blocking the port where the video is streamed.
I was wondering if there is any way where i can serve the streaming url as one of my project url.
For example:
The streaming url:
My url:
What i want is with my project to serve the streaming url with my url.
Is this possible with django? :)
This is not really a Django issue, but here are a number of possible options to pursue:
Have your customer contact their network administrator and see if an exception rule can be made for the firewall to allow the streaming video across this particular port from this website.
Look into using a web proxy that supports video streaming to get around the firewall rule if it cannot be changed.
See if there is an option to embed the video into your website that uses a different port.
Contact "" and see if there is an alternative port that can be used to stream the video - some websites have an alternative even if it is not actively advertised.

The procedure of Opening a website using IE8

I want to know when I'm using IE8 open a website (like, which API will be called by IE8? so I can hook these API to capture which website that IE8 opening currently.
When you enter a URL into the browser, the browser (usually) makes an HTTP request to the server identified by the URL. To make the request, the IP address of the server is required, which is obtained by a DNS lookup of the host (domain) name.
Once the response -- usually containing HTML markup -- is received, the browser renders it to display the webpage.
More details available here: what happens when you type in a URL in browser
So, in the general case, no "API" request as such is made. (Technically speaking, you can think of the original HTTP request to the server as an API request). The sort of "API" request you presumably mean, however, is not made in this general case just described. Those requests happens when the JavaScript executing on the page makes an Ajax HTTP request (XmlHttpRequest) to the web server to carry out some operation.
I am not sure about IE8, but the "developer tools" feature of most modern browsers (including IE9 and IE10), would let you see the Ajax HTTP requests that the webpage made as it carried out different operations.
Hope this helps.
IE uses Microsoft's WinSock library API to interact with web servers.
You may want to look for a network monitoring/sniffing API, which you could use to examine HTTP requests, and determine the URLs the browser is using.

How to open the default browser in background and get the source code of a web page?

I'm using Dev-C++ and i'm looking for a mode to open(...or better...i need to load a browser intance in the background) the default browser (Example I.E.) and send a request to get the source code of the page I requested.
Can I do something like this in C++?
Thank you!
P.S. I need this for Windows
You seem to have imagined the wrong solution for your problem. If you want to get the HTML source for a web page, you don't need to somehow do it through the browser. You need to do whatever the browser does to get it.
When you enter an address into a browser, the browser sends a HTTP GET request to the server that hosts the resource you're requesting (often a web page) and the server sends a HTTP response back containing the resource content (often HTML) back.
You want to do the same in your application. You need to send a HTTP request to the server and read the response. A popular library for doing this is libcurl.
If you don't have to send a POST request (i.e. just a simple web request or with parameters passed on the URL (GET), then you could just use URLDownloadToFile().
If you don't want to use callbacks etc. and just download the file, you can call it rather simple:
URLDownloadToFile(0, "http://myserver/myfile", "C:\\mytempfile", 0, 0);
There are also a few other functions provided that will automatically push the downloaded data to a stream rather than a file.
It can't be done in pure C++. You should use native Windows library or other (like Qt Framework) and use it's capabilities of getting and parsing website. In Qt, you'd use QtWebkit.
edit: also if you want only the source code of a page, you can do this without using browser or their engines, you can use Winsock.