Packaging a jre with my application - c++

My application contains an c++ exe file which invokes a java program using JNI, thus requiring jvm.dll. However, I want my application to ship with its own embedded jre but after I copy the jre6 folder found in JAVA_HOME and added it to my installer, it fails to run the program(Error occurred during initialization of VM Unable to load native library: Can't find dependent libraries), when I use dependency walker on jvm.dll, it says that it can't find gpsvc.dll, IEShims.dll and sysntfy.dll. After I tried copying those dlls to the same folder as jvm.dll, dependency walker tells me that gpsvc.dll andsysntfy.dll is 64 bit where it should be x86. Problem is, those were the only dlls on my system, what should I do?

The Java virtual machine consists of much more than just jvm.dll. You'll need to redistribute the whole JVM package and install that on a user's machine instead of just adding jvm.dll to your own application.
It will probably be much easier to require your users to download and install the JVM themselves before installing your application. If you really want to redistribute the JVM with your application, you'll need to find documentation on Oracle's website on what the exact license for that is and on how to do it. Look at this paragraph of the JDK 6 readme, for example.
It's not as simple as copying jvm.dll and other libraries that it depends on.

You may download the required dll's from the appropriate sites, i.e. from this one.


How to do I with missing dlls like msvcp100.dll, msvcp100.dll?

How do I deal with this situation where the user's machine may not have dll like msvcp100.dll, msvcp100.dll? I don't want to my software not install on user's machine because this kind of error. I've been thinking in either find a tool and copy every single needed dll to the executable file run or try build a static version of Qt (may have sort of same result, in the end). I've seen applications that doesn't provide those dlls and it's up to user to get them, install etc. It may be a issue for those users, finding the right dll matching version and all. I'd like to avoid it.
How is this usually solved in a real world application?
You redistribute them in your installer.
Deployment of Qt apps is an uneasy issue. One should understand that you need to redistribute a compiler's dlls, as well as Qt dlls. For the msvc 2010 compiler you may just put the msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll files near your executable file.
As for Qt, the easiest way for windows deployment is to use the windeployqt command prompt util.
Update. How is this usually solved in real applications?
There is no fully automatic tools, which could determine all the dependencies, because the deployment of applications is a complex task. For example, you application can depend on many things such as libraries dlls, compiler's dlls, registry keys, drivers, environment variables, computer reboot requirement, ActiveX/COM components, other installed applications, etc...
But there are tools that can help you in this matter. They can be configured once for target project and then work all the time. This is called Build Automation, another similar concept is a Continuous Integration. As for the creation installation packages for end users, there is a lot of tools such as Nullsoft Scriptable Install System, Inno Setup, Qt Installer Framework, WiX, etc...List of installation software.
the installer script, put a command to download the dll that the application needs to run, and in the application source code, put it to use the dll's ONLY in the folder where it is running
If you are using the NSI installer, use this example

DLL Hell with Intel Redistributables

Some of our users have been complaining about a libmmd.dll not found error on our plugins loading.
Some background:
I'm talking about an issue occurring on Windows (8, for that matter).
We develop plugins for Digital Audio Workstations (for digital sound
processing purposes).
Our plugin is a DLL coded in VS2012 and compiled with Intel Compiler 2015 via Perl scripts calling icl.exe
from the cmd.
One of its dependencies is an Intel-supplied math
library provided in the 2015 flavor of its redistributables (which we
install together with our plugins) called libmmd.dll.
For a matter of convenience, let's call the plugin DLL plugin.dll (!!!).
I didn't have much time on one of the affected users' machine but from what I saw, reinstalling Intel's redistributables package didn't help, only moving libmmd.dll to the same folder as plugin.dll.
Whatever the reason for this (sudden and unexpected) behavior, we want to be able to deliver software protected against this kind of issues (DLL Hell).
What we want is for plugin.dll to look for libraries first in a specific directory (configurable would be even better), then in its usual search order.
I tried playing with manifests, registry, library names, linker options...
The only things that actually worked were switching the /MD option with /MT (but recompiling with static libs really adds to the size of plugin.dll) and copying the library to the folder plugin.dll is in.
Any ideas ?
Thanks !
The SetDllDirectory function lets you add a folder path to the DLL search order. It will be added in second place, immediately behind the program folder itself.
This only affects DLLs loaded via LoadLibrary however; if your DLLs are loaded statically it won't make any difference.

Running Allegro 5 on other computers

I have made an allegro simple game . But when I open the *.exe file on another computer it says that there are many missing .dll files . How can I make my game to run on other computers without Visual Studio and Allegro 5 library installed ?
Longer version of my comment:
When you created your application, it links to certain DLL's that exist on your computer. When you distribute your game, you will either need to ZIP the DLL's along with your .exe or package them using package creators and ship it.
The best way to find which DLL's your exe depends on will be to use a tool like Dependency Walker. You don't need to copy absolutely all DLL's that your EXE depends on. Only the ones that you see are in non-standard paths like ones that are not in C:\Windows\System32. That being said, you might need to copy some from C:\Windows\System32. You will need to find that out on your own.
To package them all as a setup, you can use package creators like InnoSetup or NSIS. Otherwise, create a script that ZIPs it all up for you. AFAIK, there is no easy way to get all DLL's required that are missing from the other persons' system. You'll need to find them out by trial and error. It is a pain, unfortunately.
If you downloaded the pre-built binaries, link against the static, monolithic, mt build of Allegro. You'll need to adjust your compiler settings to match (/MT) and add ALLEGRO_STATICLINK to your list of preprocessor definitions.
If you do that, then you only need to distribute your executable file and your resources (images, sounds, etc).
Note that you should have at least two configurations: Debug & Release. When working on your application, you should use the Debug configuration (linking against the regular debug Allegro library). When distributing your application, you should use the Release configuration.

Best way to distribute an application that uses JNI

I am currently working on a Windows desktop application that uses JNI to call methods located inside a jar file.
I need to know the best way to package my application so that it can link to jvm.dll. I am not sure if I should package all the binaries found inside the JDK's bin directory into my setup file (not sure if I am allowed to do so)?
The problem is all examples found online links directly the jvm.dll found in the JDK installation path. And since my application is a commercial one, I cannot rely or ask that every user should install the JDK along side my app because that would be ridiculous.
Please can someone clarify the best method to package such application?
jvm.dll is also installed with the normal java runtime (bin/client subdirectory). By checking some registry values, you can find the path to it, load it from there and check whether the correct version is installed. If you have already linked jvm.lib, you'll then need to add jvm.dll to the list of delay loaded dlls, so you can load it at runtime.
See my recent answer to another question for details:

Where to install SDK DLLs on a system so that they can be found by apps that need them

I've got an SDK I'm working on and the previous developer just dropped the DLLs in System32 (Apparently a serious offense: see here)
So assuming I move them out into \Program Files\\SDK (or whatever), how do I make sure that all the apps that needs those DLLs can access them? And to clarify, all apps that access these are doing early (static) binding to the DLLs at compile time so I can't pass the full path to them or anything. They need to be able to find it just given the DLL filename only.
Along the same lines, what about including a particular version of MSVCR80.dll? They all depend on this but I need to make sure they get a specific version (the one I include).
Any ideas?
An SDK is by definition a development kit. It's not a deployment patch...
What this means is that the applications that depend on those assemblies should ship with them and install them into their local \program files.. directories.
The reason for this is let's say you decide to do a breaking change by eliminating an entry point for example. By installing your "SDK", it has the potential to stop older programs from functioning.
You could take a play from the Java handbook and update the PATH environment variable. Whenever a program makes a call to an external assembly it searches along that environment variable until it finds it.
Of course, this could still result in the problem showing up. So your best bet is to just install the SDK into Program Files and let the developers of the products that depend on your toolkit decide whether they want to update their versions or not.
As I'm thinking about this, one last possibility is to GAC your assemblies. In the event you do so, bear in mind that they should be strongly named and properly versioned so as not to step on each other. I don't recommend this route because it hides the actual locations of the assemblies and makes uninstalling a little more difficult then simply hitting delete on your directory.
I can't tell you about your own DLLs, but you should never redistribute Microsoft DLLs alone.
You always have to use Microsoft Redistributable Package.
For example, if your application depends on dll from Dev Studio 2005 SP1, you should redistribute your application with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 SP1 redistributable. The same applies to 2008. MS provide MSI based installer and Merge Module to include in your own product installer.
You are asking about "DLL Hell", something I had thought every Windows developer was familiar with. The order of search for DLLs is:
the directory the exex that calls them was loaded from
the current directory
various Windows directories (as discussed in your previous question)
directories in the PATH variable
As the Windows directories should be ruled out, that leaves you with three options.
You can put your install path in the search path, which will allow the applications to find them.
Alternatively, you can deploy the DLL's into the same directory as the application that depends on them.
I believe the first is better from an SDK perspective - it'll make development easier. But I think the second is better for when the application gets deployed to end-users, unless you expect there may be many consumers on a single system so the disk and memory footprint of having copies of the DLL are prohibitive.
If you can't install the dlls into the same directory as the exe using them you could append your directory to the PATH environment variable.
You don't say which version of Windows you're using, as the details are slightly different from what I remember.
You could also put your version of MSVCR80.dll in the same folder. However, you'd have to ensure that your folder was before the system one on the path otherwise the linker would pick up the "standard" one first. However, if you adopted the "local" dlls approach then you wouldn't have this problem as Windows searches the local directory first and so will pick up your version of MSVCR80.dll.
Is your version the latest or a previous version? You might be better off getting your app to work with that version or later and then allow the users to update their machines as required. This also illustrates why you should never mess with the dlls in \Windows or \Windows\system32 as, as others have pointed out, you could break other applications by changing the version of this dll.