Django and MongoDB in E-commerce? [closed] - django

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Closed 8 months ago.
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sorry for this silly questions,
can someone share experience about combining Django in e-commerce when used with NoSql, if it's not MongoDB, so what about CouchDB or other Non-Document nosql?
which webserver to use when using e-commerce, cherrypy seems to have SSL? so Tornado is obsolete when using e-commerce + django?

I can't speak for the Django part since I've never used Python for web dev but this blog post from Kyle Banker is the best I've read so far describing the pros and cons of using MongoDB in e-commerce.
The hype around NoSQL (Mongo, Couch, ...) and e-commerce has mainly to do with ontologies, which are a very difficult thing to model into a fixed schema. For instance, fans, washing machines and HDDs all have the RPM attribute, while a monitor does not. Since it's impossible to model every classification and attribute for every product RDBMS usually rely on the very flexible EAV data model which is a pain in the ass to query / maintain in the long run.
Also, check out MongoDB and Ecommerce: A Perfect Combination.

You definitely gain flexibility by using MongoDB from the reasons that Alix has touched on, also it is very quick and sharding capabilities are built in, which means that scaling should be a bit easier.
However you will need ACID for certain aspects of what I believe you refer to e-commerce (a web version of a physical store, where you have products listed online, inventory control, sales records, etc) mainly around the issue of payment.
Long story short, if you break your "e-commerce" into 2 parts, being: " products listing" and "products purchasing" you can apply MongoDB to the first part and some ACID compliant (PostgreSQL, MySQL etc) to the 2nd part.
You'd need some sort of UUID for this of course.
Also, I'm not sure if this added complexity would be beneficial. If you choose to sell a restricted category of products, you can perhaps have smart SQL solution that'd still give you reasonable flexibility.
You could have for example all products in the same basic table, this table would have let's sat 20 columns for products' "features". Does a pair of jeans need all 20 columns? No, so use let's say 5. Does a car need all 20 columns? Maybe...
You could then have each product be associated with another table which would name the columns for you.


High Volume Geocoding API? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like some recommendations on a high volume Geocoding API. I've reached out to Google and Yahoo so far. Google wants too much money for too little offering and Yahoo doesn't have a commercial offering.
I need to geocode about 250,000 items per day initially, but this number will grow exponentially in the near future, so I need a solution that will grow with us.
Any thoughts?
There are many providers that offer bulk and/or batch geocoding. You can also purchase datasets, depending on your accuracy and coverage area requirements. As one example, Microsoft offers a solution. I can not vouch for its quality.
I'd get on the horn to SimpleGeo and see what kind of deal could be put in play; they're a startup so probably hungry for volume business.
Otherwise, I'd probably start looking to the source rather than brokers like Google, e.g., TeleAtlas, but that's bound to be painful.
If you're daily numbers will be exponentially larger than 250K, e.g, 1.5e+16, you're bound to be repeating a lot of queries; find a way to clean them up/normalize them to increase cache hits and shove them into memcached to keep the third-party queries down.
This is a helpful resource, stumbled across when looking for ways to get TIGER data which has to be free, but US only:
One comment on simplegeo , their api is simple and the you can query large number of records in a very short term . But their geo coding quality is not as good as Google or even Bing. I had many cases where I got the same coordinates for different set of addresses.
I'm looking for a solution my self and I'm testing the MapQuest api , seems like there is not rate limit (per say).

Django and NoSQL, any ready-to-use library? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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So far Django has good integration with several RDBMS. NoSQL, schema-less and document-oriented DBMS are picking up. What's the status of integration those on-trend and fashionable DBMSes with Django? Are there any production-ready or at least ready-to-use libraries for Django?
So far I have these at hand:
Pre 1.0, django ORM underwent a major queryset re-factor. One of the reasons for this was "This re-factor enables us to support non relational backends".
The official support I think is definitely on the cards; but I think there were more pressing matters for 1.1 and 1.2(now in beta).
However, there are of course several independent efforts to use non relational databases with django, including, but not limited to the following:
Django-nonrel by Waldemar, who made django work on the appengine using the appengine patch.
Using django with mongo db, by Kevin Fricovsky:
Using django with couch db, an old post, by Eric:
Neo4j- the Java graph database (on the other end of the NoSQL spectrum)- also has initial support.
I've spent quite a while fleshing this support out and moving to a remote protocol. You can see the results on GitHub.
Until there is official Django support of a MongoDB back-end, for auto-admin, etc. (wouldn't that be so great). I would take a look at mongokit, which is a thin wrapper over pymongo. There's a few alternatives, but mongokit has comprehensive documentation and is under active development.

Latitude longitude API's [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have an address database and I tried to find latitude and longitude using google geocoding and yahoo API. Is there any other popular API's or programs are there. I'm using ubuntu platform.
I was usually using Google Maps geocoding service over HTTP which returns you Json or XML as you like. Browse around here for more information about this.
Another option may be It also provides some interesting services and client libraries.
I'm aware of at least one other geocoding system, OpenStreetMap. The only major differences I've found with any of these API's is the level of detail in each. OpenStreetMap has significantly less data, but is much easier to integrate with custom data. Also, I think the maps produced by google are the most beatiful of the three.
With both of those that you mention, if you're mass-processing them or not showing a map to the user at the time of querying the API, you're violating TOS.
A better solution to meet your needs would be something like LiveAddress. I actually work at SmartyStreets where we develop it ourselves -- there's no license restrictions such as would prevent you from running even millions of addresses. In addition to returning coordinates, LiveAddress will also verify the existence of addresses and standardize them for you. This is helpful in removing duplicates and has a lot of business advantages.
If you have any further address-related questions I'll be happy to personally assist.
You might also find useful.
Using YQL, u can obtain a list of possible forecast
First step:
Reverse geocoding
SELECT woeid
FROM geo.places
then apply a filter to order results by placeType. This help U to order forecast by map level accuracy (town, city, postal code, region, ....)
SELECT woeid
FROM geo.places
Now use simile join to get all forecasts by woeid resulted by last query and filter null results
SELECT channel
FROM weather.woeid
WHERE w in (
SELECT woeid
FROM geo.places
AND channel.

What data source could I use for my stock market program? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to make a free open-source C++ application for both Linux and Windows which will create live stock market charts (i.e. they're refreshed frequently).
Please could you give me some pointers on these issues:
What should I use as the data source? Are there free services I can implement? I would like to use the same or similar information as companies like Google.
I'm not sure what GUI toolkit would be best to use, is there one which has charting built in, or would I need to use a specialized library for this?
Some things to note:
This is my first attempt at both cross-platform C++ development, and a GUI application for Linux.
I'm based in the UK, so I'd like to use data sources that provide information for the London stock exchange (LON) as well as NASDAQ, etc.
As of Nov 2014, these links are dead.
Google Finance API:
Yahoo! Finance API:
Cross-platform C++ charts w/ Qt:
Assuming the rules in the UK are the same as in the US, you basically have 3-tiered choices.
You can hack together a lame feed from things like Google or Yahoo but you absolutely are not getting every tick, if that is what you are after.
A step up from the obvious internet sources are some of the online brokers. Their data is more reliable and timely but obviously you need an account and they have to offer some kind of API. Check into something like They are mostly java centric but offer a Window's based C++ DLL as well. Several other brokers offer similar APIs but IB is excellent in that it covers a multitude of exchanges including, I believe, London. They also make it relatively easy to transfer currencies if that is a concern.
Lastly you have to go to commercial brokers. You can find them easily enough with a search but be prepared to pay a couple of hundred dollars per month minimum.
I think Mark's suggestion of QT is a good way to go for a GUI. Java tends to be adequate for putting up a grid of running quotes but tends to fail in the charting area, IMO.
You said you wanted "live" market charts. If you mean real-time, you will never get that for free. All the data you see on google etc is delayed, usually at least 15 minutes, and they don't get every tick.
If a delay is not a problem and if you are only interested in daily data, you can easily get historical data for free via simple HTTP request using this historical data API.

Timezone lookup from latitude longitude [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any library (or even better, web service) available which can convert from a latitude/longitude into a time zone?
I looked fairly deeply into this question for a project I am working on. and are both good options for many situations but with the following serious flaws: finds the time zone by searching for the nearest point in their database that contains a time zone field. This often leads to the wrong result near borders. It is also painfully slow, leading to query times on the order of a couple seconds per request. It also doesn't return a valid time zone if there is no item in their database near the query point. GeoNames also restricts the number of queries that can be made per day, making bulk operations difficult. uses a map and is able to return queries quickly, but it doesn't take into account daylight savings time for most locations, and it returns a raw offset rather than a time zone ID (i.e., they return "GMT-7" instead of "America/Chicago"). Also, I just looked at their page while preparing this post and Google Chrome warned about malware on their site. That is new to me and it may change, but is obviously a cause for concern.
These flaws meant that these existing tools were not suitable for my needs so I rolled my own solution and have published it for general use. You can find it here:
AskGeo is based on a time zone map of the world, so it returns a valid time zone for every valid latitude and longitude. It returns the standard time zone ID (e.g., "America/Los_Angeles") used on Linux and most other operating systems and programming frameworks. It also returns the current offset, taking full account of daylight savings time.
It is extremely easy to use and usage is documented on the main page of the site. The API supports batch queries, so if you need to do a lot of look-ups, please use the batch interface rather than bog down our servers with serial requests. The bulk queries are also much faster, so everybody wins.
When we first launched this, we built it on Google App Engine (GAE) and made it free to all users. This was possible because GAE's prices were so low at that time. Since then, our server load has increased substantially and GAE's prices went way up. Both factors combined led us to switch to Amazon Web Services for hosting and to start charging for commercial use, while keeping the service free for non-profit, non-commercial open source projects, and researchers. For commercial users, we provide 1000 free queries to let potential customers evaluate the API to make sure it meets their needs. See the web site for pricing and terms.
The underlying library was written in Java and due to popular demand, we also released the library under a commercial license. Full documentation of the library and pricing details are on the web site.
I hope this is useful. It certainly was useful for the project I was working on.
Take a look at
It's a free webservice that allow you to get a lot of informations from a long/lat
They also provide a free (and open source) Java Client for GeoNames Webservices library (library for other language also provided: ruby, python, perl, lisp...)
Here's some info you can get from long/lat: (complete list of webservices here)
Find nearest Address
Find nearest Intersection
Find nearby Streets
Timezones are now available via Google API
The Yahoo places API provides timezone information via reverse geolocation.
Check it out.
Eric Muller has made shapefile maps for the timezones of the tz (Olson) database. A few minor caveats, though:
The boundaries used are often unofficial.
It isn't updated as regularly as the tz database itself, so some newly-formed or -adjusted zones may be missing.
Those aside, however, it seems to be very accurate for most purposes.
How much accuracy do you need? Dividing the longitude by 15 would almost be right :p
Project dead :-/
These look pretty promising-
Archive link:
DRT Engine takes a latitude, longitude and local datetime and returns a timezone offset. This can be used to establish the timezone of a particular location at a future date.