Efficiently erasing elements in tr1::unordered_map - c++

I am experimenting with tr1::unordered_map and stumbled upon the problem how to
efficiently delete elements. The 'erase' method offers to delete either by key or
by iterator. I would assume the latter to be more efficient, since the former
presumably involves an implicit find operation. On the other hand my investigations
on the internet have revealed that iterators may become invalid after calling
the insert() method.
I am interested in a typical real-world situation, where objects put into a hash table
have a life span which is long enough such that calls to insert() happen during that
life span. Thus may I conclude that in such a situation deletion by key is the only
option left? Are there any alternatives how to delete objects more efficiently? I am
fully aware that the question only matters in applications, where deletions happen
often. Whether this will be the case for my current project, remains to be seen, but
I would rather learn about these issues while designing my project rather than when
there is already a lot of code present.

The whole point of the unordered containers is to have the fastest possible lookup time. Worrying about the time it takes to erase an element by key sounds like the classic example of premature optimization.

If it matters a great deal to you, because you're keeping the iterator for some other reason, then C++0x says of std::unordered_map (quoting from the FDIS), in 23.2.5/11:
The insert and emplace members shall not affect the validity of
iterators if (N+n) < z * B, where N is the number of elements in the
container prior to the insert operation, n is the number of elements
inserted, B is the container’s bucket count, and z is the container’s
maximum load factor.
I haven't checked whether the tr1 spec has the same guarantee, but it's fairly logical based on the expected implementation.
If you can use this guarantee, then you can protect your iterators up to a point. As Mark says, though, lookup in unordered_map is supposed to be fast. Keeping a key rather than an iterator is worse than keeping an index rather than an iterator in a vector, but better than the equivalent for map.

Yes, insert() can invalidate all iterators. Therefore, I don't think there's a way to avoid the (implicit) lookup. The good news is that the latter is likely to be cheap.


std::vector::insert vs std::list::operator[]

I know that std::list::operator[] is not implemented as it has bad performance. But what about std::vector::insert it is as much inefficient as much std::list::operator[] is. What is the explanation behind?
std::vector::insert is implemented because std::vector has to meet requirements of SequenceContainer concept, while operator[] is not required by any concepts (that I know of), possible that will be added in ContiguousContainer concept in c++17. So operator[] added to containers that can be used like arrays, while insert is required by interface specification, so containers that meet certain concept can be used in generic algorithms.
I think Slava's answer does the best job, but I'd like to offer a supplementary explanation. Generally with data structures, it's far more common to have more accesses than insertions, than vice versa. There are many data structures that may try to optimize access at the cost of insertion, but the inverse is much more rare, because it tends to be less useful in real life.
operator[], if implemented for a linked list, would access an existing value presumably (similar to how it does for vector). insert adds new values. It's much more likely you will be willing to take a big performance hit to insert some new elements into a vector, provided that the subsequent accesses are extremely fast. In many cases, element insertion may be outside of the critical path entirely whereas the critical path consists of a single traversal, or random access of already-present data. So it's simply convenient to have insert take care of the details for you in that case (it's actually a bit annoying to write efficiently and correctly). This is actually a not-uncommon use of a vector.
On the other hand, using operator[] on a linked list would almost always be a sign that you are using the wrong data structure.
std::list::operator[] would require an O(N) traversal and is not really in accordance with what a list is designed to do. If you need operator[] then use a different container type. When C++ folk see a [] they assume an O(1) (or, at worse, an O(Log N)) operation. Supplying [] for a list would break that.
But although std::vector::insert is also O(N), it can be optimised: an at-end insertion can be readily optimised by having the vector's capacity grow in large chunks. An insertion in the middle requires an element-by-element move, but that again can be performed very quickly on modern chipsets.
The [] operator is inherited from plain arrays. It has always been understood as a fast (sub linear time) accessor of the underlying container. Since list is does not support sub linear time access, it does not make sense for it to implement the operator.
auto a = Container [10]; // Ideally I can assume this is quick
The equivalent of your std::list <>::operator [] is std::next <std::list<>::iterator>. Documented at cpp-reference.
auto a = *std::next (Container.begin (), 10); // This may take a little while
This is the truly generic way index a container. If the container supports random access, it will be constant time, other wise it will be linear.

How std::unordered_map is implemented

c++ unordered_map collision handling , resize and rehash
This is a previous question opened by me and I have seen that I am having a lot of confusion about how unordered_map is implemented. I am sure many other people shares that confusion with me. Based on the information I have know without reading the standard:
Every unordered_map implementation stores a linked list to external
nodes in the array of buckets... No, that is not at all the most
efficient way to implement a hash map for most common uses.
Unfortunately, a small "oversight" in the specification of
unordered_map all but requires this behavior. The required behavior is
that iterators to elements must stay valid when inserting or deleting
other elements
I was hoping that someone might explain the implementation and how it fits with the C++ standard definition ( in terms of performance requirements ) and if it is really not the most efficient way to implement an hash map data structure how it can be improved ?
The Standard effectively mandates that implementations of std::unordered_set and std::unordered_map - and their "multi" brethren - use open hashing aka separate chaining, which means an array of buckets, each of which holds the head of a linked list†. That requirement is subtle: it is a consequence of:
the default max_load_factor() being 1.0 (which means the table will resize whenever size() would otherwise exceed 1.0 times the bucket_count(), and
the guarantee that the table will not be rehashed unless grown beyond that load factor.
That would be impractical without chaining, as the collisions with the other main category of hash table implementation - closed hashing aka open addressing - become overwhelming as the load_factor()](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/unordered_map/load_factor) approaches 1.
23.2.5/15: The insert and emplace members shall not affect the validity of iterators if (N+n) < z * B, where N is the number of elements in the container prior to the insert operation, n is the number of elements inserted, B is the container’s bucket count, and z is the container’s maximum load factor.
amongst the Effects of the constructor at max_load_factor() returns 1.0.
† To allow optimal iteration without passing over any empty buckets, GCC's implementation fills the buckets with iterators into a single singly-linked list holding all the values: the iterators point to the element immediately before that bucket's elements, so the next pointer there can be rewired if erasing the bucket's last value.
Regarding the text you quote:
No, that is not at all the most efficient way to implement a hash map for most common uses. Unfortunately, a small "oversight" in the specification of unordered_map all but requires this behavior. The required behavior is that iterators to elements must stay valid when inserting or deleting other elements
There is no "oversight"... what was done was very deliberate and done with full awareness. It's true that other compromises could have been struck, but the open hashing / chaining approach is a reasonable compromise for general use, that copes reasonably elegantly with collisions from mediocre hash functions, isn't too wasteful with small or large key/value types, and handles arbitrarily-many insert/erase pairs without gradually degrading performance the way many closed hashing implementations do.
As evidence of the awareness, from Matthew Austern's proposal here:
I'm not aware of any satisfactory implementation of open addressing in a generic framework. Open addressing presents a number of problems:
• It's necessary to distinguish between a vacant position and an occupied one.
• It's necessary either to restrict the hash table to types with a default constructor, and to construct every array element ahead of time, or else to maintain an array some of whose elements are objects and others of which are raw memory.
• Open addressing makes collision management difficult: if you're inserting an element whose hash code maps to an already-occupied location, you need a policy that tells you where to try next. This is a solved problem, but the best known solutions are complicated.
• Collision management is especially complicated when erasing elements is allowed. (See Knuth for a discussion.) A container class for the standard library ought to allow erasure.
• Collision management schemes for open addressing tend to assume a fixed size array that can hold up to N elements. A container class for the standard library ought to be able to grow as necessary when new elements are inserted, up to the limit of available memory.
Solving these problems could be an interesting research project, but, in the absence of implementation experience in the context of C++, it would be inappropriate to standardize an open-addressing container class.
Specifically for insert-only tables with data small enough to store directly in the buckets, a convenient sentinel value for unused buckets, and a good hash function, a closed hashing approach may be roughly an order of magnitude faster and use dramatically less memory, but that's not general purpose.
A full comparison and elaboration of hash table design options and their implications is off topic for S.O. as it's way too broad to address properly here.

unordered set, it it worth calling find before insert?

When inserting elements into an std::unorder_set is it worth calling std::unordered_set::find prior to std::unordered_set::insert? From my understanding, I should always just call insert as it returns an std::pair which contains a bool that tells whether the insertion succeeded.
Calling find before insert is essentially an anti-pattern, which is typically observed in poorly designed custom set implementations. Namely, it might be necessary in implementations that do not tell the caller whether the insertion actually occurred. std::set does provide you with this information, meaning that it is normally not necessary to perform this find-before-insert dance.
A typical implementation of insert will typically contain the full implementation of find, meaning that the find-before-insert approach performs the search twice for no meaningful reason.
However, some other shortcomings of std::set design do sometimes call for a find-before-insert sequence. For example, if your set elements contain some fields that need to be modified if (an only if) the actual insertion occurred. For example, you might have to allocate "permanent" memory for some pointer fields instead of "temporary" (local) memory these fields were pointing to before the insertion. Unfortunately, this is impossible to do after the insertion, since std::set only provides you with non-modifying access to its elements. One workaround is to do a find first, thus "predicting" whether an actual insertion will occur, and then setting up the new element accordingly (like allocating "permanent" memory for all fields) before doing the insert. This is ugly from the performance point of view, but it is acceptable in non-performance-critical code. That's just how things are with standard containers.
It's best to just attempt the insert, otherwise the effort of hashing and iterating over any elements that have collided in the hash bucket is unnecessarily repeated.
If your set it threadsafe and accessed concurrently then calling find first does very little, as insert would be atomic but a check-then-act would be susceptible to race condition.
So in general and especially in a multithreaded context, just insert.

How can I efficiently select a Standard Library container in C++11?

There's a well known image (cheat sheet) called "C++ Container choice". It's a flow chart to choose the best container for the wanted usage.
Does anybody know if there's already a C++11 version of it?
This is the previous one:
Not that I know of, however it can be done textually I guess. Also, the chart is slightly off, because list is not such a good container in general, and neither is forward_list. Both lists are very specialized containers for niche applications.
To build such a chart, you just need two simple guidelines:
Choose for semantics first
When several choices are available, go for the simplest
Worrying about performance is usually useless at first. The big O considerations only really kick in when you start handling a few thousands (or more) of items.
There are two big categories of containers:
Associative containers: they have a find operation
Simple Sequence containers
and then you can build several adapters on top of them: stack, queue, priority_queue. I will leave the adapters out here, they are sufficiently specialized to be recognizable.
Question 1: Associative ?
If you need to easily search by one key, then you need an associative container
If you need to have the elements sorted, then you need an ordered associative container
Otherwise, jump to the question 2.
Question 1.1: Ordered ?
If you do not need a specific order, use an unordered_ container, otherwise use its traditional ordered counterpart.
Question 1.2: Separate Key ?
If the key is separate from the value, use a map, otherwise use a set
Question 1.3: Duplicates ?
If you want to keep duplicates, use a multi, otherwise do not.
Suppose that I have several persons with a unique ID associated to them, and I would like to retrieve a person data from its ID as simply as possible.
I want a find function, thus an associative container
1.1. I couldn't care less about order, thus an unordered_ container
1.2. My key (ID) is separate from the value it is associated with, thus a map
1.3. The ID is unique, thus no duplicate should creep in.
The final answer is: std::unordered_map<ID, PersonData>.
Question 2: Memory stable ?
If the elements should be stable in memory (ie, they should not move around when the container itself is modified), then use some list
Otherwise, jump to question 3.
Question 2.1: Which ?
Settle for a list; a forward_list is only useful for lesser memory footprint.
Question 3: Dynamically sized ?
If the container has a known size (at compilation time), and this size will not be altered during the course of the program, and the elements are default constructible or you can provide a full initialization list (using the { ... } syntax), then use an array. It replaces the traditional C-array, but with convenient functions.
Otherwise, jump to question 4.
Question 4: Double-ended ?
If you wish to be able to remove items from both the front and back, then use a deque, otherwise use a vector.
You will note that, by default, unless you need an associative container, your choice will be a vector. It turns out it is also Sutter and Stroustrup's recommendation.
I like Matthieu's answer, but I'm going to restate the flowchart as this:
When to NOT use std::vector
By default, if you need a container of stuff, use std::vector. Thus, every other container is only justified by providing some functionality alternative to std::vector.
std::vector requires that its contents are move-constructible, since it needs to be able to shuffle the items around. This is not a terrible burden to place on the contents (note that default constructors are not required, thanks to emplace and so forth). However, most of the other containers don't require any particular constructor (again, thanks to emplace). So if you have an object where you absolutely cannot implement a move constructor, then you will have to pick something else.
A std::deque would be the general replacement, having many of the properties of std::vector, but you can only insert at either ends of the deque. Inserts in the middle require moving. A std::list places no requirement on its contents.
Needs Bools
std::vector<bool> is... not. Well, it is standard. But it's not a vector in the usual sense, as operations that std::vector normally allows are forbidden. And it most certainly does not contain bools.
Therefore, if you need real vector behavior from a container of bools, you're not going to get it from std::vector<bool>. So you'll have to make due with a std::deque<bool>.
If you need to find elements in a container, and the search tag can't just be an index, then you may need to abandon std::vector in favor of set and map. Note the key word "may"; a sorted std::vector is sometimes a reasonable alternative. Or Boost.Container's flat_set/map, which implements a sorted std::vector.
There are now four variations of these, each with their own needs.
Use a map when the search tag is not the same thing as the item you're looking for itself. Otherwise use a set.
Use unordered when you have a lot of items in the container and search performance absolutely needs to be O(1), rather than O(logn).
Use multi if you need multiple items to have the same search tag.
If you need a container of items to always be sorted based on a particular comparison operation, you can use a set. Or a multi_set if you need multiple items to have the same value.
Or you can use a sorted std::vector, but you'll have to keep it sorted.
When iterators and references are invalidated is sometimes a concern. If you need a list of items, such that you have iterators/pointers to those items in various other places, then std::vector's approach to invalidation may not be appropriate. Any insertion operation may cause invalidation, depending on the current size and capacity.
std::list offers a firm guarantee: an iterator and its associated references/pointers are only invalidated when the item itself is removed from the container. std::forward_list is there if memory is a serious concern.
If that's too strong a guarantee, std::deque offers a weaker but useful guarantee. Invalidation results from insertions in the middle, but insertions at the head or tail causes only invalidation of iterators, not pointers/references to items in the container.
Insertion Performance
std::vector only provides cheap insertion at the end (and even then, it becomes expensive if you blow capacity).
std::list is expensive in terms of performance (each newly inserted item costs a memory allocation), but it is consistent. It also offers the occasionally indispensable ability to shuffle items around for virtually no performance cost, as well as to trade items with other std::list containers of the same type at no loss of performance. If you need to shuffle things around a lot, use std::list.
std::deque provides constant-time insertion/removal at the head and tail, but insertion in the middle can be fairly expensive. So if you need to add/remove things from the front as well as the back, std::deque might be what you need.
It should be noted that, thanks to move semantics, std::vector insertion performance may not be as bad as it used to be. Some implementations implemented a form of move semantic-based item copying (the so-called "swaptimization"), but now that moving is part of the language, it's mandated by the standard.
No Dynamic Allocations
std::array is a fine container if you want the fewest possible dynamic allocations. It's just a wrapper around a C-array; this means that its size must be known at compile-time. If you can live with that, then use std::array.
That being said, using std::vector and reserveing a size would work just as well for a bounded std::vector. This way, the actual size can vary, and you only get one memory allocation (unless you blow the capacity).
Here is the C++11 version of the above flowchart. [originally posted without attribution to its original author, Mikael Persson]
Here's a quick spin, although it probably needs work
Should the container let you manage the order of the elements?
Will the container contain always exactly the same number of elements?
Does the container need a fast move operator?
Yes: std::vector
No: std::array
Do you absolutely need stable iterators? (be certain!)
Yes: boost::stable_vector (as a last case fallback, std::list)
Do inserts happen only at the ends?
Yes: std::deque
No: std::vector
Are keys associated with Values?
Do the keys need to be sorted?
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: boost::flat_map (as a last case fallback, std::map)
No: boost::flat_multimap (as a last case fallback, std::map)
Are there more than one value per key?
Yes: std::unordered_multimap
No: std::unordered_map
Are elements read then removed in a certain order?
Order is:
Ordered by element: std::priority_queue
First in First out: std::queue
First in Last out: std::stack
Other: Custom based on std::vector?????
Should the elements be sorted by value?
Yes: boost::flat_set
No: std::vector
You may notice that this differs wildly from the C++03 version, primarily due to the fact that I really do not like linked nodes. The linked node containers can usually be beat in performance by a non-linked container, except in a few rare situations. If you don't know what those situations are, and have access to boost, don't use linked node containers. (std::list, std::slist, std::map, std::multimap, std::set, std::multiset). This list focuses mostly on small and middle sided containers, because (A) that's 99.99% of what we deal with in code, and (B) Large numbers of elements need custom algorithms, not different containers.

why Vector doesn't provide the remove() member function while list provides?

If I want to delete all the elements with a value from vector,I call remove algorithm and then call vector's erase member function to physically delete it.
But in the case of list , simple call remove member function and it will delete all elements with that value.
I am not sure why vector does't provide the remove MF while list does it.
For Exp: I want to delete value '4' from vector v.
vector<int> v;
vector<int> ::iterator Itr;
for (int i=0; i< 6; i++)
v.erase(remove(v.begin(),v.end(),4), v.end());
and for list:
list.remove(4); // will delete all the element which has value 4
The question is not why std::vector does not offer the operation, but rather why does std::list offer it. The design of the STL is focused on the separation of the containers and the algorithms by means of iterators, and in all cases where an algorithm can be implemented efficiently in terms of iterators, that is the option.
There are, however, cases where there are specific operations that can be implemented much more efficiently with knowledge of the container. That is the case of removing elements from a container. The cost of using the remove-erase idiom is linear in the size of the container (which cannot be reduced much), but that hides the fact that in the worst case all but one of those operations are copies of the objects (the only element that matches is the first), and those copies can represent quite a big hidden cost.
By implementing the operation as a method in std::list the complexity of the operation will still be linear, but the associated cost for each one of the elements removed is very low, a couple of pointer copies and releasing of a node in memory. At the same time, the implementation as part of the list can offer stronger guarantees: pointers, references and iterators to elements that are not erased do not become invalidated in the operation.
Another example of an algorithm that is implemented in the specific container is std::list::sort, that uses mergesort that is less efficient than std::sort but does not require random-access iterators.
So basically, algorithms are implemented as free functions with iterators unless there is a strong reason to provide a particular implementation in a concrete container.
I believe the rationale is that std::list offers a very efficient remove method (if implemented as a doubly linked listed it just adjusts the pointers to the element and deallocates its storage), while element removal for std::vector is comparably slow.
The remove+erase trick is the standard way which works for all container types that offer the required iterator type. Presumably, the designers of the STL wanted to point out this difference. They could have opted to give all containers a remove method, which would be remove+erase for all containers except those who knew a better way, but they didn't.
This seems to violate the idea of generic code at a first glance, but I don't think it really does. Having a simple, generic remove that is easily accessible makes it easy to write generic code that compiles fine with all container types, but at the end generic code that would run extremely slow in 9 out of 10 cases and blazingly fast in the tenth is not truly generic, it just looks so.
The same pattern can be found at std::map::find vs. the generic std::find.
Removing an element from a vector is much slower than doing so for a list: it is (on average) proportional to the size of the vector, whereas the operation on a list is executed in constant time.
The designers of the standard library decided not to include this feature under the principle of "things that look easy should BE (computationally) easy".
I'm not sure whether I agree with this philosophy, but it's considered a design goal for C++.
Because dropping item from a list is cheap, while doing so on a vector is expensive - all following elements have to be shifted, i.e. copied/moved.
I imagine its due to efficiency, its slower to remove random elements from a vector than it is from a list. It might mean a little more typing for situations like this, but at least its obvious in the interface that the std::vector isn't the best data structure if you need to do this often.