Graph Representation in C++ - c++

I am going through a book The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms Reading through the Graph chapter, I am trying to implement DFS. By Reading definition of this algorithm it says, Graph G=(V,E) partiions the edges in E into two sets T and B. An Edge (v,w) is place in set T if vertes w has not been previously visited when we are at vertex v considering edged (v,w) , otherwise edge `(v,w) is place in set B.
Basically his algorithm of DFS will give me new Graph which will be G=(V,T). I want to know how one would implement this in C++.
I tried using adjacency list, but I am confuse is there a need of storing edges of just a map of list should be fine.

In VTK, edges are stored in a vector, and it always stores a pair (v,w). Near this vector there are 2 other vector of vectors to store in and out edges of graph nodes. When a new edge is added, it added to edge vector, its nodes (v,w) are added to in and out edges vector of vectors, too.

I am not quite clear about what your exact question is. I assume that you are asking about how to maintain two sets T and B to distinguish edges that have been visited from edges that have been not during DFS. I think the easiest way to do so is to add a bool field "visited" to the node struct in your adjacency list. Initial value of this field for all nodes are "false". Suppose in the above case, when DFS come to v, and the edge (v,w) is not visited, then the node on the list of v that corresponds to w would have a value "false" for "visited" at that time. Otherwise it will have a value of "true".
I think the author just try to give you the idea that edges will be categorized into two kinds: visited and not visited at the end of DFS. But I don't think keep two explicit sets maintaining those two kinds of edges are necessary. You can always print the visited edges after DFS according to their updated "visited" value.


Deleting edges in a graph stored as adjacency list

I am trying to implement an algorithm for finding an Eulerian path in undirected graph stored as adjacency list. I need a fast way(linear time) to remove an edge from the graph.
My initial idea was to use something like
vector<list<pair<Vertex, List<Vertex>::iterator>>> Graph
so when I delete the edge in one direction I will have a fast way to delete it in the oposite direction using the iterator to the place where it is stored for the reverse direction. However several sources claim that those iterators won't be valid anymore, because as I start deleting items the pointer structure will become different and those iterators won't point to the right elements anymore.
My question is, is there a way to achieve deleting an edge in O(1) time using adjacency lists or is there a way to mark the edge somehow, so when I am in the adjacent vertex I will know for sure that the edge in the oposite direction was traversed. Thanks in advance.
I need a fast way(linear time) to remove an edge from the graph.
It's possible, but you have to change your graph representation, because of problems you have described.
Approach 1 -- guaranteed O(logE) complexity
Just use std::set instead of std::list:
std::vector<std::set<int>> Graph;
This allows to traverse & process all adjacent nodes in the same manner:
// adj is your graph,
// v is current vertex
for (auto &w : adj[v]) {
// process edge [v, w]
But you can remove opposite edge in O(logE):
// remove [v,w] and [w,v]
Approach 2 -- average O(1), worst case O(E)
Constant time complexity is possible with std::unordered_set, but only on average:
std::vector<std::unordered_set<int>> Graph;
Traversing and erasing patterns stay the same, but personally I would prefer approach 1.

Datastructure for undirected graph edges with constant time complexity

I have a undirected graph where the nodes are stored in a flat array. Now I am looking for a data structure for the edges. It should have constant time complexity for getting all edges of a given node. An edge contains two node indices and additional information such as a weight.
The only way I see is duplicating the data, one sorted by the left node and another sorted by the right node.
vector<vector<int>> left, right;
But I would like to prevent duplicating the edges.
It sounds like you just want an adjacency list representation.
In this representation, each node would store a list of all its connected edges.
For an undirected graph, you can have each endpoint both store the edge.
There isn't really a way to get the connected edges for a node in constant time without some duplication. But you can just store a pointer, reference or unique ID (which can be an index in an edge array, for example) to the actual edge, preventing the need to actually have 2 copies of it floating around.
Make a vector of vectors.
Each node will have a vector of all the nodes it has.
You should build this during the graph creation.

How to compare nodes in minHeapify for minimum spanning tree?

I am trying to create a minimum spanning tree using prim's algorithm and I have a major question about the actual heap. I structured my graphs adjacency list to be a vector of vertexes, and each vertex has a vector of edges. The edges contain a weight, a connecting vertex, and a key. I am not sure whether my heap should be a heap of vertexes or edges. If I make it a heap of vertexes then there is no way to determine whether the weights are going from the same parent and destination vertexes, which makes me think that I should be making a heap for each vertexes list of edges. So my final question is should I be creating a heap of edges, or a heap of vertexes? If its a list of edges, should I be using the weight on the edges as the key, or should I have a separate data member called key that I can actually use for the priority queue? Thanks!
You should make a minHeap of edges since you are going to sort edges by their weight but the edges should contain two vertexes: representing one vertex on each end. Otherwise, as you suggested: there is no way to determine whether the weights are going from the same parent and destination vertexes. Therefore you should re-structure your edge class and make a minHeap of them.
Consider the algorithm from Wiki as well.
Initialize a tree with a single vertex, chosen
arbitrarily from the graph.
Grow the tree by one edge: Of the edges
that connect the tree to vertices not yet in the tree, find the
minimum-weight edge, and transfer it to the tree.
Repeat step 2 (until all vertices are in the tree).
I don't fully understand the key field in the edge class. I assume it's like an Id to the edge. So you should make a heap of them but since you are providing user-defined data structure to the heap, you should also provide a comparison function for the edge class, i.e. define the bool operator<(const Edge&) method.
Your heap could be of pairs <vertex, weight>, and will contain vertices, which are a single edge away from any vertex already in the partial minimum spanning tree. (edit: in some cases it may contain a vertex which is already in the partial MST, you should ignore such elements when they pop out).
It could be a heap of edges like <src, dst, weight>, which is practically the same, you just ignore src while dst is the same as vertex in the first variant.
PS. Regarding that key thing, I see no need for any keys, you need to compare weights.
The heap must maintain the vertices with key as the smallest weighted edge to it. As the vertex is still not visited hence any edge to it will be unvisited hence the minimum of all unvisited edge to unvisited vertex will be the next edge to be added to spanning hence you remove the vertex corresponding to it. The only problem here is to maintain the updated weights to minimum edges to a vertex in heap as the spanning tree changes in every iteration and new edges are added to it. The way to do it is to keep the position of each unvisited vertex in the heap, when a new vertex is added to spanning tree the unvisited edges from it are updated using the direct position of vertex they are pointing to using stored positions. Then you update the vertex minimum cost if the current cost is less that new edge weight added. Then bubble it up the heap using standard procedure of heap to maintain the min heap.
DataStructure: -
<Vertex,Weight> : Vertex id & weight of minimum edge to it as record of heap
position[Vertex] : The position of vertex record in heap.
Note: inbuilt function wont help you here hence you need to build your own heap to make this work efficiently.Initialize the key values of each vertex to some infinite value at the start
Another Approach: Store the all edge which point to unvisited vertex with weight in min heap. But that would require higher space complexity then other approach but has similar amortized time complexity. When you extract a edge check if the vertex it is pointing to is visited or not, if visited extract again and discard the edge.

Prim's algorithm for dynamic locations

Suppose you have an input file:
<total vertices>
<x-coordinate 1st location><y-coordinate 1st location>
<x-coordinate 2nd location><y-coordinate 2nd location>
<x-coordinate 3rd location><y-coordinate 3rd location>
How can Prim's algorithm be used to find the MST for these locations? I understand this problem is typically solved using an adjacency matrix. Any references would be great if applicable.
If you already know prim, it is easy. Create adjacency matrix adj[i][j] = distance between location i and location j
I'm just going to describe some implementations of Prim's and hopefully that gets you somewhere.
First off, your question doesn't specify how edges are input to the program. You have a total number of vertices and the locations of those vertices. How do you know which ones are connected?
Assuming you have the edges (and the weights of those edges. Like #doomster said above, it may be the planar distance between the points since they are coordinates), we can start thinking about our implementation. Wikipedia describes three different data structures that result in three different run times:'s_algorithm#Time_complexity
The simplest is the adjacency matrix. As you might guess from the name, the matrix describes nodes that are "adjacent". To be precise, there are |v| rows and columns (where |v| is the number of vertices). The value at adjacencyMatrix[i][j] varies depending on the usage. In our case it's the weight of the edge (i.e. the distance) between node i and j (this means that you need to index the vertices in some way. For instance, you might add the vertices to a list and use their position in the list).
Now using this adjacency matrix our algorithm is as follows:
Create a dictionary which contains all of the vertices and is keyed by "distance". Initially the distance of all of the nodes is infinity.
Create another dictionary to keep track of "parents". We use this to generate the MST. It's more natural to keep track of edges, but it's actually easier to implement by keeping track of "parents". Note that if you root a tree (i.e. designate some node as the root), then every node (other than the root) has precisely one parent. So by producing this dictionary of parents we'll have our MST!
Create a new list with a randomly chosen node v from the original list.
Remove v from the distance dictionary and add it to the parent dictionary with a null as its parent (i.e. it's the "root").
Go through the row in the adjacency matrix for that node. For any node w that is connected (for non-connected nodes you have to set their adjacency matrix value to some special value. 0, -1, int max, etc.) update its "distance" in the dictionary to adjacencyMatrix[v][w]. The idea is that it's not "infinitely far away" anymore... we know we can get there from v.
While the dictionary is not empty (i.e. while there are nodes we still need to connect to)
Look over the dictionary and find the vertex with the smallest distance x
Add it to our new list of vertices
For each of its neighbors, update their distance to min(adjacencyMatrix[x][neighbor], distance[neighbor]) and also update their parent to x. Basically, if there is a faster way to get to neighbor then the distance dictionary should be updated to reflect that; and if we then add neighbor to the new list we know which edge we actually added (because the parent dictionary says that its parent was x).
We're done. Output the MST however you want (everything you need is contained in the parents dictionary)
I admit there is a bit of a leap from the wikipedia page to the actual implementation as outlined above. I think the best way to approach this gap is to just brute force the code. By that I mean, if the pseudocode says "find the min [blah] such that [foo] is true" then write whatever code you need to perform that, and stick it in a separate method. It'll definitely be inefficient, but it'll be a valid implementation. The issue with graph algorithms is that there are 30 ways to implement them and they are all very different in performance; the wikipedia page can only describe the algorithm conceptually. The good thing is that once you implement it some way, you can find optimizations quickly ("oh, if I keep track of this state in this separate data structure, I can make this lookup way faster!"). By the way, the runtime of this is O(|V|^2). I'm too lazy to detail that analysis, but loosely it's because:
All initialization is O(|V|) at worse
We do the loop O(|V|) times and take O(|V|) time to look over the dictionary to find the minimum node. So basically the total time to find the minimum node multiple times is O(|V|^2).
The time it takes to update the distance dictionary is O(|E|) because we only process each edge once. Since |E| is O(|V|^2) this is also O(|V|^2)
Keeping track of the parents is O(|V|)
Outputting the tree is O(|V| + |E|) = O(|E|) at worst
Adding all of these (none of them should be multiplied except within (2)) we get O(|V|^2)
The implementation with a heap is O(|E|log(|V|) and it's very very similar to the above. The only difference is that updating the distance is O(log|V|) instead of O(1) (because it's a heap), BUT finding/removing the min element is O(log|V|) instead of O(|V|) (because it's a heap). The time complexity is quite similar in analysis and you end up with something like O(|V|log|V| + |E|log|V|) = O(|E|log|V|) as desired.
Actually... I'm a bit confused why the adjacency matrix implementation cares about it being an adjacency matrix. It could just as well be implemented using an adjacency list. I think the key part is how you store the distances. I could be way off in my implementation outlined above, but I am pretty sure it implements Prim's algorithm is satisfies the time complexity constraints outlined by wikipedia.

Finding edge in weighted graph

I have a graph with four nodes, each node represents a position and they are laid out like a two dimensional grid. Every node has a connection (an edge) to all (according to the position) adjacent nodes. Every edge also has a weight.
Here are the nodes represented by A,B,C,D and the weight of the edges is indicated by the numbers:
A 100 B
120 220
C 150 D
I want to structure a container and an algorithm that switches the nodes sharing the edge with the highest weight. Then reset the weight of that edge. No node (position) can be switched more than once each time the algorithm is executed.
For example, processing the above, the highest weight is on edge BD, so we switch those. Since no node can be switched more than once, all edges involved in either B or D is reset.
Then, the next highest weight is on the only edge left, switching those would give us the final layout: C,D,A,B.
I'm currently running a quite awful implementation of this. I store a long list of edges, holding four values for the nodes they are (potentially) connected to, a value for its weight and the position for the node itself. Every time anything is requested, I loop through the entire list.
I'm writing this in C++, could some parts of the STL help speed this up? Also, how to avoid the duplication of data? A node position is currently in five objects. The node itself that is there and the four nodes indicating a connection to it.
In short, I want help with:
Can this be structured in a way so that there is no data duplication?
Recognise the problem? If any of this has a name, tell me so I can google for more info on the subject.
Fast algorithms are always nice.
As for names, this is a vertex cover problem. Optimal vertex cover is NP-hard with decent approximation solutions, but your problem is simpler. You're looking at a pseudo-maximum under a tighter edge selection criterion. Specifically, once an edge is selected every connected edge is removed (representing the removal of vertices to be swapped).
For example, here's a standard greedy approach:
0) sort the edges; retain adjacency information
while edges remain:
1) select the highest edge
2) remove all adjacent edges from the list
The list of edges selected gives you the vertices to swap.
Time complexity is O(Sorting vertices + linear pass over vertices), which in general will boil down to O(sorting vertices), which will likely by O(V*log(V)).
The method of retaining adjacency information depends on the graph properties; see your friendly local algorithms text. Feel free to start with an adjacency matrix for simplicity.
As with the adjacency information, most other speed improvements will apply best to graphs of a certain shape but come with a tradeoff of time versus space complexity.
For example, your problem statement seems to imply that the vertices are laid out in a square pattern, from which we could derive many interesting properties. For example, that system is very easily parallelized. Also, the adjacency information would be highly regular but sparse at large graph sizes (most vertices wouldn't be connected to each other). This makes the adjacency matrix give a high overhead; you could instead store adjacency in an array of 4-tuples as it would retain fast access but almost entirely eliminate overhead.
If you have bigger graphs look into the boost graph library. It gives you good data structures for graphs and basic iterators for different types of graph traversing