More efficent way of generating this random distribution? - c++

Is there a more efficent, possibly more mathematical and less algorithmic way of achieving a similar random number distribution to this?
unsigned int weighted_random_UINT()
float r2 = 1;
while(rand() % 4 != 0) // 3/4 chance
r2 *= fmod(
((float)rand()/RAND_MAX)+1, // random float between 1 and 2
return (unsigned int)r2 - 1;
Below is a less safe but more easily readable version of the inside of the while.
r2 *= ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX)+1;
The distribution visualized:
Comparison between the smoother solution in the question (1st graph) and the faster solution in the best answer (2nd graph):

I think you don't have to loop through it, but once is enough, like so:
unsigned int weighted_random_UINT()
float r2 = ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX)+1; // random float between 1 and 2
unsigned int k = 0;
while(rand() % 4 != 0) // 3/4 chance
{k = k < UINT_MAX ? k + 1: UINT_MAX;}
return (unsigned int)fpow(r2,(float)k) - 1;
The first part is a geometric distribution, and the last one is an uniform distribution.
And you want (1+U(0,1))^G(3/4).
It should be possible to find some faster way to find G(3/4) though.
I found it on wikipedia:
Thus you want:
Which should be just two calls to rand.


C++ program which calculates ln for a given variable x without using any ready functions

I've searched for the equation which calculates the ln of a number x and found out that this equation is:
and I've written this code to implement it:
double ln = x-1 ;
for(int i=2;i<=5;i++)
double tmp = 1 ;
for(int j=1;j<=i;j++)
tmp *= (x-1) ;
ln -= (tmp/i) ;
ln += (tmp/i) ;
cout << "ln: " << setprecision(10) << ln << endl ;
but unfortunately I'm getting outputs completely different from output on my calculator especially for large numbers, can anyone tell me where is the problem ?
The equation you link to is an infinite series as implied by the ellipsis following the main part of the equation and as indicated more explicitly by the previous formulation on the same page:
In your case, you are only computing the first four terms. Later terms will add small refinements to the result to come closer to the actual value, but ultimately to compute all infinite steps will require infinite time.
However, what you can do is approximate your response to something like:
double ln(double x) {
// validate 0 < x < 2
double threshold = 1e-5; // set this to whatever threshold you want
double base = x-1; // Base of the numerator; exponent will be explicit
int den = 1; // Denominator of the nth term
int sign = 1; // Used to swap the sign of each term
double term = base; // First term
double prev = 0; // Previous sum
double result = term; // Kick it off
while (fabs(prev - result) > threshold) {
sign *=- 1;
term *= base;
prev = result;
result += sign * term / den;
return result;
Caution: I haven't actually tested this so it may need some tweaking.
What this does is compute each term until the absolute difference between two consecutive terms is less than some threshold you establish.
Now this is not a particularly efficient way to do this. It's better to work with the functions the language you're using (in this case C++) provides to compute the natural log (which another poster has, I believe already shown to you). But there may be some value in trying this for yourself to see how it works.
Also, as barak manos notes below, this Taylor series only converges on the range (0, 2), so you will need to validate the value of x lies in that range before trying to run actual computation.
I believe the natural log in C++ language is simply log
It wouldn't hurt to use long and long double instead of int and double. This may get a little more accuracy on some larger values. Also, your series only extending 5 levels deep is also limiting your accuracy.
Using a series like this is basically an approximation of the logarithmic answer.
This version should be somewhat faster:
double const scale = 1.5390959186233239e-16;
double const offset = -709.05401552996614;
double fast_ln(double x)
uint64_t xbits;
memcpy(&xbits, &x, 8);
// if memcpy not allowed, use
// for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) i[(char*)xbits] = i[(char*)x];
return xbits * scale + offset;
The trick is that this uses a 64-bit integer * 64-bit floating-point multiply, which involves a conversion of the integer to floating-point. Said floating-point representation is similar to scientific notation and requires a logarithm to find the appropriate exponent... but it is done purely in hardware and is very fast.
However it is doing a linear approximation within each octave, which is not very accurate. Using a lookup table for those bits would be far better.
That formula won't work for large inputs, because it would require you to take in consideration the highest degree member, which you can't because they are infinity many.
It will only work for small inputs, where only the first terms of your series are relevant.
You can find ways to do that here: http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Pollard%27s_rho_algorithm_for_logarithms
and here:
This should work. You just needed the part where if x>=2 shrink x by half and add 0.6931. The reason for 0.6931 is that is ln(2). If you wanted to you could add if (x >= 1024) return myLN(x/1024) + 6.9315 where 6.9315 is ln(1024). This will add speed for big values of x. The for loop with 100 could be much less like 20. I believe to get exact result for an integer its 17.
double myLN(double x) {
if (x >= 2) {
return myLN(x/2.0) + 0.6931;
x = x-1;
double total = 0.0;
double xToTheIPower = x;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
if (i%2 == 1) {
total += xToTheIPower / (i);
} else {
total -= xToTheIPower / (i);
xToTheIPower *= x;
return total;

Is there a more efficient way to compute positive modulo? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Fastest way to get a positive modulo in C/C++
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Modulo in C and C++ does not behave in a mathematically correct manner, as it returns a negative result when performing the modulo of a negative number. After doing some research, it seems the classic way of implementing a correctly behaving one is:
positive modulo(int i, int n)
return ( ( (i % n) + n ) % n );
Considering modulo is computationally expensive, is there a more efficient way to compute positive modulo for any number (I already saw the solution for powers of 2, but I need something generic)?
This may be slower or faster, depending on the compiler, the optimization level and the architecture:
static inline int modulo(int i, int n) {
const int k = i % n;
return k < 0 ? k + n : k;
The reason why it can be slower is that the condition operation may introduce a branch, and sometimes branches are slow.
The solution in pts's answer is probbaly the best solution. It often compiles to a branchless code, but even if there are slowdowns by the branch, it may possibly be faster than the division anyway. But in case you really need to avoid branching
inline int modulo(int i, int n)
int k = i % n;
int a = -(k < 0); // assuming 2's complement
// or int a = ((k < 0) << (INT_SIZE - 1)) >> (INT_SIZE - 1); if your system doesn't use 2's complement
return k + n & a;
The second modulo in your formula is necessary only to substract n again if the modulo was posivite in the first place. So it should be at least as performant to only conditionally add n:
auto m = (i % n);
return (m < 0) ? m+n : m;

Is there any way to reduce time complexity to find this matrix to the power n?

I am working on a problem where I am supposed to find nth power of a 4x4 matrix where n can be as large as 10^15 and since values in answer can be very large I can use modulo 10^9+7 .
Given Matrix is-
2 1 -2 -1
A= 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
I have written a code for this purpose but its running time is more than desired time. So
anyone please help me in reducing time complexity.
#define FOR(k,a,b) for(typeof(a) k=(a); k < (b); ++k)
typedef long long ll;
#define dim 4
struct matrix {
long long a[dim][dim];
#define MOD 1000000007
matrix mul(matrix x, matrix y)
matrix res;
FOR(a, 0, dim) FOR(b, 0, dim) res.a[a][b] = 0;
FOR(a, 0, dim) FOR(b, 0, dim) FOR(c, 0, dim) {
ll temp = x.a[a][b] * y.a[b][c];
if (temp <= -MOD || temp >= MOD)
temp %= MOD;
res.a[a][c] += temp;
if (res.a[a][c] <= -MOD || res.a[a][c] >= MOD)
res.a[a][c] %= MOD;
return res;
matrix power(matrix m, ll n)
if (n == 1)
return m;
matrix u = mul(m, m);
u = power(u, n / 2);
if (n & 1)
u = mul(u, m);
return u;
matrix M, RP;
int main()
FOR(a, 0, dim) FOR(b, 0, dim) M.a[a][b] = 0;
M.a[0][0] = 2;
M.a[0][1] = 1;
M.a[0][2] = -2;
M.a[0][3] = -1;
M.a[1][0] = 1;
M.a[2][1] = 1;
M.a[3][2] = 1;
int nt;
scanf("%d", &nt);
while (nt--) {
ll n;
scanf("%lld", &n);
RP = power(M, n);
FOR(a, 0, dim)
FOR(b, 0, dim)
printf("%lld\n", RP.a[a][b]);
return 0;
[Commenters have shown that this answer is incomplete. The answer is retained here for reference, but wants no more upvotes. Would the commenters add more complete answers, at their discretion?]
Yes. An excellent way to do exactly what you want is known. You must diagonalize the matrix.
Diagonalization will require some programming. The theory is explained here, in sect. 14.6.
Fortunately, existing matrix-algebra libraries like LAPACK already include diagonalization routines.
#Haile correctly and interestingly observes that not all matrices are diagonalizable, that there exist degenerate cases. I do not have much practical experience with such cases. There is the Schur decomposition (see sect. 14.10 of the previously linked source), but I have normally seen Schur used only to make theoretical points, not to do practical calculations. Still, I believe that Schur would work. It would take a lot of effort to implement it, I suspect, but it would work, even in the case of the strictly nondiagonalizable matrix.
You could take advantage of the multiple test cases to reduce the total computation.
Note that every time you call power you are recomputing all the powers of 2 of your original matrix. So for a number like 10^15 (roughly 2^50) you will end up squaring a matrix 50 times, and also calculating a multiply for each nonzero bit in the number (perhaps 25 times).
If you simply precompute the 50 powers of 2, then each test case would only require on average 25 multiplications instead of 75.
You can take this idea a little further and use a different base for your exponentiation. This would result in more precomputation, but fewer final matrix multiplications for each test value.
For example, instead of precomputing M^2, M^4, M^8, M^16 you could precompute [M^1,M^2,M^3],[M^4,M^8,M^12],[M^16,M^32,M^48] and so M^51 would be (M^3)*(M^48) instead of M*M^2*M^16*M^32
This is not really an idea about exponentiating matrices faster, but about speeding up the entire program.
If you are asked to perform 10^4 exponentiations, this doesn't mean they should be done independently. You can sort requests and reuse previous result for each next computation.
Also you can store intermediate results from previous computations.

c++ how to expess a mathematical term

i have the following :
I only want (for now) to express the (s 1) , (s 2) term .
For example ,(s 1)=s , (s 2)= s(s-1)/2! , (s 3)=s(s-1)(s-2)/3!.
I created a factorial function :
//compute factorial
int fact(int x){
if (x==0)
return 1;
return fact(x-1)*x;
and i have problem in how to do right the above.
double s=(z-x[1])/h;
double s_term=0;
for (int p=1;p<=n;p++){
if p==1
Also, it is that : s=(x - x0)/h.
I don't know if i have declared right the s above.(i use x1 in the declaration because this is my starting point)
Thank you!
You can calculate the Binomial Coefficient simply using this function (probably the best for performance and memory usage):
unsigned long long ComputeBinomialCoefficient( int n, int k )
// Run-time assert to ensure correct behavior
assert( n > k && n > 1 );
// Exploit the symmetry in the line x = k/2:
if( k > n - k )
k = n - k;
unsigned long long c(1);
// Perform the product over the space i = [1...k]
for( int i = 1; i < k+1; i++ )
c *= n - (k - i);
c /= i;
return c;
You can then just call this when you see the brackets. (I'm assuming that is the Binomial Coefficient, rather than a 2D column vector?). This technique only uses 2 variables internally (taking up a grand total of 12 bytes), and uses no recursion.
Hope this helps! :)
EDIT: I'm curious how you're going to do the (I assume laplacian) operator? Are you intending to do the forward difference method for discrete values of x, and then calculate the 2nd derivative using the results from the first, then take the quotient?
The factorial part will be much more efficient using a loop rather than recursion.
As for the binomial coefficients, the line:
isn't going to have the desired effect, as you're only setting the first and last terms correctly and missing out the (s-1), (s-2), ..., (s-p+1) terms. It's easier to just use:
s_term = fact(s) / (fact(p) * fact(s-p))
for s choose p.
As others have pointed out implementing factorial and binomial coefficient functions is not easy (e.g. overflows lurk everywhere).
If you are interested in reasonable implementations as opposed to implementing all this yourself have a look at what is available in gsl which everybody dealing with numerical problems should know of.
#include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h>
double factorial_10 = gsl_sf_fact(10);
double ten_over_four = gsl_sf_choose(10, 4);
Have also a look at the documentation. There are numerous functions returning the log instead of the value to avoid overflow problems.

Finding all paths down stairs?

I was given the following problem in an interview:
Given a staircase with N steps, you can go up with 1 or 2 steps each time. Output all possible way you go from bottom to top.
For example:
N = 3
Output :
1 1 1
1 2
2 1
When interviewing, I just said to use dynamic programming.
S(n) = S(n-1) +1 or S(n) = S(n-1) +2
However, during the interview, I didn't write very good code for this. How would you code up a solution to this problem?
Thanks indeed!
I won't write the code for you (since it's a great exercise), but this is a classic dynamic programming problem. You're on the right track with the recurrence; it's true that
S(0) = 1
Since if you're at the bottom of the stairs there's exactly one way to do this. We also have that
S(1) = 1
Because if you're one step high, your only option is to take a single step down, at which point you're at the bottom.
From there, the recurrence for the number of solutions is easy to find. If you think about it, any sequence of steps you take either ends with taking one small step as your last step or one large step as your last step. In the first case, each of the S(n - 1) solutions for n - 1 stairs can be extended into a solution by taking one more step, while in the second case each of the S(n - 2) solutions to the n - 2 stairs case can be extended into a solution by taking two steps. This gives the recurrence
S(n) = S(n - 2) + S(n - 1)
Notice that to evaluate S(n), you only need access to S(n - 2) and S(n - 1). This means that you could solve this with dynamic programming using the following logic:
Create an array S with n + 1 elements in it, indexed by 0, 1, 2, ..., n.
Set S[0] = S[1] = 1
For i from 2 to n, inclusive, set S[i] = S[i - 1] + S[i - 2].
Return S[n].
The runtime for this algorithm is a beautiful O(n) with O(n) memory usage.
However, it's possible to do much better than this. In particular, let's take a look at the first few terms of the sequence, which are
S(0) = 1
S(1) = 1
S(2) = 2
S(3) = 3
S(4) = 5
This looks a lot like the Fibonacci sequence, and in fact you might be able to see that
S(0) = F(1)
S(1) = F(2)
S(2) = F(3)
S(3) = F(4)
S(4) = F(5)
This suggests that, in general, S(n) = F(n + 1). We can actually prove this by induction on n as follows.
As our base cases, we have that
S(0) = 1 = F(1) = F(0 + 1)
S(1) = 1 = F(2) = F(1 + 1)
For the inductive step, we get that
S(n) = S(n - 2) + S(n - 1) = F(n - 1) + F(n) = F(n + 1)
And voila! We've gotten this series written in terms of Fibonacci numbers. This is great, because it's possible to compute the Fibonacci numbers in O(1) space and O(lg n) time. There are many ways to do this. One uses the fact that
F(n) = (1 / √(5)) (Φn + φn)
Here, Φ is the golden ratio, (1 + √5) / 2 (about 1.6), and φ is 1 - Φ, about -0.6. Because this second term drops to zero very quickly, you can get a the nth Fibonacci number by computing
(1 / √(5)) Φn
And rounding down. Moreover, you can compute Φn in O(lg n) time by repeated squaring. The idea is that we can use this cool recurrence:
x0 = 1
x2n = xn * xn
x2n + 1 = x * xn * xn
You can show using a quick inductive argument that this terminates in O(lg n) time, which means that you can solve this problem using O(1) space and O(lg n) time, which is substantially better than the DP solution.
Hope this helps!
You can generalize your recursive function to also take already made moves.
void steps(n, alreadyTakenSteps) {
if (n == 0) {
print already taken steps
if (n >= 1) {
steps(n - 1, alreadyTakenSteps.append(1));
if (n >= 2) {
steps(n - 2, alreadyTakenSteps.append(2));
It's not really the code, more of a pseudocode, but it should give you an idea.
Your solution sounds right.
If n = 1 return {1}
If n = 2 return {2, (1,1)}
Return S(n-1)x{1} U S(n-2)x{2}
(U is Union, x is Cartesian Product)
Memoizing this is trivial, and would make it O(Fib(n)).
Great answer by #templatetypedef - I did this problem as an exercise and arrived at the Fibonacci numbers on a different route:
The problem can basically be reduced to an application of Binomial coefficients which are handy for Combination problems: The number of combinations of n things taken k at a time (called n choose k) can be found by the equation
Given that and the problem at hand you can calculate a solution brute force (just doing the combination count). The number of "take 2 steps" must be zero at least and may be 50 at most, so the number of combinations is the sum of C(n,k) for 0 <= k <= 50 ( n= number of decisions to be made, k = number of 2's taken out of those n)
BigInteger combinationCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k <= 50; k++)
int n = 100 - k;
BigInteger result = Fact(n) / (Fact(k) * Fact(n - k));
combinationCount += result;
The sum of these binomial coefficients just happens to also have a different formula:
Actually, you can prove that the number of ways to climb is just the fibonacci sequence. Good explanation here:
Solving the problem, and solving it using a dynamic programming solution are potentially two different things.
In general, to solve a given problem, we need to solve different parts of the problem (subproblems), then combine the solutions of the subproblems to reach an overall solution. Often, many of these subproblems are really the same. The dynamic programming approach seeks to solve each subproblem only once, thus reducing the number of computations
This leads me to believe you want to look for a solution that is both Recursive, and uses the Memo Design Pattern. Recursion solves a problem by breaking it into sub-problems, and the Memo design pattern allows you to cache answers, thus avoiding re-calculation. (Note that there are probably cache implementations that aren't the Memo design pattern, and you could use one of those as well).
The first step I would take would be to solve some set of problems by hand, with varying or increasing sizes of N. This will give you a pattern to help you figure out a solution. Start with N = 1, through N = 5. (as others have stated, it may be a form of the fibbonacci sequence, but I would determine this for myself before calling the problem solved and understood).
From there, I would try to make a generalized solution that used recursion. Recursion solves a problem by breaking it into sub-problems.
From there, I would try to make a cache of previous problem inputs to the corresponding output, hence memoizing it, and making a solution that involved "Dynamic Programming".
I.e., maybe the inputs to one of your functions are 2, 5, and the correct result was 7. Make some function that looks this up from an existing list or dictionary (based on the input). It will look for a call that was made with the inputs 2, 5. If it doesn't find it, call the function to calculate it, then store it and return the answer (7). If it does find it, don't bother calculating it, and return the previously calculated answer.
Here is a simple solution to this question in very simple CSharp (I believe you can port this with almost no change to Java/C++).
I have added a little bit more of complexity to it (adding the possibility that you can also walk 3 steps). You can even generalize this code to "from 1 to k-steps" if desired with a while loop in the addition of steps (last if statement).
I have used a combination of both dynamic programming and recursion. The use of dynamic programming avoid the recalculation of each previous step; reducing the space and time complexity related to the call stack. It however adds some space complexity (O(maxSteps)) which I think is negligible compare to the gain.
/// <summary>
/// Given a staircase with N steps, you can go up with 1 or 2 or 3 steps each time.
/// Output all possible way you go from bottom to top
/// </summary>
public class NStepsHop
const int maxSteps = 500; // this is arbitrary
static long[] HistorySumSteps = new long[maxSteps];
public static long CountWays(int n)
if (n >= 0 && HistorySumSteps[n] != 0)
return HistorySumSteps[n];
long currentSteps = 0;
if (n < 0)
return 0;
else if (n == 0)
currentSteps = 1;
currentSteps = CountWays(n - 1) +
CountWays(n - 2) +
CountWays(n - 3);
HistorySumSteps[n] = currentSteps;
return currentSteps;
You can call it in the following manner
long result;
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(0); // result = 1
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(1); // result = 1
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(5); // result = 13
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(10); // result = 274
result = NStepsHop.CountWays(25); // result = 2555757
You can argue that the initial case when n = 0, it could 0, instead of 1. I decided to go for 1, however modifying this assumption is trivial.
the problem can be solved quite nicely using recursion:
void printSteps(int n)
char* output = new char[n+1];
generatePath(n, output, 0);
void generatePath(int n, char* out, int recLvl)
if (n==0)
out[recLvl] = '\0';
out[recLvl] = '1';
out[recLvl] = '2';
and in main:
void main()
return 0;
It's a weighted graph problem.
From 0 you can get to 1 only 1 way (0-1).
You can get to 2 two ways, from 0 and from 1 (0-2, 1-1).
You can get to 3 three ways, from 1 and from 2 (2 has two ways).
You can get to 4 five ways, from 2 and from 3 (2 has two ways and 3 has three ways).
You can get to 5 eight ways, ...
A recursive function should be able to handle this, working backwards from N.
Complete C-Sharp code for this
void PrintAllWays(int n, string str)
string str1 = str;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
if (n == 0)
if (n >= 1)
sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
PrintAllWays(n - 1, sb.Append("1").ToString());
if (n >= 2)
sb = new StringBuilder(str1);
PrintAllWays(n - 2, sb.Append("2").ToString());
Late C-based answer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define steps 60
static long long unsigned int MAP[steps + 1] = {1 , 1 , 2 , 0,};
static long long unsigned int countPossibilities(unsigned int n) {
if (!MAP[n]) {
MAP[n] = countPossibilities(n-1) + countPossibilities(n-2);
return MAP[n];
int main() {
Here is a C++ solution. This prints all possible paths for a given number of stairs.
// Utility function to print a Vector of Vectors
void printVecOfVec(vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecOfVec)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vecOfVec.size(); i++)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vecOfVec[i].size(); j++)
cout << vecOfVec[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
// Given a source vector and a number, it appends the number to each source vectors
// and puts the final values in the destination vector
void appendElementToVector(vector< vector <unsigned int> > src,
unsigned int num,
vector< vector <unsigned int> > &dest)
for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++)
// Ladder Problem
void ladderDynamic(int number)
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecNminusTwo = {{}};
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecNminusOne = {{1}};
vector< vector<unsigned int> > vecResult;
for (int i = 2; i <= number; i++)
// Empty the result vector to hold fresh set
// Append '2' to all N-2 ladder positions
appendElementToVector(vecNminusTwo, 2, vecResult);
// Append '1' to all N-1 ladder positions
appendElementToVector(vecNminusOne, 1, vecResult);
vecNminusTwo = vecNminusOne;
vecNminusOne = vecResult;
int main()
return 0;
may be I am wrong.. but it should be :
S(1) =0
S(2) =1
Here We are considering permutations so in that way
S(3) =3
S(4) =7