I'm having a hard time finding documentation on where I need to put the SimplyVBUnit.dll and SimplyVBUnitUI.ocx files so I can run the tutorial in this question: Gutzofter's mini tutorial on SimplyVBUnit.
Where exactly do I need to reference or register these files so I can create unit tests with VB6?
When I open the source above it says it cannot load SimplyVBUnitUI.ocx and I get the following error in the associated log file:
Line 13: Class SimplyVBUnitUI.SimplyVBUnitCtl of control SimplyVBUnitCtl1 was not a loaded control class.
In order to add the ocx manually, you need to add it to the toolbox then put an instance of the UI control on a form. You will also need a reference to the dll which has the framework. Then make the form the startup object. If you installed SimplyVBUnit using an installer, there is a form in the Projects template folder (frmSimplyVBUnitRunner I think). You can copy that to the Forms templates and just add a new form (the runner form) to the project that will contain your tests.
Have you registered them?
Use Start-Run and run regsvr32 <full-path-to-file>. Repeat this for the OCX and the DLL
whenever I try to add images to imagelist or change the form icon i get an error arround here
this->Icon = (cli::safe_cast<System::Drawing::Icon^>(resources->GetObject(L"$this.Icon")));
the error "System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException: 'Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "CppCLRWinFormsProject.Form1.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "BoneJsonEditor" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.' "
any possible way to fix this ?
i used a tamplate called CppCLR_WinForm project to start my project
after looking it up a bit i found that i sould change the build action but i can't find that field in the file properities
Using Qt 5.9 I codded a spreadsheet program and then created an installer for it by Qt Installer Framework (QtIFW2.0.1). Then I sent the program to many of my friends. They installed the app on their Windows machine and now using it, but they have all have a common problem:
when they save files of the app, those files are shown as "unknown" files on Desktop.
The problem is only with the shape and appearance of the stored files not their functionality, and they are opened by the app if double clicked.
The question is, what changes in the code is needed to have the program make its files' shape/appearance shown known?
For example, we offer the code a specific shape using an image file or like that, to be mapped on the stored files and that way they are shown known.
This has actually nothing to do with Qt or C++ itself. You just need to register your file extension in Windows shell, so it can be understood by other Windows components/shells.
Here is general information about File Types and File Associations under windows.
You need to make some Windows Registry entries which look like this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="c:\path\to\your\app.exe \"%1\""
Here you can read how it works in general
change myfirm.myapp.v1, .myextension and path to your .exe to your prefered names.
Now Windows will know what the files with extension .myextension should be opened by your app. And if you double click on this files your app will be run with path to file as an argument. You can get it in your main() function
To set icon for your extension add Registry entry in Software\\Classes\\.myextension\\DefaultIcon and set it default value to the full path to your app, so windows can get an icon for extension from your .exe app file.
You can also do it at runtime directly in your app:
QSettings s("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\CLASSES", QSettings::NativeFormat);
QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(qApp->applicationFilePath());
s.setValue(".myextension/DefaultIcon/.", path);
s.setValue("myfirm.myapp.v1/shell/open/command/.", QStringLiteral("\"%1\"").arg(path) + " \"%1\"");
EDIT: One more, to do it with Qt Installer look at the answers here
I have a complete new/empty project with xamarin.forms 2.3.4 with F#.
I have a shared project, with a extra module for the logic:
module Db
let openDb() =
printf "Hello"
Then I create a console project, reference the shared project & related libraries, and try to run it:
open Db
let main argv =
Now I getting this error:
../Test/Tests.fs(6,6): Error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Db' is not defined. Maybe you want one of the following: XDB (FS0039) (Test)
I not getting any other error. I try both with xamarin & Visual Studio Mac; and also creating a UI test project (however, I only care for logic testing).
This is an empty form project without anything else.
P.D: I make it to work if a just delete the reference to the shared project and link manually the files. However, I wonder if is possible to cover this scenario...
Is there an EntryPoint file under the file that defines the module?
The location of the file can be changed with alt +up arrow and alt +down arrow(win + visual studio) or Db.fs(in Solution Explorer) is right click -> Move up
F# is readed file from up to down.(See "Projects and Solutions" on this site )
It Maybe that(win10 ,visual studio 2017)
Db.fs is difine module. There is an entry EntryPoint program.fs.
Also, if the namespace and the module name are the same, an error will occur. module name for this project is Bar.
I recently started working with WxWidgets (2.9.4) and was working through a tutorial I found, but it seems that I'm unable to load any images. I've already properly used the handler (for PNG) and the problem happens at run-time. Below is an image of the popup that is displayed when attempting to run the program.
Here is the code:
wxPNGHandler *handler = new wxPNGHandler;
wxBitmap exit;
exit.LoadFile(wxT("exit.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
wxToolBar *toolbar = CreateToolBar();
toolbar->AddTool(wxID_EXIT, exit, wxT("Exit"));
Connect(wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler(mainWindow::exitProg));
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that when I click Cancel, this happens:
I placed the exit.png file in the build directory (/Debug or /Release) as well as the source code directory, but it still has yet to see it.
What is your working directory?
If you are using visual studio and running using the interface ( F5 or ctrl-F5 or the little run button in the toolbar ) then your working directory is the folder containing the project file. So try copying your image file there.
Or open a command window, cd to one of your build directories, and run your app from the command line.
In general, to avoid this sort of problem, I alter the project properties so that the executable is NOT stored in one of the build folders, but in a new folder ( which I usually call 'bin' - my unix roots are showing! ) and also alter the debugging properties so that the working directory is the bin folder.
There are a couple of advantages to this technique:
Both the release and trhe debug version use the same folder, so you only need one copy of any extra file, like your image file.
It is easy to see the executable and extra files in the working directory without being distracted by all the .obj files that end up in the build folders
IMHO this is well worth the little extra trouble in maintaining non default project properties.
First of all, to avoid problems deep inside wxToolBar, always check the return code of LoadFile() or, alternatively, use wxBitmap::IsOk() to check that the bitmap was successfully loaded.
Second, while adding the handler explicitly as you did is perfectly fine, I'd recommend to just call wxInitAllImageHandlers() as it's simpler and has no real drawbacks unless you are looking to create the smallest program possible.
Finally, to address your real problem, the file clearly doesn't exist at the path you're loading it from. You can, of course, solve this by being careful not to change your working directly (or restore it after changing it) in your program and by placing the file in the correct place. But this is, as you discovered, error-prone, so a better idea is to always use full paths to your resources. To construct them, you will find wxStandardPaths useful, in particular its GetResourcesDir() method.
We are writing unit tests for our business layer running under .NET 4.0. The business layer is a straightforward C# class library that usually runs within SOAP and REST web services. Our application uses log4net within a separate wrapper assembly for logging. The C# code in the logging assembly has an assembly info directive that tells log4net the name of the configuration file, a la-
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile="AcmeLogging.config", Watch=true)]
Initializing the log4net through the wrapper works fine in the web services. When we initialize it from with our unit test assembly it does not appear to see the configuration file. The configuratino file is configured through properties to be copied to the execution directory, and we do see it in the bin\debug directory. A quick console test program using the logging assembly running from within that same folder works fine. The curious thing is that the behavior problems are intermittent, and pop up on different developers' machines at different times and cannot be cured in any deterministic way.
Stepping through the wrapper assembly code, the log4netLogManager.GetLogger() call appears to return correctly, but the list of appenders returned by log.Logger.Repository.GetAppenders() is empty. Since this incorrect behavior is the same whether the file is in the Bin\Debug folder or not, we believe that it is not seeing the file.
Any clues as to what we're missing about running log4net in the Microsoft Test Framework would be greatly appreciated.
Unit tests are unique in the fact that if you need configuration files in your unit tests you need to include them as deployment items. Here is an example of how I do this within my test class:
public class AsyncForwardingAppenderTest
In addition to the Deployment attribute you need to Enable Deployment in your test settings. To do this go to Test->Edit Test Settings->. Then click on Deployment area on right. Click the checkbox Enable Deployment.
After doing this and running your test your config file should be located in your test results folder. TestResults\username_machine date stamp\Out. If your config file is not located in this folder it will not work. This is what the DeploymentItem attribute does. It sticks the file in this Out folder.
If you don't want to include the DeploymentItem attribute on every test class what I did was to create a base test class that all of the tests that use log4net inherit from and mark it with the DeploymentItem attribute.