explicit call to destructor is not destroying my object why? - c++

I'm calling the destructor to deallocate memory but it is not deleting my object. What is the reason behind it?
my code is like this:
class A
int a;
cout << "a" << endl;
class B :public A
int b;
cout << "b" << endl; a = 10; b = 20;
cout << a << b << endl;
and I am using it like:
int main()
B b;
b.b=100; // why this step is executed?
int x;
return 0;

i m calling destructor to deallocate memory
Why? At language level destructor does not deallocate memory occupied by the object itself.
A non-trivial destructor ends object's lifetime, but it doesn't end the object's storage duration. This means that memory remains allocated, it just becomes "raw" (uninitialized).
So, in that sense it is destroying your object.
Meanwhile, a trivial destructor has no effect at all. Even if you call it explicitly, the object's lifetime does not end.
In your case the destructor B::~B is non-trivial though, which formally means that by calling it you ended your object's lifetime. You destroyed it as much a local object can be destroyed. But the memory remains. Attempting to access that memory as a B object simply leads to undefined behavior.
In fact, there's no way to manually deallocate memory occupied by a local object. Local memory is always deallocated automatically.

You do not call a destructor like that (well, you can but it's generally not done).
For automatic variables like your b, the destructor will be called at some point when the variable goes out of scope. You don't ever need to call the destructor explicitly.
For objects allocated on the heap with new, the destructor will be called after you delete them. In this case, you also don't call the destructor explicitly.
C++03 states in 12.4 Destructors:
Destructors are invoked implicitly:
for a constructed object with static storage duration (3.7.1) at program termination;
for a constructed object with automatic storage duration (3.7.2) when the block in which the object is created exits;
for a constructed temporary object when the lifetime of the temporary object ends;
for a constructed object allocated by a new-expression, through use of a delete-expression;
in several situations due to the handling of exceptions.
Destructors can also be invoked explicitly.
Note: explicit calls of destructors are rarely needed. One use of such calls is for objects placed at specific addresses using a new-expression with the placement option. Such use of explicit placement and destruction of objects can be necessary to cope with dedicated hardware resources and for writing memory management facilities.
You especially don't do what you're trying to do since the destructor will be called twice, once explicitly by you and once implicitly when b goes out of scope. From that same section of the standard:
Once a destructor is invoked for an object, the object no longer exists; the behavior is undefined if the destructor is invoked for an object whose lifetime has ended. Example: if the destructor for an automatic object is explicitly invoked, and the block is subsequently left in a manner that would ordinarily invoke implicit destruction of the object, the behavior is undefined.
This text remains unchanged in the latest draft of C++11 that I have (n3225, November 2010) and it's unlikely it would have changed in essence between that and approval in August 2011.

What you're doing is actually invoking undefined behavior ... just because you've called the destructor, does not mean that the memory is zeroed out or necessarily "reclaimed" and inaccessable (especially in the case of an automatic variable that was allocated on the stack and not the heap). It could be, but that is left up to the implementation, and typically that is not done due to performance reasons, which is typically the reason for using C++ in the first place. Therefore you can theoretically access the values at the memory address that the object was occupying after calling the destructor ... but again, it's undefined behavior, and you can run into pretty much anything from a segmentation fault, to a silent error that corrupts memory somewhere else, etc.

It's executed because you wrote the code that said you wanted it to happen. The compiler is simply doing what you told it to do.
What you're doing probably doesn't "deallocate memory," as you suggested it would. Instead, it just calls the destructor. Destructors don't deallocate the memory occupied by the objects they're called on. They deallocate memory allocated by the object (such as by calling destructors of member variables, or calling free or delete on other things), but the memory of the object itself is deallocated elsewhere, either by the internal workings of the delete statement, or by the compiler when cleaning up automatic variables (which is what your B b declaration represents). Even the closing of the scope block probably doesn't deallocate any memory for b; compilers usually figure out how much stack space they'll need for an entire subroutine and allocate it all upon entry. The memory occupied by that B object is reserved for b upon entry to the inner scope, and upon exit, the destructor is called automatically.

Your object has been destroyed but its memory space is still around until it goes out of scope.

Why wouldn't? Your object has been destroyed but its memory space is still around until it goes out of scope, where it will be destroyed again by the way. It's undefined behavior to do what you do.

Destructors were not designed to call them explicitly. Basically it is just another (special) method of class.
If you want to Uninitialize your object and then still be able to use it you could make our own method:
class B: public A
int b;
B() {cout<<"b"<<endl;a=10;b=20;}
~B() {Release(); cout<<a<<b<<endl;}
void Release() { cout<<"Releasing B"; b = 0; }
int main()
B b;
b.b=100; // why this step is executed?
int x;
return 0;
Otherwise B will be deleted when out of scope:
int main()
B b;
b.b = 100; //OK
b.b = 100; //compile time error
int x;
return 0;


C++ member array destructor [duplicate]

I have a simple C++ code, but I don't know how to use the destructor:
class date {
int day;
date(int m)
day =m;
cout << "I wish you have entered the year \n" << day;
int main()
date ob2(12);
cout << ob2.day;
return 0;
The question that I have is, what should I write in my destructor code, that after calling the destructor, it will delete the day variable?
Rarely do you ever need to call the destructor explicitly. Instead, the destructor is called when an object is destroyed.
For an object like ob2 that is a local variable, it is destroyed when it goes out of scope:
int main()
date ob2(12);
} // ob2.~date() is called here, automatically!
If you dynamically allocate an object using new, its destructor is called when the object is destroyed using delete. If you have a static object, its destructor is called when the program terminates (if the program terminates normally).
Unless you create something dynamically using new, you don't need to do anything explicit to clean it up (so, for example, when ob2 is destroyed, all of its member variables, including day, are destroyed). If you create something dynamically, you need to ensure it gets destroyed when you are done with it; the best practice is to use what is called a "smart pointer" to ensure this cleanup is handled automatically.
You do not need to call the destructor explicitly. This is done automatically at the end of the scope of the object ob2, i.e. at the end of the main function.
Furthermore, since the object has automatic storage, its storage doesn’t have to be deleted. This, too, is done automatically at the end of the function.
Calling destructors manually is almost never needed (only in low-level library code) and deleting memory manually is only needed (and only a valid operation) when the memory was previously acquired using new (when you’re working with pointers).
Since manual memory management is prone to leaks, modern C++ code tries not to use new and delete explicitly at all. When it’s really necessary to use new, then a so-called “smart pointer” is used instead of a regular pointer.
You should not call your destructor explicitly.
When you create your object on the stack (like you did) all you need is:
int main()
date ob2(12);
// ob2.day holds 12
return 0; // ob2's destructor will get called here, after which it's memory is freed
When you create your object on the heap, you kinda need to delete your class before its destructor is called and memory is freed:
int main()
date* ob2 = new date(12);
// ob2->day holds 12
delete ob2; // ob2's destructor will get called here, after which it's memory is freed
return 0; // ob2 is invalid at this point.
(Failing to call delete on this last example will result in memory loss.)
Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. The stack way is VERY fast with allocating the memory the object will occupy and you do not need to explicitly delete it, but the stack has limited space and you cannot move those objects around easily, fast and cleanly.
The heap is the preferred way of doing it, but when it comes to performance it is slow to allocate and you have to deal with pointers. But you have much more flexibility with what you do with your object, it's way faster to work with pointers further and you have more control over the object's lifetime.
Only in very specific circumstances you need to call the destructor directly. By default the destructor will be called by the system when you create a variable of automatic storage and it falls out of scope or when a an object dynamically allocated with new is destroyed with delete.
struct test {
test( int value ) : value( value ) {}
~test() { std::cout << "~test: " << value << std::endl; }
int value;
int main()
test t(1);
test *d = new t(2);
delete d; // prints: ~test: 2
} // prints: ~test: 1 (t falls out of scope)
For completeness, (this should not be used in general) the syntax to call the destructor is similar to a method. After the destructor is run, the memory is no longer an object of that type (should be handled as raw memory):
int main()
test t( 1 );
t.~test(); // prints: ~test: 1
// after this instruction 't' is no longer a 'test' object
new (&t) test(2); // recreate a new test object in place
} // test falls out of scope, prints: ~test: 2
Note: after calling the destructor on t, that memory location is no longer a test, that is the reason for recreation of the object by means of the placement new.
In this case your destructor does not need to delete the day variable.
You only need to call delete on memory that you have allocated with new.
Here's how your code would look if you were using new and delete to trigger invoking the destructor
class date {
public: int* day;
date(int m) {
day = new int;
*day = m;
delete day;
cout << "now the destructor get's called explicitly";
int main() {
date *ob2 = new date(12);
delete ob2;
return 0;
Even though the destructor seems like something you need to call to get rid of or "destroy" your object when you are done using it, you aren't supposed to use it that way.
The destructor is something that is automatically called when your object goes out of scope, that is, when the computer leaves the "curly braces" that you instantiated your object in. In this case, when you leave main(). You don't want to call it yourself.
You may be confused by undefined behavior here. The C++ standard has no rules as to what happens if you use an object after its destructor has been run, as that's undefined behavior, and therefore the implementation can do anything it likes. Typically, compiler designers don't do anything special for undefined behavior, and so what happens is an artifact of what other design decisions were made. (This can cause really weird results sometimes.)
Therefore, once you've run the destructor, the compiler has no further obligation regarding that object. If you don't refer to it again, it doesn't matter. If you do refer to it, that's undefined behavior, and from the Standard's point of view the behavior doesn't matter, and since the Standard says nothing most compiler designers will not worry about what the program does.
In this case, the easiest thing to do is to leave the object untouched, since it isn't holding on to resources, and its storage was allocated as part of starting up the function and will not be reclaimed until the function exits. Therefore, the value of the data member will remain the same. The natural thing for the compiler to do when it reads ob2.day is to access the memory location.
Like any other example of undefined behavior, the results could change under any change in circumstances, but in this case they probably won't. It would be nice if compilers would catch more cases of undefined behavior and issue diagnostics, but it isn't possible for compilers to detect all undefined behavior (some occurs at runtime) and often they don't check for behavior they don't think likely.

Why not call Destructor in C++?

I studding C++ concept. I'm confused in constructor and Destractor concept. Destructor will be invoked implicitly by the compiler upon exit from the program. But in my program, only constructor called.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
int i;
cout<<"Constructor call"<<endl;
cout<<"Destructtor call"<<endl;
int main()
A *a = new A();
Constructor call
So, I have question : Why destructor not call implicit by the compiler upon exit program?
Why destructor not call implicit by the compiler upon exit program?
Because dynamically allocated objects are not destroyed automatically. That is how the language has been specified. Tracking the destruction of dynamic objects would require runtime / memory overhead.
Solution: Do not leak dynamically allocated objects.
There are 2 "types" of variable lifetime in C++. Dynamic and automatic.
Automatic is something like :
void foo()
int i; // automatic storage
} // destroys i
Here, i will be destructed the moment it leaves scope (after foo returns). You can check this for yourself by making your object have an automatic lifetime:
int main()
A a; // calls A's constructor and allocates memory.
} //calls A's destructor and frees the memory used.
You'll see that both the constructor and the destructor will get called.
The second form is dynamically allocated memory. You can dynamically allocate memory by using new (like you did) and free that memory by using delete. The compiler won't do this for you.
This means that, to destruct your object you have to call delete explicitly yourself:
int main()
A* a = new A();
delete a; // calls A's destructor and frees the memory used.
If you do not call delete (like your code) then the moment the program leaves main the pointer a is destroyed and now we have a piece of memory that nothing can reach and thus nobody can clean up (with delete) which means you're leaking memory.
However, modern operating systems reclaim all memory used by the program automatically the moment the program ends so at this point it won't matter too much. This does mean your destructor won't be called as you've just witnessed.
Dynamically allocated memory allows you to do some nifty tricks like controlling the lifetime of your objects to the point where you want to destroy them explicitly yourself with delete. The problem with using new and delete is that it's so easy to forget a single delete and your program will already leak memory, which is why it's advised to stay away from this way of allocation.
If for some reason you absolutely need dynamic lifetime then use a smart pointer like std::unique_ptr that will call new and delete for you the moment it goes out of scope.
You create the object dynamically with new. The destructor will only be called when the objected is deleted with delete.
To prevent memory leaks, you could/should use smart pointers like unique_ptr.
In any case, the memory itself will of course be released when the process ends.
The destructor is never called in your code because the object is never destroyed.
You dynamically allocate the A object and you never deallocate it. Add delete a; into main() and you'll see the destructor in action:
int main()
A *a = new A();
delete a;
return 0;
In your main function, you create a pointer variable that you must delete it by delete a at end of main function.
Because you have a memory leak. You dynamically created an object with new, promising that you would manage the lifetime of the object and clean it up later with delete. Then you broke that promise.
If you create an object in the usual fashion:
A a;
then it will be destroyed automatically for you.

c++ operator new how this works internally

For example I have a simple code:
class B
class A
B b;
throw 1;
int main()
A* a = 0;
a = new A;
catch (int)
Constructor A throws exception, then destructor will not be called. But destructor for B will be called. Memory in the heap will not be allocated. My question how this works internally? What will be first: constructing A or allocating memory in the heap? So, if allocating is the first, how deallocating will be handled if there are exception? Othervise, if constructing A is the first, how it's copiing to the heap?
The memory is allocated.
The constructor of A is called.
The constructor of A calls the constructor of B.
The constructor of A throws.
As a part of the standard exception handling procedure, the destructor of B is called (RAII at work).
The stack unwinds to the caller (main).
The memory is deallocated (because the object wasn't constructed successfully).
The destructor of A isn't called because the object was not fully constructed. However, the members which were fully constructed are still destroyed.
The memory is deallocated automatically in pretty much the same way as local variables are destroyed when the control leaves the block. If you're familiar with Java and/or C#, think of it as an invisible try-finally construct. Or a series of such constructs.
What will be first: constructing A or allocating memory in the heap?
Unless there's memory, there's no space in which the object can be constructed. Memory allocation always goes first; then the code proceeds with initialization. This applies to all kinds of memory allocations, not only of the dynamic variety, because constructors need to have a valid address of this before they start initializing the object.
If allocating is the first, how deallocating will be handled if there are exception?
The compiler emits special code that handles the "magic" here. This code will run destructors for all base classes, and for members, such as B, that have been fully constructed by the time the code entered A's constructor.

Why does destructor get called twice in here?

#include <iostream>
struct ABC{
int A;
ABC(int i = 1) : A(i) {}
~ABC() {
std::cout << A << std::endl;
void destruct() {
delete this;
int main() {
ABC A1(2);
return 0;
I have this code in which I'm trying to manually delete structure variable. Doing so, I realized the destructor gets called twice here. Why is this happening? Why isn't it getting deleted when destruct() is called?
The delete this call causes undefined behaviour, which means that anything at all can happen.
delete may only be used for objects created by new.
For automatic objects with a non-trivial destructor (e.g. your A1), it is not possible to "destroy them early" unless you also create another ABC in the same place before the scope ends. In other words you can't "turn off" the destruction process that occurs when the scope ends.
Why isn't [my object] getting deleted when destruct() is called?
When an object gets destructed in C++, it does not mean that the object disappears. It means that the clean-up code from the destructor gets executed, and that any access to the object's members from that point on is invalid.
When you call destruct() you try to free object's memory by calling delete. This is undefined behavior in itself, because you have not allocated the object with new. This call causes the first printout.
However, since your object is in automatic memory, C++ is required to call its destructor when the object gets out of scope. This is the call that causes the second printout.
Note: You can fix your code by allocating A1 in dynamic memory:
int main() {
ABC *A1 = new ABC(2);
return 0;
Now you get a single printout (demo). However, the practice of hiding delete in a member function is questionable.
This is RAII working plus you committing suicide on an object. Calling the destructor on an object is almost always wrong! And calling the destructor twice is always wrong, as it invokes undefined behaviour.
You have to understand that C++ is handling memory for you, if you just let it:
struct Foo{};
int main() {
Foo f; // automatic storage, gets destroyed
// when object gets out of scope
Foo* g = new Foo(); // heap allocated
delete g; // only here you have to delete
Just remember: Do not delete anything that you did not create via new (thanks to Mike Vine for the comment). And do not use (naked) heap allocation unless you need to.
Two points to consider here :-
1) Destructor for stack objects will always be called when they go out of scope. So no need to worry for their deallocation.
2) You cannot & should not use delete on the object allocated on stack. In general, you should not use delete this as long as you are not sure that this will be executed only as a consequence of deleting heap objects and after that you are not referring to that object.

How do I call the class's destructor?

I have a simple C++ code, but I don't know how to use the destructor:
class date {
int day;
date(int m)
day =m;
cout << "I wish you have entered the year \n" << day;
int main()
date ob2(12);
cout << ob2.day;
return 0;
The question that I have is, what should I write in my destructor code, that after calling the destructor, it will delete the day variable?
Rarely do you ever need to call the destructor explicitly. Instead, the destructor is called when an object is destroyed.
For an object like ob2 that is a local variable, it is destroyed when it goes out of scope:
int main()
date ob2(12);
} // ob2.~date() is called here, automatically!
If you dynamically allocate an object using new, its destructor is called when the object is destroyed using delete. If you have a static object, its destructor is called when the program terminates (if the program terminates normally).
Unless you create something dynamically using new, you don't need to do anything explicit to clean it up (so, for example, when ob2 is destroyed, all of its member variables, including day, are destroyed). If you create something dynamically, you need to ensure it gets destroyed when you are done with it; the best practice is to use what is called a "smart pointer" to ensure this cleanup is handled automatically.
You do not need to call the destructor explicitly. This is done automatically at the end of the scope of the object ob2, i.e. at the end of the main function.
Furthermore, since the object has automatic storage, its storage doesn’t have to be deleted. This, too, is done automatically at the end of the function.
Calling destructors manually is almost never needed (only in low-level library code) and deleting memory manually is only needed (and only a valid operation) when the memory was previously acquired using new (when you’re working with pointers).
Since manual memory management is prone to leaks, modern C++ code tries not to use new and delete explicitly at all. When it’s really necessary to use new, then a so-called “smart pointer” is used instead of a regular pointer.
You should not call your destructor explicitly.
When you create your object on the stack (like you did) all you need is:
int main()
date ob2(12);
// ob2.day holds 12
return 0; // ob2's destructor will get called here, after which it's memory is freed
When you create your object on the heap, you kinda need to delete your class before its destructor is called and memory is freed:
int main()
date* ob2 = new date(12);
// ob2->day holds 12
delete ob2; // ob2's destructor will get called here, after which it's memory is freed
return 0; // ob2 is invalid at this point.
(Failing to call delete on this last example will result in memory loss.)
Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. The stack way is VERY fast with allocating the memory the object will occupy and you do not need to explicitly delete it, but the stack has limited space and you cannot move those objects around easily, fast and cleanly.
The heap is the preferred way of doing it, but when it comes to performance it is slow to allocate and you have to deal with pointers. But you have much more flexibility with what you do with your object, it's way faster to work with pointers further and you have more control over the object's lifetime.
Only in very specific circumstances you need to call the destructor directly. By default the destructor will be called by the system when you create a variable of automatic storage and it falls out of scope or when a an object dynamically allocated with new is destroyed with delete.
struct test {
test( int value ) : value( value ) {}
~test() { std::cout << "~test: " << value << std::endl; }
int value;
int main()
test t(1);
test *d = new t(2);
delete d; // prints: ~test: 2
} // prints: ~test: 1 (t falls out of scope)
For completeness, (this should not be used in general) the syntax to call the destructor is similar to a method. After the destructor is run, the memory is no longer an object of that type (should be handled as raw memory):
int main()
test t( 1 );
t.~test(); // prints: ~test: 1
// after this instruction 't' is no longer a 'test' object
new (&t) test(2); // recreate a new test object in place
} // test falls out of scope, prints: ~test: 2
Note: after calling the destructor on t, that memory location is no longer a test, that is the reason for recreation of the object by means of the placement new.
In this case your destructor does not need to delete the day variable.
You only need to call delete on memory that you have allocated with new.
Here's how your code would look if you were using new and delete to trigger invoking the destructor
class date {
public: int* day;
date(int m) {
day = new int;
*day = m;
delete day;
cout << "now the destructor get's called explicitly";
int main() {
date *ob2 = new date(12);
delete ob2;
return 0;
Even though the destructor seems like something you need to call to get rid of or "destroy" your object when you are done using it, you aren't supposed to use it that way.
The destructor is something that is automatically called when your object goes out of scope, that is, when the computer leaves the "curly braces" that you instantiated your object in. In this case, when you leave main(). You don't want to call it yourself.
You may be confused by undefined behavior here. The C++ standard has no rules as to what happens if you use an object after its destructor has been run, as that's undefined behavior, and therefore the implementation can do anything it likes. Typically, compiler designers don't do anything special for undefined behavior, and so what happens is an artifact of what other design decisions were made. (This can cause really weird results sometimes.)
Therefore, once you've run the destructor, the compiler has no further obligation regarding that object. If you don't refer to it again, it doesn't matter. If you do refer to it, that's undefined behavior, and from the Standard's point of view the behavior doesn't matter, and since the Standard says nothing most compiler designers will not worry about what the program does.
In this case, the easiest thing to do is to leave the object untouched, since it isn't holding on to resources, and its storage was allocated as part of starting up the function and will not be reclaimed until the function exits. Therefore, the value of the data member will remain the same. The natural thing for the compiler to do when it reads ob2.day is to access the memory location.
Like any other example of undefined behavior, the results could change under any change in circumstances, but in this case they probably won't. It would be nice if compilers would catch more cases of undefined behavior and issue diagnostics, but it isn't possible for compilers to detect all undefined behavior (some occurs at runtime) and often they don't check for behavior they don't think likely.