DLL caching issues - c++

From the highest possible performance point of view, does the static vs dynamic library linking option have also impact on performance because of the higher cache-miss ratio for DLL?
My idea is, when a library is statically linked, whole program is loaded on one place or nearby. But when dynamically linked, DLL can be loaded somewhere and it's variables can be allocated "too far".
Is it true, or there's no performance penalty for a DLL in terms of cache miss ratio? (fast C/C++ code only)

"whole program is loaded on once place": your system's memory manager will still map executable memory pages onto physical memory to it's liking - you don't control that. At run-time, physical pages will be swapped out to disk if other portions of your executable code are needed.
Using a shared library may reduce the number of code pages needed in physical memory when multiple processes can actually share the library.
NO: dynamic or static linkage does not influence cache-misses directly. Dynamic linkage may reduce cache misses for highly reused libraries.

I'd say profile it first!
Physical location does not influence access time. The address space only seems linear but could be virtually mapped to any physical memory page.
You'd need to custom allocation and VirtualLock to get some control over physical location of pages.
Usually using shared DLLs mitigates the problem you outlined precisely by sharing pages with other processes that have the same image mapped. This leads to fewer pages cached and less need to swap these.
I'd say that the datasegment is not in fact mapped but rather allocated from the processes' address private space so the locality could be similar to statically linked datasegments. You could try to use a heap debugger/visualizer to find out how that works).
If you want a simple means to get full control, simply allocate all things from the HEAP - using your preferred allocation scheme. If there is static data from a DLL, just copy it into that area?

Memory doesn't need to be contiguous for good cache performance. The cache line size, which ranges from a few bytes to a few hundred, is typically much smaller than a DLL.


Has image base address optimization sense? [duplicate]

Rebasing a DLL means to fix up the DLL such, that it's preferred load adress is the load address that the Loader is actually able to load the DLL at.
This can either be achieved by a tool such as Rebase.exe or by specifying default load addresses for all your (own) dlls so that they "fit" in your executable process.
The whole point of managing the DLL base addresses this way is to speed up application loads. (Or so I understand.)
The question is now: Is it worth the trouble?
I have the book Windows via C/C++ by Richter/Nazarre and they strongly recommend[a] making sure that the load addresses all match up so that the Loader doesn't have to rebase the loaded DLLs.
They fail to argue however, if this speeds up application load times to any significant amount.
Also, with ASLR it seems dubious that this has any value at all, since the load addresses will be randomized anyway.
Are there any hard facts on the pro/cons of this?
[a]: In my WvC++/5th ed it is in the sections titled Rebasing Modules and Binding Modules on pages 568ff. in Chapter 20, DLL Advanced Techniques.
Patching the relocatable addresses isn't the big deal, that runs at memory speeds, microseconds. The bigger issue is that the pages that contains this code now need to be backed up by the paging file instead of the DLL file. In other words, when pages containing code are unmapped, they need to be written to the paging file instead of just getting discarded.
The cost of this isn't that easy to measure, especially on modern machines with lots of RAM. It only counts when the machine starts to get under load with lots of processes competing for memory. And the fragmentation of the paging file.
But clearly, rebasing is a very cheap optimization. And it is very easy to see in the Debug + Windows + Modules window, there's a bright icon on the rebased DLLs. The Address column gives you a good hint what base address would be a good choice. Leave ample space between them so you don't constantly have to tweak this as your program grows.
I'd like to provide one answer myself, although the answers of Hans Passant and others are describing the tradeoffs already pretty well.
After recently fiddling with DLL base addresses in our application, I will here give my conclusion:
I think that, unless you can prove otherwise, providing DLLs with a non-default Base Address is an exercise in futility. This includes rebasing my DLLs.
For the DLLs I control, given the average application, each DLL will be loaded into memory only once anyway, so the load on the paging file should be minimal. (But see the comment of Michal Burr in another answer about Terminal Server environment.)
If DLLs are provided with a fixed base address (without rebasing) it will actually increase address space fragmentation, as sooner or later these addresses won't match anymore. In our app we had given all DLLs a fixed base address (for other legacy reasons, and not because of address space fragmentation) without using rebase.exe and this significantly increased address space fragmentation for us because you really can't get this right manually.
Rebasing (via rebase.exe) is not cheap. It is another step in the build process that has to be maintained and checked, so it has to have some benefit.
A large application will always have some DLLs loaded where the base address does not match, because of some hook DLLs (AV) and because you don't rebase 3rd party DLLs (or at least I wouldn't).
If you're using a RAM disk for the paging file, you might actually be better of if loaded DLLs get paged out :-)
So to sum up, I think that rebasing isn't worth the trouble except for special cases like the system DLLs.
I'd like to add a historical piece that I found on Old New Thing: How did Windows 95 rebase DLLs? --
When a DLL needed to be rebased, Windows 95 would merely make a note
of the DLL's new base address, but wouldn't do much else. The real
work happened when the pages of the DLL ultimately got swapped in. The
raw page was swapped off the disk, then the fix-ups were applied on
the fly to the raw page, thereby relocating it. The fixed-up page was
then mapped into the process's address space and the program was
allowed to continue.
Looking at how this process is done (read the whole thing), I personally suspect that part of the "rebasing is evil" stance dates back to the olden days of Win9x and low memory conditions.
Look, now there's a non-historical piece on Old New Thing:
How important is it nowadays to ensure that all my DLLs have non-conflicting base addresses?
Back in the day, one of the things you were exhorted to do was rebase
your DLLs so that they all had nonoverlapping address ranges, thereby
avoiding the cost of runtime relocation. Is this still important
In the presence of ASLR, rebasing your DLLs has no effect because ASLR is going to ignore your base address anyway and relocate the DLL into a location of its pseudo-random choosing.
Conclusion: It doesn't hurt to rebase, just in case, but understand
that the payoff will be extremely rare. Build your DLL with
/DYNAMICBASE enabled (and with /HIGHENTROPYVA for good measure)
and let ASLR do the work of ensuring that no base address collision
occurs. That will cover pretty much all of the real-world scenarios.
If you happen to fall into one of the very rare cases where ASLR is
not available, then your program will still work. It just may run a
little slower due to the relocation penalty.
... ASLR actually does a better job of avoiding collisions than manual
rebasing, since ASLR can view the system as a whole, whereas manual
rebasing requires you to know all the DLLs that are loaded into your
process, and coordinating base addresses across multiple vendors is
generally not possible.
They fail to argue however, if this speeds up application load times to any significant amount.
The load time change is minimal, because the v-table is what gets updated with the new addresses. However, if you have low memory - enough that stuff gets loaded in/out of the page file, then the system has to keep the dll in the page file (since the addresses are changed). If the dlls were rebased - and the rebased dlls don't collide with any other dlls - then instead of swapping them out to the page file (and back), the system just overwrites the memory and reloads the dll from the original on the hard drive.
The benefit is only relevant when systems are paging stuff in and out of main memory. The last time I made efforts to keep databases of applications and their base addresses was back in VB6 days, when the computers in our offices and data centers were lucky to have even 256MB of RAM.
Also, with ASLR it seems dubious that this has any value at all, since the load addresses will be randomized anyway.
At the moment ASLR only affects dlls and executables with the dynamic-relocation flag set. This includes Vista/Win7 system dlls and executables, and any developer made items where the developer intentionally set that flag during the build.
If you are going to set the dynamic-relocation flag, then don't bother rebasing the dlls. If all your clients have 4GB of RAM, then don't bother. If your boss is a cheapskate, then maybe.
You have to consider that user DLLs (that are not already loaded into another processes) has to be read from HDD. Usually the memory mapping is used for that (and it uses lazy loading), so if they have to be relocated, they'll have to be actually read from HDD before the process can start.
For those loaded by other processes the copy-on-write mechanism is used. So, again, relocating them will mean additional operations.
What's about ASLR, it's intended for security purposes, not for performance.
Yes, you should do it.
ASLR only impacts "system" DLLs and therefore the ones you are writing should not be impacted by ASLR. Additionally, ASLR doesn't completely "randomize" the location of these system binaries, it simply shuffles them around in the basic spot in the vm map.

I should avoid static compilation because of cache miss?

The title sums up pretty much the entire story, I was reading this and the key point is that
A bigger executable means more cache misses
and since a static executable it's by definition bigger than one that is dynamically linked, I'm curious about what are the practical considerations in this case.
The article in the link discusses the side-effect of inlining small functions in OS the kernel. This has indeed got a noticeable effect on performance, because the same function is called from many different places throughout the a sequence of system calls - for example if you call open, and then call read, seek write, open will store a filehandle somewhere in the kernel, and in the call to read, seek, and write, that handle will have to be "found". If that's an inlined function, we now have three copies of that function in the cache, and no benefit at all from read having called the same function as seek and write does. If it's a "non-inline" function, it will indeed be ready in the cache when seek and write calls that function.
For a given process, whether the code is linked statically or dynamically, once the application is fully loaded will have very small impact. If there are MANY copies of the application, then other processes may benefit from re-using the same memory for the shared libraries. But the size needed for that process remains the same whether it is shared with 0, 1, 3, or 100 other processes. The benefit in sharing the binary files across many executables come from things like the C library that is behind almost every single executable in the system - so when you have 1000 processes running in the system, that ALL use the same basic runtime system, there is only one copy rather than 1000 copies of the code. But it is unlikely to have much effect on the cache efficiency on any particular application - perhaps common functions like strcpy and such like are used often enough that there is a small chance that when the OS task switches, it's still in the cache when the next application does strcpy.
So, in summary: probably doesn't make any difference at all.
The overall memory footprint of the static version is the same as that of the dynamic version; remember that the dynamically-linked objects still need to be loaded into memory!
Of course, one could also argue that if there are multiple processes running, and they all dynamically link against the same object, then only one copy is required in memory, and so the aggregate footprint is lower than if they had all statically linked.
[Disclaimer: all of the above is educated guesswork; I've never measured the effect of linking on cache behaviour.]

DLL size in memory & size on the hard disk

Is there a relationship between DLL size in memory and size on the hard disk?
This is because I am using Task Manager extension (MS), and I can go to an EXE in the list and right click -> Module, then I can see all the DLLs this EXE is using. It has a Length column, but is it in bytes? And the value (Length) of the DLL seems to be different from the (DLL) size on the hard disk. Why?
There's a relationship, but it's not entirely direct or straightforward.
When your DLL is first used, it gets mapped to memory. That doesn't load it into memory, just allocates some address space in your process where it can/could be loaded when/if needed. Then, individual pages of the DLL get loaded into memory via demand paging -- i.e., when you refer to some of the address space that got allocated, the code (or data) that's mapped to that/those address(es) will be loaded if it's not already in memory.
Now, the address mapping does take up a little space (one 4K page for each megabyte of address space that gets mapped). Of course, when you load some data into memory, that uses up memory too.
Note, however, that most pages can/will be shared between processes too, so if your DLL was used by 5 different processes at once, it would be mapped 5 times (i.e., once to each process that used it) but there would still only be one physical copy in memory (at least normally).
Between those, it can be a little difficult to even pin down exactly what you mean by the memory consumption of a particular DLL.
There are two parts that come into play in determining the size of a dll in memory:
As everyone else pointed out, dll's get memory mapped, this leads to thier size being page aligned (on of the reasons preferred load addresses from back in the day had to be page aligned). generally, page alignment is 4Kb for 32bit systems, 8Kb for 64 bit systems (for a more indepth look at this on windows, see this).
Dll's contain a segment for uninitialized data, on disk this segment is compressed, generally to a base + size, when the dll is loaded and initialized, the space for the .bss segment gets allocated, increasing its size. Generally this a small and will be absored by the page alignment, but if a dll contains huge static buffers, this can balloon its virtualized size.
The memory footprint will usually be bigger than on disk size because when it is mapped into memory it is page aligned. Standard page sizes are 4KB and 8KB so if your dll is 1KB of code its still going to use 4KB in memory.
Don't think of a .dll or a .exe as something that gets copied into memory to be executed.
Think of it as a set of instructions for the loader.
Sure it contains the program and static data text.
More importantly, it contains all the information allowing that text to be relocated, and to have all its unsatisfied references hooked up, and to export references that other modules may need.
Then if there's symbol and line number information for debugging, that's still more text.
So in general you would expect it to be larger than the memory image.
It all depends on what you call "memory", and what exactly does your TaskManager extension show.
Every executable module (Exe/Dll) is mapped into an address space. The size of this mapping equals to its size. And, I guess, this is what your "extension" shows to you.

Is rebasing DLLs (or providing an appropriate default load address) worth the trouble?

Rebasing a DLL means to fix up the DLL such, that it's preferred load adress is the load address that the Loader is actually able to load the DLL at.
This can either be achieved by a tool such as Rebase.exe or by specifying default load addresses for all your (own) dlls so that they "fit" in your executable process.
The whole point of managing the DLL base addresses this way is to speed up application loads. (Or so I understand.)
The question is now: Is it worth the trouble?
I have the book Windows via C/C++ by Richter/Nazarre and they strongly recommend[a] making sure that the load addresses all match up so that the Loader doesn't have to rebase the loaded DLLs.
They fail to argue however, if this speeds up application load times to any significant amount.
Also, with ASLR it seems dubious that this has any value at all, since the load addresses will be randomized anyway.
Are there any hard facts on the pro/cons of this?
[a]: In my WvC++/5th ed it is in the sections titled Rebasing Modules and Binding Modules on pages 568ff. in Chapter 20, DLL Advanced Techniques.
Patching the relocatable addresses isn't the big deal, that runs at memory speeds, microseconds. The bigger issue is that the pages that contains this code now need to be backed up by the paging file instead of the DLL file. In other words, when pages containing code are unmapped, they need to be written to the paging file instead of just getting discarded.
The cost of this isn't that easy to measure, especially on modern machines with lots of RAM. It only counts when the machine starts to get under load with lots of processes competing for memory. And the fragmentation of the paging file.
But clearly, rebasing is a very cheap optimization. And it is very easy to see in the Debug + Windows + Modules window, there's a bright icon on the rebased DLLs. The Address column gives you a good hint what base address would be a good choice. Leave ample space between them so you don't constantly have to tweak this as your program grows.
I'd like to provide one answer myself, although the answers of Hans Passant and others are describing the tradeoffs already pretty well.
After recently fiddling with DLL base addresses in our application, I will here give my conclusion:
I think that, unless you can prove otherwise, providing DLLs with a non-default Base Address is an exercise in futility. This includes rebasing my DLLs.
For the DLLs I control, given the average application, each DLL will be loaded into memory only once anyway, so the load on the paging file should be minimal. (But see the comment of Michal Burr in another answer about Terminal Server environment.)
If DLLs are provided with a fixed base address (without rebasing) it will actually increase address space fragmentation, as sooner or later these addresses won't match anymore. In our app we had given all DLLs a fixed base address (for other legacy reasons, and not because of address space fragmentation) without using rebase.exe and this significantly increased address space fragmentation for us because you really can't get this right manually.
Rebasing (via rebase.exe) is not cheap. It is another step in the build process that has to be maintained and checked, so it has to have some benefit.
A large application will always have some DLLs loaded where the base address does not match, because of some hook DLLs (AV) and because you don't rebase 3rd party DLLs (or at least I wouldn't).
If you're using a RAM disk for the paging file, you might actually be better of if loaded DLLs get paged out :-)
So to sum up, I think that rebasing isn't worth the trouble except for special cases like the system DLLs.
I'd like to add a historical piece that I found on Old New Thing: How did Windows 95 rebase DLLs? --
When a DLL needed to be rebased, Windows 95 would merely make a note
of the DLL's new base address, but wouldn't do much else. The real
work happened when the pages of the DLL ultimately got swapped in. The
raw page was swapped off the disk, then the fix-ups were applied on
the fly to the raw page, thereby relocating it. The fixed-up page was
then mapped into the process's address space and the program was
allowed to continue.
Looking at how this process is done (read the whole thing), I personally suspect that part of the "rebasing is evil" stance dates back to the olden days of Win9x and low memory conditions.
Look, now there's a non-historical piece on Old New Thing:
How important is it nowadays to ensure that all my DLLs have non-conflicting base addresses?
Back in the day, one of the things you were exhorted to do was rebase
your DLLs so that they all had nonoverlapping address ranges, thereby
avoiding the cost of runtime relocation. Is this still important
In the presence of ASLR, rebasing your DLLs has no effect because ASLR is going to ignore your base address anyway and relocate the DLL into a location of its pseudo-random choosing.
Conclusion: It doesn't hurt to rebase, just in case, but understand
that the payoff will be extremely rare. Build your DLL with
/DYNAMICBASE enabled (and with /HIGHENTROPYVA for good measure)
and let ASLR do the work of ensuring that no base address collision
occurs. That will cover pretty much all of the real-world scenarios.
If you happen to fall into one of the very rare cases where ASLR is
not available, then your program will still work. It just may run a
little slower due to the relocation penalty.
... ASLR actually does a better job of avoiding collisions than manual
rebasing, since ASLR can view the system as a whole, whereas manual
rebasing requires you to know all the DLLs that are loaded into your
process, and coordinating base addresses across multiple vendors is
generally not possible.
They fail to argue however, if this speeds up application load times to any significant amount.
The load time change is minimal, because the v-table is what gets updated with the new addresses. However, if you have low memory - enough that stuff gets loaded in/out of the page file, then the system has to keep the dll in the page file (since the addresses are changed). If the dlls were rebased - and the rebased dlls don't collide with any other dlls - then instead of swapping them out to the page file (and back), the system just overwrites the memory and reloads the dll from the original on the hard drive.
The benefit is only relevant when systems are paging stuff in and out of main memory. The last time I made efforts to keep databases of applications and their base addresses was back in VB6 days, when the computers in our offices and data centers were lucky to have even 256MB of RAM.
Also, with ASLR it seems dubious that this has any value at all, since the load addresses will be randomized anyway.
At the moment ASLR only affects dlls and executables with the dynamic-relocation flag set. This includes Vista/Win7 system dlls and executables, and any developer made items where the developer intentionally set that flag during the build.
If you are going to set the dynamic-relocation flag, then don't bother rebasing the dlls. If all your clients have 4GB of RAM, then don't bother. If your boss is a cheapskate, then maybe.
You have to consider that user DLLs (that are not already loaded into another processes) has to be read from HDD. Usually the memory mapping is used for that (and it uses lazy loading), so if they have to be relocated, they'll have to be actually read from HDD before the process can start.
For those loaded by other processes the copy-on-write mechanism is used. So, again, relocating them will mean additional operations.
What's about ASLR, it's intended for security purposes, not for performance.
Yes, you should do it.
ASLR only impacts "system" DLLs and therefore the ones you are writing should not be impacted by ASLR. Additionally, ASLR doesn't completely "randomize" the location of these system binaries, it simply shuffles them around in the basic spot in the vm map.

How can I measure runtime memory requirements of an application on windows platform?

How can I measure runtime memory requirements of an application on windows platform?
Perfmon.exe will monitor the usage of a process.
Run perfmon.exe, right-click Add counters, pick Process for the Performance Object, then choose things like Virtual Bytes, Working Set, and Page File.
I'll assume you mean memory use at a particular point in time, not how much it could potentially ever need.
You can get the information about how much a process is consuming through the windows API, for example GetProcessMemoryInfo. Windows allocates memory in blocks so it may be more accurate than just checking how much memory or heap space is used.
See more details from MSDN
"Memory requirements" are not very well defined, in the first place. WHen you start, your executabel will be linked to many DLLs. Together with the first stack, this forms your initial process. Then, your proces might start extra threads, allocate more memory, and/or memory map some files.
Now Wwindows won't give you real RAM for all these needs. Many DLLs are already loaded for other reasons, so you'll share that RAM. Extra RAM for stacks is allocated when you get soft stackoverflows. Memory mapped files get RAM allocated when those pages fault.
So, one of the important questions is what you really want. You have to answer that first.