Unit Testing in VS 2010 Express for Windows Phone - unit-testing

I am developing a Windows Phone 7 project and wish to test the app's business logic (i.e. just the vanilla C# code) within stand-alone unit tests, run on Windows from the command line (from Jenkins) rather than on a device.
What's the best way of achieving this using the free Express tools only?
Currently I am thinking of:
Developing the main WP7 project using VS Express WP as usual
Having a build script copy the WP7 code and generate a VC# console project file containing each source file
Create unit test code in this second project using Visual C# 2010 Express
Compile test code for Windows and run unit tests using NUnit, Express Unit or similar.
Sounds like a whole lot of hassle, does anyone have experience of a nicer option than this?

Have a look at this question: State of unit testing for Windows Phone
It has some nice ideas and hints and I am afraid that it isn't much better at this time.


Can we get native C++ code coverage in VS2012 or VS2010 without MSTest?

We would like to measure code coverage for our own automated regression test system run over a fairly large native app. This is a sophisticated, scripted test system using the inbuilt scripting of our app. It has thousands of tests and is not going to be replaced by MSTest unit tests.
Whilst we're using VS2012 (Premium) as the IDE currently it is still compiled with the VS2010 compilers & libraries. That could change sooner if it was a prerequisite to getting code coverage going.
We can do separate builds for this - instrumenting is not a problem.
I'm just confused reading the MS documentation which seems to all start from an assumption you're running unit tests using their inbuilt test framework. That's when I'm not struggling to find stuff which actually talks about native support for ALM in the first place!
Visual Studio 2012's code coverage tool is entirely separate from the test execution system (full disclosure: I wrote it, but the team that inherited it after I left Microsoft removed some fairly useful functionality). It was rewritten from the ground up in VS 2012 to dynamically instrument native (x86 and x86-64) and managed code (.NET and Silverlight) when it loads into the process instead of modifying executables on disk.
You can find CodeCoverage.exe in "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Team Tools\Dynamic Code Coverage Tools".
To collect data:
CodeCoverage.exe collect /output:foo.coverage foo.exe foos_args
A configuration file (there's a default one in that directory called CodeCoverage.config) can be specified to control collection.
To analyze the coverage data, you can open foo.coverage in Visual Studio 2012 or use the coverage tool itself to do the analysis:
CodeCoverage.exe analyze /output:results.xml foo.coverage
Note: for instrumentation to take place, .pdb files must be discovered for your modules. Since you are building with 2010, they may not work with 2012's DIA so you may have to rebuild with 2012's toolset. If you are not seeing the modules you expect in the coverage analysis, pass /include_skipped_modules to the analyze command; there will be a "reason" attribute telling you why the module was skipped (excluded, no debug information, etc.).
Edit: Also, unlike previous versions of Visual Studio, 2012's coverage file format is completely self-contained. The modules and .pdbs don't need to be present at analysis time.
I realize this is an old post, but I believe the answer still is relevant.
With all the things that I used to have at my disposal in C#, I didn't really like what I saw when I moved to Visual C++. Also, like you the MSTests only partially worked for me; I'm used to have my own test applications as well.
Basically what I wanted was the following:
Run MS tests or an EXE file
Get code coverage right in Visual Studio.
After doing some research, I noticed that VS Enterprise supports this feature today with test adapters.
If you're not on VSE, I noticed there are some other tools, each providing users with an independent UI. Personally I don't like that; I want my coverage right in Visual Studio, preferably in Visual Studio Community edition.
So I decided to build this addin myself and - while it's not as sophisticated as VSE - it does the trick for me.
I wrote a VSIX code coverage tool on https://github.com/atlaste/CPPCoverage . Basically it manages the highlighting in Visual Studio, generates a clickable report, and integrates in solution explorer.
For the coverage measurements themselves, I used to use https://opencppcoverage.codeplex.com/ . Basically that allows you to perform code coverage tests on any debuggable (native) executable. Nowadays, I'm using my own code coverage measuring tools (which are open sourced above as well).

How to write unit test for Visual studio package

I am now working on a visual studio package project, currently all our tests just simulates the way we interact with visual studio with windows open and close, menus selection, button click and so on.I think these tests can be classified as integrated test and they highly depends on the devenv.exe process. For pure unit test, I just want to test one of my business logic and mock other dependencies.Although visual studio SDK contains a test library under the path VisualStudioIntegration\Common\Source\CSharp\UnitTest in SDK folder, I found it a too simple project, too young to be used in my project. When I tried to write unit test from scratch, I got a lot of problems with mocking VSX interfaces. Also there is so little resources about VSX unit test, Can anyone give me some hints or links about this? Any help is appreciated.
In my case, I needed to launch and control Visual Studio from a control program to run some developer studies.
Basically, why not just have your tests run your plugin in the experimental hive on a programmatic instance?
This was a helpful resource for launching an instance of Visual Studio through COM:

C++ unit testing with VS test professional

Does any one know if I can test native code in VS Test 2010?
As of VS2010, native C++ unit testing is not directly supported by Visual Studio. See MSDN, specifically:
You cannot have test projects with unit tests that use unmanaged C++.
You can still do native C++ unit testing with Visual Studio, but it won't be as integrated as other VS features. See this SO answer for a number of native unit testing frameworks and libraries. I have not used any of those, so I cannot give any guidance there.
I would bite the bullet, download Boost and get the test suite compiled. Once you get into it, it's as easy as VS tests.

Is Visual Studio 2010's unit testing feature usable for native C++ code?

It seems to be mainly tailored to .net code.
Only managed C++ (/clr:safe): Unit Tests and C++
You could use WinUnit (if you are not already): Simplified Unit Testing for Native C++ Applications
You can't get the slick attribute-driven features of managed test frameworks with native unit test frameworks. If you want a graphical runner which lets you select individual tests or fixtures within Visual Studio, grab the excellent, free Visual Assert. It supports both the cfix framework and (via cfix) a WinUnit compatibility mode. I've been happily using it for several months now in both 2008 and 2010.

NUnit & Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework

Is there a way to create unit tests that can be run with the Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework as well as NUnit? I personally prefer the Visual Studio one, but the build server I am using only does NUnit, so I would like to support both if possible.
EDIT: To clarify, I would like to run my own tests using Visual Studio (without add-ons or extensions), but other collegues would like to use NUnit, and the build server needs NUnit. I cannot change anything except the code, so I thought there would be an easy way to satisfy everyone, but its looking to be a bit of a challenge :)
Sounds like you need a Visual Studio test runner. If you install Gallio, it will use VS test runner to run any kind of unit tests(xUnit, nUnit, MBUnit). Also Resharper and CodeRush have their own test runners.
Here is one way to do that using precompiler directives and aliases via the "using" keyword
JustCode has a unit test runner that can run tests written using xUnit, NUnit, MbUnit, or Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework. You can see it in action here
You can write framework agnostic asserts using a library called Should. It also has a very nice fluent syntax which can be used if you like fluent interfaces. I had a blog post related to the same.