What is the use of the c_str() function? - c++

I understand c_str converts a string, that may or may not be null-terminated, to a null-terminated string.
Is this true? Can you give some examples?

c_str returns a const char* that points to a null-terminated string (i.e., a C-style string). It is useful when you want to pass the "contents"¹ of an std::string to a function that expects to work with a C-style string.
For example, consider this code:
std::string string("Hello, World!");
std::size_t pos1 = string.find_first_of('w');
std::size_t pos2 = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::strchr(string.c_str(), 'w') - string.c_str());
if (pos1 == pos2) {
std::printf("Both ways give the same result.\n");
See it in action.
¹ This is not entirely true because an std::string (unlike a C string) can contain the \0 character. If it does, the code that receives the return value of c_str() will be fooled into thinking that the string is shorter than it really is, since it will interpret \0 as the end of the string.

In C++, you define your strings as
std::string MyString;
instead of
char MyString[20];.
While writing C++ code, you encounter some C functions which require C string as parameter.
Like below:
void IAmACFunction(int abc, float bcd, const char * cstring);
Now there is a problem. You are working with C++ and you are using std::string string variables. But this C function is asking for a C string. How do you convert your std::string to a standard C string?
Like this:
std::string MyString;
// ...
MyString = "Hello world!";
// ...
IAmACFunction(5, 2.45f, MyString.c_str());
This is what c_str() is for.
Note that, for std::wstring strings, c_str() returns a const w_char *.

Most old C++ and C functions, when dealing with strings, use const char*.
With STL and std::string, string.c_str() is introduced to be able to convert from std::string to const char*.
That means that if you promise not to change the buffer, you'll be able to use read-only string contents. PROMISE = const char*

In C/C++ programming there are two types of strings: the C strings and the standard strings. With the <string> header, we can use the standard strings. On the other hand, the C strings are just an array of normal chars. So, in order to convert a standard string to a C string, we use the c_str() function.
For example
// A string to a C-style string conversion //
const char *cstr1 = str1.c_str();
cout<<"Operation: *cstr1 = str1.c_str()"<<endl;
cout<<"The C-style string c_str1 is: "<<cstr1<<endl;
cout<<"\nOperation: strlen(cstr1)"<<endl;
cout<<"The length of C-style string str1 = "<<strlen(cstr1)<<endl;
And the output will be,
Operation: *cstr1 = str1.c_str()
The C-style string c_str1 is: Testing the c_str
Operation: strlen(cstr1)
The length of C-style string str1 = 17

c_str() converts a C++ string into a C-style string which is essentially a null terminated array of bytes. You use it when you want to pass a C++ string into a function that expects a C-style string (e.g., a lot of the Win32 API, POSIX style functions, etc.).

It's used to make std::string interoperable with C code that requires a null terminated char*.

You will use this when you encode/decode some string object you transfer between two programs.
Let’s say you use Base64 to encode some array in Python, and then you want to decode that into C++. Once you have the string you decode from Base64-decoded in C++. In order to get it back to an array of float, all you need to do here is:
float arr[1024];
memcpy(arr, ur_string.c_str(), sizeof(float) * 1024);
This is pretty common use, I suppose.

const char* c_str() const;
It returns a pointer to an array that contains a null-terminated sequence of characters (i.e., a C string), representing the current value of the string object.
This array includes the same sequence of characters that make up the value of the string object plus an additional terminating null - character ('\0') at the end.
std::string str = "hello";
std::cout << str; // hello
printf("%s", str); // ,²/☺
printf("%s", str.c_str()); // hello


conversion between char* and std::string and const char*

I am now using C++ to program a robot using PROS. Pros has a print function, which is taking in a const char*. Now, I'm using lvgl to create my own screen, and I want to replicate the print function. Like the printf() functions, I want it to include variadic params to do the %d effect (so it converts all the %? to the corresponding values). The problem now is about the conversions between functions. I wanted to make a convert function to convert a string and the variadic params into a complete string. I need to input is a string which is like "hey" and I'm unsure what the type name should be. I need to be able to get size, search in it for %ds but I need the function to return a const char* to pass onto the lvgl to pring on the screen. I am having a bad time trying to convert a string into an const char* for the out put of the convert function.
Also, I tried using the input type as a char*, and when I input a string like "hello" is says a error [ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to 'char ' [-Wwritable-strings]]. But instead, when is use a const char, the error disappears. Anyone knows why?
Thanks everyone for your kind help!
char* and const char* are two flavours of the same thing: C-style strings. These are a series of bytes with a NUL terminator (0-byte). To use these you need to use the C library functions like strdup, strlen and so on. These must be used very carefully as missing out on the terminator, which is all too easy to do by accident, can result in huge problems in the form of buffer-overflow bugs.
std::string is how strings are represented in C++. They're a lot more capable, they can support "wide" characters, or variable length character sets like UTF-8. As there's no NUL terminator in these, they can't be overflowed and are really quite safe to use. Memory allocation is handled by the Standard Library without you having to pay much attention to it.
You can convert back and forth as necessary, but it's usually best to stick to std::string inside of C++ as much as you can.
To convert from C++ to C:
std::string cppstring("test");
const char* c_string = cppstring.c_str();
To convert from C to C++:
const char* c_string = "test";
std::string cppstring(c_string);
Note you can convert from char* (mutable) to const char* (immutable) but not in reverse. Sometimes things are flagged const because you're not allowed to change them, or that changing them would cause huge problems.
You don't really have to "convert" though, you just use char* as you would const char*.
std::string A = "hello"; //< assignment from char* to string
const char* const B = A.c_str(); //< call c_str() method to access the C string
std::string C = B; //< assignment works just fine (with allocation though!)
printf("%s", C.c_str()); //< pass to printf via %s & c_str() method

Get the length of a string containing Null terminated string

I'm using the XOR encryption so when I'm going to decrypt my string I need to get the length of that string.
I tried in this way:
string to_decode = "abcd\0lom";
int size = to_decode.size();
or in this way:
string to_decode = "abcd\0lom";
int size = to_decode.lenght();
Both are wrong because the string contain \0.
So how can I have the right length of my string?
The problem is with the initialisation, not with the size. If you use the constructor taking a const char *, it interprets that argument as a NUL-terminated string. So your std::string is only initialised with the string abcd.
You need to use a range-based constructor:
const char data[] = "abcd\0lom";
std::string to_decode(data, data + (sizeof data) - 1); // -1 to not include terminating NUL
[Live example]
However, be careful with such strings. While std::string can deal with embedded NULs perfectly fine, the result of c_str() will behave as "truncated" as far as all NUL-terminated APIs are concerned.
When you initialize the std::string, with a \0 in the middle, you loose all data ahead of it. If you think about it, a std::string is just a wrapper for a char*, and that gets terminated by a null termination \0. If the \0, doesn't have any meaning in the string, then you could escape it, like this:
string to_decode = "abcd\\0lom";
and the size would be 9. Otherwise, you could a container (eg: std::vector), of char's for the data storage
As others have said, the problem is that the code uses the constructor that takes const char*, and that only copies up to the \0. But, by a very strange coincidence, std::string has a constructor that can handle that case:
const char text[] = "abcd\0lom";
std::string to_decode(text, sizeof(text) - 1);
int size = to_decode.size();
The constructor will copy as many characters as you tell it to.

C++ converting string to char is not working

I have the following code to convert a string to char :
string tempLine = dataLine[studentIndex];
char str = tempLine.c_str();
but this line returns an error : " a value of type "constant char *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "char".
How can I fix this issue??
should be:
const char *str = tempLine.c_str();
Note that you're not supposed to change the content of the string. Generally, its not a good way to work with C++ strings. If you really have to fully convert a C++ string to C string - allocate memory and use strcpy to copy data, don't use the C++ string buffers directly.
edit for your request in the comments: Look here for C++ learning resources.
You cannot convert a const char*, which is what std::string::c_str() returns, to char. Change:
char str = tempLine.c_str();
const char* str = tempLine.c_str();
Note this does not copy the characters in tempLine to str, str just refers to the characters in tempLine.

How to convert a char* pointer into a C++ string?

I have a C++ string. I need to pass this string to a function accepting a char* parameter (for example - strchr()).
a) How do I get that pointer?
b) Is there some function equivalent to strschr() that works for C++ strings?
To get the C string equivalent of
the C++ string object use c_str
To locate the first occurence of a
char in a string object use
find_first_of function.
string s = "abc";
// call to strlen expects char *
cout<<strlen(s.c_str()); // prints 3
// on failure find_first_of return string::npos
if(s.find_first_of('a') != string::npos)
cout<<s<<" has an a"<<endl;
cout<<s<<" has no a"<<endl;
Note: I gave the strlen just an example of a function that takes char*.
Surprisingly, std:;string has far, far more capabilities than C-style strings. You probably want the find_first_of() method. In general, if you find yourself using the strxxx() functions on C++ std::strings, you are almost certainly doing something wrong.
Like much of the C++ Standard Library, the string class is a complex beast. To make the most of it, you really need a good reference book. I recommend The C++ Standard Library, by Nicolai Josuttis.
You can't get a char* from a string
string does not allow you free access to its internal buffer.
The closest you can get is a const char* using .c_str() if you want it null terminated or .data() if it doesn't have to be null terminated.
You can then cast the pointer returned by these functions to char* but you do this on your own risk. That being said this is a relatively safe cast to make as long as you make sure you're not changing the string. If you changed it then the pointer you got from c_str() may no longer be valid.
This code:
string str("Hello World!");
char* sp = (char*)str.c_str();
sp[5] = 'K';
is probably ok
However this:
string str("Hello World!");
char* sp = (char*)str.c_str();
str = "Chaged string";
sp[5] = 'K';
is most definitely not ok.
If you just want to assign a string literal to pw, you can do it like
char *pw = "Hello world";
If you have a C++ std::string object, the value of which you want to assign to pw, you can do it like
char *pw = some_string.c_str()
However, the value that pw points to will only be valid for the life time of some_string.
More here :
How to assign a string to char *pw in c++
std::string yourString("just an example");
char* charPtr = new char[yourString.size()+1];
strcpy(charPtr, yourString.c_str());
If str in your string use str.c_str() method to get the char* inside it.
Perhaps this exmaple will help you
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main ()
string str ("Replace the vowels in this sentence by asterisks.");
size_t found;
while (found!=string::npos)
cout << str << endl;
return 0;
The C++ Standard provides two member functions of claass std::basic_string that return pointer to the first element of the string. They are c_str() and data(). But the both return const char *, So you may not use them with a function that has parameter of type char *.
As for function strchr then its first parameter is const char *. So you may use c_str() and data() with this function. However it is much better to use member function find()of class sttd::basic_string instead of strchr.

How do I append a string to a char?

How do I append a string to a char?
is what i got but it does not support strings
std::String has a function called c_str(), that gives you a constant pointer to the internal c string, you can use that with c functions. (but make a copy first)
Use + on strings:
std::string newstring = std::string(TotalRam) + str;
If you want it as a char[] instead, you need to allocated memory on the heap or stack first. After that, strcat or sprintf are possible options.
You can't append a string to a char, you can only append a string to a string (or a char* if using the C string functions). In your example, you'll have to copy (the char) TotalRam into a string of some sort, either a C++ std::string, or make a char[2] to hold it and the required terminating NULL character. Then you can either use the C++ string with C++ functions or the char[2] with strcat and friends.
for performance, do this:
char ministring[2] = {0,0};
// use ministring[0] as your char, fill it in however you like
The char array is stack-allocated so it is extremely fast, and the second char with the value of zero acts as a string terminator so that functions like strcat will treat it as a 'c' string.