Creation Dashboard using WSO2 BAM already defined dashboards - wso2

I have question. I need to provide the report for my master work to compare BAM tools and one of them is WSO2 BAM.I am beginner in it. I have to provide dashboards in WSO2BAM which will take information from my own database, from Oracle. According to the theoretical introduction of WSO2BAM it has already defined dashboards and is it possible to configure it for my own database and how? and Is there some tutorials, some documentation or examples?

Check under user defined data in the BAM documentation. It should tell you how to do send custom events. After this is stored in the BAM database. You have to write a gadget and a data service or a back end component to pull out the data and display the data.


WSO2 API Analytics: From where the data gets into WSO2AM_STATS_DB

I am fairly new with WSO2 products and currently checking on the ApiM and Analytics products.
I am able to configure the WSO2 APIM and Analytics products successfully with SQL database and now able to get the stats as well.
In further exploring, I want to know from where the data gets inserted into various tables inside WSO2AM_STATS_DB.
If its through events, then can some one please throw light on the same.
Yes it is though a collection of Siddhi Apps running in APIM Analytics which is based on Stream Processor. You can find corresponding siddhi apps under /wso2/worker/deployment/siddhi-files. Below are the files
These are written using Siddhi and here is the link to siddhi query guide if you need to understand.

WSO2 API : how to create custom api usage statistics in wso2 api manager and analytics

I am fairly new in this tool. I need some guidance and help to create custom api usage statistics in wso2 api manager and analytics.
Right now I am using H2 database which is embedded in wso2 and need to generate report from database which has custom information.
I have been able to extract the data from various usage table like (API_RESOURCE_USAGE_SUMMARY and API_REQUEST_SUMMARY) but not able to include other details in this which is necessary for the use case on which I am working right now.
Guidance in this would be really helpful.

How to implement Edge computing using WSO2

I am currently running WSO2 Analytics on a windows server but I want implement the analysing part somehow that a client can connect to the server and do some processing like visualization on its own rather than all processing being done on the server. Is this something possible on WSO2 platform?
You can setup database you want ( see the documentation ). For production usage I woudn't even recomment using the bundled H2 database. WSO2 analytics supports number of databases by default, I believe Oracle is one of them.
As stated in the comments - you can create a client or service which reads the data from the database and displays them its own way.
most challenging part for me is that how the client uses the information from the database?
This is already on your own (outside scope of this question). You've asked if your client can access the analytics (result) data - yes you can. How to do that is up to you. (depending what the client is, ..)
For example at our client they are building data APIs which are directly consumable by different frontend libraries creating nicer charts and reports.

Disable analzer in WSO2 API Manager

So quick question regarding WSO2 API manager and BAM from what I can tell Bam saves the basic requests to the API manager to the DB and the Publisher then reads from the DB when displaying the stats. At what point in the analyzer part of BAM in action ie Casandra and Hadoop. Or does that just get used if I write my own hive queries?
When you integrate WSO2 BAM with API Manager for Analytics following happens.
API Manager publishers data using thrift for BAM.
There are hive scripts which is included in the toolbox. There are scheduled and when they are running summarized data will be inserted into the databases.

Creation Gadget for WSO2 BAM

I am creation Gadget for WSO2 BAM dashboard. I need to add the data to the chart that gives service of monitored server as result. How can I make this data as values of charts?
The standard way to follow is,
You need to first expose this data through a service. Ex: Can be done through a data service with WSO2 DSS, a back end carbon component on top of WSO2 Carbon, or just any web service
Then, write a gadget to consume this service. Reference: gadget tutorial
PS. There is a new BAM that will make all these things extremely easy, without having to write code. It should be available towards the end of the year.
You can use the BAM2 alpha2 available in here for generating gadgets according to your requirement. It is now much easier to generate a gadget with drag and drop gadget IDE comes with BAM2.
You can find more information from documentation
This is available using GadgetGen tool feature under latest BAM version