JAX-WS changing namespace for WebParam - web-services

We're working with JAX-WS in conjuntion with JAXB (2.1).
First, we've created the Java classes linked to the XSDs types.
Then, using CXF (2.1.3), Spring (2.0.8) and JAX-WS we've published a Webservice from a JAXB type (in fact a #XmlType), like this:
#WebMethod(operationName = "addExample")
public #WebResult void addExample(
#WebParam(name = "EXAMPLE") EXAMPLETYPE exemple);
We know that the webservice is published using the package name of the interface (inverse) or using the #WebService annotation the "targetNamespace" we could define. In fact, we did it with something like:
#WebService(targetNamespace = "http://blablabla")
At this time, we need to maintain the whole targetNameSpace of the WebService but we need to change the namespace of the #java.jws.WebParam (i.e EXAMPLE param in our case).
It is possible? The annotation never works for us, doing things like that:
#WebMethod(operationName = "addExample")
public #WebResult void addExample(
#WebParam(name = "EXAMPLE", targetNamespace = "http://thats.all.folks") EXAMPLETYPE exemple);
We are really lost...
Thank you,

I think you need to upgrade to a newer (and supported) version of CXF. I believe this was a bug that was fixed a very long time ago.


Best API / lib to unit test Jersey Restful Web Services?

What is the best library / API to unit test Jersey based Restful Web Services? Some APIs like JerseyTest seem outdated (had conflicts when using them in my pom) and also seem to be depending on a particular container, such as Glassfish or Grizzly... I am deploying my Jersey based Restful Web Services as a war file into Tomcat 7. Is there a way to use a testing framework which has an embedded web server or in-memory solution? Thanks again.
There are couple of frameworks that I am aware of atleast :
REST-EASY : http://www.hascode.com/2011/09/rest-assured-vs-jersey-test-framework-testing-your-restful-web-services/
Jersey Test Framework : https://jersey.java.net/documentation/1.17/test-framework.html
Jersey test Framework is easier to use.
I'm using rest-assured for many of my projects as it offers a highly specialized dsl to write your tests and once you've grown custom to the notation, writing tests is done really quick.
A variety of examples can be found on the project website but for a quick preview - a sample test could look like this snippet:
.body("user.id", equalTo(1))
As my blog was quoted by Balaji, I'd like to add that there is this article of mine with more examples for the rest-assured framework and also a downloadable REST-server for testing the examples.
A test example with jersey-test could look like this example taken from the project's documentation:
public class SimpleTest extends JerseyTest {
public static class HelloResource {
public String getHello() {
return "Hello World!";
protected Application configure() {
return new ResourceConfig(HelloResource.class);
public void test() {
final String hello = target("hello").request().get(String.class);
assertEquals("Hello World!", hello);

Creating webservice and client with JBossWS using Complex objects as arguments and return types

I am developing a WebService and Client for it using JBoss 5.1.0GA. The JBossWs stack was already preinstalled with the binary that I downloaded and as I understand it is JBossWs 3.1.2GA
I have developed a web service using this setup and have also created a client successfully. This is what I have.
A pojo web service deployed as a war file.
public class Service{
public CompleObj getConfiguration() {
CompleObj oConf = new CompleObj ();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
NestObj oInst = new BOpRepoInstance("Val1", "Val2", "Val3", "Val4");
return oConf;
CompleObj => is a Complex Object that has a list of type NestObj. Its
getter/setters, toString and some other methods.
NextObj => has 4 variables of Type String. Its getter/setters,
toString, hashCode, equals and some other methods.
Got this web service deployed successfully.
Later created a client using the eclipse wizard for generating Web Service Client using WSDL document. It also created a sample client file which would call the webservice and fetch the return value. This also worked like a charm.
Now my problem is, when eclipse generated stubs for clients it created classes for CompleObj and NestObj. These classes only has the variables and its getters/setters (this make sense as these are being generated from WSDL doc). Thus i loose a lot of other methods that includes toString, hasCode, equals etc, which I want to use at the Client side as well.
Now how can I make use of the actual class files defined in the WebService project directly and avoid the client to use the generated ones. I can provide the class files as .jar binary for the Client project, I cant really get how to achieve this.
Another question is, the web service location is embedded in the stubs directly, what can i do to have the webservice location passed as part of the argument to the invocation code?
The classes which are generated in the client side are just place
holders it is not deserilized version of your own classes,When you
invoke the service it is used to carry your object to server then
the JBOOSWS will do the JAXB mapping to the actual classes. So you
can not make the your own classes to be used in the client side
though they are look same.
URL will be fixed in the stub code, since in eclipse while generating WS client the first
thing you must provide is, the WSDL URL,then eclipse will generate the
client code accordingly,so generated code is specific to the WSDL
you provided. If you want to pass the WSDL dynamically,then you
need to have your own code to generate the client stubs by passed
WSDL URL using any WSDLtoJAVA or any other utility.

Flex Webservice

I'm using Flash Builder 4.5 and flex 4.5 language.
I'm using a webservice to retrieve data in json calling a .php.
<webservice:Webservice id="webservice" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
<s:CallResponder id="testResult" result="onTestResult(event)"/>
private function onTestResult(e:ResultEvent):void{
In the "Test Operation" window of Flash Builder I made my call and the return is a json Object made by arrays.
If I call the same webservice from the code instead, it returns a (object)#0 so an empty Object. No errors thown, just an empty Object.
Anyone has some tips?
The ns prefix of your Webservice class susggests you're using a custom implementation, rather than the framework WebService class. However, you don't provide any specifics, so I'm gonna take a swing in the dark:
If your custom service is based off the HTTPService class, make sure you're setting the resultFormat='text'. The default is XML, which will be causing you problems.
If you're using the Framework WebService class, well - you can't, as it's designed for SOAP webservices, not JSON. (From the Docs for mx.rpc.soap.WebService:)
The WebService class provides access to SOAP-based web services on
remote servers.
If it's some other implementation, please provide more details.

Mocking Web Services for client layer unit testing

I have a business rule visual studio class library (.NET 2.0) project that takes a dependency on Dynamics Crm Web Services - a classic SOAP web reference as opposed to a WCF endpoint. I want to unit test those business rules without having a real crm instance behind it. Adding a web reference doesn't produce an interface that I can fake. It does generate c# in my project that I think I can fake if I can create the interface. I don't think I need to actually navigate HTTP and get into all of the protocol stuff.
I saw Joh Skeet's blog post. Alas I didn't want to write any code and I'm hoping a tool has been written since then that might help. I tried some of his steps but concluded that he is smarter than me and I couldn't make that work.
I am aware of SoapUI, however, I was hoping for pure unit tests that would work in a CI build environment.
Is there a way to do this.
The standard way to mock something which doesn't come with an interface, is to build your own wrapper around it.
the code you want to mock, say the webservice stuff:
class AutoGeneratedStuff
public string GeneratedMethodYouUse()
public string GeneratedMethodYouDontNeed()
you then make an interface which covers only the bits of the code you need:
public interface IWebServiceClient
string MethodYouUse();
and a concrete wrapper class which implements it, which has a dependency to the generated stuff
class WebServiceClient : IWebServiceClient
private AutoGeneratedStuff _stuff;
public WebService(AutogeneratedStuff stuff)
_stuff = stuff;
public string MethodYouUse()
return _stuff.MethodYouUse();
then, in your code when you would have called the generated class, call your interface instead. In your unit tests, you can mock the interface, either using a mocking framework, or by implementing the interface with another concrete class that has no dependencies to the generated stuff

Generating stub classes for 3rd party WS

I need to incorporate a pretty complex 3rd party web service into my Grails app. My plan was to use WSDL2Java to generate the stub classes from the wsdl, and this was the method recommended in the 3rd party's documentation (complete with examples). First i tried to use the Axis2 codegen plugin for Eclipse but eventually came up against an InvocationTargetexception. I debugged the plugin and found it was because the wsdl is defined with RPC encoding.
Some people have recommended using Axis 1.4 instead, so I've now installed that too but have come up against an IO Exception - Type {http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap}DataHandler is referenced but not defined.
Can anyone suggest a method for creating the java classes from this wsdl without having to hack the wsdl apart?
I ended up using the Axis2 wdsl2java and copying the required annotated code into the service and used the CXF plugin. I also put in my service the following code
static expose=['cxfjax']
The reason why I had to do this was because there was a "complicated" (for grails) structure my methods look like
#WebMethod(operationName = "authenticate", action = "http://betterhidethis/authenticate")
#WebResult(name = "authenticateResult", targetNamespace = "http:/betterhidethis/")
public ArrayOfString authenticate(
#WebParam(name = "strUserName", targetNamespace = "http://betterhidethis/")
String strUserName,
#WebParam(name = "strPassword", targetNamespace = "http://betterhidethis/")
String strPassword) {
Of cause the Geneerator also created the ArrayOfString class which I use later.
Hope this helps.