Unit testing/continuous integration with Simulink/Stateflow - unit-testing

How can I perform unit testing in Simulink, or preferably, Stateflow?
I'm a fan of agile software methods, including test driven development. I'm responsible for the development of safety critical control software and we're using Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow for the development of it. This toolset is selected because of the link with plant (hardware) models. (model-in-the-loop, hardware-in-the-loop)
I have found some links on Stackoverflow: Unit-testing framework for MATLAB: xunit, slunit and doctest.
Does anyone have experience in using those or different unit test frameworks?
How to link this to continuous integration systems (i.e. Hudson)?

EDIT: This is now much easier and getting easier all the time with the Jenkins plugin for MATLAB
As Craig mentioned there is indeed a framework in MATLAB introduced in R2013a. Furthermore, this framework added a TAPPlugin in R2014a which outputs the Test Anything Protocal. Using that protocol you can set up your CI build with a TAPPlugin (eg. Jenkins, TeamCity) so that the CI system can fail the build if the tests fail.
Your CI build may look like a shell command to start MATLAB and run all your tests:
/your/path/to/matlab/bin/matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -nodesktop -r "runAllMyTests"
Then the runAllMyTests creates the suite to run and runs it with the tap output being redirected to a file. You'll need to tweak specifics here, but perhaps this can help you get started:
function runAllMyTests
import matlab.unittest.TestSuite;
import matlab.unittest.TestRunner;
import matlab.unittest.plugins.TAPPlugin;
import matlab.unittest.plugins.ToFile;
% Create the suite and runner
suite = TestSuite.fromPackage('packageThatContainsTests', 'IncludingSubpackages', true);
runner = TestRunner.withTextOutput;
% Add the TAPPlugin directed to a file in the Jenkins workspace
tapFile = fullfile(getenv('WORKSPACE'), 'testResults.tap');
catch e;
exit force;
EDIT: I used this topic as the first two posts of a new developer oriented blog launched this year

Unit testing Simulink is not straightforward, unfortunately. Mathworks have the SystemTest. Alternatively, you can roll-your-own Simulink testing framework, which is the approach that we've followed and is not too difficult, but you may need to built test-harnesses programmatically.
In order to integrate with CI, you need to create a function/script that executes all the tests, then you can use the command-line parameters for MATLAB.exe to run a script on start-up. I'm not sure anyone has a good way of integrating the test reports with the CI software, though. Just look at the number of comments in Unit-testing framework for MATLAB.

With 2015a Matlab introduces a new product name "Simulink Test". Perhaps that'll simplify this mess.

R2016b introduces integration between Simulink Test and MATLAB Unit Testing framework. Tests created with Simulink Test using Test Manager (*.mldatx) are recognized by and can be run natively using the MATLAB Unit Test Runner and thus you can generate JUnit style XML test results or TAP test results facilitating Continuous integration workflows.
See this reference for more information: https://www.mathworks.com/help/sltest/ug/run-test-files-using-matlab-unit-test.html?s_tid=gn_loc_drop
The documentation shows an example of producing TAP results using matlab.unittest.plugins.TAPPlugin but you can use XMLPlugin (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/matlab.unittest.plugins.xmlplugin-class.html) instead just as easily.
This should open up a better integration within just MATLAB environment even without CI in the picture with the ability to have MATLAB and Simulink Tests together in the same test suite and have them run together seamlessly. For example if you have a directory MYDIR with both native MATLAB unit tests and Simulink Tests, you can do something as simple as the follows to execute both kinds of tests in one shot:
results = runtests(MYDIR)

If your system is complex, you should decompose it using Model Reference and test each of these independently.
An other solution (more "old school") is to put your main blocks in a library and to create small models.
To test these submodels and especially those with a State Machine (Stateflow), the best is to create temporal test cases
with the Signal builder block. You have a powerful function signalbuilder to interact with this block and load test cases. My method is to get for each case of each submodel an input file and an output file. Your outputs of the model are the "correct" output and the one from the blocks. The model is run with sim (no external inputs) and the 2 outputs are compared with a script the indicated which signal is different (and when).
You could use an existent system but I prefer to use my own to run each case (or some of them).
I don't have any public code for that but that's the way I use. I don't use a CIS so I can't answer the second part of your question.

Matlab (since 2013b) has built-in support for xUnit, in the form of the Unit Testing Framework.
I haven't used it but since it's possible to run simulink from Matlab with sim() then this framework can be used to test your simulink models. You libraries and possibly models will need a wrapper to execute it as the other answerers have noted.
There are plenty of examples on the Mathworks site, unfortunately non of them run simulink models. I'd code an example for you, but I don't have ML2013b :-(
In order to initiate your tests from a CI (I use Jenkins) then you can call matlab to run a .m file that runs your test suite, this example cmd script will call Run_Tests.m from Matlab:
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\win32\matlab.exe" (
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\win32\matlab.exe" -r "Run_Tests;exit" -logfile matlab.log
) ELSE (
REM Win7
"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\bin\win32\matlab.exe" -r "Run_Tests;exit" -logfile matlab.log
Note that if a startup.m exists in the directory that you call Matlab from, then it'll be executed automatically beforeRun_Tests.m`.

I think you are searching for something like EZTEST. It is intended for your special purpose: Test driven development for Simulink and Stateflow on unit level. For safety critical software, there is also a Safety Manual included, which describes what is covered regarding ISO 26262.
Edit: I am a developer of this software, so my opinion may be biased. But I am not involved in the marketing or sale of the product. I am just posting this, because I know that there are little to none unit test frameworks out there, meeting the questioner's needs (as the answers might suppose).
Testing units using SIL and PIL is also supported. Unfortunately I am not familiar with Hudson, so I cannot address this part of the question.

I've seen different solutions to the problem of unit testing Simulink models. Simulink Verification & Validation which did not support xUnit concepts of test runners and test suites at the time of examination, TPT being overloaded with functionality, not easy to use and very hard in terms of changeability and maintainability.
Furthermore I've seen custom solutions with Matlab scripts and Excel tables which were lightweight but also difficult in terms of understandability and maintainability. I'd still not recommend using any of these approaches, at least not for unit testing.
In the end, we ended up using a C unit testing framework (CUnit) testing the generated code. While this definitely has the disadvantage that you have to generate code before testing, it also has a lot of advantages, like easy integration into CI systems, high flexibility of writing unit tests, fast execution of unit tests and last but not least refactoring capabilities in terms of switching from Simulink to another model-based environment or to hand-written code. Especially the last point should not be underestimated since I have seen many Simulink models that should have been hand-written modules in the first place. Nowadays, I'd recommend using GoogleTest instead of CUnit.


Any suggestions on software development along the lines of quality assurance?

The software I am working is an engineering analysis tool for renewable energy systems. It tests power outputs and things of this nature.
My current job task has been to test different configurations of said systems (i.e. use a evaporative cooling condenser instead of the default radiative cooling condenser via a drop down menu on the user interface) to ensure that the release version of this software functions across all spectrums as it should.
So far the process has been very simple to test: changing one factor of the base model and testing if the code functions properly as it should via the outputs generated.
How I need to pivot
But now we want to start testing combinations of tests. This change of workflow will be very tedious and time consuming for we are considering a factorial design approach in order to map out my plan of attack for what configurations to test, to ensure that all the code functions properly when changing multiple things. This could create many different types of configurations I will need to manually test.
All in all, does anyone have any suggestions for an alternative approach? I've been reading up on alternative software testing methods, but am not entirely sure if things like: regression testing, smoke testing, or sanity checks are better for this scenario or not.
The software I am testing is being used on Visual Studios where I am utilizing the Google Test framework to manually test my system configurations.
Currently, each test that I create for a certain concentrated solar power system configuration demands that I manually find the difference in code (via WinMerge) between the default configuration (no changes made) to the alternative configuration. I use the code differences in Google Test Framework to simulate what that alternative config. should output by testing it against the accepted output values.
It's only going to get more complicated, with an aspect of manual user interface needed ... or so it seems to me.
How can I automate such a testing suite, when I'm needed to do so much back end work?
As per what I understand, to avoid the manual effort of testing too many combinations, an automation testing tool is needed in this case. If the software that you are testing is browser based, then Selenium is a good candidate. But if the tool is run as an application on Windows or Mac, then some other automation testing tool that supports Win/Mac apps would be needed. The idea is to create test suites with the different combinations and set the expected results for one time. Once the suite is ready, it can be run after any change to the software to verify that all the combinations work as expected without doing any manual work. However there would be an effort involved to create the test suite in the first place and then maintain it if the new scenarios occur or the expected results need to be modified.
It would be a pain to test all the many combinations manually each time, automation testing can surely ease that.

Unit testing Modelica component library?

I'm creating a library of components in Modelica, and would appreciate some input on techniques for unit testing the package.
So far I have a test package, consisting of a set of models, one per component. Each test model instantiates a component, and connects it to some very simple helper classes that provide the necessary inputs and outputs.
This works fine when using it interactively in the OMEditor, but I'm looking for a more automated solution with pass/fail criteria etc.
Should I start writing .mos scripts, or is there another/better way ?
I like how Openmodelica testing results look, see
click on a red cell: https://test.openmodelica.org/libraries/MSL_3.2.1/files/Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.AD_DA_conversion.diff.html
choose "javascript" for a failing signal: https://test.openmodelica.org/libraries/MSL_3.2.1/files/Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.AD_DA_conversion.diff.resistor.v.html
No idea how they are doing it, though. Obviously some kind of regression testing is done, with previous results stored, but no idea if that is from some testing library or self-made.
In general, I find it kinda sad/suboptimal, that there isn't "the one" testing solution everybody can/should use (cf. e.g. nose or pytest in the python ecosystem), instead everybody seems to cook up their own solutions (or tries to), and all you find is some Modelica conference papers (often without a trace of implementation) or unmaintained library of unknown status.
Off the top of my head, I found/know of (some already linked in other answers here)
OM testing
JModelica testing (seems to only test for compiler errors?)
Xogeny test (Some tests of the library itself fail for me. Also, does not seem to include a test runner)
MoUnit (something by Fraunhofer, and not publically available - maybe in OneWind/OneModelica?)
UnitTesting (apparently some kind of predecessor of XogenyTest. Also, no sources/implementation found)
Optimica Testing Toolkit (apparently a commercial product by Modelon)
SystemModeler VerificationTest
buildingspy Python package, for regression testing among other things. Under the umbrella of the Berkeley Modelica Buildings Library. (Simulation only with Dymola)
Modelica_Requirements library -- define requirements for simulation. (claimed to be open source and implemented, but apparently not available anywhere)
... I'm sure there are more I have forgotten or am not aware of
This seems like a pathological instance of https://xkcd.com/927/. It's kinda impossible for a (non-dev) user to know which of those to choose, which are actually good/usable/available/...
(Not real testing, but also relevant: parsing and semantic analysis using ANTLR: modelica.org/events/Conference2003/papers/h31_parser_Tiller.‌​pdf)
Writing a .mos script would be one way but there is also a small proof-of-concept library by Michael Tiller: XogenyTest which you could use as a basis.
I prefer using the .mos script, it works pretty well when you further integrate your test framework into a continuous integration tool. BuildingPy is a good example of this, though it's not implemented in CI tools, it's still a good tool.
Here's a reference of a good framework design:
UnitTesting: A Library for Modelica Unit Testing
If you have Mathematica and SystemModeler you can run the simulation from Mathematica and use the VerificationTest "function" to test:
VerificationTest[Abs[WSMSimulate["HelloWorld"]["x", .1] - .90] < .01].
Multiple tests can then be simulated in a TestReport[].

Automated QA for a single freelance developer?

I have been developing an application in my free time using Qt.
As the size of code is increasing I am finding it difficult to contain new bugs for older code. I have been testing my application manually.
Since the target is an exe I cannot test it automated with C++ tests without injecting some extra code into my application.
So my question is, what is the best QA technique for a GUI application if you are a single developer & wont be earning money from the project as it will be released for free?
Thank You.
I would like to have a set of simple tests, each testing for specific functionalities of my software. I would like them to run automatically one after another. Finally they should create a report of which tests failed. This can possibly be done by creating new functions in the same classes + adding some checks in existing functions I want to test & then create a new class which will have all the tests. So I wanted to know whether is this the best way or is there a better alternative? Because everytime I will build a release target, I will be commenting/deleting this QA code, which may create some bugs for that build.
Currently I am not worried about documentation & comments as I have maintained that from the beginning. It is only about source code QA.
Unit tests by-the-book will only give you assurance for your methods, not for the entire application. But you can also use the same unit-test framework to write acceptance tests for specific capabilities of the application.
The easiest way to go would be to extract the GUI from the application, and to make the GUI dependent of an API/library. The API will make it easy to write functional tests. Be sure to make the GUI as thin as possible.
I wouldn't add test code to your class and remove it to release, I think this is as risky as shipping with the test code. You're better off have separated source as already advised here.
If your project is getting large enough, you'll probably want to create some unit tests for it (I like the free CppUnit library, which is similar to JUnit; also Jo Are By suggested QtTest, which presumably is available with Qt).
Even if you have to make some changes to your production code, it will be worth your time in the end.
You may also wish to look into automated GUI testing frameworks for Qt applications; I'm not familiar with any of these.
Test code go to its own source file.
You may split your exe into library and one main.cpp which simply call your library.
That way, you may use any unitTest Framework with extra test files to generate a executable which only tests your library.
For code testing you will use Junit testcase
You may split your exe into library and one main.cpp which simply call your library.
For GUI testing you have do it Manually because there is not Tool Available to Test GUI interface of any application.
In Manual testing GUI is check complete and GUI image or text is not displayed clearly or text is missing is not all this is will not be test by automation.

Framework for collecting unit test output from disparate executables?

I've become responsible for cleaning up an old unit-testing environment. The existing environment contains a ton of executables (1000+ shell scripts, compiled binaries, etc) and each one returns code 0 or 1 and some output depending on the results. Tests can also time out. A set of PERL scripts goes through, runs each executable file, and collects the results into a big XML file which gets rendered into a web page. This system works great, but isn't very extensible or fast.
In addition to cleaning/speeding this up, I would like to implement concurrent testing. Right now the tests run one at a time. Many of the tests require resource locks (ports, files, etc) and there's no listing of which are safe to run simultaneously. An option here is to run each one in a VM of some kind.
Is there a framework or tool designed for this type of situation? What's the best way to approach it if I have to write my own brand new system? My limitation is that I cannot change the 1000+ test executables. I was thinking something like PyUnit with Python unit tests that use subprocess or similar to execute the existing tests and convert the results into a Pythonic format. Is this overkill? Could such a system support isolation of processes to avoid deadlocks and race conditions between tests? In a worst-case, I was thinking of using Python to SSH into one of several VM's to run the tests.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Edit: Python isn't strictly necessary. Another solution might just break the test set into several M-sized chunks and run each test in an independent VM over SSH until all M-sized chunks are done. I'm hoping there's a tool out there that solves this problem.
There is no out-of-the-box or customize it for your needs solution of which I am aware to solve the problem you are facing.
Looking at your problem, there are several distinct needs which standout:
Test Tagging
Test Execution
Test Result Capture
The first issue you need to address is how are you going to identify and track the tests that you can execute in a given environment, concurrently, etc.
If you were using nose (i.e. is nicer testing for python), you would be able to use the Attribute selector plugin to tag the tests with various attributes.
nose would also assist you in your test execution and when coupled with test tagging, would allow you to run tests in parallel, etc. Using nose, you should be able to run an external executable and assert based on its status code.
The final problem you face is how to capture test output in a proprietary format and translate it to a format that can be ingested to readily available tools. Again, I believe nose could help you out here. You could build a nose plugin that would take your proprietary format and translate it to XUnit format and report results that way.
With all of the above in mind, here is how I would tackle this situation:
Create a test wrapper class based on nose which
Can be tagged
Execute a program and capture result output
Translate that output to XUnit
Create a wrapper for each test
Figure out how to automate this process, because it is going to be tedious
Build a test execution harness, which
Spins Up one or more VMs
Loads and runs a test wrapper
Capture the results

Tips for testing data intensive legacy application

I'm working on a very large, data-intensive legacy application. Both the code base & database are massive in scale. A great deal of the business logic is spread across all of the tiers including in stored procedures.
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to begin applying "unit" tests (technically integration tests because they need to test across tiers for a single aspect of almost any given process) into the application in an efficient way? The current architecture does not easily support any type of injection or mocking. New code is being written to facilitate testing, but what about the legacy code? Because of the strong dependency on the data itself and business logic in the database, I'm currently using inline sql to find data to use for testing but these are time consuming. Creating views and/or stored procedures will not suffice.
What approaches have you taken (if applicable)? What worked? What didn't & why? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Get a copy of Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers. It is full of useful advice for working with large, untested codebases.
Another good book is Object Oriented Reengineering Patterns. Most of the book is not specific to object-oriented software. The full text is available for free download in PDF format.
From my own experience: try to...
Automate the build and deployment
Get the database schema into version control, if it isn't yet. Usually databases include reference data that the transactional code needs to exist before it can work. Get this under version control too. Tools like dbdeploy can help you easily rebuild a schema and reference data from a sequence of deltas.
Install a version of the database (and any other infrastructure services) onto your development workstation. This will let you work on the database without continually having to go through DBAs. It's also faster than using a schema on a shared server in a remote datacentre. All major commercial database servers have free (as in beer) development versions that work on Windows (if you're stuck in the unenviable situation of developing on Windows and deploying on Unix).
Before starting work on an area of the code, write end-to-end tests that roughly cover the behaviour of the area you're working on. An end-to-end test should exercise the system from outside -- by controlling its user interface or interacting through network services -- so you won't need to change the code to put it into place. It will act as an (imperfect) regression test and give you more confidence to refactor the internals of the system towards a structure that is easier to unit test.
If there are manual test plans, read them and see what can be automated. Most manual test plans are almost entirely scripted and so are low-hanging fruit for automation
Once you've got end-to-end tests coverage, refactor the code into more loosely coupled units as you modify and/or extend it. Surround those units with unit tests.
Things to avoid:
Copying data from the production database into the environment you use for automated testing. This will make your tests unpredictable. Sure, run the system against a copy of production data, but use that for exploratory testing, not regression testing.
Rolling back transactions at the end of tests to isolate tests from one another. This will not test behaviour that only happens when transactions are committed, and will throw away data that is valuable for diagnosing test failures. Instead, tests should ensure the database is in a known initial state when they start.
Creating a "tiny" data set for tests to run against. This makes tests hard to understand because they cannot be read as a single unit. The "tiny" data set soon grows very large as you add tests for different scenarios. Instead, tests can insert data into the database to set up the test-fixture.
“Testing Legacy Application Modernization,” highlights:
High level overview of how tests are created in AscentialTest
Ways to convert the legacy objects to the new platform Components of Object definition
How to ensure that the modernized version of the application produces the same results
For more details on usage of testing legacy application, do check here:
As mentioned before, there are some very good books out there. Highly recommended to take a look at Working Effectively with Legacy Code.
Something you could do is following a data driven approach, observe your application and introduce tests where you have more “pain”. A semi-deterministic approach you might find useful: https://link.medium.com/zY9Tysfne9