How to efficiently count the number of defined pointers? - c++

I have the following C++ code:
Some_class * temp1 = findTemp1(...); // returns NULL or a valid pointer
Some_class * temp2 = findTemp2(...); // returns NULL or a valid pointer
Some_class * temp3 = findTemp3(...); // returns NULL or a valid pointer
Now I would like to count how many of these returned a valid pointer (0, 1, 2 or 3).
The only way I can think of is just to test them one by one:
int count = 0;
if (temp1)
if (temp2)
if (temp3)
For 3 pointers, it's not too bad, but it doesn't scale well. Is there a more efficient way assuming I don't redefine the findTempN funcitons (to maybe pass in the counter)?
Thanks a lot for your quick replies! No, I am not going to change the code, I was just wondering what were my other options. I also realized that I cannot be asking for something "scalable" if I am using distinct literals like that to define the 3 pointers. Of course, I didn't think of the things you replied :)

Well, since this is C++ we can go crazy in the quest for terseness... for example:
int count = !!temp1 + !!temp2 + !!temp3;
Update: I probably owe Ivan an explanation of what's going on here.
Assuming temp is any kind of pointer, !temp forces the coercion of the pointer's value to bool (we want to do this) and negates the result (this is a side effect that we do not want). This results in true if the pointer is null and false if the pointer is not null, which is the opposite of what we 'd like. So we add another ! in front to negate the result again.
This leaves us with adding three bool values which coerces them to int and performs the addition, whereupon we have our final result.
You might find it easier to understand the completely equivalent
int count = (bool)temp1 + (bool)temp2 + (bool)temp3;
which I did not use because typing !! is three characters shorter than (bool) (note: you might think that this is a nice trick, but when writing code it is a really bad idea to make decisions based on how many characters you have to type).
The moral of the story is that doing this type of thing can be called either clever or atrocious, depending on who you ask -- but in C++ there has traditionally been high tolerance for atrocities.
Note that if the pointers were in some type of collection to begin with, you could write much better-looking code using std::count_if, e.g.:
bool isNotNull(void* ptr) {
return ptr != 0;
std::vector<Some_class*> vec;
int count = std::count_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), isNotNull);
See it in action.
Or, as very cleverly suggested by MSalters in the comments, you can lose the isNotNull function by counting the pointers which are 0 and subtracting this from the number of all pointers -- but for this, you will need to somehow know what this number is (easy if they are in a vector):
int count = vec.size() - std::count(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0);
See it in action.

#define N 3
typedef Some_class *PointerGenerator(...);
PointerGenerator funcs[N];
func[0] = &findTemp1;
func[1] = &findTemp2;
func[2] = &findTemp3;
Some_class *ptrs[N];
for(size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) ptrs[i] = func[i]();
for(size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if(ptrs[i]) ++count; }
C++0x variant:
int count = std::count_if(ptrs, ptrs + N, [](const Some_class *i) -> bool { return i != NULL; } );

The code you have is Good Enough, don't mess with it.
Introducing subtlety is a common novice error, don't do it.
That said, NULL is a valid pointer value, and you can do e.g. count += !!temp1 + !!temp2 + !!temp3 (but that would be newbie obfuscation, do not actually do that).
Cheers & hth.,

If all of the pointers are the same type, put the pointers in a table,
or if you can't do that, make a table of pointers to the pointers. Then
use std::count or std::count_if. Something like:
SomeClass** pointerTable[] =
// ...
struct IndirectIsNoNull
bool operator()( SomeClass** p ) const
return *p != NULL;
// ...
int validPointerCount = std::count_if( begin( pointerTable ),
end( pointerTable ),
IndirectIsNoNull() );

Introduce a static counter.
template<typename T>
struct ValidPointer
static unsigned int count;
template<typename T>
unsigned int ValidPointer<T>::count = 0;
template<typename T>
static void isValid (const T* const p)
At any point of time, if you want to retrieve then,
unsigned int count = ValidPointer<Some_class*>::count;
This code can be improved as per your requirement.

Do you need the pointers afterwards? temp suggests otherwise. In that case, you can eliminate those:
int count = 0;
if (findTemp1())
if (findTemp2())
if (findTemp3())

Hide the counter in a class:
class Some_class {};
typedef Some_class* (*FindFunction_t)();
Some_class* findTemp1() {return NULL;}
Some_class* findTemp2() {return new Some_class;}
Some_class* findTemp3() {return new Some_class;}
class Finder
Finder() : count_(0) {}
Some_class* CallAndCount(FindFunction_t fn) {return Count(fn());}
int GetCount() const {return count_;}
Some_class* Count(Some_class* p) {if(p) count_++; return p;}
int count_;
int main()
Finder f;
Some_class* temp1 = f.CallAndCount(findTemp1);
Some_class* temp2 = f.CallAndCount(findTemp2);
Some_class* temp3 = f.CallAndCount(findTemp3);
std::wcout << f.GetCount() << L"\n";
The names aren't the best and there are memory leaks but you should get the idea.
I think this meets your objective of scalability although you would need to add template functions if your find functions were to take parameters


Save reference to void pointer in a vector during loop iteration

Guys I have a function like this (this is given and should not be modified).
void readData(int &ID, void*&data, bool &mybool) {
std::string a = "bla";
std::string* ptrToString = &a;
data = ptrToString;
int b = 9;
int* ptrToint = &b;
data = ptrToint;
So I want to use this function in a loop and save the returned function parameters in a vector (for each iteration).
To do so, I wrote the following struct:
template<typename T>
struct dataStruct {
int id;
T** data; //I first has void** data, but would not be better to
// have the type? instead of converting myData back
// to void* ?
bool mybool;
my main.cpp then look like this:
int main()
void* myData = nullptr;
std::vector<dataStruct> vec; // this line also doesn't compile. it need the typename
bool bb = false;
for(int id = 1 ; id < 5; id++) {
if (id%2) { bb = true; }
readData(id, myData, bb); //after this line myData point to a string
vec.push_back(id, &myData<?>); //how can I set the template param to be the type myData point to?
Or is there a better way to do that without template? I used c++11 (I can't use c++14)
The function that you say cannot be modified, i.e. readData() is the one that should alert you!
It causes Undefined Behavior, since the pointers are set to local variables, which means that when the function terminates, then these pointers will be dangling pointers.
Let us leave aside the shenanigans of the readData function for now under the assumption that it was just for the sake of the example (and does not produce UB in your real use case).
You cannot directly store values with different (static) types in a std::vector. Notably, dataStruct<int> and dataStruct<std::string> are completely unrelated types, you cannot store them in the same vector as-is.
Your problem boils down to "I have data that is given to me in a type-unsafe manner and want to eventually get type-safe access to it". The solution to this is to create a data structure that your type-unsafe data is parsed into. For example, it seems that you inteded for your example data to have structure in the sense that there are pairs of int and std::string (note that your id%2 is not doing that because the else is missing and the bool is never set to false again, but I guess you wanted it to alternate).
So let's turn that bunch of void* into structured data:
std::pair<int, std::string> readPair(int pairIndex)
void* ptr;
std::pair<int, std::string> ret;
// Copying data here.
readData(2 * pairIndex + 1, ptr, false);
ret.first = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(ptr);
readData(2 * pairIndex + 2, ptr, true);
ret.second = *reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(ptr);
void main()
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> parsedData;
(I removed the references from the readData() signature for brevity - you get the same effect by storing the temporary expressions in variables.)
Generally speaking: Whatever relation between id and the expected data type is should just be turned into the data structure - otherwise you can only reason about the type of your data entries when you know both the current ID and this relation, which is exactly something you should encapsulate in a data structure.
Your readData isn't a useful function. Any attempt at using what it produces gives undefined behavior.
Yes, it's possible to do roughly what you're asking for without a template. To do it meaningfully, you have a couple of choices. The "old school" way would be to store the data in a tagged union:
struct tagged_data {
enum { T_INT, T_STR } tag;
union {
int x;
char *y;
} data;
This lets you store either a string or an int, and you set the tag to tell you which one a particular tagged_data item contains. Then (crucially) when you store a string into it, you dynamically allocate the data it points at, so it will remain valid until you explicitly free the data.
Unfortunately, (at least if memory serves) C++11 doesn't support storing non-POD types in a union, so if you went this route, you'd have to use a char * as above, not an actual std::string.
One way to remove (most of) those limitations is to use an inheritance-based model:
class Data {
virtual ~Data() { }
class StringData : public Data {
std::string content;
StringData(std::string const &init) : content(init) {}
class IntData : public Data {
int content;
IntData(std::string const &init) : content(init) {}
This is somewhat incomplete, but I think probably enough to give the general idea--you'd have an array (or vector) of pointers to the base class. To insert data, you'd create a StringData or IntData object (allocating it dynamically) and then store its address into the collection of Data *. When you need to get one back, you use dynamic_cast (among other things) to figure out which one it started as, and get back to that type safely. All somewhat ugly, but it does work.
Even with C++11, you can use a template-based solution. For example, Boost::variant, can do this job quite nicely. This will provide an overloaded constructor and value semantics, so you could do something like:
boost::variant<int, std::string> some_object("input string");
In other words, it's pretty what you'd get if you spent the time and effort necessary to finish the inheritance-based code outlined above--except that it's dramatically cleaner, since it gets rid of the requirement to store a pointer to the base class, use dynamic_cast to retrieve an object of the correct type, and so on. In short, it's the right solution to the problem (until/unless you can upgrade to a newer compiler, and use std::variant instead).
Apart from the problem in given code described in comments/replies.
I am trying to answer your question
vec.push_back(id, &myData<?>); //how can I set the template param to be the type myData point to?
Before that you need to modify vec definition as following
vector<dataStruct<void>> vec;
Now you can simple push element in vector
vec.push_back({id, &mydata, bb});
i have tried to modify your code so that it can work
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
struct dataStruct
int id;
T** data;
bool mybool;
void readData(int &ID, void*& data, bool& mybool)
if (mybool)
data = new string("bla");
int b = 0;
data = &b;
int main ()
void* mydata = nullptr;
vector<dataStruct<void>> vec;
bool bb = false;
for (int id = 0; id < 5; id++)
if (id%2) bb = true;
readData(id, mydata, bb);
vec.push_back({id, &mydata, bb});

Check any structure members for 0

I have a structure that contains x amount of integers, It is required that every last one of them be non-zero. Here's my structure:
struct thingy_t{
int a, b, c /* and so on */;
bool init();
Over time I will be adding many other members to the structure, which makes it an issue if I forget to check if it's non-zero. That's why I wanted to automate it for every member.
In my init function, it attempts to get values for the members, and return false if any of them are 0.
So far I have this:
bool thingy_t::init(){
a = GetValue(/* blah blah */); // Will return 0 if it can't find anything
b = GetValue(/* other blah */);
/* and so on */
// Check if any value is zero
for(int* i = (int*)this
; i < (int*)((char*)this + sizeof(interfaces_t))
; i++){
if(!*i) return false;
return true;
I am looking for a better way of doing this that would be more readable and more memory safe, as I am playing with fire(pointers) in a way they probably aren't intended.
Also, sorry for the for loop, I tried to make it more readable by wrapping it, but I probably made it worse.
There isn't a natural way to iterate over the struct and check for certain values of the members you have, so the better option for you, in my opinion, should be either make a better design for your task or make sure that you check for incorrect values on each access to that struct.
I'd simple implement the type to contain an array of int or (possibly better) a standard container.
If the number of values is specified at compile time ....
struct thingy_t
int x[number];
bool all_non_zero() const;
bool thingy_t::all_non_zero() const
for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i)
if (!number[i]) return false;
return true;
If the number is not specified at compile time, I'd use a standard container
struct thingy_t
std::vector<int> x;
thingy_t(std::size_t size) : x(size) {};
bool all_non_zero() const;
bool thingy_t::all_non_zero() const
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = x.begin(), end = x.end();
it != end number; ++it)
if (!(*it)) return false;
return true;
The above works for all versions of C++, but may be simplified in C++11 or later.
bool thingy_t::all_non_zero() const
for (const auto &element : x)
if (!element) return false;
return true;
Naturally, you will need other functions to actually store values in the array or vector.
The code won't change if the number of integers changes. You will need to somehow track separately the meaning of each element.
I solved my own question while enjoying a nice breakfast.
Here's how I solved it:
struct thingy_t{
int a, b, c;
int arr[3];
That way I can access variables via. their name and also their index in an array so I can check if each value is non-zero easier (creds: James Root for the array inspiration)

Consruct Member Class using Data computed in Composing Class

I have a class Itch that is a member of the class Scratch. I want to do some computations in the Scratch constructor and pass the result of these computations to instantiate the Itch object. My best guess in doing this is below, but this returns garbage:
#include <iostream>
class Itch {
int N;
Itch(int n) {N = n;}
class Scratch {
int N;
Itch it;
Scratch(int n);
Scratch::Scratch(int n) : it(N) // here is where I want to use new data
// do some silly things
int temp = 5;
temp += n + 45;
N = temp - 1;
int main() {
int n = 1;
Scratch sc(n);
std::cout << << "\n";
Is there a standard way to do this?
The things in the initializer list happen before the things in the constructor code. Therefore, you cannot affect anything in the initializer list with the code in the constructor. You have a few options.
A reasonable approach would be to have an Itch * member rather than an Itch, and initialize it when it's ready, e.g.:
class Scratch {
Itch *it;
Scratch::Scratch(int n) : it(NULL)
// do some silly things
int temp = 5;
temp += n + 45;
N = temp - 1;
it = new Itch(N); // <- now you have enough info to instantiate an Itch
And you'll have to remember to clean up in the destructor unless you use an auto_ptr:
Scratch::~Scratch () {
delete it;
Another reasonable approach would be to pass n to the Itch constructor and have it do the calculations there instead of in Scratch, perhaps even allowing Itch to determine N, e.g.:
class Itch {
int N;
Itch (int n);
int getN () const { return N; }
Itch::Itch (int n) {
// do some silly things
int temp = 5;
temp += n + 45;
N = temp - 1;
Scratch::Scratch (int n) : it(n) {
// you can either remove Scratch::N altogether, or I suppose do:
N = it.getN();
// ... do whatever makes sense, try not to have redundant data.
// (also ask yourself if Scratch even *needs* to know N, or at
// least if it can just use it.getN() everywhere instead of
// keeping its own copy.)
Another approach, which IMO is a bit odd but it's still possible in some situations, is to have e.g. a static function (member or not) that computes N from n, which you can use in the initializer list, e.g.:
static int doSillyThings (int n) {
int temp = 5;
temp += n + 45;
return temp - 1;
Scratch::Scratch(int n) : N(doSillyThings(n)), it(N)
Choose whichever leads to the cleanest, most maintainable and easy-to-read code. Personally I'd prefer the first, Itch * option, since it makes logical sense and is very clear: You do the calculations necessary to initialize the Itch, then you initialize it.
You should think about your code a bit. If the Scratch's N is always equal to it.N, then do you really need both Ns?
There are other options too (including restructuring your code completely so you don't have to have an Itch member of Scratch, or so that you don't have to have it depend on extra calculations done on the Scratchs constructor parameters but that really depends on the situation), but hopefully that inspires you a little.
The reason your code returns garbage, by the way, is because N is garbage at the point you pass it to the Itch constructor. It's uninitialized until you initialize it, and at the point where it(N) is you haven't initialized N yet.

A variable that is read-only after assignment at run-time?

Fairly new programmer here, and an advance apology for silly questions.
I have an int variable in a program that I use to determine what the lengths of my arrays should be in some of my structures. I used to put it in my header as a const int. Now, I want to fork my program to give the variable different values depending on the arguments given in, but keep it read-only after I assign it at run-time.
A few ideas I've had to do this. Is there a preferred way?
Declare a const int * in my header and assigning it to a const int in my main function, but that seems clunky.
Make it a plain int in my main function.
Pass the variable as an argument when the function is called.
Something else I haven't thought of yet.
I'd use a function-static variable and a simple function. Observe:
int GetConstValue(int initialValue = 0)
static int theValue = initialValue;
return theValue;
Since this is a function-level static variable, it is initialized only the first time through. So the initialValue parameter is useless after the first run of the function. Therefore, all you need to do is ensure that the first call of the function is the one that initializes it.
C++ doesn't have a built-in solution for this, but if you really want to make sure that your int is only assigned once, you can build your own special int class:
class MyConstInt
MyConstInt(): assigned(false) {}
MyConstInt& operator=(int v)
value = v;
assigned = true;
return *this;
operator int() const
return value;
int value;
bool assigned;
MyConstInt mi;
// int i = mi; // assertion failure; mi has no value yet
mi = 42;
// mi = 43; // assertion failure; mi already has a value
int* array = new int[mi];
When exactly do you know the correct value? If you read it from a file or whatever, you can just say:
const int n = determine_correct_value();
I'm tempted to say that what you want doesn't make sense. A constant is something that doesn't change its value, not something that maybe changes its value once or twice. If you want a global variable, just make it non-constant.
On the other hand, if you have scope-constant values, you would just declare and initialize them at the same time, following the general C++ guideline to declare as close to the usage site as possible. For example, mark the use of constants in the following local scope:
for (auto it = v.begin(), end = v.end(); it != end; ++it)
const Foo & x = *it;
const std::size_t n = x.get_number_of_bars();
// use x and n ...
const bool res = gobble(x, zip(n));
if (res && shmargle(x)) { return 8; }
Here the compiler may even choose not to generate any special code for the variables at all if their value is already known through other means.

Handling Huge Multidimensional Arrays in C++

I'm designing a game in C++ similar to Minecraft that holds an enormous amount of terrain data in memory. In general, I want to store an array in memory that is [5][4][5][50][50][50]. This isn't bad since it amounts to about 100mb of virtual memory since my structure will only be about 8 bytes.
However, I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to handle this. I do want this to be in virtual memory, but obviously not on the stack. And I keep making the mistake some how of creating this array on the stack an causing a stack overflow. What I would like to do is below. This is just code that I threw together to give you an example of what I'm doing, I have code with correct syntax on my machine, I just didn't want to clutter the post.
typedef struct modelBlock
// Information about the blocks
typedef struct modelGrid
bool empty;
BLOCK blocksArray[50][50][50];
class Parent
Child* child;
Child c;
child = &c;
class Child
GRID grids[5][4][5];
However, every time I do this, I cause a stack overflow (appropriate web site choice right?). I played with using pointer based arrays, but I had a lot of trouble with data being lost outside of its scope.
If anyone could give me some insight on how to get my data to store on the heap instead of the stack, or if I should use some other way of creating my array, I'd really appreciate the help. I'd like to avoid using vectors because of overhead, though I'm not sure how substantial it is.
Use boost::multi_array
If you want to allocate something on the heap, use new.
#include <memory>
class Parent
std::auto_ptr<Child> child; // use auto_ptr for dynamically-allocated members
Parent(const Parent&); // You probably don't want to copy this giant thing
: child(new Child) // initialize members with an initializer list
Also, avoid mixing C and C++ styles. There's no reason to do
typedef struct blah{ ... } BLAH;
in C++. A struct is just a class with all of the members public by default; just like a class, you can refer to the struct type's name without using the struct tag. There's also no need to specify void for a function that takes no parameters.
boost::multi_array (linked in PigBen's answer) is a good choice over raw arrays.
If you want the class created on the heap, create it with new:
Child * c = new Child;
and then of course delete it, or better still use a smart pointer.
In order to do exactly what you're trying to do you have to declare everything as pointers (and pointers to pointers to pointers to pointers) and then allocate each one individually.
Teh sux!
A better option is to simply allocate the ginormous block in one chunk and use multiple variable along with pointer arithmetic to arrive at the correct location.
Edit: Wasn't paying attention and didn't notice your constructor. That's not only not the way to get your Child allocated on the free-store, it's a great way to create situations eliciting undefined behavior. Your Child will be gone when the constructor is through and the pointer to it will then be invalid. I wonder if you shouldn't run through some basic tutorials before trying to write a game.
Here's something that works and can be built upon without the boost dependency. One downside is it removes use of [][][] style of referencing elements, but it's a small cost and can be added.
template<class T>
class Matrix {
unsigned char* _data;
const size_t _depth;
const size_t _cols;
const size_t _rows;
Matrix(const size_t& depth, const size_t& rows, const size_t& cols):
_cols(cols) {
_data = new unsigned char [depth * rows * cols * sizeof(T)];
~Matrix() {
delete[] _data;
T& at(const size_t& depthIndex, const size_t& rowIndex, const size_t& colIndex) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(_data + ((((depthIndex * _cols + colIndex) * _rows) + rowIndex) * sizeof(T)));
const size_t& getDepth() const {
return _depth;
const size_t& getRows() const {
return _rows;
const size_t& getCols() const {
return _cols;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Matrix<int> block(50, 50, 50);
size_t d, r, c;
for (d = 0; d < block.getDepth(); d++) {
for (r = 0; r < block.getRows(); r++) {
for (c = 0; c < block.getCols(); c++) {, r, c) = d * 10000000 + r * 10000 + c;
for (d = 0; d < block.getDepth(); d++) {
for (r = 0; r < block.getRows(); r++) {
for (c = 0; c < block.getCols(); c++) {
assert(, r, c) == d * 10000000 + r * 10000 + c);
return 0;
A smaller example (with changed names for all the structs, to make the general principle clearer). The 'Bloe' struct is the one you want to allocate on the heap, and this is accomplished using 'new'.
struct Bla {
int arr[4][4];
struct Bloe {
Bla bla[2][2];
int main()
Bloe* bloe = new Bloe();
bloe->bla[1][1].arr[1][1] = 1;
return 0;
I did this by putting all the data in a binary file. I calculated the offset of the data and used seek() and read() to get the data when needed. The open() call is very slow so you should leave the file open during the lifetime of the program.
Below is how I understood what you showed you were trying to do in your example. I tried to keep it straightforward. Each Array of [50][50][50] is allocated in one memory chunk on the heap, and only allocated when used. There is also an exemple of access code. No fancy boost or anything special, just basic C++.
#include <iostream>
class Block
// Information about the blocks
int data;
class Grid
bool empty;
Block (*blocks)[50][50];
Grid() : empty(true) {
void makeRoom(){
this->blocks = new Block[50][50][50];
this->empty = false;
if (!this->empty){
delete [] this->blocks;
class Parent
Grid (* child)[4][5];
this->child = new Grid[5][4][5];
delete [] this->child;
Parent p;
if (!p.child[0][0][0].empty){
Block (* grid)[50][50] = p.child[0][0][0].blocks;
grid[49][49][49].data = 17;
std::cout << "item = "
<< p.child[0][0][0].blocks[49][49][49].data
<< std::endl;
This could still be more simple and straightfoward and just use one bug array of [50][50][50][5][4][5] blocks in one memory chunk on the heap, but I'll let you figure out how if this is what you want.
Also, usind dynamic allocation in class Parent only has the sole purpose to use heap instaed of stack, but for such a small array (5*4*5 pointers), allocating it on stack should not be a problem, hence it could be written.
class Parent
Grid child[5][4][5];
without changing anything in the way it is used.