Enums and classes - Run time error !! - c++

My aim before writing this code was to just practice and learn more about C++ .
The code consists of a class ball which has a ball's properties like colour , size , weight and also the 'brand' and price of the ball .
using namespace std;
class ball
int price; //Price of a ball in rupees .
enum colour { red , green , blue } colour; // Colour of the ball .
string brand; // Brand of the ball REEBOK ADIDAS etcetera .
float size; // Diameter of the ball .
enum weight { light , medium , heavy }weight; // Qualitative weight .
void get_price();
void get_colour();
void get_brand();
void get_size();
void get_weight();
ball::ball() : price(0) , brand(NULL) , size(0.0)
cout<<"In the constructor";
void ball::get_price()
cout<<"In the function get_price()"<<endl<<price<<endl;
void ball::get_colour()
cout<<"In the function get_colour()"<<endl<<colour<<endl;
void ball::get_brand()
cout<<"In the function get_brand()"<<endl<<brand<<endl;
void ball::get_size()
cout<<"In the function get_size()"<<endl<<size<<endl;
void ball::get_weight()
cout<<"In the function get_weight()"<<endl<<weight<<endl;
int main()
ball glace;
The problem came with the usage of enums in class definition .
Initially I got errors like C2436 , C2275 , C2064 . All the errors at each compilation were due to the enum . After fixing them , finally the above code is compilation error free ! But it's giving me a run-time error . !!
Can anyone explain it to me why ?
PS : I use Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 express edition .

You call brand(NULL) on a std::string, that's the runtime error you are getting. It's calling the std::string constructor that takes a char const*, to create from a C string, and it can't be NULL. To construct an empty std::string simply call brand() in your initialization list, or even skip it since if you do the default constructor would be called automatically by the compiler.


Equal operator attempting to reference a deleted function, array

I am using SFML to create a space invaders clone with C++. I am quite new to C++ and I'm learning it as I'm working on this project.
I am getting the following error when trying to create a new enemy using the constructor and array to set settings for each created enemy:
1>C:\Users\dzamm\source\repos\SFML\enemy.cpp(35,1): error C2280: 'Enemy &Enemy::operator =(const Enemy &)': attempting to reference a deleted function
1>C:\Users\dzamm\source\repos\SFML\enemy.h(55): message : compiler has generated 'Enemy::operator =' here
1>C:\Users\dzamm\source\repos\SFML\enemy.h(55,1): message : 'Enemy &Enemy::operator =(const Enemy &)': function was implicitly deleted because a data member invokes a deleted or inaccessible function 'sf::RenderWindow &sf::RenderWindow::operator =(const sf::RenderWindow &)'
Enemy Constructor:
Enemy alienArray[NUMBER_OF_ALIENS];
//constructor sets ID number, loads sprite
Enemy::Enemy(const int id, float sp)
//set alive
mIsAlive = true;
//set speed
enemySpeed = sp;
// Load an enemy texture
if (!mEnemyTexture.loadFromFile("Media/Textures/PixelSpaceships/red_01.png")) {
// Handle loading error
std::cout << "Oh No! File not loaded." << std::endl;
//scale sprite and set texture so we know size
Enemy loader method
void Enemy::loader(int noOfAliens) { // might add xPosition;yPosition
for (int i = 0; i < noOfAliens; i++)
Enemy alien(i, 10.f); // speed issue
alien.setLocation(i * 100.f + 50.f, alien.getSprite().getGlobalBounds().height / 2);
line 35 alienArray[i] = alien;
1>C:\Users\dzamm\source\repos\SFML\enemy.cpp(35,1): error C2280: 'Enemy &Enemy::operator =(const Enemy &)': attempting to reference a deleted function
Enemy Header file:
#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#pragma once
//class Game;
class Enemy
//constructor sets ID number, loads sprite
Enemy() {};
Enemy(const int, float);
sf::Sprite& getSprite();
void kill();
bool isAlive();
void load();
void loader(const int noOfAliens);
void setLocation(float xPosition, float yPosition);
void enemyInstantiator(int noOfEnemies, float xPosition, float yPosition);
void update();
void render(sf::RenderWindow& window);
void enemyBehaviour(std::vector<sf::Sprite>& enemyList);
void enemyMovement(std::vector<Enemy>& enemyList);
sf::Texture mEnemyTexture;
sf::Sprite enemySprite;
//std::vector<Enemy> alienArray;
//std::vector<sf::Sprite> mEnemies;
sf::RectangleShape mEnemyBounds;
sf::RenderWindow mWindow;
bool mIsShooting;
bool mIsAlive;
float enemySpeed;
I read on forums that issue is related to working with a copy of the object instead of the original object, however I am not sure how to handle this to reference the original object I'm modifying.
To reproduce create a constructor for Enemy.cpp class, create an entity Enemy alien using for loop in method as shown in Enemy::loader and store the created entity in the Enemy alienArray as shown by index.
The issue was related to an sf::RenderWindow reference that was not being even utilised in the code.
sf::RenderWindow &sf::RenderWindow::operator =(const sf::RenderWindow &)
Once I removed this all errors disappeared.

OOP GUI, Template C++

I'm a game designer coming from a Basic-like programming language and moving to C++.
For a new game I'd like to have a gui programmed using OOP.
My gui currently consists of a gui-class (the outer wrapper), a g_element-class (the middle wrapper containing all the common attributes) and a button-class (overriding and extending the g_element-class).
The problem is I'm getting the following error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "public: static class
std::list,class std::allocator > > gui
I really think that this error is not the only problem - I might have a completely wrong approach for this whole thing. I'm also not really sure about that template-thing - I thought I'd be able to expand my g_element-class with gui-elements later (i.e. buttons, sliders, windows...) - but give me a hint if there's something that I can optimise.
Here is my gui.cpp file (so far):
using namespace std;
template <class GUI_ELEMENT> class gui {
void add_to_stack(GUI_ELEMENT elem) {
// The error comes from here..
// I wanted a list of all my g_elements (buttons)
printf("size now: %d", el_stack.size());
unsigned int get_stack_size() {
return el_stack.size();
static list<GUI_ELEMENT> el_stack; // The elements list
void render() {
// here, I'd like to iterate over all i.e. buttons to draw them
template <class GUI_ELEMENT> class g_element : public gui<g_element<GUI_ELEMENT> >{
float x;
float y;
float w;
float h;
void set_width(float width) {
this->w = width;
float get_width() {
return this->w;
class button : public g_element<button> {
char* caption;
button(float x, float y, float w, float h, char* caption) {
void set_caption(char* caption) {
this->caption = caption;
char* get_caption() {
return this->caption;
I'd like to use my gui like so:
// Create a few test buttons
button b1(50, 50, 100, 50, "Test");
float s = b1.get_width();
printf("size w: %f", s);
printf("\ncaption: %s", b1.get_caption());
button b2(50, 50, 100, 50, "Test");
button b3(50, 50, 100, 50, "Test2");
button b4(50, 50, 100, 50, "Test3");
// Rendering currently (all buttons at once)
gui<button> G;
// but this would be nicer:
// or
Is there somebody who might help me? Really big thanks in advance!
All static fields should be defined outside of the class definition. In your case you have to add these lines of code after a class definition:
template<class GUI_ELEMENT>
list<GUI_ELEMENT> gui<GUI_ELEMENT>::el_stack;

Template object as class parameter gives error before compiling

Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<class OwnerType>
class Move {
Move() {}
Move(OwnerType &_owner) {
owner = &_owner;
void GetPosition() {
cout << owner->x << endl;
OwnerType *owner;
class Entity {
int x = 50;
Move<Entity> *move;
int main() {
Entity en;
en.x = 77;
en.move = new Move<Entity>(en); // sign '=' is underlined by VS
return 0;
Error it gives :
a value of type "Move<Entity> *" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "Move<Entity> *"
The program is compiling, working as expected and gives expected values, however error is still here.
It's probably something to do with templates and compiling time and stuff but I don't have enough knowledge to know what this error actually represents.
Also don't worry about leaks since this was just me testing, error is what I don't understand.
Thanks in advance.
Intellisense is known for displaying invalid errors (see for example Visual Studio 2015: Intellisense errors but solution compiles), trust the compiler and linker, as suggested in comments.
However, this error is quite annoying, try closing the solution, delete the .suo file (it's hidden), and open in again. More info on what a .suo file is given here Solution User Options (.Suo) File
Side note, in your code example main is missing ().
so it is not Error.
it is Intellisense :
Error 'a value of type "X *" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "X *"' when using typedef struct
Visual Studio 2015: Intellisense errors but solution compiles
your main needs ():
this works for me:
using namespace std;
template<class T> class Move {
Move() {}
Move(T &_owner) {
owner = &_owner;
void GetPosition() {
cout << owner->x << endl;
T *owner;
class Entity {
int x = 50;
Move<Entity> *move;
int main(){
Entity en;
en.x = 77;
en.move = new Move<Entity>(en); // sign '=' is underlined by VS
return 0;

How to use an existing class for a new duty

The problem says:
Define a class Arc, which draws a part of an ellipse. Hint: fl_arc().
Ellipse is predefined class which draws an ellipse on the window by a statement, e.g., Ellipse e1(Point(200,200),50,50);
and fl_arc() is part of FLTK which I've previously installed it on my Windows machine.
Since the problem has wanted to draw a part of an ellipse by creating a new class named Arc, I think I should make a new class with that name and also use the definition of the class Ellipse and modify it so that it shows a part of an ellipse instead of whole of an ellipse as wanted. This problem is in Programming Principle and practice using C++ book and the only definition that I found in that book about the Ellipse class was this:
struct Ellipse :Shape {
Ellipse(Point p, int w, int h); //center, max and min distance from center
void draw_lines()const;
Point center()const;
Point focus1()const;
Point focus2()const;
void set_major(int ww) {w=ww;}
int major() const {return w;}
void set_minor(int hh) {h=hh;}
int minor() const {return h;}
int w;
int h;
and also I found a case of using the fl_arc() in the book which was used for drawing a Circle like this:
Here r is radius.
So on my think, I changed the parameters of the fl_arc() and wrote the bellow code to give me what the problem has wanted:
#include <Simple_window.h>
struct arc : Shape {
arc(Point p, int w, int h) // center, min, and max distance from center
: w(w), h(h)
void draw_lines() const {fl_arc(point(0).x,point(0).y,w+w,h+h,0,120);}
Point center() const { return Point(point(0).x+w,point(0).y+h); }
Point focus1() const { return Point(center().x+int(sqrt(double(w*w-h*h))),center().y); }
Point focus2() const { return Point(center().x-int(sqrt(double(w*w-h*h))),center().y); }
void set_major(int ww) { w=ww; }
int major() const { return w; }
void set_minor(int hh) { h=hh; }
int minor() const { return h; }
int w;
int h;
int main()
using namespace Graph_lib;
Point t(100,100);
Simple_window win(t,600,400, "semi-ellipse");
arc a(Point(200,200),150,50);
The code runs successfully fortunately but it doesn't show any part of an ellipse.
Does anyone know why?
PS: If we can find some way for modifying a class we can tell that new class to does some new work for us.
Here is one possible implementation, where you use the already existing facilities of class Ellipse, overwriting the function draw_lines(), to define the class Arc:
using namespace Graph_lib;
//Class Arc
namespace Graph_lib{
class Arc : public Ellipse {
Arc(Point p, int w, int h, int arc_n, int arc_x) : Ellipse(p,w,h), arc_min(arc_n), arc_max(arc_x) {}
void draw_lines() const;
int arc_min;
int arc_max;
void Arc::draw_lines() const
fl_arc(point(0).x,point(0).y, major()*2, minor()*2, arc_min, arc_max);
int main()
Simple_window win(Point(100,100), 800, 600, "Exercise #1");
Graph_lib::Arc arc1(Point(100,100),50,50,0,90);
catch(exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "unknown error..." << std::endl;
return 2;
Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++ (pg.477, exercise 1)
solution by Francisco Tavares
Although I could to find the bug of that code but still I have some issues about that exercise that I like to mention them among you professional guys.
If the line a.draw_lines(); will be replaced by this line win.attach(a); the problem runs successfully.
The remained problems are these:
1- Now when I use the name "Arc" instead of the "arc" in above code I get this error.
Error 8 error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'a' c:\users\cs\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\test2\test2\test2.cpp 25
Error 10
error C3861: 'a': identifier not found c:\users\cs\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\test2\test2\test2.cpp 25
2- The problem has wanted us to define a class (not a struct) so when I replace struct with class and put keyword public just after class arc : Shape {, I get this error.
*Error 8 error C2243: 'type cast' : conversion from 'arc *' to 'Graph_lib::Shape &' exists, but is inaccessible c:\users\cs\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\test2\test2\test2.cpp 29
Error 9 error C2243: 'type cast' : conversion from 'arc ' to 'Graph_lib::Shape &' exists, but is inaccessible c:\users\cs\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\test2\test2\test2.cpp 30
Any idea?

C++ 11 Delegate Constructor With New Instance Parameter?

Having an issue getting this syntax to compile using the Visual Studio Nov 2012 CTP C++ Compiler ... Just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something obvious.
EDIT: Removed Header to make it even simpler.
class Location
class Shape
Shape(Location location);
// Doing this by pointer works ...
// Shape::Shape(Location* location){}
// Shape::Shape() : Shape(new Location()){}
Shape::Shape(Location location)
: Shape(Location())
// error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before ':'
// int x = 0;
// (void) x; // Added these two lines in some cases to get it to compile.
// These two lines do nothing, but get around a compiler issue.
// .h Simplification
class Location
Location() {}
Location(Location const& other) {}
class Shape
Shape(Location location);
// How about by value or reference?
Shape::Shape(Location location)
: Shape(Location()) // error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
int main() {}
The above code compiles and runs in gcc 4.7.2
I had to make a few changes to your code to make it compile. When simplifying things, try to keep the simplified code compiling. http://sscce.org/